Michael and His Coach

By moc.loa@821namkcotS

Published on Aug 27, 2004


Michael and his Coach by Stockman.

Please don't read this if you are offended by male sex, bisexual sex or sex between men and teens.

Part 1

Michael was quiet as he entered the convertible. I could see something was bothering him. "How're you doing today, Big Guy?" "Fine," he answered, clearly not so fine. I held up my right arm. "Scoot over closer to me."

I could see his reluctance. After a few seconds, though, he complied. I put my hand on his left thigh as I pulled away from the curb. I could sense the tension in his muscles.

"Like the car?" I asked.

He looked around, noticing the '68 Caddy convertible for the first time. It had no center console, so he could sit right alongside me. "Nice," was his simple reply.

"I thought you'd like it." I squeezed his thigh for emphasis, enjoying the feel of his muscular leg. For 16, this boy was a solid rock. No wonder he captained in both football and baseball.

"So what's the problem?" I asked. I put my arm around his shoulder, caressing his neck. His skin felt so soft, his neck muscles so strong. I could feel my cock throb as I touched his skin.

"I'm not a fag."

"I know you're not. Did I say you were?" I caressed his neck for over a minute before moving on to caress his cheek. The stubble below his sideburns, which I had criticized yesterday, was gone; his cheeks were baby-smooth.

"I was afraid you'd think that. I'm not."

"Didn't you like what we did yesterday?" I asked.


"But what?" I moved my hand over his cheeks. More softly I said, "You shaved for me. I like that."

"I don't want you to think I'm a faggot." He sat low in the seat, demonstrating the same weakness with which he began yesterday. He allowed me to move my large hand all over his face, touching his cheeks, eyes, nose, chin. I outlined his lips with my fingers.

"What part of yesterday didn't you like?" I pressed the issue.

"Nothing. I liked everything we did."

"Did you like when I touched your legs?


"Did you like when I touched your thighs."


"Did you like when I touched the hair on your legs?"


"You told me that no one had ever touched your body hair before. You liked that didn't you?"


"Did you like when I touched your pubic hair? You told me no one had ever touched it before. You liked that we discussed how thick your pubic hair is, right?

"Oh yes."

"Your girlfriend never discussed your pubic hair, did she?"

"No, of course not."

"Did she ever feel your pubic hair? Twirl the thick locks between her fingers?"


"No? Even though you like it so much? She never did that?"

"No. No." He was getting testy. I put my hand on his thigh again, rubbing the back of my hand into his hefty balls. As was the case yesterday, when we just met, he offered no resistance.

"Did she ever play with your balls? You liked when I tickled your balls." I pressed my hand more firmly onto his balls. I knew from yesterday that they were large for his age and oh so full.

"No, she never played with my balls."

"So I guess she never licked your big balls either. You liked when I licked your nuts, didn't you?" I grasped his cock. I wasn't surprised to find it rock hard. It felt good in my hand, even covered by his pants.

"Yes, of course I did. I loved it. It's just that..."

"...You're afraid that I'll think that you're a fag `cause I sucked your cock. AND you loved it. You loved getting your cock sucked, your balls sucked, your pubes sucked. Is that it?" By this time I was rubbing his hard cock openly, squeezing it frequently.

"Fuck. Yeah." He was squirming in his seat, enjoying my work on his big prick.

"And most of all, you loved running around all day yesterday completely naked. Spending the day in my apartment, shall we say, clothing-optional? Admiring yourself in the mirror, checking out your hairy cock from all angles. Watching your dick bounce as you walked. As you jumped. And watched TV. All the time naked, showing me your big teen cock and heavy teen balls. Loving the way I'd follow you around so you could show off your hairy man sized prick and nuts on such a young boy. That's what you loved, isn't it?" I squeezed his big prick extra hard.

"Oh God yes, you bastard!" He grabbed my hand and held it in a vice like grip. His face was contorted in pain and pleasure.

"I almost came," he whispered.

"Good boy. I'm glad you were able to control it. But it just proves how much you loved what we did yesterday. And will do more of today. I want to explore more of your body."

"I didn't think there was anything left you hadn't seen." He seemed more playful now, more like he was yesterday.

"There's much more to learn about each other. Matter of fact..."


"Thought I'd do a bit of redefining our relationship. You know how you are around your coaches. How Coach Donaldson tells you how to throw a curveball and how you respond?" I dug deep between his legs, feeling for his boy balls.

"Yeah. He doesn't take any shit. I just say yes sir and do what he says. I guess its ok, cause most of the time he's right." He spread his legs allowing my hands to find his nuts easily. They felt full, even through his trousers.

"Smart boy. Same with us. Since I AM your Strength and Conditioning coach. You do what I say. Got that?"

"Like what, Coach?" His legs spread even wider as I caressed his balls.

"Well, BOY, yesterday was clothing-optional, meaning you had the option to wear clothes whenever you wanted. Today it will be clothing prohibited. Think you can handle that?"

"Yes, SIR," he laughed. This kid really likes being naked.

"I mean it. You follow my rules or you leave. It's OK for you to tell me you don't like something. But I decide, in the end, whether it gets done. You up for that?"

"Yes, sure, whatever, Coach."

"And a few more things that go with the no clothes rule. No modesty. No embarrassment. And no privacy." The boy nodded. I liked that.

This boy needed a bit of a test. "OK, Mikey, time to open your pants." I purposely used his baby name, which I knew he disliked.

"Here, Coach, on the highway, with the top down?" He suddenly looked around. We were no longer on the highway, but on a quiet 2 lane way out in the sticks.

"We're going to my farm, Mikey. No need to worry."

He looked around again, seemingly debating in his mind what to do. Then he shrugged, giving in, and slowly opened his pants.

"Good boy. I can see you wore the red silk boxers I gave you. You like?"

"Yeah, Coach. They feel so soft. I think that's why I almost came." He was becoming more open. I put my hand onto his crotch, capturing his hard cock under the fabric.

"It feels really good," I told him, caressing his cock. "Why don't you take off your pants?"

"Well, if you're sure it's safe..." He lowered his pants and pulled them off his sneaker-clad feet.

"Take off your shirt now, Michael. Let me enjoy that nice teen body of yours."

He exposed so much more of himself, letting me enjoy all 6 feet of him.

My hand never left his hard prick as he left himself nearly naked. The silk boxers were, by design, very loose, allowing me free reign over his body, which I proceeded to explore. "You look good, boy. No wonder all the girls are hot for your body. Now spread your legs as wide as you can."

He followed my instructions to the letter, spreading his legs up and out. His beautiful boydick popped through the fly and his balls came out a leghole. What perfect genitals this stud boy had. A bit over 7 fat inches of thick cock and full round loose balls, both with just the right amount of manhair providing a beautiful dark frame. I didn't know which to caress first.

My farm loomed ahead. The dirt road kicked up a fuss like it always did. I loved this place. So private. So lush.

Michael got out of the car. I hadn't told him to dress.

Much more sex in the next chapter. Please email me with your ideas. Stockman128@aol.com

Next: Chapter 2

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