Michael and Andrew

By Collin Scott

Published on Jan 21, 2017


This is completely fictional and will involve man to man sex, so if you are underage or offended by this type of material leave now. All copyrights and trademarks apply.

Michael and Andrew Chapter 1

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The alarm went off and in that moment I felt so alone. But I shook my head of those thoughts I was going change my life for the better I had to stop wallowing in my own self-pity. I had to live life and stop expecting for life to turn around for me. As I got up the sheets fell to floor and where I happened to be sleeping was a large cum stain, must have had a pretty good dream shame I couldn't recall it. I headed to bathroom that adjoined the other dorm room also vacant, it seemed that more and more frats were getting expelled for sexual harassment and abuse charges. I don't know how I got away from it considering they were dorming with me. But I just hope that It stays that way.

I got starting the shower and was brushing my teeth and looked at myself in the mirror. Sometimes I wondered why I was so self-conscious or afraid to be rejected. My hair was wild and curly, it was dark brown and more black when you started getting to the roots. My eyes were light blue with a tint of grey and a bronze/gold haze around my iris. I tried growing out my chin strap but the only thing that was going for me was the chin part. But before I could look any further the mirror started to fog up so I finished cleaning my teeth and stepped into the shower. I was 5' 11'' and three quarters, I don't why the doctors don't just announce it 6' but my best friend seems to get a kick out of it. I was not built by any means but I did have a nice slender body that was not really well suited for my body type. I had broad shoulders with long a long torso, legs, and arms.

Then there was my more than normal sized man hood, I mean I was so endowed that I was bullied all through high school. At its deflated state it was about 5'' long and when it grew its total length was 9'' and at its diameter was about 4''. Talk about being the elephant in the room. The warm water washed down my body and it felt so good washing away all the bad feelings I had and any doubts that today would be the day to start flipping things around for the better. As the water turned cold I turned the shower off and grabbed the towel to start drying off. But before I could completely dry off there was a banging at the door and new it was probably my best friend Rose. She was in her naturally moody morning demeanor and was not going too longer before breaking my door down. So in a rush and all most tripping on the towel I tried to tie to my waist, I made it to the door and opened it up. There rose was and just as she started talking my towel fell to the ground. "So it seems you still answer the door naked Alex, when are you going to learn manners!", I had to give it to her even when I was the joke of the school she stood by my side. But then I figured what she meant by manners because it seemed she was showing off her new boyfriend which just so happened to be my RA. He was looking me up and down and when I caught him he about turned red from ear to hear.

But all she did was laugh and then proceeded to tell me that this was not her boyfriend but a friend that she wanted to introduce to me to. "Well if I'm pretty sure he didn't know me now, he got to know me well now and think he like what he sees", but she got all mock defensive "Ya I'm sure he does but don't jump his bones now, god you'll scare the poor thing Michael!" He was so enthralled at the conversation and the dragon seemed to come out of his cave. Their it goes again the small was brain was think on its own again ugh, defiantly need to get that under control.

He surprised both of us when he finally spoke "Alex you're getting a new roommate soon and he left a letter for you, oh by the way could maybe cover up next time when you open the door please?" Well he did ask nicely but what would the fun in that be, But I said "sure but no promises" as I grabbed the letter he gave me. I said bye to both of them as I closed the door but it seemed rose wanted to talk so she slipped into the room while mark the RA walk to his room. "What does the letter say, is he going to be hot, or how about straight I could use a guy right now in life!" She was definitely not subtle but then again that's what brought us together. Neither one of us know the point of a subtle approach to things, but when it came to it I was the more relaxed and cool headed one. She sent one of the football players to the hospital for beating me up when I was in the locker room the same time as he was. The guy was a complete homophobe and didn't like that he had to share a locker room with me so he tried to intimidate me to go use the other locker room. Well long story short she found out about it and when she walked with me to the locker room, the same guy showed up and before he completed his sentence he was spitting up teeth. He was sent to the emergency room and she got off with a warning and ever since I learned not to fuck with her or get her mad. "Earth to Michael hello any one home?", "Ya shit sorry day dreaming sorry, I have no idea what he looks like and I have no info on him either." She started to laugh and the she fell on her ass and then I started laughing, but eventually I felt a cold breeze and I knew it was time to at least put on boxers. "oh now you're going to put on boxers Michael really, what am I not good enough?" as she mocked being hurt. That was another thing that we could do that I took for granite, I was gay so it didn't really bother me that I was naked in front of her not like she hasn't seen anything like what I have before. As I got my boxers on and came back into the main room of the dorm she was sitting on the couch. "So let's read the letter come on Michael I'm seriously curious if he will be coming before classes start here in a week?", "Ya I was wondering that myself rose so here it goes,

Dear Michael,

I'm sorry that I can't make until the first Saturday after classes. I really can't wait to meet you Michael, from what Mark our RA has said about you seem to be a pretty cool dude. Throughout the first week of classes there will a be private shipping company dropping off my stuff. I already assume that you have took all the good spots of the dorm to yourself I just hope you have left some room for me to setup lol. Can't wait to meet you in person.


I am gay so if that's a problem talk to mark so that we can avoid any problems beforehand but from what I heard I don't think we will have any problems just hope you are as hot as he says you are! ;)



Wow, that was a letter and I think I was just becoming one of the luckiest guys on campus. "well now that's some shit he's gay and already taken to having a serious crush on you Michael, you ow me" sometimes she knew how to be annoying on purpose and that her puppy eyes worked on me more than they should but what the hell I can get her back later. "Well rose you can stay but the only interesting thing I'm doing today is making that profile on the gay dating website and then jerking off to the thoughts of my new roommate and poor, poor, little mark." I smirked as I got to the last part and new that she hated when I started to talk about my man to man sex fantasy's. She was holding her hands to hears and pretending to not hear me, "you know you look so cute when act like that, is that how you been fishing for your guys baiting them with the cute obnoxious you then when they're in your reach pounce on them with your true colors. No wondering your having boy troubles." She got so red and then started to yell back "Oh ya well... well... ahhhh fine you win I talk you later just don't have too much fun without me."

She got and left and again the room was quite so taking the initiative, I pulled out my phone and opened the gay dating app and started to create my profile. Nickname, Horny Little Satyr; weight, 190 Ibs; Height, 5' 11''; ethnicity, Caucasian; Position, Vers; relationship status, Single; looking for, fun and relationship; Interests, Music, Art, Animals, and Hiking. Then final there was my bio it read when I was done,"I'm a sarcastic smartass, and I love to hang out and chill. But if you want to know more about me just ask, I don't bite unless you want me to. But giving way all the finer details now would make for a pretty boring conversation and where would the fun in that be."

It wasn't long before I was getting notifications left and right. This person checked you out or this person sent you a chat request. It was like opening a flood gate but the more that I started to inspect potential targets, I realized that most of the guys trying to chat with me were either thousands of miles away or way older then I would have liked to have as an intimate partner. I was seriously starting to give up on this whole dating app thing because the more that looked at me the more I was swiping left. It's not like I have high standers like good dick, a car, and job, because let's be real you could two out of three if you were lucky. But I wanted a relationship not a stop and fuck, so I was about to delete the app and the next thing I knew the phone dinged and out of killing curiosity I looked and I about shit bricks and my jaw dropped to the floor. This perfect looking guy had asked to chat, so before I let little brain complicate things I checked his profile and again it seemed I was going to have one hell of a time to keep my jaw off the floor.

So I accepted his chat request and before I could send my normal "hey what's up" there was his first message "so Horny Little Satyr were did you get that name? ;)" well that was that little brain had full control and I was going along for the ride. The conversation lasted for a few hours before he had to go. I was so sad but happy we'd agreed to meet at the café here on campus the first Saturday after classes, because he was going here as well. I told him I had to meet my new roommate before going to the café. He was pretty cool with it and said that we could meet up around noon because he had to set his room before any way because was transferring from some college in Florida. After that conversation I was on such a high between me being incredibly horny to just plain exited for this first week to be over.

I couldn't fall asleep but to my luck he called out of no were. I about jumped out of my bed to get my phone and when I as soon as I answered it I calmly... ya right probably more like a chipmunk on roids and was like "hey how's it going." He answers just as erratically with "nothing much a little horny and was wondering we could help each other out, I know I suck doing this so I was wondering if you were u for this and if you would start this phone sex session." I about speared a hole through my boxers, I wanted to this before and now it was my time fulfil this fantasy. So I calmed down and with my sexiest voice I could manage with blowing immediately there on the spot, yes I was this horny, so I started. "Ok so you just let me into your room and I dropped to my knees and with a quick move had your pants around ankles and as I was about to remove your boxers as you kicked your pants to the side." I waited for him to remove his pants and then continued with the conversation. "Then as you brought me up slowly I let my hands go under your shirt roaming your body feeling every crest and peak of your abs and as I reached your pecks I quickly played with your nipples as you pulled me in for a breath stealing kiss." We were both breathing pretty hard now, I had removed my boxers I was telling him to off his shirt after our kiss then I started to continue the conversation. "As your shirt fell to the floor I began to lower myself to my knees, then I slowly grabbed a hold of your boxers with me teeth and started take them off sliding them down taking in your scent as my nose brushed up against your man hood. When they got to a certain point I let them go and the just fell to your ankles and when I looked back up at you I saw the string of pre-cum leading from your stomach back to your piss slit. Watching as I slowly applied my hands to your balls cupping them and messaging them between both my hands." Now I had my self-going as I was using the pre-cum that was just pouring out of my dick to lubricate my shaft as I continued to jack off. I could hear him just breath harder and faster and I knew I had both of us on edge. So I was going to finish this with style. "Before you could say anything I went down on the head of you cock licking up the cum and watched as you shivered from the wave of pleasure that washed over you. Then I took the whole thing in and took my time adding suction as I was coming up. Then before I knew what was happening you fucking my face picking up speed as you started to tense up..." before I could finish my sentence I heard his grunting then his moan of pleasure as he started climaxing which in turn pushed me over the edge because I hit the hardest climax of my life. My toes started to curl up and I felt my eyes just roll up into my head with the shear amount of pleasure I was feeling. My eyes were glued shut as I shot my back arching up as I released what seemed like 7 or 8 thick ropes of cum most of which hit my face or upper chest. As I slowly came down from my sexual high I heard him breathing and before he could say anything I was like "that was the best feeling ever." I think he was nodding his head still unable to talk as he came down from his own sexual high. "Hey we should do that another time my horny satyr, that was a blast pun intended." He was busting a gut over that and I could only agree. We said our good byes and good nights before hanging up.

I started cleaning off my face with my hand taking my own cum in my mouth it was sweet with a slight salty after taste. I got the majority of the cum off my face and chest. Then feeling a little dirty smelling, the sex, sweet, and cum in the air. I went and took a shower clean myself off, the warm water helped reliving the tension in my muscles from all the stretching and squirming I did as I climaxed. When I dried off, I fell onto my bed and without putting my head on my pillow I was out like a light.

Hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter and hope that I can get the rest of the chapters out within reasonable time. If you have any questions or tips, please email me at collinscott032898@gmail.com I am open to all type of questions and ideas. I cannot wait for your guy's responses I would also like to thnk Samuel coher a fellow author here on nifty and a good friend for helping me getting this first chapter out. I suggest that if you have the time to read his story's as well as they are some of the better works here on nifty.

Next: Chapter 2

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