Michael and His Coach

By moc.loa@821namkcotS

Published on Apr 5, 2020


Michael and His Coach 11

We showered at the open air pavilion. I tried to keep Michael's sperm-covered face from the water, but we ended up cleaning up completely. I put on a pair of shorts, but kept the boy naked. Sitting on a reclining sofa, we relaxed atop each other; I continued to make it clear Michael's body belonged to me. My hands roamed freely over his body, touching, caressing and stroking. His lovely straight teenaged cock, all seven inches, just felt so good. His large balls and sensitive ass-lips seemed eager to accept my probing fingers.

"Oh Coach, its all feels so good," he moaned without me even asking. His face expressed the lust he was enjoying.

"You're learning well, boy. You need to get comfortable around men. Show them your body, your nice cock and big balls. Look at them when they're naked. Look at their cocks and balls. Enjoy their round asses. And when they want, suck their cocks and let them fuck you. It's all part of learning."

"Oh Coach, I am learning. I looked at all those cocks when Justin's squad was here. They all looked so good! I could never look at guys' cocks before. I really am learning, aren't I?" He seemed so eager for approval.

"Yes, my boy, I'm really proud of you. Learning to enjoy cock," I emphasized by squeezing his own cock gently. He was again getting hard.

We heard two men walking up to the pavilion. "Stand up, Michael, we have company," I said as I gently pushed him off me. It was Benny, barely clad in a micro suit. Barely more than a strap. His manly pubes were exposed as was part of his large penis. Alongside him was a tall young man in basketball shorts that were perhaps two sizes too small as they were very tight across his lower body. He had fiery orange hair on his head, and just a smattering of hair across his naked chest. I was glad to see Michael was looking at the groin area of both young men.

"Hey Coach," Benny said to start. "I wanted to introduce Jessie's brother. Blake is visiting me for a couple days. I kind of gave her a very short version of what we do here, so Jessie thought Blake might enjoy accompanying me. Blake, this is Coach and his student Michael."

"Uh, Hi," Blake said, staring right at Michael's nude body. He seemed non-plussed at seeing Michael's nearly hard cock, barely able to respond.

"Hi Blake," I greeted quickly. "I hope Benny told you we're very casual here." I caressed Michael's teen ass, which immediately embarrassed the boy. "Michael's here for strength coaching, but also to learn to be comfortable in front of men. He's been very shy and is just learning."

Blake smiled quickly. "What a great idea. Sure wish I had learned that when I started in organized sports. It would have saved me considerable embarrassment."

Benny added, "Blake's a pro now, the youngest guy on his basketball team."

"Then I guess you're naked a lot?" I asked. I was a glad to see Blake was glancing not only at Michael's hard cock, but also Benny's hardening prong, just barely encased in a micro cloth. They both had set down empty (viagra-laced) water bottles with fresh ones in their hands. "Yes, a lot of naked guys in locker rooms when we're on the road, the guys miss their girlfriends or wives. And there are so many visitors - the press, the management and so many guests that we'd look silly if we hid all the time. Problem is, I have an issue that I don't like to publicize so I don't flaunt myself."

"What's that?" Michael asked. He jumped as I pressed a finger to his hole. "Oooh," he groaned at the same instant he asked the question. He blushed when he saw that both Benny and Blake knew what was happening.

Blake's bulge seemed to expand as we chatted. "Well, I shouldn't say, but you might as well know. You, too, Benny. I'm not bragging, but my dick gets really big when I'm, you know, hard." He heard us all giggle a bit. "No, really, it's a problem."

Benny snickered, "Well how big a problem we talking about? Jessie never said anything about your dick. But she's always talking about mine."

"I've sworn her to secrecy, you dufus. But it's a real problem. Chicks just don't want it. Can't keep a girlfriend. And it took a long time to get comfortable with guys. At least I can walk around the locker room and shower room now. Was pretty tough in high school."

"So how big is it?" Michael asked, staring at Blake's expanding bulge. I could see the head of his dick poking out the top of his tight shorts. I had an idea.

"Michael, if you want to see Blake's cock, ask his permission to lower his shorts." I looked at Blake. "Michael does what he's told this weekend. No back talk and no embarrassment."

Michael asked permission. Blake responded. "Yes, but do it slowly. I want Benny to see my crotch as well. I can see his pubes so I want him to see mine. Do it slowly, understand?"

"Yes, sir," Michael responded, falling to his knees, slowly pulling down Blake's tight shorts. Orange pubes quickly came into view. "Oh wow," Michael and Benny simultaneously exclaimed. Those pubes were thick, curly and colorful. His pubes went high up his groin, reaching about 4 inches above his cock. He had much more hair than the average guy.

"Dude, you'd win a Pulitzer Prize with those pubes," Benny exclaimed. "Fuckin' beautiful man-hair!"

Blake seemed more interested in Benny, perhaps some day his brother-in-law. "Thanks, bro. Appreciate it. though your blonde pubes are quite a site, as well."

Michael pulled Blake's shorts down a bit further. Finally, a giant cock sprung free, popping up to hit Blake above his navel. Way above. Blake looked embarrassed. Benny was the first to exclaim, "that's the biggest fucking dick I've ever seen. Fuck, that monster must be a foot long!"

Blake seemed so embarrassed. "Actually a bit over. Just shy of 13 inches. See told you it was too big."

I knew I had to speak. "It's beautiful, Blake. A beautiful big man cock." I reached over to touch it, and found Michael's hands already caressing it. There was so much cock, the two of us could stroke it without interfering with each other.

"Can I suck it? It's so big Coach, can I lick it?" Michael was almost begging. I liked that he was asking me, not Blake. He was accepting me as his authority. I looked at Blake as I answered Michael. "Of course you can, Michael. "A big cock like that deserves a lot of love. Now that you're a cocksucker, you need cock and it's clear Blake needs love. Suck his cock!"

Michael placed his lips at Blake's big cock head. I saw what he was doing. "Good boy, start gently, make love to that big cock," I instructed. Indeed, he was starting small, just licking the lemon-sized head. Michael looked at me in acknowledgment and then at Blake. He quickly saw that Blake had closed his eyes, in immediate ecstasy with the skilled lips of this young cock sucker.

Benny circled his arms around Blake. "Nice, bro. Enjoy a good blow job. Gotta love getting your cock sucked." His own cock was hard. Gently he pressed it into Blake's rear.

"Oh fuck, I love this," Blake moaned. Michael was using his lips to caress the entire long length of Blake's fat cock. Michael looked at me for approval, getting a quick nod telling him that licking that cock from the red haired base to the fat cock head was a good way to service the stud. Using his newly learned cocksucking skills, he used his hands to caress the monster cock as he licked it, leaving enough spit to lubricate the entire shaft. Blake was moaning in pleasure.

Benny, never asking his friend whether it's ok to fuck his ass, was starting to penetrate his asshole. "So fucking good..." Blake moaned again. Benny started to piston in Blake's ass, slowly at first but accelerating as the tall young man accepted his sister's boyfriend's big cock. To me it was clear this was not his first rodeo. Soon Benny was pounding his large dick into his friend's pussy. He made sure his balls slapped Blake with each stroke. Michael had succeeded in sucking Blake's big cock head into his mouth while pulling on his large balls. Blake was on overload. Everything felt so fucking good!!!

"I can't hold it," Blake screamed as he jetted a thick load inside the cocksucker's mouth. He kept shooting and shooting, covering Michael's face in thick globs of man-cream. The pressure was just too much for Benny, who slammed his big throbbing cock into Blake and creamed his willing ass. Again and again Benny pounded his spewing organ into Blake until his sperm started to explode out around his throbbing cock. Only then did he collapse atop the back of his friend.

The two friends were silent and exhausted from their exertions for a good 10 minutes. Michael and I waited until they came back to the living. Michael kept licking Blake's softening cock; it seemed he enjoyed it more as the huge penis retreated to a manageable size. Eventually Benny spoke as he caressed his soon-to-be bro's round cheeks. "You have a fine ass, Blake. I never saw it like this before. A beautiful bubble butt. I just loved fucking you, man."

"Thanks, Ben," Blake said, rubbing his ass. "Some of my teammates tease me about my bubble butt. They say it's what makes me an effective rebounder."

It's true," I added. "you have an awesome ass, Blake. Michael, I want you to enjoy it as well. Get down there and make love to that ass. Clean it out while you're there. I'm betting Benny left quite a load there for you to enjoy."

Michael, ever compliant, shifted his body lower to lick Blake's ass and loaded hole. Blake moaned. "Oh so fucking good," he groaned as he felt Michael's talented tongue hit his star.

I wanted to know more about this basketball player. "So what's your story, Blake? How'd you end up on the receiving end of Benny's cock? How's a guy with the biggest cock I've ever seen end up a cock-loving bottom?"

I wry smile passed Blake's lips. "Not an easy story to tell. I never really told anyone."

I waited for him to continue. Michael was licking from his balls to his ass, enjoying himself. I luxuriated in Blake's thick pubes, combing the dense hair through my fingers, gently stretching hairs at the upper end of his abdomen. Benny tickled his friend's still large cock, soft but still over 9 inches.

"In high school," Blake began slowly, "I dated a few times. One girl, turned out the class slut, drove us to a romantic hillside. She was the first to pull out my dick. She couldn't believe its size. She thought it was a gift from god, she actually said that. It was about 10 inches then. When she tried to play with it, she couldn't get it in her mouth. When she actually tried to get it between her legs, it wouldn't go. She started out loving it, after an hour she hated it. She told me so. By the next day a group of her friends had heard the story. My teammates make fun of me. I went from Horse to Elephant Dick; it was an awful time for me. I was always horny, but couldn't do anything but jack when I needed relief.

*"I met a guy online who understood. A year older than me, we met and he fell in love with my too big dick. He taught me to share my body in a different way. Showed me I could use my mouth and my ass. I loved him and loved the sex. *

"I was recruited to State and we lost contact. I only played my freshman year at State. Voted an All-America forward. I've grown to 6'8". Never had a girlfriend. Learned to jerk off a lot. Then I was drafted into the NBA and everything changed."

Benny, Michael and I were still caressing Blake's wonderfully large cock, balls, ass and pubes. "So what happened when you turned pro?" I asked.

"I tried hard to hide my dick. The locker room is a big area, with all sorts of people gathering around as we needed to strip and head to the showers. I tried to keep apart, but one time a teammate saw me in the showers. He was impressed, but I was embarrassed. Hey, man, you sure you're not Black? he teased. I laughed it off, afraid he'd tell everyone, but he kept my dick size on the down low. I so afraid. And still so horny. I wanted to see other guys' dicks, but knew I dare not for fear they'd see mine.

*"We were out in LA. The guys were meeting at the hotel bar. I'm still a minor, but our Captain slipped me a beer. After a while a really good looking guy, maybe 24 or so, started chatting with me. He looked like a fucking movie star. So muscular and good looking. We probably talked for an hour. Nothing major, he was just so easy to talk to. I was really enjoying him. A few times he'd touch me, a shoulder, a knee, a thigh. Man I was getting hard just being near him. I kind of spread my legs letting him have access. Somehow the conversation was drifting to sex; I saw him glance at my hard bulge. He said he needed the rest room and asked if I needed also. I started to rise from the barstool, but my dick was sticking out. An assistant coach grabbed my arm. "Stay," he ordered. The guy went to the restroom as the Coach said, "What the fuck you doing? You know he's a pro, right?" *

I looked at him dumbfounded. At first I thought he meant a pro basketball player but then it sunk in. "He's a prostitute?"

*"Duh," the Coach answered. *

*"He seems like a nice guy." *

*"Come with me," the Coach ordered. We left the bar back to the elevator. He was practically pulling me. *

"Really, I didn't know. He seems so nice." I felt so stupid. A prostitute!

The Coach softened once we got into the elevator. "Look I get it, kid. Most guys get hooked by professional women. Guys have these urges. Their cocks get a tingling that just has to be satisfied. Other guys get the tingling in their ass, and that has to be satisfied as well. They need something - or someone - to fill their ass. I get it. But you gotta be careful. The wrong person can destroy your career. Imagine if word got out. Or he blackmailed you. You can't take the chance."

*We got to my room, it was a small suite. Way too big for me, but that's what was assigned. Coach Tom was impressed. "They don't treat the assistant coaches like this," he gushed. "OK go jump into the shower. Get really clean." *

*Though perplexed, I did as he ordered. I was ready to rinse, when he walked in. The shower was dual head, so there was room. but I was shocked. He was naked, of course. I couldn't help notice his hairy body. A quick glance to see his cock, about 4 inches soft surrounded by untrimmed black hair. In the same moment, he looked at my cock. "Ah, I see the problem," he laughed. "Too fucking big." He grabbed it gently, to my amazement. "It's probably too big to use, am I right?" I was about ready to burst into tears. He figured me out in a second. *

*"You have a cock that's so big, so beautiful, you'd think everyone would want it, but you've found that everyone steers away. And your body has learned to adjust. Instead of your cock, it's your ass that now wants attention. Instead of fucking, you need to get fucked, am I right?" All the time he was caressing my big ole thing. I was hard as a rock. 13 inches hard. *

"You need to get fucked." he reiterated. He pushed me to my knees. "Get me ready,' he ordered. In a second it was hardening. The cock head was at my lips. I looked up at him. It had been so long since I've been this close to a cock. Just that online friend in high school. Coach Tom spoke firmly. "Don't be shy, boy. If you want to get fucked, you need to learn to suck cock." He pushed his now hard prick between my lips. It felt so good. I was getting cock. Finally. "Yes," he moaned. "Take more. Get it wet for your big ass."

Somehow I knew to use my tongue, loving the feel of his manhood in my mouth. He slowly thrust in and out. He guided my head to go fully down to his man hair. "That's good, boy. That's 7 1/2 inches of cock you're taking. Get it nice and wet." He continued to piston in and out, periodically holding my head into his abdomen; I found I loved the feel of his pubes scratching my nose. I felt his cock head at my throat; I tried to swallow and it felt even better.

"You're a good cock sucker," he moaned, turning me around. The warm shower water felt so good. "Let's see if we can satisfy that tingle in your ass. Arch your back," he instructed. I thought for sure he'd stuff me right away, but he didn't. He crouched down and began licking my ass. First the crack and then the hole. Oh in felt so good. He was licking my ass again and again. Suddenly he was stuffing his tongue into my asshole. I know I screamed in pleasure, loud enough for him to stand and whisper in my ear. "I love to hear that, Blake. I want you to love getting fucked."

With his perfect cock, he slowly entered my hole. It seemed to want him. No pain, just pure pleasure. "You have a wonderful pussy, Blake," he groaned. "It needs to be fucked. You need to satisfy your desires. You need hard cock." He started thrusting in and out, harder and harder. It felt so good. He reached around to grab my own hard cock. "Oh yeah," he groaned. "Your huge cock is enjoying this." He began to pound me and jerk me harder and harder. The pleasure was insane. I couldn't control myself and screamed yet again. My cum shot out all over the shower wall. "Oh fuck, here it comes, boy," he shouted. I could feel his cum shooting inside my ass - my pussy - as he called it. Hot throbbing cum shot after shot.

*We rinsed off, touching each other repeatedly. He really did like my large cock and I loved his hard hairy body. He sat on the sofa as I crawled next to him. Within a few minutes we were fucking again. We rinsed off in the shower, and crawled into my bed. We barely drifted off and then fucked again. In the morning, he fucked me hard before our scheduled shootaround. *

*At the game, I got in late in the first quarter, dropped three three's and did the same in the third quarter. For a reserve to get 18 points was good, it was my pro best. Got a lot of high fives from all my teammates; I was a big part of the win. When we got back to the hotel, Coach Tom's stuff was in my room. No questions. We fucked several times, Tom always leaving a heavy load in my pussy. *

*We flew home. Coach Tom said I need to understand that he has a wife and son. I need to take care of my needs. We had a game that night. I couldn't miss. Ended up with 32 points. Coach left me in most of the game. Another win against the best team in the league. I would be selected rookie of the week. *

Coach called me to his office. He introduced me to Craig. "He'll be your conditioning coach and companion. You're to get special treatment. Keep up the good work, Blake."

*I left with Craig, not sure what this all means. Craig took me to my hotel; I was residing at an Extended Stay hotel room, hating it. We packed my bags, checked out then went a few miles to his townhouse. Within an hour, Craig was examining my body, running his hands over my chest, legs and finally my cock. I was afraid he'd make fun, but he was cool. He actually loved my cock, saying I probably fuck a lot of chicks with that big dick. I had to tell him I don't. *

*He smiled knowingly. "I thought that'd be the case. He turned me around to caress my ass. "That's more like it. Let me satisfy your pussy." In the last week, we've fucked, or should I say, I've been fucked maybe thirty times. Craig sure knows ways to keep me horny and satisfied. Kind of funny, that today he had to visit his parents, so I visited mine, and end up getting fucked here at this ranch by my sister's boyfriend and you too. Life is good." *

I looked down to find Blake's large cock head in Michael's cock-sucking mouth. Michael's hands were slowly stroking the big shaft. Blake started moaning, "I'm gonna cum again, oh fuck," he yelled as his abundant cum shot over Michael's lips and onto his face. Michael just moaned and licked all the cum; he was such a good cocksucker, so comfortable hanging with men.

Next: Chapter 12

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