
By moc.rr.htuosdim@sihpmemnid

Published on Jan 9, 2006


The usual disclaimers apply. The characters in this story are fictional, but you are real. So, do what you do but be safe while you are doing it.


I am not a club type person, but last night I felt the need to be among my people. I did what I had to do and got myself together to go to the club. I decided to go to Backstreet, as clubs go here in Memphis it is one of the better ones. There is usually a fairly mixed crowd there, all ages and races. I got there about 11 so I could check things out before the place got packed. I wasn't there long before a guy caught my eye. What caught my eye about him was that he looked and acted like a regular dude off the street. He was dressed in a hoody and Nikes and was about 5'10" thin with a paper sack brown completion and looked to be in his mid 20's. I started to watch this dude, and I noticed that every time a female passed he looked them up and down. He didn't seem to be paying any attention to the dudes though. I watched him for about an hour and he was consistently checking out the females and ignoring the dudes. Normally I am shy and happy to just watch people, but after an hour of watching dude my curiosity was up, and I had enough liquor in me not to be so shy. I went up to dude and tapped him on the shoulder. Hey man what's up, can I ask you a question? Go ahead, I have been watching you for a minute and I see you checking out all the females, what are you here looking for? A coworker of mine told me this is a cool place to come hang out and do what you do. We talked for a few minutes and I found out that he was 28, single, had been in the army, and that this was his first time coming to the club. Just then the show started and he wanted to get up front so that he could see it all. Before he got away I told him to find me after the show and we would hit IHOP, and talk about what we had seen tonight. I found a seat at the bar and kept an eye on him during the show. He was handing out dollars like an ATM, and getting lap dances from every performer. I knew he had to be bricked up, and would be ready to do the Damn thang. The show ended and I saw him making his way towards me. He tapped me and ask if the IHOP offer was still good. I told him yes and that I was ready if he was. We left the club and went to get in our cars; he was walking toward my car. I thought this was odd because I thought that he would take his car, but I wasn't going to complain. When he got there he pulled out a key and opened the door of the car next to mine. It was a black maxima just like mine. Strange huh? He followed me to IHOP and we both got short stacks. We had the normal small talk and then headed for deeper waters. He said that he had been out of the army for about a year, but that he had seen some things in there that made him curious. He went on to say that he had never done anything with a dude, and before the army he always considered himself 100% heterosexual. After getting out of the army and thinking about what he had seen and heard there he wanted to check out this man on man thing and see what its all about. By this point I was really into him and ready willing and able to give him his first man to man experience. We finished eating and got ready to go. I ask him where he was heading from there. He said that's all up to you, I'm down for whatever. That was all I wanted to hear. I said lets head out to my place and see what happens. We got to my house and wasted no time heading upstairs to the bedroom. I could tell he was nervous, and God knows I was. I have never been with a first timer before. I decided to take it slow and not to push his limits too much on the first time. I didn't want to scare him, and miss out on a chance at a second time. He pulled off his shirt and I was impressed. He had well developed pecks and arms. His nipples were about the size of a nickel, milk chocolate colored, and hard. They looked like you could lick and suck them all day. His stomach showed signs of definition but wasn't overdone and he had a trail of fine black hair leading from his navel down into his pants. I was like wow; God has been so good to me tonite! We were both just standing there so I leaned in for a kiss; just a peck. Then I zeroed in on his neck and started licking and sucking, he started making low moaning sounds. I worked my way down to his nipples and licked and sucked both of them; the moans got louder. I looked down and could see that he was brick hard and showing signs of being impressive down there too. I kept on licking and sucking, working my way down. I stopped to lick his navel, while I was doing this I undid his pants and pulled his pants and underwear down. I was a little surprised when the dick slapped me. I leaned back on my heels to look. This dick was a work of art. The pubes were neatly trimmed and looked so soft. The dick was about nine inches long and kind of thick. It was a little darker than the rest of his body. It was uncut and the foreskin completely covered the mushroom head of his dick. His balls were nice too. They hung really low, I reached out to cup them. They had a nice size and weight to them and they were silky smooth. I couldn't take it anymore, I reached up and skinned the dick back and started to lick that fat mushroom head. He moved his hand from my shoulder to the back of my head; I opened up and let him in. He started really moaning and cursing. That big dick just kept on going. When the head of his dick popped into my throat he hollered out got damn you got the fire ass cap. I kept taking that dick and didn't stop until those soft hairs were tickling my nose. We stayed like that for a minute while he enjoyed being in me and I enjoyed having him in me. Then it started, that slow back and forth. I put my hands on his perfectly rounded ass and settled in for the ride. He began to build a rhythm and some speed, he was still cursing up a storm. When his dick would come out of my throat I would swirl my tongue around the head and he would stick it back down my throat and curse again. He kept building speed until he was fucking my face. This went on for about twenty minutes, and then I felt his ass tighten. He was cumming. He shot the first rope down my throat, then I eased up and he shot four more in my mouth. I licked the head clean, but didn't swallow. I rose to my feet and stood there to see what would happen. He leaned in for a kiss. I just expected a peck but he pushed his way into my mouth with his tongue. I expected him to pull back when he felt the cum in my mouth, but he didn't. He played with his cum in my mouth. He scooped as much of his cum into his mouth as he could with his tongue then broke the kiss and swallowed. I followed his lead and swallowed. He stepped in for another kiss and I could feel his hard ass dick on my thigh.

Let me know what you think, and if I should keep on telling this story.


Next: Chapter 2

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