Michael and His Coach

By moc.loa@821namkcotS

Published on Jan 11, 2005


After several weeks of trying to continue Michael's story, we are finally ready to see if he gets comfortable being naked in front of other men. Hope you enjoy and please comment to stockman128@aol.com (mailto:stockman128@aol.com) .

Michael and His Coach. Part 3 by Stockman Please don't read this if you are offended by male sex, especially sex between men and teens. I washed his balls roughly. I wanted him to get used to my touching him anywhere. I wanted him to feel my caresses even as we chatted about his deepest concerns or his lightest jokes. I wanted him to know I have the right to feel him up anytime I wanted. And I wanted! His low hanging balls felt so good in my hands. I stretched them out as I rinsed them, Michael helping by spreading his legs as wide as he could. It took but a few minutes. Michael was clean and dry. My probing hands continued to touch his "privates" constantly, from his balls to his again hardening young cock (Viagra really works, I thought to myself) to his delightful young boypussy. Before I suggested we grab some lunch, I filled his hole with a large glob of KY. Never hurts to keep a boy ready. "What's that for?" Michael asked as I penetrated his teencunt with a lubed finger. "Just something to make your boypussy wet, just in case you have the opportunity to hang out with some guys." As we descended the staircase, I again marveled at the boy's body. His ass was so round and so tight. A true bubble butt. Such male perfection. I glanced in the mirror at the center landing, at his firm defined chest, totally devoid of hair. His rock solid abs were nearly as hairless, save for a few short hairs as he grows a happy trail. His pubes, set around his large cock in thick

black curls, were dense and full. Michael stopped to look at himself. He loves to observe himself naked. I used the opportunity to wrap my arms around him. "You so love it, Michael. You love being naked. You love showing off your body. Admit it. Enjoy it." I pressed my hands through his dense pubes, teasing them as I caressed his cock. "Oh Coach, I just don't want to be gay." "Yes, I know. Just enjoy being naked. Enjoy being with men. Enjoy getting fucked." Without trying, my cock pressed against his teen pussy, sliding through the lube into his dark chamber. The boy moaned as he leaned back into me, forcing my cock deeper into his cunt. His hard cock seemed to vibrate as I moved around inside of him. We both watched in the mirror. :"Oh, Coach, it shouldn't feel this good..." "Enjoy it Michael. Just two men hanging out together. Nothing wrong with getting fucked." "Ready for lunch?" It was Cookie, watching us from the bottom of the stairs. He always enjoyed seeing me do some light fucking. Or some heavy fucking for that matter. I eased my cock out of the boy's beautiful pussy, and then turned him around so Cookie could see the boy's cock, hard from the fucking he was getting. My own cock glistened from the boy's ass juices. For Michael, walking around nude in front of others was a new and strange experience. I could see he found being on display a bit embarrassing, but I enjoyed the view of his studly teen body. I could see him blushing when I would stare hard at his young hairy prick and large balls. Despite his embarrassment, he stayed hard. We ate our lunch while enjoying our nude bodies. Benny was already eating, his big cock barely covered in his Speedos. I waited a while, then suggested he join us naked. He smiled, then lowered his Speedo with a flourish. I wanted to immediately point out Benny's features. "Look, Michael. Benny's cock is a large one, isn't it?" I made sure that Michael was looking carefully at the 20 year old's fine organ. "See how fat Benny's cock is. And how big his balls are. Check them out." I could see Michael blush. He still needed time. But I wanted to push it as fast as I could make it happen. "No embarrassment, Michael. Again, see how big Benny's cock is?" I had hired Benny after enjoying his cock several times. From a soft 4 inches, it grows to a solid 9", slightly bigger than my own. And he doesn't shave his nuts like too many young kids nowadays. Like Michael, he was a high school athlete, but decided not to pursue athletics in college. He still worked hard at improving his body, but also saved time for schoolwork and a girlfriend. Throughout our lunch, I ordered Michael to observe Benny's cock. "Hey, Michael, have you noticed how much pubic hair Benny has? Circles his entire cock and the inside of his thighs. Check it out." "Michael, come sit on my lap." Michael cautiously sat on me, my not-so-soft cock nuzzling his hard ass cheeks. I whispered sternly into his ear. " Remember our deal, Michael. No embarrassment. I want you to look at guys' cocks. At their nuts. And at their pubes. No shyness, remember. Now I hope by the time you get back from your walk with Benny, you'll feel more comfortable hanging naked with other men. Unless an outsider comes, you'll be naked all the time, showing Benny your hard teen body. He'll see yours and you'll see his. And I'll want to know all about Benny's prick. Will you be ready to tell me all about it?" Just as Benny walked over with his nearly hard fat cock approaching his face, Michael nodded yes. I saw that the younger boy had his eyes fixed on Benny' s manhood. Oh so perfect. "We'll start your conditioning as soon as you return. Now go explore." I patted Michael's firm butt as he meekly left with Benny. On the way out the door, Cookie gave them fresh bottles of water. I smiled knowing how horny the two young men will be getting. ___________________________________________________ They finished that bottle quickly. Benny replenished the water from the large plastic bins that are located throughout the property. The bins hold water bottles, blankets and shorts, in case they are needed for visitors. Michael was astounded at the size of my estate. While walking, Benny pointed out many of the features of my property, trying to talk about things other than nudity, even though he would regularly glance at the boy's hard groin, and tease his own thick pubic hair as they chatted. Benny was again wearing the micro Speedo but the Viagra had done its job too well. Not only was Benny hard, but the 20 year old kept feeling his cock throb as they worked along the path at the west end of the property. Michael stopped to pee. "I have to piss bad, Benny, but don't think I can with this." He pointed to his hard cock. Was he becoming more comfortable with his nudity? "No need to stop," Benny said as he continued to walk. "You're naked. Just piss as you walk. Watch." Benny dropped his Speedos and began to piss as he continued to walk. The urine shot out of his nearly hard cock and hit the ground between his legs, though some got on his ankles and flip flops. He clearly didn't care how much piss hit him. Michael laughed. He had trouble, but finally his piss burst through, pissing all over himself as he continued to walk alongside his new friend. Some piss hit Benny; Michael was surprised that Benny didn't seem to care. It took them a few minutes to reach the pond. Along the way they polished off another bottle of water each. "Let's rest here," Benny said. They climbed a rock to lay out in the sun. Michael was surprised at how they lay. The rock had indentations that forced the two young men to face each other at approx a 45-degree angle, their legs nearly touching at the base. As a consequence their groins were amazingly close to each other. They rested in silence for several minutes. Michael couldn't help notice how Benny would occasionally touch his own cock and balls. Remembering what the Coach had ordered, Michael tried his best to watch the older teen as he played

gently with himself. Michael couldn't believe how open this guy -- and everyone -- was here. It suddenly struck Michael that not only are they open about nudity, they also like to talk about it. Benny had told Coach how he was now fucking his girlfriend as often as he can, and her parents knew it! Wow, Michael thought, he' s fucking all the time! Bet that looks really hot! Michael didn't even realize that he was now touching his own cock. It had been throbbing for a while, which he didn't understand why, and now he was starting to play with it in front of another guy. He looked down to find Benny's cock also hard as a rock, a huge 9" stud cock if he ever saw one. "I'm glad you're checking out my dick," Benny observed. Michael blanched. "I--I" "Hey, dude it's OK." Benny squeezed his own prick, stroking it roughly in front of his young guest. "Please don't be embarrassed. It's really cool here at the ranch. No need to hide what comes naturally. Enjoy being with men, Michael. Enjoy seeing their cocks. Nothing wrong with it." "Do you ever look at guys' cocks?" Michael asked. "Sure, we all do. At the gym, you can't help checking out what your buddies have. We're all curious. Shame we have to be sneaky about it. Here at the ranch we can be open. Check out what the other guys have. Enjoy playing with it. Feels good, why not? Matter of fact, it feels good to play with another guy' s cock. Here, touch my cock." "Oh I couldn't."

"Didn't Coach say no inhibitions, no modesty? I guess you never touched another guy's cock, so touch mine." Gently Benny pulled Michael toward him, offering his thick long prick to the younger boy. Michael touched it carefully. "Wow," was all he could say. He rotated his hand around the stiff rod, feeling its hardness as he compared it to his own cock. "You like?" Benny saw Michael nod. The kid likes this more than he can ever admit, Benny thought. "Ready to touch more? Want to touch my balls. I'm lucky, my balls are really big." "Can I ask you a question?" Michael stared right at Benny's hard cock. He realized he was openly looking at a man's cock and he was enjoying the view. It

startled him. He wanted to comment on it, but couldn't. He wanted to tell Benny that he thought his cock was huge. He wanted to ask how big it was, it was sure bigger than his own 7". It could be 9 inches. Shit, a 9" cock! He wanted to ask how fat it was as Benny could barely get his fingers around it and he had really long fingers. He stared at it for several long seconds, noting a tiny birthmark on the bottom of the thick shaft. Could he use that when he discussed Benny's cock with Coach? Certainly he could mention the circumcision mark that circled the massive penis. Finally, he asked the question he knew he had to ask. Coach had ordered him to know, not just guess. He had to KNOW the size of Benny's big fat hairy cock. Benny smiled when he heard the question. "Ah.. Guys always want to know how big their friends' dicks are, don't we?" Michael's face reddened as he was faced with the implication of what it meant to ask how big a guy's dick was. Benny smiled as he told him. "Just a bit over 9" now, sometimes it hits 9 ½ when I get ready to blow. And don't be embarrassed, everyone asks. Really proud of the big fella, too." Benny kept stroking his cock, exposing it to his young friend. He could see the young athlete start to relax as he continued to stroke his big cock. He knew more questions would follow. "You told Coach you are fucking your girlfriend all the time. You weren't embarrassed by telling him." "Right, dude. It was Coach who worked with me to get Cindy to fuck. She was a virgin when I met her. Now she fucks me all the time." "How did that happen? I can't get the girls in my school to fuck at all." "Takes time. Coach taught me how. He has fucked hundreds of women." "How did he help you to get Cindy to fuck you?"

Benny looked closely at Michael. Was the kid eager to hear how he seduced Cindy? How much detail did he want? And would he enjoy hearing a story in such detail that it would get him hot? He decided to tell the boy all the details. But to do it in such a way that he would enjoy the boy as well. "How about me sitting a bit closer as I tell you?" Before Michael could reply, Benny shuffled his body until he sat right on Michael's chest, placing his 9" cock on the teenager's chin. The thick cut mushroom head rested on the boy's lips. "There, that seems comfortable, it'll give you the opportunity to get to know my dick really well." Coach was enjoying a brief respite from his young visitor. He sat, idly stroking his cock and playing with his full balls while Cookie finished cleaning away their lunch. Coach used these minutes to let his mind wander. In a few minutes he looked up. Cookie was standing alongside him, his soft cock right by his face. Coach smiled. He always enjoyed looking at his cook's cock. It wasn't big like he liked, but, set in a patch of very thick black pubic hair, it looked so

masculine jutting out of the man's rock hard abs. He gently took the cock into his mouth, savoring the taste. Coach licked it gently. "You didn't wash, thanks." "Thought you'd like the taste. The kid's ass, your own cum and some of mine. Perfect dessert." Cookie shoved his cock, hardening already, deeper into his boss's mouth. He loved the way Coach sucked his cock, deep throating the whole thing and pressing his lips deep into his thick wiry pubic hair. He could feel his boss tickling his cockhead using the walls of his throat. As usual, it made his cock so sensitive. So sensitive that he realized he had to.... Coach could taste the first drops. The clear liquid hit the back of his throat just as the spurts accelerated into a thick stream. His cook certainly knew what he liked. The piss continued for over a minute as Coach tried to swallow it all. Just a tiny bit leaked from his mouth as he drank his employee's piss. Michael was taken aback when he realized Benny's fat prick was at his lips. "I--I'm not a fag. Please don't...." "Dude, who said anything about being a fag?" Benny replied, acting shocked that the boy could say such a thing. "But your cock..." "Yeah, my cock. Feels good, doesn't it? Nothing wrong with enjoying some cock. Like my cock?" For emphasis, Benny pressed his cock onto the boy's mouth,

squeezing out a delicious dollop of pre-cum. He used his big prick to swish the manjuice around the boy's lips. He let out a low moan. "You have nice lips, Michael. Makes my cock feel really good." Michael didn't know what to do. He was clearly enjoying the taste of the older boy's cock and juice, but a cock at his mouth! Only cocksuckers did that. But it was starting to taste so good. And Benny's cock was so fucking big! Michael's mind flashed back to just yesterday. Coach had been talking about Michael's body and how to appreciate the hard work he had been doing to get his young teen body in shape for football. They had been measuring his teen-aged abs when Coach started touching his pubes and then his cock. Eventually he was sucking his cock. He was shocked, but loved it. And clearly Coach had loved sucking him off. Now he had a cock at his lips. Both Coach and Benny assured him it wasn't gay, just guys enjoying each other.... The taste of Benny's pre-cum was slowly penetrating Michael's lips. The taste was so salty, so sweet, like nothing else Michael had ever tasted. He had never tasted his own cum, but now he wondered why not. He looked up at Benny' s hard abs, with its happy trail leading down to his thick mass of pubic hair. He looked more at Benny's large balls bouncing on his chest, noting the fine blond hair growing on the tight scrotum, and then again at the rock hard fat cock, pressing at his lips. "Lick my cock, Michael," the older boy instructed his teenaged guest. " Learn to lick my cock just like my girlfriend does. She hasn't licked my cock since early this morning. Too long for a horny guy like me to go without." Michael couldn't believe that he was going to do it. The excitement of Benny' s big, hairy prick was too much. Slowly, he opened his mouth to let the fat mushroom spread his lips. He licked it as he sucked it in, taking a taste of the dick slime Benny was giving him. It took him less than a minute to become a cock sucker. Meanwhile... Cookie pulled his cock from his boss's sweet mouth, wiping it along Coach's cheeks and chin. He watched Coach nuzzle his cock, licking his pubic hair and kissing the tip of his wide mushroom cock head as he pulled away. "You're feeling awfully good, aren't you?" the cook asked, slapping his wet cock on Coach's face. "Ready to tell me how you got the kid?" Coach smiled at the thought of telling Cookie his adventure with Michael just the day before. "It was all so easy," he started, again licking Cookie's cock before leaning back to tell his story. Coach Donaldson called me to tell me he had a new project. Michael has huge potential, he said, but the kid gets tackled too easily and has a tendency to fumble. Would I see if I could build him up a little? I found Michael just getting into his clothes. Right away I could see his potential. His underwear looked so fully packed for a teenager. I knew he'd be perfect for us. Just had to see if he liked being naked. And did I find out in a hurry! "Come with me, Michael. "Uh...yes, sir," he answered so softly, without even asking where or why. The kid was going to be so moldable. I watched as he dressed: tight jeans that hugged his thighs, rounded ass and a tight muscle shirt that showed off his nearly six pack abs. I took him to my apartment and to the workout room. "Mind if I see more of you, Michael?" I removed his shirt and began to measure him. "Nice pecs, Michael," I complimented him as he thrust his chest up to meet my fingers. I touched his nipples gently only to see them harden like erasers on a pencil. I teased them a little, twirling them between my fingers. "Nice, Michael, very nice nips," I repeated as I heard the first moan escape his lips. I thought he might try to stop my exploration, but he meekly allowed me to touch him at will. I measured his waist, then his hips, taking care to lower his jeans so the measurement was accurate. "You're not shy?" I asked rhetorically as I asked him to take his jeans off completely. He stood upright, quite proud, it seemed to me, as he stared at himself in the mirror. Clad only in white briefs, the kid watched his body carefully as I began measuring his thighs and legs. I looked up at him as I measured the inside of his thighs. Michael was staring at himself in the mirror, clearly enjoying the view of himself nearly naked. I "accidentally" touched his nuts as I continued the measurement of his thighs. "Ooo." He pulled away. Had I finally gone too far? "You need some work on your thighs," I told him. I measured him again, again touching his cotton-covered balls. Again he pulled away, though not as forcefully. I wanted to establish that I was in control. "Something the matter?" I asked. This time I gently cupped those cotton-covered balls holding the measuring tape at his thighs. I felt his cock begin to harden as I massaged his nuts openly. He needed to know I was in charge. Gently, I told him, "the underwear has to go." I lowered his briefs exposing a thick patch of pubic hair, pausing a moment to gaze openly at the density of his manhair. Then I lowered his whites the rest of the way, exposing his cock, surprising me with its size and girth on a boy just passing his 16th birthday. I saw him watching me in the mirror. "You can keep them off all day, if you like. No need to be modest with me, Michael," I assured him. I again took his large balls in my hand, this time without the cotton covering. As soon as I caressed them, his cock rose to full glory. What a beautiful teen cock. I gauged it at a good 7". And surrounded by the thickest patch of pubic hair I have seen on a teen-aged boy. Dense hair that that not only surrounded his prick but rose several inches above his cock in a full V pattern.

I touched his cock once only to see a pearl of precum ooze so tenderly from his throbbing meat. I just had to taste it! In no time, I gathered it in my mouth and sucked the head across my lips. All Michael could do was moan. He was

in my apartment for less than 10 minutes and I had his beautiful teen cock down my throat! I enjoyed Michael's cock for several minutes letting it piston deep into my mouth and penetrate my throat, tasting his wonderful teen juices on my tongue. He kept moaning in sheer delight as I sucked his wonderful cock using my tongue to tickle the underside of his glans. I wish it had taken more time, but after a few minutes, Michael stopped moving. I looked up, surprised to see his eyes closed and a look of sheer lust on his face. In just a moment, he came. "UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH," shouted as he ejaculated inside my mouth. Neither he nor I made any attempt to slow down the process. His cum was so sweet, the sweetest I've tasted. He then started pounding my mouth as he came again and again. It was so good! Back at the pond, Michael was learning what it was like to be a cocksucker. Benny slowly guided his 9" hairy mantool into the boy's mouth. "Yes Michael, learn to suck it even better than my girlfriend. Take in down your throat." Michael was now a cocksucker. A quick thought flashed in him that he was now what the guys in the locker room derided. A fag cocksucker. Yet he didn't hate it and he wasn't a fag! Sure he was being instructed what to do, but still... he was eating cock, tasting pre-cum. And now smelling the male essence of Benny's pubes. God, he actually loved what he was doing. It was so soft yet so hard! With his mouth stuffed with cock and his mind on what he was doing, sucking cock!, he barely heard Benny repeat for the third time... "Gonna cum, boy, gonna cream your face. Gonna give you a nice load." Michael suddenly realized what was about to happen. He was going to get a face full of jizz. He had once heard that was the dirtiest thing going, and he didn't want it to happen to him. He tried to stop it, but his mouth was full of cock. Thick man cock that was still filling his oral cavity. Thick man cock that was stretching his lips wide. Thick man cock that was now about to... "Ahhhhhhhhhh," Benny shouted as he suddenly shot a wad of thick creamy cum into the boy's mouth. He then pulled his cock out of the boy's mouth and shot again. And again. And again. Creamy gobs of cum hit Michael in the face... creaming his nose, his eyes, his cheeks and his chin. His face was creamy white with thick man jizz.. Benny rose up and shot again. This time, he hit Michael' s forehead and his hair, applying a coat of manjuice to Benny's upper face. In all, Benny really creamed the kid. Benny's cock lay on Michael's face. Several minutes had passed before Benny felt the liquid drip down his back. Michael had cum at the same time he did, shooting his cream high up Benny's back and dripping down his ass. Michael had cum without touching himself; the excitement of sucking Benny's big fat hairy cock too much for the boy, his heavy balls delivering a big load of cum just as Benny had shot into his mouth and onto his face. Benny smiled down at the boy. "Glad you liked my cum, Michael." He used his long cock to pick up some of his cream, now dripping down Michael's cheeks, to deposit it into Michael's mouth. The boy looked up at him, nodded, then licked Benny's cock clean. Benny repeated the motion several times, forcing (or allowing) Michael to eat all his cum. For his part, Michael was too shocked at himself to question what he was doing. He was a cocksucker. He ate the cum being offered him and even went so far as to lick Benny's cock, his balls and his pubes, cleaning the older boy's genitals of all the cum he could find. It was fag stuff, but he did it! Benny reveled in the actions of his new friend. The boy had sucked his cock, took a facial of his cum and now seemed ready for the last offering he had. His piss started slowly but soon exploded in a stream of clear odorless piss that Michael seemed to take as readily as he took his cum. Michael looked up at Benny's long cock, semi-soft but still over 7" long. He watched the piss slit open and the white stream cover his face. He was not repulsed; he was not upset. He just took the piss that Benny gave him. In a moment, he let his own piss go, pissing onto his chest and up onto Benny's b ack. It just seemed the natural thing to do. They walked back together, towards the big house. "I'm not a fag," Michael said to his new friend. But as he looked at the blond stud, he couldn't help staring at Benny's big cock, framed so nicely in thick blond pubic hair, so open in the daylight. Benny seemed unconcerned that someone was looking at his cock. Michael wished he could be so open. Heck, he said to himself, it might happen if I stay here long enough. At least he could look at cock without feeling too embarrassed. Actually, he started enjoying seeing a guy's cock! What will happen when Michael rejoins the Coach? Will there be other guys there to fuck and suck with Michael? Let me know what you think. Stockman128@aol.com (mailto:Stockman128@aol.com)

Next: Chapter 4

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