Michael and His Coach

By moc.loa@821namkcotS

Published on Mar 6, 2020


Michael and His Coach 10

By Stockman stockman334@gmail.com

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I sensed movement on the bed. The sun was up. As my eyes adjusted, I could see Justin smiling down on me. "Hey Bro, how's life?"

"Wonderful," I said as I accepted an affectionate kiss from my brother. I lowered the sheet covering us so he could see Michael still attached to me.

"You in his ass since last night?" Justin was truly surprised.

"Barely moved all night long," I told him. "Just seemed to adjust his ass so I'd stay deep." Michael still slept as I whispered with my brother. "Missed you, Justin. Glad you came in. How's your squad doing?"

Justin pursed his lips. "Better now that I read them the riot act."


"They were so pumped about fucking your boy. I told them that they've been ignoring each other, their fighting partners, getting so backed up that they explode when they find a nice boy to fuck. Told them to pair up in bed and don't wake up until they've developed an enjoyable experience with their buds. Took awhile, but they seemed to get into it so I felt I could leave to see you."

"They fucking?" I asked. My cock was definitely responding to the picture, expanding in Michael's ass.

"Or blowing. Seems none of them are new to mansex."

"Yeah," I agreed. "Spoke to most of them and they either had experiences or were open to them. Glad you pushed. But why aren't you participating? Some hot guys there. Tony's dick is to die for. And I saw you fucking Tom last night."

"Wanted to give them some space. Besides, my older brother has a dick to die for as well!"

"Thanks, bro. You're still my first and best fuck!" I admitted.

"Mine, too, bro. Remember how we'd fuck all the time? Dad loved to watch us."

"And cum all over us!" I reminded him as we both laughed.

Michael stirred. He moaned as he felt my cock push into his pussy. "Like that, boy?" I asked. "Like my big cock filling you up?" I started to undulate to get him ready. I heard Michael moan as I began to piston hard into his hole. Justin leaned in to kiss me as I fucked my student. That really turned me on as I pounded the boy hard as he lay on me. "Gonna unload, Michael. Ready for my first load of the morning?"

"Oh Coach, it feels so good." Those were his first words of the morning as he bounced on my cock like a marionette. "Take it boy, here it comes, oh, oh, oh." I could stop humming as 1234567 shots exploded into the boy's cunt before I finally calmed down.

Justin asked if he could have a piece. Without awaiting a reply, he lay atop Michael, inserting his big hairy prick into Michael's ass, barely waiting for my cock to exit. It actually felt marvelous to have that hard cock rub against my own prick as I pulled out. Justin didn't wait to see if Michael was ready, he plunged in and began a hard fuck. Justin pounded the boy for a good 10 minutes while the boy groaned in appreciation. Michael's cock was throbbing with the fuck as it rubbed on my abdomen until he shot his own first load of the day. That caused Justin to unload a massive stream deep into the boy's cunt as they both groaned in pleasure.

We carried the boy into our big bathroom. His legs could barely move. Placing him on the massage table, we washed him from head to foot. I again spread the table to open him up for me. Globs of cum flowed out of his pussy onto the floor. "Oh oh," he moaned as he began pissing on himself. "I can't control it," he cried.

Justin laughed. "You like piss, boy?" he asked as he started pissing onto Michael's body. "Well if that's what you want," I laughed as well. I lowered my dick to Michael's face and let loose. "Open your mouth, boy. Taste that morning piss." Michael tried to avoid it, but there was too much. He ended up getting more than a mouthful as Justin and I emptied our bladders on our guest.

"Good boy. You're really learning, Michael," I told him. "Enjoy being with men." Justin grabbed a nozzle and soon the boy was clean. Fresh lube just in case. Justin and I quickly showered and dried. I asked Justin to allow Michael to look at his cock. Justin set his large now-soft cock onto Michael's face, letting the boy use his eyes, nose and lips to enjoy Justin's manly cock. Michael seemed to just moan continuously as he face-caressed the big dick. He seemed to really like licking balls, a first for him, I thought. Best of all, without being told, he sucked under Justin's large balls, almost to his asshole. Finally, Justin left to return to his squad in the bunkhouse.

I took Michael downstairs for breakfast. Cookie had prepared fruits, cereals and muffins. "Oh thank you I'm really hungry," Michael told him. "I guess you should be. I hear you fucked and sucked a lot of guys. Did you enjoy all that cock?"

Michael looked at me. He was getting embarrassed again. "No need to be shy, boy. It's ok to tell Cookie about all the cock yesterday. Cookie then added, "and I did fuck you as well last night. Remember?"

Michael had turned red as he nodded to Cookie. "Did you like my fuck?" Cookie asked. "Did you like my cock?" "Oh yes, sir. It felt oh so good." Michael looked at me. "It really did, Coach. It felt wonderful, truly. It's ok to say that, isn't it?"

Michael was eating some cereal. Cookie stood next t him. "So my cock felt good to you?" Michael looked at the undersized penis in front of him. "Y..yes sir." Cookie put his hand around Michael's head. "Did it feel good in your ass?" Cookie guided Michael's head to the base of his cock. "Y..yes sir," Michael answered, his face being pressed into Cookie's pubic hair. "So my cock felt good?" Cookie asked again, guiding Michael's lips to caress his hard shaft. Michael licked the length of Cookie's cock.

"So you liked getting fucked by my cock?" Cookie was guiding Michael's mouth around his cock, from the shaft to his balls and finally onto the head of the thin cock. Cookie pulled Michael's compliant face fully onto his cock, burying that penis completely to Michael's throat. "And you like sucking my cock, boy?" Cookie asked, pressing Michael's nose deeply into his dense pubes. Michael seemed to want to gag. "Breathe through your nose, boy," I instructed. "A good cocksucker knows how to take cock all the way down."

As instructed, Michael took a deep breath through his nose and notably relaxed. It seemed Cookie's cock entered his throat, well at least part of it - the cock wasn't all that large - allowing Michael to accept all of his man's cock.

Michael backed off a bit as I continued to instruct. "Look at him as you suck. A cocksucker must make a connection with his man. You're sucking his cock, but looking at him to assure that you're pleasing him and accepting of his needs. A cocksucker tries to satisfy his man. You understand that, Michael?"

"Mmm hmm," the boy answered, his lips caressing Cookie's throbbing cock.

"Tell me," I said sternly. The boy needed to learn.

"I must satisfy my man," Michael repeated. He was licking Cookie's cock shaft repeatedly, trying so hard to satisfy his man.

"Right. And show him you enjoy satisfying him. I found that a cocksucker looking in my eyes as he is sucking me lets me know he likes my cock and wants to help me feel good. For a moment, at least, it's his only responsibility in life."

Michael nodded in understanding, quickly leaving my eyes to Cookie's. He slowed down his frantic licking to a slow, loving lick and suck. He kept his eyes on Cookie's, making sure he was pleasing his man. The boy was learning how to be a fine cocksucker!

Cookie took notice as well. Michael's loving suck was having an effect. Cookie started moaning. "Yes, suck that cock, boy." He shoved his cock hard into Michael's mouth pressing the cock to the back of Michael's throat. "Aaggh," he cried as jet after jet shot down the boy's gullet. Cookie pulled the boy's head into his groin, pressing Michael's face into his pubes as he unloaded 12345 jets into the young cocksucker's mouth.

It took a full 5 minutes for them to recover. Cookie complimented the boy for a job well done. Michael beamed. "You're becoming a fine cocksucker," I added to the boy's nodding head. "Just yesterday you were afraid to show off your naked body and now you're becoming so comfortable with men. You can look at naked guys, you can suck their cocks and you can get fucked by them. Quite a 24 hours, no?"

"Oh Coach, I don't know what's come over me, it all just feels SO good!"

"Of course it does. Your body is made for wonderful sexual adventures. And now that you see that cock is so enjoyable - small cock as well as big cock - you won't have any hesitation to play with as much cock as you can."

"But what about girls? Will I fuck girls?" Michael still thinks he's straight!

"Do you want to fuck girls? Seems to me 16 year old girls who want to fuck are rare. And you heard the guys yesterday say that girls are so much trouble. Guys seem to want to fuck so much more. If you want to fuck girls, you may have to wait a few years. Up to you." I knew Michael had to learn on his own. I suspected he'd have a thousand guys before he got around to getting a girl.

I looked at his cock. Soft. Is talking about girls a softening activity? "So you never told me, how did you like sucking Tony's big hairy cock? Seems to me it went deep down. And how about Justin's big cock? Did you like sucking his big cock? He has the biggest one here, I think. And did you like sucking Parker and Luke at the same time? Was sucking two cocks fun?"

"Oh Coach, I do like to suck all those cocks. Is that OK?"

His cock was hard. Seven perfect inches of hard teen cock. So talking about cock is a hardening activity!

"It's perfect," I reassured him. "For you sucking cock is perfect. Enjoy cock, Michael. Savor the taste of cock in your mouth and throat. Use your tongue whenever possible to please your man. Learn to lick his balls. And, though some won't care, many guys want to see your own hard cock. It lets them know you're enjoying your suck. You do enjoy it, don't you?"

"Oh Coach. I know that yesterday I sure enjoyed all that sucking." He was smiling. "But what about their cum, Coach? What should I do about their sperm?"

I saw his cock was now dripping. He loved talking about cock. Michael was a cock whore, for sure!

"Like you did yesterday, a good cocksucker does what his man wants him to do. Take it down your throat when it seems your man wants that. Take it in your mouth and swallow. Lots of guys love that. I like to shoot it on my cocksucker's face. I want him to feel it in his nose, in his eyes and on his lips. We did that yesterday. You seemed to sense that's what I wanted and you did it, like the good cocksucker you're learning to be. I thought you did a good job!"

Michael blushed. "Thank you, sir. I'm trying to learn."

"Do what you're told. No back talk and you'll be fine!" I hugged him and then kissed him on the forehead. He accepted me completely. I then kissed him on the lips, a hard kiss that told him I was in charge and can do what I please. For the first time, he kissed back, even as I thrust my tongue into his mouth. We kissed for a full minute or so. "You're getting to understand," Michael. Understand who I am and understand who you are."

I was glad when he just said, "yes sir!"

We were walking to the gym building. His cock was hard. I had given him a bottle of water. Laced with viagra, it would keep him hard for a while. I planned to give him several bottles today. "Let's see, Michael. You've been fucked twice this morning and have blown one guy. Not bad for an early start. Seems to me you haven't cum today." Michael corrected as he stroked his cock a bit. "Oh Coach, I couldn't help it. I came when Justin was fucking me in bed this morning. Don't you remember? I was on top of you as Justin fucked me. It felt soooo good."

"Yes, I remember, you spooged all over my belly. Felt good, too. I'm glad you can talk about it now," I told him. "You're making so much progress. You're getting comfortable talking about getting fucked. I'm really pleased. boy." I looked at the boy. "And I'm pleased you are hard. I like that you can show off your hard cock." His teen cock stood straight from his muscular body, surrounded by his curly pubes and low hanging hairless testicles. I loved looking at him.

At the gym we got into a heavy workout. I really put him through his paces. We worked for a solid 90 minutes. He was getting better with weights and with squats. He really liked squats, especially when I told him it works the ass muscles. His cock varied from soft to hard. I'd take liberties by slapping his dick for fun. He pulled away the first few times, but then gave in after I smacked him several times, laughing each time. I insisted he concentrate on bicep curls as I tapped his balls. I kept up the light physical harassment even when two members of the squad showed up. Kyle and Bryan, wearing thin workout shorts, seemed to enjoy Michael's naked workout. Of course when those men arrived, Michael got hard quickly and stayed hard through the rest of the session. Finally I slapped his nuts one time too many, and Michael came with a loud groan, shooting cum all over a bench and the mats.

The teenager was too tired after his intense orgasm to continue a workout. "OK rest a while," I told him. "But notice that Kyle and Bryan look like they really enjoyed your exhibition." We all looked at the tents both soldiers were making. Kyle's shorts had a definite wet spot that was growing rapidly. "Isn't it nice that other men like to look at you as you play with your dick and shoot your load? You should be proud, boy!"

Both Kyle and Bryan openly stroked their nylon-covered cocks. They couldn't help it they were so turned on. I turned to see Michael licking his lips. "You want those cocks, boy? Want two beautiful dicks to look at and play with?" Michael could only nod. His eyes were glued to the men's hard crotches. "Tell them, Michael," I insisted. "Tell them you want to see their cocks!"

Michael wanted to see cock. He needed to see cock. "Please Kyle, Please Bryan. Can I see your cocks? They seem so hard. Can I see your cocks, PLEASE?"

It was Kyle who understood. He caressed the outline of his hard cock for the boy. "Want to see my cock, Michael? It's leaking so much! Want to see hard cock?"

"Yes, sir, please can I see your hard cock? Please."

"And Bryan's? Want to see his cock also?"

"Please Bryan, can I see your cock?" Michael was begging.

Kyle continued, "Just look Michael? Want to do anything else. My cock is SO HARD."

"Oh please sir. I want to touch it, to kiss it. To lick it. And please, sir, may I suck it? I want to suck both your hard cocks."

Even I was surprised Michael was so explicit...and so into begging. And I could see Kyle understood Michael completely. Were they alike? Kyle approached Michael, who was sitting up from the workout bench. "You want my cock, Michael?" He leaned forward pushing his his hard nylon covered cock into the boy's face. "Gonna have to get me naked, if you want my cock, boy." Michael seemed frantic. He tried to pull down Kyle's shorts but they were pressed into his face. He tried to pull down from behind, but Kyle pressed his cock deeper into Michael's face. Michael finally opened his mouth to taste the cock even with the fabric covering it. "Good Michael," Kyle said. "I want you to love my cock. Eat my cock!" Finally he pulled back a bit, allowing the boy to quickly seize the shorts, pulling them down to Kyle's ankles. "Oh god," he moaned as he excitedly pulled the big dick in his mouth and down his throat. The entire 6 1/2 inches disappeared into his cock sucking throat!

"FUCK, YES!" Kyle shouted. "Suck that cock!"

Kyle really didn't give Michael a chance to suck it. He pounded his throbbing cock into Michael's throat, face fucking him with pounding hard strokes that had Michael gurgling with the intensity of it. But Michael took it. Every hard thrust, every hard stroke of 6 1/2 inch man cock. Slime came out the corners of Michael's lips. Kyle was out of control. He pounded the boy again and again until, finally, he shoved his cock deep into Michael's mouth and came. 123456 shots that had Michael swallowing as fast as he could or drown. Kyle quickly calmed and fell onto the boy.

"You've become a great cock sucker, Michael," Kyle said softly. He was still overwhelmed by the intensity of his orgasm. He slowly extracted his wilting penis from the boy's mouth, cum and slime coating it beautifully. Then he gently rubbed that wet cock over Michael's face, smearing the leftover sperm onto Michael's cheeks and mouth. Michael, without being asked, took it back into his mouth to clean it off. He was indeed becoming a great cock sucker!

Bryan looked impatient. He clearly wanted Michael's mouth. Seven hard inches of fat cock just waiting for a blow job. Michael looked up at him, then down at the throbbing dick. "Suck it. Please suck it," he told Michael.

I bent down right at Michael's wet face. "Suck that cock, boy. Bryan needs it. Give that man a great blow job." Michael nodded at me and took Bryan's fat cock into his mouth. I could almost taste it myself I was that close. I cupped Michael's head and pushed down so Michael would take more cock. Then I let go allowing the boy to suck dick on his own. Michael took a deep breath through his nose and swallowed that cock right down to Bryan's pubes. He held his head there for several seconds before releasing. He looked at me, smiling in triumph.

"Feels good to suck cock so well, doesn't it?" I asked. "Mmm," the boy answered, going back down onto the fat cock right to the man's groin.

"Oh fuck, so fucking good!" Bryan moaned. "So fucking good!" He pressed his cock again deep into Michael's mouth forcing the boy to swallow the cock completely. Michael kept sucking. We were rather silent for a few minutes as we all enjoyed Michael use his new cocksucking skills.

"Gonna blow, Michael. Gonna give it all to you, boy." Bryan pulled out, immediately exploding jet after jet of man cum all over Michael's wet face. I counted 7 jets that completely filled the boy's eyes, nose, and cheeks. Michael savored the sperm hitting his face, allowing himself to move around Bryan's cock so he'd be covered in cum. I jumped to help Bryan remain standing, enjoying covering his body with my hands and arms. The soldier was shaking from his orgasm as I held him tightly.

To my pleasure, Michael did not try to clean his face. He looked up at Bryan and me, as if to ask if he did well. "Beautiful, man," Bryan told him. "Good cock sucking," I added, watching a glob of thick sperm drop for the boy's chin onto his chest. "Good cock sucking," I repeated.

Next: Chapter 11

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