Michael and His Coach

By moc.loa@821namkcotS

Published on Aug 30, 2004


Please don't read this if sex between males, bisexual sex or sex between men and teenage boys offends you.

My farm loomed ahead. The dirt road kicked up a fuss like it always did. I loved this place. So private. So lush.

Michael got out of the car. I hadn't told him to dress.

Benny was waiting for us at the end of the drive. 21, 6 foot 2, 170 lbs of muscle. I hadn't seen him for about a month; he seemed to have bulked up a bit. " You're looking particularly good, Ben, what's going on?" He was barely clothed. No shirt and a pair of mini-Speedo's that allowed some of his dense pubic hair to spill over the top of his waist band.

"Been working out, Coach. Trying to keep Donna hot for my body."

"That doesn't seem to be a threat," I told him, running my hand across his solid pecs. "You still fucking her all the time?"

"Sure am, Coach. We can't seem to keep our hands off each other. Fucked her twice last night and once this morning."

"She still very private about it?" I let my hand roam down Benny's rock hard abs as I put my other hand down the back of Michael's loose boxers.

"She's loosened up a lot. We can fuck in many places now. And since her parents caught us, we are fucking in her bedroom even when her family is home. Makes the sex life a lot more frequent."

"And the bathing suit?" I ran my hand down Benny's abs, all the way to the waist band of his suit. Pubic band, more like it, as I could feel wisps of Benny 's pubes as I lightly caressed his rock hard lower abs. At the same time, I began caressing Michael's tight ass. I could almost feel the heat rising from his red face.

Benny answered with a smile. "Just trying to tease her a bit. Show her a tan line that is way too low. Let her wonder what we're doing here."

"How about a tan line that goes through your pubic patch, rather than just above it?"

"Not a bad idea either. Be fun to get." He smiled knowingly. He pulled the thin material down, exposing his thick patch of man hair.

Michael suddenly clenched his ass. I could tell he liked the idea of this stud walking around nearly naked. I realized I needed to make some introductions.

"Benny, this good looking young man is Michael. He has agreed to visit us with certain conditions. No clothes. No modesty. No privacy. No embarrassment. He' s a real good kid. Star athlete, actually."

"Welcome, Michael. Be glad to show you around later if you like." They shook hands as I pressed my hand between Michael's ass cheeks. The boy nearly fell as my finger grazed his hole. I retracted my finger and pulled his boxers down lower, exposing his ass and more of his lower belly. Benny looked at him and smiled. "This look OK?" Benny had lowered his shorts so much all his pubes and part of his dick were exposed.

"Great. " I agreed. It took all my self-control not to fall to the ground and lick his crotch. He knew I loved his dick. "Come inside later for lunch and we'll set up a tour for our guest. Right now, Michael and I need a good shower. "

"By the way, Coach, the new massage table is installed in the shower. Just like you wanted it."

Benny left as we went inside. "Like the way he looked? Almost naked!" I asked.

"I didn't see. A guy can get into trouble if he looks down when someone's naked."

"Not here. Just the opposite. I want you to check out all the dicks you can, Michael. I WANT you to look. I'll be asking questions, so you BETTER look. Got that?"

"Yes, Coach. Strange, but I got it."

Cookie was standing there waiting, offering bottles of cold water. As usual, he was naked. Even at 40, his body was still taut with muscle. He prided himself in maintaining a fat content below 8%. His strong, well-defined chest was completely covered in thick hair, which descended down to a round patch of pubic hair. His dick, barely 2 ½ inches soft, seemed to fit perfectly within his lithe thighs and the thick pubic manhair. His balls hung behind his dick, full around though far from loose. A thin coating of light brown hair, the same color as all over his stud body, covered his ass, which was small, tight and round.

I made the appropriate introductions, as hands were shook. I put my hand back down Michael's boxers, working a finger back into the crevice between his cheeks.

"Anything special you'd like for lunch?" Cookie asked. I was about to answer when I saw Michael staring straight ahead. I could bet he was trying not to show that a hand was playing with his ass.

"Remember, I'll be asking questions." I said to the young boy. "Anything, Cookie," I added.

Michael got the message, directing his eyes towards Cookie's crotch. I wanted Michael to see, and appreciate, an average guy's cock.

Cookie saw what was happening. As naturally as he could, he scratched his balls, making sure Michael saw it. I knew it was no accident.

I took a swig of water, encouraging Michael to do so as well. Little did he know, but all bottled water at the farm was laced with small amounts of Viagra. Cookie did it himself, resealing the container with our own bottle equipment.

By the time we reached the second floor, we had each drained a bottle.

We entered the upstairs shower. Michael's eyes widened as he saw the beauty and spaciousness of the room. It was, to be sure, immense. Mirrors lined 3 walls; all save for the 4-man shower. A massage table stood at the end of the shower area. Two toilets sat at the other end of the room, along with a long dressing area. There were several single padded chairs around the room and one small padded plastic love seat. There were shower nozzles all around the room, not just in the shower area, and there were floor drains all over.

The mirrors were super fine quality, accentuating the brightness and clarity of the room. And, of course, though Michael couldn't know, cameras were set up behind those mirrors, taping the actions from all points of view. Later, Cookie would edit the tapes for us to enjoy over and over again.

"Wow, it's beautiful." Michael was clearly in awe. He went up to a mirrored wall, looking at himself closely. He did this several times yesterday. He loved looking at himself. I got up right behind him, gently grabbing his ass cheeks again, pushing down his boxers. I whispered in his ear. "I knew you'd like this room. "

"Oh I do!"

I squeezed his cheeks a bit harder. "Ready to get naked? Once you are, you won 't have to dress `til we leave on Sunday. 4 naked days. No modesty. No privacy. No embarrassment. No inhibitions. Are you ready?"

The boy nodded his head carefully. I could see he still was not sure what he was getting into. He loved being naked. He loved me touching him, playing with him. Exposing his sexual needs. But he hated the idea I might think he was gay. I suspected he hated the idea that indeed he might be gay.

I lowered his shorts as he watched in the mirror. His private parts were slowly exposed: His thick pubic hair patch, the base of his prick, then the head of his prick, then his heavy balls. I dropped his shorts to the floor. He was now naked. He looked at himself in the mirror. It took but a few seconds. His cock was hard.

God this boy was beautiful. I again marveled at the form of his chest. Dime-sized nipples that were now getting hard tipped his rock hard pecs, so nicely firm for such a young man. I ran my hands over his chest, working them down to his firm, hairless abdomen, pressing gently on his skin. I pressed my hands onto his hard cock. He seemed to thrust his hips, pushing his big teen-dick into my large hand.

"I'm glad you like me playing with your cock," I told him. "I think it's such a big cock for a teenager. Do you think it's big?" I knew he was watching me in the mirror as I played with his cock.

He nodded. "It is big, isn't it? It's so much bigger than the guys I see in the gym."

"Then you do look," I told him. "I'm glad, even if it's done very carefully. I'm glad you look at your friends' cocks. And I'm glad you looked at Cookie' s cock. What did you think of Cookie's cock?" I added emphasis by squeezing his cock extra hard, just for a second. He moaned, enjoying the pressure.

"I don't LOOK at my friends' cocks," he insisted, quite petulantly, I thought. "It's just that, sometimes, you just can't help but see it. Like this week, my friend Kyle, you know the tight end I mentioned yesterday. Well, his locker is next to mine, and he just happened to drop his towel right where I was sitting at the locker room bench. I couldn't help but see his dick."

"Was his dick big? As big as yours?"

He snickered. "Nah, just average. Had bigger balls and a lot more hair than I expected." His prick spasmed as I wiped precum across the head of his fat cock head. He must have thought about what he had just said. "Not that I looked."

"I'm glad you looked. This weekend I expect you to look. Get used to looking at cock. I want you to feel comfortable around men. Remember, I'll be testing you. Now tell me about Cookie's cock."

"It's small, I guess."

"Not good enough. Give me exact inch size, both soft and hard. Compare his cock to yours. We measured yours yesterday. Remember the numbers? 4" soft. 7" hard. What are Cookie's numbers?" I rubbed his cock its full 7" length, for emphasis. He dripped some pre-cum onto the floor.

"Oh God," he moaned. He certainly was enjoying my hands. I wanted to link it to our discussion of cock size.

"I don't know. I'm not queer," he groaned plaintively. He wanted my hand, but not the thought of enjoying it too much.

"Of course you're not. I know that. Now how big is Cookie's cock?"

He sighed, and then groaned as my hand gave him another thrill. I stroked the length of his penis and pressed my fingers into the base of his big teen balls. "I'd guess 2 inches soft."

"Pretty good, Michael. That's exactly right. I measure it frequently, just to make sure. And how big is it hard? Guess."

"5"?" "Pretty good, Michael. It's 5-1/4 to be exact. You're a pretty good judge of cock size, you know that? I bet you study cock often."

"I'm not a fag!!!" Michael was getting testy. I squeezed his cock hard in response as he doubled up.

"I know. Just teasing. Seriously, I will never accuse you of being gay, Michael. Your interest in girls is too strong. I know that; so don't get upset that I might think otherwise. I don't."

I could feel the boy openly relax. "I'm so glad to hear you say that, Coach. It's important to me that you don't look at me as a gay boy just because we ...uh...uh..."

"...play with our cocks?" He still was too shy for my needs.

"Yes. Play with our cocks. Feels funny to say."

"Say it again, Michael." I squeezed his cock again for emphasis. It was dripping precum.

"Play with our cocks."

"Good boy. Now let's take a shower."

"Look at me while I undress. Watch my crotch, Michael." I guided him gently into a chair, right in the middle of the bathroom suite. I stood in front of him as I lowered my pants. We were naked together yesterday, but I wanted him to take a moment to study my prick.

He stared at me as I stepped out of my underwear. "It's so big," he exclaimed. He raised his eyes. "I was too embarrassed to say that yesterday."

"You're learning. Part of the effort of feeling comfortable with a man is being able to talk about his dick. Keep it up, Michael. Now what about my dick?"

"It's really big, Coach. Fat. Fatter than I've ever seen. You have a long, fat cock."

"Thank you, Michael. I know that took courage to say. You're making good progress."

Thanks to Cookie I've stayed in pretty good shape. 6"2", 187 pounds, with well defined pecs and abs. My biceps measure 18" and my waist is a 32. Not bad for a guy pushing 33. And my cock is a good 9 inches long and 5 inches around. I don't shave my pubes like some of the young guys today. I like the manly look; not the girly look.

The shower was luxurious as we used multiple heads at various levels to spray our bodies. I let him wash himself as I stared at his ever-hard boy prick. I just couldn't believe a boy could be so well built, and so hung. I loved his body and planned to use it frequently this weekend. I knew I'd have to carefully bring him along.

I took over washing Michael's body, spending time on his strong back and his ass. It felt so good to touch him. Again I let my hands wander into his crack, grazing his hole with my soapy finger. Again he gasped at the sensation; I was getting the distinct impression he really liked it.

As I would expect, Cookie appeared just as we were shutting off the water. His supply of fresh towels came just in time. Michael was a bit embarrassed, but I treated Cookie's appearance in our shower as perfectly natural. Cookie took the opportunity to openly look at Michael's nudity. "Nice prick on the boy," he said before departing. He left a couple bottles of cold water. I gave Michael one and consumed one myself. Michael drank his as well. This is going to be one fine day, I thought.

"You see, Michael, he likes your dick," I said as I guided my young friend to the massage table.

"Hope you like my new table, Michael. You're the first to use it."

I began kneading his muscular back. "Tell me if I'm hurting you, but my course instructor encourages us to press out the tension we find in your joints." God, his back felt good, his muscles so pronounced in a boy so young.

I applied my favorite soothing oil, spreading it across his back and, of course down his ass. I wanted him comfortable with the oil by the time I got there.

Michael's back muscles seemed to fight me for supremacy as I kneaded those muscles, trying to relax him and to prepare him. It seemed to be working. "It feels so nice, Coach," he repeated a couple of times. I had encouraged him to verbalize his feelings, to tell me how he felt all the time.

I passed his ass and worked his legs. He seemed to love this, even spreading his legs a bit as I worked inside his thighs. I used long penetrating strokes, from his calves up to his inner thighs, right to his ass and balls. He was moaning in soft pleasure. He was ready. The uniqueness of this special table would now be put into use.

"Michael," I whispered, "Just stay still while the table moves, OK?" His light moan told me he was ready. The light whirr of the motor told me all would work perfectly. The lower part of the table began to separate in a V, gently pulling Michael's legs apart. I let it go rather far, knowing Michael's athletic flexibility would allow him to tolerate a strong pull on his thighs.

I was now able to walk between his separated legs. They were so far apart I could easily see inside his ass cheeks to his beautiful rosebud. I small amount of hair surrounded it, traveling up and down his crack a few inches. My cock, which had been soft, immediately started rising. Yet another part of this boy was as beautiful as nature could make him. In addition to his perfect boypussy, I could see his hefty testicles, pressed into the table. I knew his cock, pressed there too, would feel much better if let loose.

"Michael, slide down a few inches. Let your cock hang free."

The boy shimmied down as instructed. "This good Coach?" I love the compliance he showed. My directions were nearly absolute. I was his Coach. He always tried to comply with Coach's instructions. His cock sprang free, wet with precum. God, his cock was ready. He could never deny he loved to be touched. I gently stroked his cock, wiping his fluids along his shaft. His cock felt wonderful in my hand. Michael moaned as he enjoyed the sensation.

I started to stroke his ass cheeks. So strong in my hands. I have massaged the cheeks of some of the top athletes in our country, but none better than this young man I was stroking today. His ass was firm, muscular, yet soft and pliable. It felt so good. My cock started dripping. I had to have this boy.

I applied more oil to his ass, making sure I dripped into his crack. I could feel him moan. Purr, was a better word. He loved it. I added more oil, watching it drip down his crack onto his large balls. He purred again. I dipped my thumb across his hole, hearing a loud moan escape his teenage lips. "You like that Michael? Tell me what feels especially good."

"Oh Coach, it feels so good when you touch me there. I know it shouldn't, but it does!"

"Of course it should. If it feels good, I want you to tell me. Verbalize your feelings this weekend, Michael. Remember, no embarrassment. Just enjoy. Now where does it feel good?" I pressed my thumb again onto his boyhole.

"Oh Coach, it feels so good." He seemed to raise his ass up to my invading finger. It was clear he liked my ass play. I wanted to play it for all it was worth.

"You like having your boypussy played with, Michael?"


"Tell me, Michael." I wanted him to verbalize, to get comfortable talking about it.

"Oh it feels so good when you touch my.. my ass, Coach. I mean... my asshole, Coach."

"No, Michael. Not your asshole. Things come out of assholes. Things go INTO pussies. It's your pussy, Michael. Your man-pussy or your teen pussy or your boy-pussy. Got it?" I pressed my index finger past his sphincter, breaking into his hot boypussy. I wiggled around just inside of him. It felt so good, as he moaned yet again.

"Oh Coach, it feels so good. My ass, uh my boypussy. But take it out. I'm not a fag."

I pressed a second finger in. I leaned over, whispering in his ear, "I know that. Remember, no embarrassment. Enjoy my fingers inside your boypussy." On a whim, I tenderly kissed his ear as I twisted my two fingers, looking for his hot spot. Suddenly he jumped.

"Oh God, Oh God, it feels so good." he moaned. He pressed his ass back into my fingers. I knew I had him. This boy had as sensitive an ass as I'd ever played with.

I licked his ear as my fingers played with his tiny button. He was jello in my hands. I could do with him as I wished. I felt his prick, and found it leaking profusely. He was ready to cum.

I pulled out of his pussy carefully, making sure he enjoyed my fingers so he' d be ready for more.

I pressed my hard cock at the entrance of the beautiful boypussy in front of me, ready to deflower this young man. I marveled at the tightness of the bubble butt facing me, his legs spread wide and his head down near the ground as he molded to the specially designed massage table. I again whispered into Michael 's ear. "Ready to get fucked, boy? Ready to really enjoy a man's company?"

Suddenly I heard a sound, looked up to find Cookie standing next to me. " Would you like him to watch as you fuck him for the first time?"

I always enjoyed it when Cookie would surprise me by joining me as I fucked a beautiful young girl or boy. He would join me at times and not at others, keeping me off guard. I loved his ideas as I played with these young innocents. " Great idea, Cookie. Help me rearrange the boy."

Michael tried to cover himself as Cookie and I had him sit upright. We placed his legs in stirrups, raised the stirrups high overhead, then raised Michael' s torso to a sitting position. Now only his ass was on the table as the rest of his body and his legs were high overhead and as far apart as he could stand. His beautiful boypussy was neatly exposed for us to view, right at the height of my crotch. He looked so ready.

Cookie pulled Michael's hands away so we could enjoy his large hard boyprick. "Boy has a fine cock," Cookie said.

"Really big for his age," I added, as Cookie gently took Michael's big balls in his hand. "And a very sensitive pussy. Look." I bent down and took a quick swipe of my tongue across Michael's perfect ass crack, tasting his boypussy for the first time. It tasted heavenly, but even better was the moan of pure pleasure that escaped from Michael's lips.

"Oh it feels so good," he cried.

I whispered in his ear. "It's going to feel even better in a moment, Michael. "

Cookie arranged our portable mirrors carefully, assuring the best possible view. He positioned them so Michael could easily see his boypussy.

"Watch, Michael. Watch as my cock enters you. Watch as I fuck you."

"Oh Coach, I shouldn't do this." I felt him start to squirm."

"Of course, Michael. Part of the process of getting comfortable with men. Enjoy men, Michael."

I pressed my throbbing cock at Michael's boypussy, pushing gently until I broke through. My cock head suddenly disappeared inside my young friend's hole.

"Oh my God," he suddenly moaned. I feared I had hurt him until... "It feels so good. Oh it feels so good."

He squirmed around, suddenly swallowing a big part of my cock inside his teen pussy. He took over 5 inches before I even tried to press hard! Well, I can take a hint. I pushed forward, no longer afraid I would hurt him. In just a moment, I had all 9 inches inside his beautiful teen cunt.

"Look Michael, you've taken me all the way. Does it feel good?" I had to get him to verbalize again. "Can you see my cock buried all the way up your pussy? "

"Oh Coach. I see it and it feels so good." He began squirming all around, enjoying the feel of my cock inside his teen cunt. My pubes rubbed against his tight ass cheeks. I knew he could take more, so I began to thrust in and out. Slowly at first, then faster and faster. Michael moaned in constant ecstasy.

I looked down. Michael's cock was leaking profusely. His thick pubes were coated in pre-cum. His cock was throbbing. I knew he wouldn't last long. I had to add to the experience. I leaned in to his lips, pressing mine to his quivering mouth.

"Kiss me Michael."

"Oh Coach..."

"Everyone kisses when they fuck, Michael. Kiss me."

I pressed my lips forward, sucking my teenage friend gently. He capitulated, kissing me as I fucked him. For about a full minute I enjoyed the sensation of his manly, inexperienced kiss, then pressed my tongue inside him. His resistance again faded quickly, as he accepted my tongue and soon gave some back. We were now kissing heavily as he continued to wiggle around my fat 9" cock.

I don't know who came first, but the moans of ecstasy certainly filled the room. My own cock exploded deep inside the boy just as he exploded his thick boy cum between our bodies, shooting the cream as high as his neck, coating our stomachs in his teencum. By the time my 5 jets abated, his 7 jets of cum were still rocketing from his thick teen dick.

"I'm glad you liked fucking, Michael. We'll do it again later." We were sitting in the shower room, enjoying a post-fuck bottle of (viagra-laced) water. Cum dripped from our bodies. I enjoyed how his body glistened with our sweat. " Spread your legs, Michael, I want to see my cum drip from your teen pussy."

Ever compliant, he did as he was told, raising his legs so I could see his hole. Cum indeed dribbled out, coating the fine hairs around his boyhole. I could see Michael's face flush; he was embarrassed. I was enjoying this.

It was time to clean him up. "Michael, lay back down on the table. We have more work to do."

He lay flat on his back. God his teen cock looked so good. Such a long fat cock for one so young. I again marveled how his pubic hair so neatly framed his big cock. I lifted his legs over his head. As an athlete, he had no trouble doubling completely over, touching his legs behind his head. Using one of the wall mounted flexible hoses, this one with a 6" stainless rod at the end, I gently inserted it into the boy's hole.

"Oh Coach," he moaned as the warm water began to gently flow into his body. I held his legs down above his head and watched as his big prick hardened in front of his face.

"Enjoy the water inside your pussy. Let it clean you out, Michael."

"Oh Coach, it feels so good. I never thought anything could feel so good..."

His cock started leaking right away. The juice flowed onto his cheeks.

When I thought he had taken enough water, I stopped the flow. "Now hold it a few minutes, Michael." I rubbed his belly from underneath, letting my hand roam into his delicious pubes.

Cookie appeared out of nowhere. I was sure he was watching all the time. "May I?" he asked me.

"Of course."

Cookie mounted the table. His 5-1/4 inches of rock hard man cock stood proud, surrounded in its case of thick black pubic hair. He guided it gently into the young man's boypussy. I could see it disappear into the teen's hole, inch after inch pressing into the darkness of a wet, just fucked, enema-filled hole. So beautiful. In a minute, his pubes pressed against the rock hard ass cheeks of the boy athlete.

"Oh yes, gonna fuck you boy. Oh yes gonna fuck you boy," Cookie kept repeating. The only time Cookie got verbal was when he fucked. And he did fuck often.

From its gentle start, the fucking quickly accelerated into a mass of grunting and moaning, the boy groaning in pleasure as much as the man. Michael's precum was again dripping heavily from his beautiful cock, leaking onto his cheeks and his nose. I couldn't help myself as I began licking his face, savoring the drops of young boy precum already coating his face.

And Cookie's pounding kept forcing water from Michael's stretched teen hole, until the boy gave up all attempts at holding it in, letting the water and juices flow all over himself. It looked so hot.

Cookie's fucking reached a crescendo. Michael started screaming, "Fuck me. Fuck Me. Fuck Me." Cookie took one final lunge, stiffened, and then shot a load and another and another load inside the boy. Michael started cumming just at the same moment, shooting gobs of white teen cream all over his face. "FUCK MEEEEEEEEEE!"

They lay quietly for several moments: the man and the boy. The fucker and the fuckee. Finally, Cookie let his prey loose. The two disentangled, letting the young man stretch again onto the massage table. I pressed some buttons and the table again parted in the middle, stretching Michael's legs apart. Cookie placed a bucket below Michael's dripping ass, preparing for the flow. And it came. Without warning, Michael let loose, spraying his bowel contents into the bucket, moaning and groaning as he emptied himself.

Michael shuddered. "I'm sorry. I couldn't help it."

I saw what he was referring to. He pissed all over himself. While shitting out his bowels, he pissed all over his body.

"It's good. Don't worry." To prove the point, I started to swipe the clear piss all over his stomach, chest and up over his neck. "Do more. Give me more piss," I told him.

"I can't..."

"Yes you can. Like this." I raised my cock and started to piss all over my young friend. I directed my piss onto his chest, his belly, his cock. I went back up his body again as he moaned.

"Oh no..."

I pissed under his neck, splashing my urine onto his chin.

"Piss, Michael, give me more."

Finally he let loose. His strong flow shot out of his prick, joining mine as we flooded his body with clear, odorless piss.

"Good, boy, Michael. Piss all over yourself."

Together, we drenched his body until we ran dry. I spread the piss all through his body, through his hairy balls, down his thighs and legs. I brought a puddle from his chest onto his smooth chin and cheeks. He was covered in clear, odorless, piss.

Michael moaned. "I never thought I could ever do something like that."

"I liked it. Didn't you? Didn't you like all the fucking and all the piss?"

Michael lay silent, thinking.

"I don't want to be a fag. What we did is fag stuff."

I took a wash nozzle from the wall. It supplies a spray of soap and water. I started to wash Michael's body. "No Michael. You are not a fag. What we did was enjoy each other. Men enjoying men. When you have the opportunity, you will still fuck women. In your life I suspect you will fuck women thousands of times. You are a stud, Michael, a stud who will have a life filled with sexual escapades. Enjoy them."

I washed his balls roughly. I wanted him to get used to my touching him anywhere. I wanted him to feel my caresses even as we chatted about his deepest concerns or his lightest jokes. I wanted him to know I have the right to feel him up anytime I wanted. And I wanted! His low hanging balls felt so good in my hands. I stretched them out as I rinsed them, Michael helping by spreading his legs as wide as he could.

Thanks for all the emails. Please keep them coming. Your ideas are terrific.


Next: Chapter 3

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