Michael and Andrew

By Collin Scott

Published on Feb 28, 2017


This is completely fictional and will involve man to man sex, so if you are underage or offended by this type of material leave now. All copyrights and trademarks apply.

Michael and Andrew Chapter 4

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This Saturday I was probably in my worst condition, but it helped rose stayed the night with me and all I could think was what was my roommate going to think of me what was he going to see that would make him hate me just like my boyfriend, I was sure that he was breaking up with me. That's when I heard a knock at the door so, I knew I couldn't avoid it anymore so I walked up to the door and opened it, and I thought I was dreaming and then that dream just went hardcore nightmare. Because there he was and I started crying and ran out away from everything like I did before, my emotions betraying me once again.

Rose's point of view

I was feeling bad for Michael, every time he tries to climb out of a hole the world threw him back in, he just kept getting knocked to the bottom. Having to climb back up all over again the walls growing longer as his climb continues. When I heard the door slam closed, I rushed out to make sure everything was all right but when I reached the living area of the dorm room the only person here was his online boyfriend which just so happened to be his new roommate. Probably just another loser who didn't deserve Michael, his choice of guys scares me. Especially when I start to think that he will not be making it past college except in individual dog food cans. "Look I don't know what you think of Michael so let's get this over with what are your intentions?"

"Well, I was going to break up with Michael in person." I knew it just some piece of trash not even worth Michaels time. "I mean I have to room with him too, what a drag he's just an emotional, crybaby from what it seems and just as much of a whore." Oh the hell he didn't, he wasn't even going to give Michael the time of day to listen to what he had to say it just pissed me off. Who the fuck does he think he is just trampling all over him. Apparently, he saw how pissed I was and he looked confused.

"Well I have no idea what your name is a girl, but why do you care what are you his mother?" He was just such a prick I mean don't get me wrong this man was as hot as he was an ass, but he can't just judge Michael like that without hearing the full side of the story.

"Well, Andrew my name is Rose and I hope you realize that there is more than him just whoring out which he didn't do in the first place they never got that far. Second, he is so emotional because he literally cared about you, he loved you even if I don't want to call it that considering how much of a prick you are, and third I'm protective of him because he seems to keep finding assholes like you to date." I was going to beat him to a pulp if continues trashing Michael I won't let him leave until I know he's going to the hospital.

"Rose is it then, I guess he did talk about you a lot, so since the emotional bitch can't explain it to me how about you do it." I was going to kill him, fuck sending him to the hospital, I won't let him make it that far.

"Fine you want to know what happened, here it is plain and simple, his abusive ex-found him and wanted his favorite emotional rag doll back. When he found Michael he set his aim to play with him till he broke again. Well because Michael is to kind, caring, and gets attached way too easily he was an easy target for his ex. Also, the reason he ran away from you which is a fucking miracle by the way. Because he was so stressed out that he would lose you, his hair literally started turning white, he wouldn't eat drink or talk this entire week, and was constantly in pain and throwing up when he wasn't so depressed he could have caused it to rain in his own fucking room and make the fucking onion cut its self. Though from what I guess the only thing you were looking for in the first place just got in Michael's pants so who is the fucking whore now!" I'm sure that I beat red, eyes so focused with hate that it could have easily burned a hole through the spot where he supposedly had a heart. His face went from cold hearted bitch to confused slightly and... sad, I thought I was dreaming what the fuck is wrong with this guy.

"You keep talking about this abusive ex, what did he do so badly, and if all he did was cuddle with the guy why was Michael treating it like he fucked him?" Why all of a suddenly did he care, well fine let's enlighten this poor basted.

"Well, guess it doesn't matter now that he's not in the room anymore but the ex-drove him to try and commit suicide and even gave him a choice between a knife or a pile of rope he could turn into a noose himself. Then he left Michael in his dorm room, washing his hands of his "toy" that he broke and got bored with. I know Michael doesn't know that I know, but I also know he will never tell me. Second, the reason he was crying was because of his ex played Michael like a fiddle, plucked at his heart strings and then tricked him. If anything, he was probably more upset with himself than at his ex. So there hope that explains most of it." So just say it so I can grind your head into the floor, prove me right that your just another shitty choice Michael can't seem to stop making. I don't think either me or Michael were getting a verbal answer anymore because he just walked out, the bitch.

Michaels point of view

I didn't get very far mark pulled me to his room and just kept me there not asking any questions, just keeping me from doing anything I might regret. I don't know how long I was in their time seemed to go one and stopping sometimes then dragging on and speeding up never keeping the same pattern or tempo. After about two hours he escorted me to my room I fell into bed and I just stayed there in nothing but a pair of boxers. I couldn't sleep my mind was feeling like it was being crushed, as I cried there silently. But before I finally fell asleep I felt someone get in bed with me, a warm breath on my neck and then the person's arm draped over me and brought me close to his chest I didn't care who it was anymore it felt like the world was giving me a break for once. So I let him bring me in and I curved to his body we meshed perfectly together. Then I fell into the best sleep I had ever gotten in at least a week I was so comfortable. When I woke up to my surprise there was that warmth again I was being held while this person spooned with me, I didn't want to get out of bed so I did the next worst thing turned around and looked at my warm rock. To my surprise, there was this moment of shock, mixed with confusion, and I don't know it felt almost like a pull as if he was a magnet. Andrew just stared into my eyes as my mind slowly came to. He was so masculine and tough looking, I mean I'm secure in my masculinity and all but he gave me this sense of security.

"I hate you, you know, I try to break up with you but when I look at you all I see is someone that I want to protect and love. How cute you look when you sleep or how soft and warm you are, I hate it, I wanted to hate you but I just can't Michael." Oh, well this is great so what does this mean I'm not just a person's play thing. Though I'm getting tired of people thinking I need the help of taking care of myself. Like really, I only tried to kill myself once, and I'm still a guy I don't need this. But it almost feels so right to just embrace it and curl into him and I do, god I need to get my shit straightened out and soon. I lay my head on his chest listening to his heartbeat feeling his chest move up and down as he breathes one of his hands roaming through my hair. I didn't want to get out of bed let alone get up but he did both of those things. When he got to the bathroom he stopped and turned around almost expecting me to get up and follow.

Again, there was the pull and when I saw him in nothing but his boxers waiting for me at the bathroom door It's was more like a shove because I did get up and follow him. He started the water and we both shoved off our boxers, and there was this electricity in the air, my hair was standing on its ends and I started getting goose bumps all over. He got in first and then I followed suit, the water was warm and his touch even warmer. I no longer was feeling like complete shit as the water and Andrew seemed to be washing away all of those feelings. Nothing sexual happened and there was no conversation or small talk, just gentle touching. He wouldn't even let me wash him, he just washed me then turned the water off. We got out I went to grab the towel but he grabbed it before I could, come on I'm not so fucking useless that I can't dry myself off, I was going to protest but before I could say anything he started drying me off. what the hell is going on, this is ridiculous and to top it all off I like him even more now like my unconscious is overruling whatever I had started to initially feel.

"Look, why are you all suddenly treating me like a little kid, I mean I'm enjoying this and all but why all of this and why did you sleep with me?" Seriously what the hell was going on, first it was Eric which by the way left me a note apologizing for drugging me and some other shit that I stopped paying attention to. Then there is Andrew who can't decide on wether he wants to love or hate me and now I'm also getting the royal treatment ugh life needs to be a little simpler.

Andrews point of view

I was so confused was this really Michael I can't help to feel for him even though I came here to just break up with him, not to mention his little Pitbull that would chew your face off if you even look at him the wrong way. I hated that I wanted to hate him but he just, ugh it's like he exudes this aura that my body just can't get enough of. I wanted him like a bad nicotine addiction. Which is fucking crazy I was the master at one night stands, especially when I found out they were still a virgin there is nothing like taking it and running. But I guess I did have some relationships but I fucked them up every time, so if I can claim him as mine then I will and not let go. Whatever looks like I'm going to have to get a room change and talk to this ex-boyfriend of Michaels... no, no I'm not. Was I feeling jealous of his ex, like really jealous? I mean he fucking left him this sappy note about how he regretted treated him like shit, and... no, I need to stop this, where the hell is the RA. Well shit, why does his room have to be at the end of the hallway, doesn't matter now I need to do this before I change my mind. I went and opened the door and there he was, but I felt this pang of sadness and anger. There was Michael sobbing at the edge of the RA's bed and there was my RA comforting him, why the hell is these guys getting so much of his attention when he couldn't even face me, why wouldn't he let me comfort him. God, damn it, no I don't really care for Michael, but he looks so mine. I tried not to get pissed but he was mine, going to be mine. I walked away, needing to calm down and to think this through.

I have never felt this way before, there is this electricity when I'm near him and when he bumped into me when he left his room I felt as if he hit me with a bolt of lightning all the hair on body stood up and I could feel goosebumps slowly form all over. I was going to break up with Michael but now I wanted him to be mine, I wanted to be someone he wanted. I couldn't tell the time but by the looks of it as I returned to the dorm mine..., his..., our room it was late. I walked in and it seemed as if no one was home and this sadness just washed over me and then I worried. Now I messed my mind turning on me like I just lost my little brother. But as I walked to his room I heard what seemed to like someone crying, I looked in and there he was he appeared to be sleeping but I could tell he was still awake and crying, a sense of relief washing over me. Just seeing him like this made me feel all sorts of things like anger for his ex getting in the way, regret for being such an ass, and wanting to pull him close and tell him everything would be ok. I started walking to his bed second guessing whether I should get in with him or not. But in the end I did and I pulled him in close, he didn't resist and he just curled on to my shape he was so warm and when our skin made contact I felt this electric rush run through my entire body. Then I draped my arm over him and pulled him in even closer.

I couldn't sleep for what seemed liked hours as I just let his warmth wash over me, as it radiated out of him like a furnace. The feeling of an electrical surge still running through me. He smelled so good, his hair and skin so soft, as I began to let this moment last if I could, then I realized what I was going to do. I wasn't going to break up with him, I was going to be there for him, and let the other guys now he's mine not there's. I fell asleep a little after 2 am, when I woke up he was still sound asleep again, I was just enjoying the heat coming from him once again. He woke a few minutes after I did and when he turned around, he looked right into my eyes. His face was so stunning, his eyes were locked onto mine. I wanted him to know that I wanted him and that he was mine and no one else's. So I got up and headed to the bathroom hoping he would follow. when I turned around it seemed I fucked up, he looked at me with this sad almost disappointed face, then he got up and followed me in. We got undressed and I started the shower, When the water was warm I got in first and when he got in I helped wash him. He tried to help wash me but I wouldn't let him I could do that myself and he didn't need to bother himself with helping me.

But in life there is always a but, something that pretty much interferes with your plans and of course Michael's stubbornness is exactly the but in my plans. He wanted to be able to help but I wouldn't let him, so now he thinks I'm treating him like a baby, well fine I'll take it down a few notches I just don't want to lose him for some stupid reason and I still can't figure out why.

Michaels point of view

Just like that, I was lifted off to some dream world, after we got dried off and dressed we left to go walk about the campus. I walked right next to him and it was so tempting I want to hold his hand, reach around grab his side and bring him in close while we walk. He was just a taller than me, which stood out very well, a little too well. As if by chance Eric happens to see us walking by, at the same moment Andrew see's Eric and I was suddenly right by Andrews side his arm wrapped around my me. As we continued our walk there was Eric popping up everywhere we went, like our own petty stalker. We talked about his classes and our schedules. His hand was exploring a little bit while we walked, he even hovered over my ass and playfully slapped my ass in front of Eric, well this dream might just get brought back down to reality.

"Hey, Andrew want to go get coffee at the café, Rose works there on the weekends and I'm pretty sure she owes me a few free drinks." His smile that damn smile was radiant and just breath taking, he could tell that I was happy and to prove to our stalker I was Andrew's He was like.

"Sure, that sounds great, maybe I and Rose could meet on new terms now that yesterday is behind us. Though do they have any hot chocolate or any flavored tea's?" It was as if the rest of the world could have burnt to the ground or disappeared, it was just me and him and I was enjoying every second of it. That and his voice is deep and soothing and at times when Eric shows himself, it was almost protective sounding. One of the bigger turn on's for me with guys is their voice, the deeper it is the better. As we headed for the café I wrapped my arm around him and it just felt right us there together holding each other as we walk down the pathway. But damn as romantic as it was I was so fucking horny you could have called me the energizer bunny. Andrew noticed the wood that was somewhat sprouting and he smiled.

"Later Michael, when we get back to the dorm room we got at all you want but for right now try to calm down the little guy, ok?" He was being funny, talking sexy, and making my job of getting rid of the woody a hell of a lot harder than what it should have been. Every time I tried to get poor grandma to go to a nude beach, the thought always turned into her walking onto me and Andrew having some crazy, feral sex going at it like animals at the nude beach. As we walked to the little café in the middle of the quad they had set up the outside tables. We went and sat done and waited for someone to take our order. Just as I went to say something to Andrew here comes Rose and Becky, Becky was roses adopted little sister not really but they were the best of friends and Becky is well every way like a rose is. Those two are scary even scarier when they are together, but they were my best friends so you get used to it after a while.

"Hi my name is Rose, I'll be your waitress, at the quad café what you like to order?" Well, it's no reason she could keep the job, she could charm you to buy one of everything on the list and then kill you if you didn't pay talk about a living siren. "Well I'm Michael and I would like a raspberry peach iced tea, please and the same for my boyfriend here." He smiled at me when I called him my boyfriend and it made me just light up like a fucking Christmas tree I was so happy I could have exploded. "Okay, that will be two raspberry peach teas on the house coming right up." She seemed happy but that tone in her voices suggested that she was a little unhappy with my life choices as usual. So, I followed her into the café and told Andrew I would be right back he didn't mind and I prepared myself for the worst. As I made it into the café from behind the counter a very disapproved voice started its lecture on how this was another piss poor decision.

Sorry for the long wait college is being a pain and my social life is just as bad. Hope you like it and I thank everyone for helping me with this chapter. If you have any questions or tips, please email me at collinscott032898@gmail.com I am open to all type of questions and ideas. I cannot wait to hear from you about what you think.

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