Michael and Andrew

By Collin Scott

Published on Jan 24, 2017


This is completely fictional and will involve man to man sex, so if you are underage or offended by this type of material leave now. All copyrights and trademarks apply.

Michael and Andrew Chapter 2

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I started to clean off my face with my hand scoping my own cum in my mouth it was sweet with a slight salty after taste. I got the majority of the cum off my face and chest and was drained. Then feeling a little dirty smelling, the sex, sweet, and cum in the air, I went and took a shower to clean myself off, the warm water washing over my body helped relive the tension in my muscles from all the stretching and squirming I did as I climaxed. When I dried off, I fell onto my bed and without covering myself I was out like a light.

When I awoke the next day it was not to my alarm clock, but instead it was to police sirens outside my dorm. When I looked at the clock it read 4:30 am, so curiosity got the better of me and so I found a clean pair of boxer's, shorts and a shirt and headed down to see what happened. As I stepped out into the hallway the place looked quiet and peaceful, as I went down the hall way and climbed down the stairs to the lobby all I could hear was shouting and then as I finished climbing down the stairs and turned into the main lobby of the dormitory there was Mark and he looked pissed, cute but pissed. So I walk up and before I could open my mouth he turns around and decks me in the face. I didn't even have time to react because there were the cops pinning me down, like what the fuck was going on. Before I could get dragged off by 4 fully armed officers here comes mark apologizing out the ass and telling them that I wasn't the guy. At this point, my brain was like fuck it and just turned itself off, like I needed this to start my day off.

I woke up with both rose and mark in my room both looked worried as hell and I was not happy by any means so when I stated talking I was pretty pissed. "what the hell was that, why the fuck did you turn around and deck me like I was about gut you open with a fucking butter knife, and top it all off had fucking 4 cops tackle my ass back to the ground cuffed me and then I pass out!" Now I was just enraged normally I don't get like this and it was rose who normally lost her fucking mind but it seemed like it was my turn.

Both of them looked shocked because I've very rarely exploded like this before, rose more so then mark seeing how rose and I have known each other for a while. So when rose spoke up I tried my best to calm down because I realized that I get pretty ugly when I'm extremely mad and I felt bad, especially when I looked at them and they looked as if they were staring down a monster. "Look Michael he's sorry and didn't mean to do it, he had a rough night so just let him explain, please?" After she said that I felt bad because she was trying to be nice and I was acting like a prick so I calmed myself down, sat back on my bed and apologized to both of them. "Sorry guys didn't mean to blow up like that, don't know what came over me, again I'm truly sorry. So now with that over what happened to you Mark, that caused the whole scene back there and took me to hell in a hand basket." Mark seemed to smile at the fact that I was no longer mad and began to explain what lead up to the eventual shit storm that I walked into. In a nut shell Someone busted into his room tried to attack him and then ran like a little bitch. "So basically you decked me because you thought I was the guy that tried to attack you right, coming for a second attempt?"

"YA, again I'm sorry I was on edge and not with it so when they stun gunned you even after I told them you weren't the guy, I felt so bad. So about what happened." Well that explained why I passed out and I couldn't stay mad forever, so I started to laugh at the thought of thinking he looked cute while mark looked pissed. They gave me this weird look so I had to explain why I was laughing. When I told them why, rose just started to bust a gut while mark just turned beet red. Which just got me laughing harder, next thing I know there as a knock on the door and that ended all the laughter and made it so quite that you could hear are ass checks pucker up, so with no one rushing to the door I took it they were expecting me to answer it. I got to the door and opened it up and when the door fully opened I saw the officer that tackled me first and just about pissed myself. He started off with deeply apologizing for the actions of him and the other officers, and how it got out of hand. After I gathered myself together I told him they were just doing their jobs. But I did ask why I fell unconscious after all that happened. From what I could tell he said that I pretty much was overstimulated by being stunned and well fell unconscious.

That was a wild morning and to be honest something that will stay with me forever. So after the commotion died down, rose went off to do her own thing. Mark apologized again and the went off to his room, I on the other hand was telling Andy the guy from the dating site, or better known as Andrew, about what happened this morning he was laughing his ass off at least some people were enjoying my pain. But he did say that he hopes that they find the guy that actually did it. I agreed with him we don't want that happening to anyone else. It was about 6pm and I remember rose mentioning about getting Dinner. So when she came into the room she was a little mad at the fact that I wasn't ready, "Come on Michael please don't tell me Andrew distracted you from even getting dressed." Well that maybe part of the reason I wasn't ready but I honestly forgot all about our dinner night. So I got dressed in a pair of jeans, a short sleeve TODM shirt and sneakers. As we left, mark walked past us on our way out "Hey you two have fun now, and don't get into too much trouble please?" well he does ask nicely, but he was too easy to mess around with so we said sure not really in the mood to mess with him even though we total could have had some fun.

As we got to our favorite restaurant I got out and the first thing out of rose's mouth "you're paying by the way I've paid for the last two times." Well she did have a point but the second time she didn't let me pay for it so really come on give a guy a break. So as we get seated we started talking she talked about her bitchy dorm mates and I could tell that they really did get on her last nerve and I talked about the joys of dorming by myself. But the next thing I know here comes a message from Andrew. "Hey thinking of you sexy ;)", and attached to his text message was a picture when I opened it up my jaw dropped and rose saw this and snatched my phone and when she looked at the picture she about lost her mind and got an instant nose bleed I thought only male perverts got nose bleeds. Maybe she was the exception she was always trying to see a guy naked and almost got expelled for sneaking into the boy's locker room. Sometimes she was the weirdest person I knew, but at least she had her looks. I know she says she has trouble getting a man but ya right, it's the keeping the man part she has trouble with. So when she eventually got her nose to stop bleeding the waiter came to take our order I got a seared salmon a lemon and herb rub, with a thing of steamed broccoli steeped in butter. She ordered a steak with a loaded baked potato, I was sure going to pay out the ass for this meal.

Of course while we waited for our food I went and got up to use the restroom. Not to relieve myself but to return a favor and to up the ante. I got in the handicap stall put my phones camera on record mode, and let the show began. I was stripping down all sexy moving to a beat that I had in my head, losing my clothes, getting lost in the motions. When I finally got undressed I started to masturbate while my other hand was exploring my body. I was really going wild going at different speeds, roughing up the suspect real good. I finaly got close my breathing was getting speretic and then I started to cum. Three, four five ropes of cum all over my chest and a large amount on the side of my thumb. I brought up to my mouth smiled and ate it that's when I relized I had company other than the camra because I herd someone moaning then the long guttural graon of reaching a fine climax. "Looks like you aren't the only one going to enjoy this", that's when I stopped the recording and got dressed. As I left the stall there was our waiter as he was about to leave I asked him "did you have fun hope you enjoyed the show?" He about died as he blushed ear to ear and ran out of the bathroom as I got back to the table rose asked "what took you so long?"

"I was dealing with a two flusher a real pain in the ass, you know the usual." Ten minutes later our food arrived and the guy serving our food was not the same guy that took our order, or had a front row seat to the show. But when we done with our meal the guy comes back with our check and then took our empty plates and then left I looked at the check and to my surprise it was already paid for with a little note and a phone number on the back. I just might have to take up the man his offer he did just pay for dinner. When rose and I got back in the car she looked at me as I was sending the video to Andrew. "So what really happened you don't go to the bathroom for fifteen minutes and then get both our meals paid for." Well she caught on quick, "well if you must know I made a little video for Andrew and it so happened that the waiter a front row seat to the show, so I got both our meals paid for plus a fun time when I decide to take up the guy up on his offer." The entire ride home she was dieing, she honestly couldn't stop laughing so when she pulled into the dorm parking lot, andrew sent me back a reply "hope you had as much fun as did watching that, that was super-hot can't wait to mess with the real thing ;)". After I got back to my room I undressed and got into bed I was so tired that it didn't take long to fall sleep.

This time I woke up to my alarm clock and to be honest what a relief that was, but I thought my head was going to explode. Today was the first day of classes so after I took my shower, pissed, and brushed my teeth like normal I got dressed in a pair of tight black boxer briefs, a pair of tight jeans, along with a plain wife beater and a nice blue, black and white, plaid short sleeve button up shirt. My hair was ever so naturally curly and a pair of nice steel toed boots made me look somewhat presentable. I was a stud I thought to myself so when I got done I sent a quick pic to Andy, knowing if I didn't send him a picture he wouldn't let me hear the end of it. I couldn't wait either because today was also the day for the mythology club to meet up. I was going to be majoring in Mechatronics a relatively new field in the engineering world, but I did love history especially mythology, again another reason I nicked name myself the Horny Little Satyr. So today I was just beaming with happiness ready to concur the day, besides the head and all. I took mark by surprise when I showed up to history class on western mythology an elective I took to keep myself busy. "So what brings you here mark, don't tell me your majoring in history." He knew I was joking but retorted, "Ya at least I can land a job as a history teacher your degree program isn't even certified yet." Damn he got me there, so I called for a truce because again my head started to throb and just as I got situated the professor walked in and started class.

All throughout class I was messaging with Andrew, he even started to call me boyfriend and sending me pictures and we even faced time when we took a small break in the lecture. He either new how to pull at my heart strings or I was just falling under his charm, I couldn't wait for this Saturday. At the end of class, I went off in search of something to eat considering my next class was an hour away. So while going to the food court, feeling hungry, happy, and in love I felt must of all especially that me and Andrew are starting to get used to this relationship and I know that I can't wait to meet him in person. All the while I was getting my lunch I couldn't get the feeling that I was being watched, call me paranoid but what I went through in my first semester Its more like a healthy dose of being extra careful. So after my lunch I went off to my back to back classes from 1pm to 4pm. It was Calc 1, and then to physics. I really didn't pay attention in any of those classes considering I was glued to my phone and the conversation I was having with Andrew was a private show. When the last class was over with I head down to the history department to room 2-137, I couldn't wait to join the club and I was getting so pumped and just giddy.

I got to the room my gut was churning so bad I thought I had to throw up, talk about absolute mood killer. But why, I was so happy, so excited to meet new people and just talk about mythology to my heart's content. But when I went into the room I felt that stair again and new that something wasn't right. I probably should have trusted my gut instinct to run while I had the chance but I stayed think maybe It was just something I ate. So when I was approached by the club adviser I calmed down a little bit. "So are you interested in the mythology club kid?" that's when I recognized the guy as my western mythology teacher. I didn't know what to say I had forgotten his name and my train of thought pretty much got derailed, so I just shook my head yes. So he pointed behind me and said "well you'll want to talk to..."

"it's ok teach I got this, so how have you been Michael?" That voice seemed so familiar that I felt cold chills crawling up mine spine, but it wasn't that quick wave more like it all suddenly got cold in the room the temperature constantly plummeting. I was feeling this horrible sense of da ja vu, and I went to turn around I should have known. I was hoping that it wasn't him, that it wasn't who I think it was. But I'm pretty sure the world could have let me win the lotto, get struck by lightning, or even get to see the birth of the first fucking unicorn, but it wouldn't let me get rid him of that easily. His eyes were so welcoming but, he was the snake hiding behind the flower, and his smile just smoke and mirrors. He was deceptive, cruel, controlling, and abusive. It took forever for rose to get me to come to my sense's to leave him and now here he was taking his aim again.

You want to talk about a deer in the headlights well that's exactly what I looked like as he walked towards me greeting me with that damn smile and extending his hand out. I shook it and tried to calm myself down but that was pretty much useless he always had my nerves going and now every fucking red flag and natural instinct to run was just telling to get the fuck out. "Hey what's wrong cat got your tongue Michael, shame I loved to hear your voice, you had such passion when you spoke." Let's not forget seductive either, he knew how to get people to fall for him.

I don't know why I staid as long as I did and to be honest when I stopped shaking his hand I walked out and then the further I got the faster I wanted to get away his laughing haunting every step I took and soon I was full on running. He was the one person I couldn't be around, the one person I could never just walk away from. He scared me more than anything in this world and he knew it, he was the one person I truly feared. When I couldn't run anymore and was completely out of breath I collapsed on the spot and just sat there, that's when I realized my phone buzzing I looked down and there were at least 6 missed calls from rose and 4 from mark. I answered the next call I knew I couldn't run away from my friends, "Michael what the hell happened I saw you and you looked like you seen a ghost and when I tried to talk to you, you just kept on waling, mark said he saw you running like a bat out of hell, where are you come on Michael say something."

"I saw him rose, he's a part of the mythology club, I should have known god I feel so stupid." That's when I started looking around me and I knew where I was, it was my little piece of heaven I had when I wanted to get away from life. A dead end road with a huge willow tree right at the end. "... I'm at the willow." I don't know why or how I ended up here but the place was calm and a place where I could just get away from it all. "Look Michael just stay there I'll be there to get to you, please don't do anything stupid." I hope she got here soon I was still uneasy and felt like shit, I hope she gets here soon.

Hope you guys enjoyed the second chapter and hope that I can get the rest of the chapters out within reasonable time. If you have any questions or tips, please email me at collinscott032898@gmail.com I am open to all type of questions and ideas. I cannot wait to hear from you about what you think.

Next: Chapter 3

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