
By moc.oohay@ac_72_sirhc

Published on May 13, 2012


As I stood staring across the parking lot at Michael two things crossed my mind, 1) I was a man dressed in women's clothes, 2) Michael was a large, muscular, tattooed black parolee who wanted to do god knows what to me. Weighing these two things in my mind I quite simply panicked and chickened out. I must have looked like a tender Gazelle trying to run from Michael's hungry lion as i tried to run to my car in stiletto heels. I can only imagine the way my bubble butt must have swished involuntatily back and forth teasing the hungry beast.

Michael immediately yelled out to me "Alissa, wait it's me your friend Michael". I didn't even look back as I jumped in the car and backed out of the parking lot. I quickly put the car in drive and pressed my stiletto heeled foot down on the gas pedal. As the distance between myself and the parking lot increased I began to clear my head. What had I been thinking. Dressing is already dangerous enough as it is. There is the danger of being seen by people you know, the danger of some homophobe beating your ass on the street. I had almost added the danger of rape at the hands of a large black man. As I thought about what just happened I noticed that my cock was stirring slightly where it was tucked between my legs and trapped by the material of my panties. My asshole was tingling.

Enjoying the feeling stirring in my boy-pussy I decided to drive around a bit before going home to undress. I decided to go to the bank and use the ATM. I figured that it would be safe since it was a public place and there would be lots of people there. I parked my car and walked up to the ATM enjoying the feeling of the eyes on me. I even cocked my hips back a bit to accentuate the curve of my ass in the tight jeans as I waited for my money. As I walked back to the car with my cash I even took the time to smile at a guy who clearly was sporting a boner in his jeans.

I stepped daintily in to the car and started the engine before looking in the rear view mirror. What I saw scared the shit out of me. Michael must have followed me and was walking up behind the car. I quickly locked my door but noticed too late that the passenger door was unlocked. As I reached across the compartment to lock the passenger side door my worst fears were realized . I watched helpless as Michael pull open the door and climb in to the passenger seat. "What the fuck is your problem bitch ?" he yelled at me before I could even say anything. "Drive this fucking car, over there behind those buildings" he said adding, "we need to talk".

I did as I was told, afraid to anger him any more than he already was. I pulled behind the building and parked in a secluded spot that Michael pointed out to me. Once the car was turned off I sat still with my hands in my lap, afraid of what was coming next. "Why did you run away?" Michael asked.

"I...I got scared" I responded in my best feminine voice. I wasn't sure why I cared about the way my voice sounded but is seemed more natural to talk like a girl. Especially when Michael's voice was such a deep baritone..

"I told you that I ain't no faggot" Michael said, "but I also ain't gonna hurt you". This last statement made me feel a little better.

" I guess I just panicked when I saw you, I mean your huge and honestly kind of thuggish looking" I answered honestly after Michael asked me what I was scared of.

"Look" Michael said, "I ain't gonna lie, I can be a dangerous nigga if I need to be, but I ain't here to hurt you, I came out because I need to bust a nut and the idea of using a white boy in girls clothes to do it turns me on".

Feeling a little better now I coyly looked over at Michael and smiled, "I'm sorry, that was fucked up of me to do to you wasn't it?" I asked. as we sat talking my eyes were irresistibly drawn to the bulge in the front of Michael's basketball shorts.

"Fuck yeah", Michael stated, "that's hella racist shit right there". "Besides you told me online that you wanted to get turned out by a big nigga". I chuckled at that. I had in fact told Michael that the idea of being a black man's cum dump turned me on. I started to warm to the conversation, and to Michael. As I sat next to this big black bull I began to understand why so many white women ended up addicted to black cock. There was just something animalistic about Michael. I began to imagine what it would be like to walk down the street next to this towering black Adonis. Would respectable people shake their heads in disgust seeing another white "girl" gone black?

"Will you let me make it up to you?" I asked. Michael reached down and began to massage the massive black cock concealed inside of his basketball shorts in response to my question.

"This is how things are going to work Alissa", "you are going to give up that white bitch pussy whenever I want, and I will take good care of you, you understand?"

Now that I knew Michael wasn't going to hurt me I started to drift quickly back in to the fantasy world we created on-line. "I understand daddy", I said remembering that Michael liked to be called that during our chats.

"Good", Michael said, "now start by relieving some stress for me". Michael laid back in the passenger seat and spread his knees apart indicating what he wanted from me.

Here goes I thought to myself as I slowly slid myself down across the seat. Both my hands rested on Michael's big muscular thighs gently pawing at the nylon material in anticipation. I loved the way my painted red nails and my white skin contrasted against Michael's black skin. My breathing became heavier and my heart began to pound in my ears as I slowly pulled the waistband of the shorts down past Michael's hips revealing the biggest, blackest cock I had ever seen. An inch at a time his massive cock sprang to life before my eyes. Now I understood why all the white women fucked black men. All told Michael's cock stood rigid at 11 inches in length and was as thick around as a Coke can.

As I kneeled between Michael's thighs, face to face with his monster black dick. I knew without a doubt that I was about to become a big black cock addict. Slowly, with the most profound satisfaction imaginable I lowered my painted lips down towards my candy. I decided at the last minute to move down and kiss the insides of Michael's thighs, savoring the manly musk coming off of his huge balls. It was at this moment that I felt the happiest I ever felt in my life. I had finally found what I was put on this earth to do.

Gently I licked the entire surface of the enormous ball sack reveling in the heavy breathing and gentle moans coming from my daddy's mouth. Feeling bolder, I began to work my tongue up the base of Michael's shaft, slowly at first, then faster and faster as my saliva began to fill my mouth. I was eager to coat every inch of Michael's cock with my spit. My rewards was a long, slow, raspy "yeahhh" escaping from Michael's lips.

Encouraged by Michael's reaction I began to work the big head of his dick between my lips, making sure to get it soaking wet, and playing with his penis slit with my tongue. I now began to massage Michael's thighs as I made the first tentative motions attempting to push Michael's shaft down into my throat. The taste of Michael's precum combined with the musk of his black balls was exhilarating! I began to work harder at forcing more and more of his cock down into my throat eventually fitting almost half of it in to my mouth.

"That's right bitch, show daddy how you much you like suckin that nigga dick" Michael said, "this is just the first of many". I felt Michael's strong hand work it's way down my back towards the waist band of my tight jeans and begin to probe under the fabric. I reached my right hand down and undid the button on the front of the pants, eagerly lowering the zipper at the same time. Michael didn't hesitate as he pushed his big hand down the back of my pants, under my panties and began to probe my tight ass-pussy. I quivered with delight as michael shoved a finder as thick as a hot dog past my puckered asshole and began to work it deeper and deeper inside of me. It hurt like hell, but it was a pain I wanted almost more than anything.

Eager to please Michael as much as possible and show him how delicious his finger felt inside of me, I relaxed my throat, closed my eyes tight and forced the rest of his huge cock in to my mouth. I pushed until I could feel the head of his cock against my Adams apple, his pubic hairs against my nose and the warmth of his balls against my lower lip. Michael's hips immediately began to buck furiously back and forth as his cock began to fuck in and out of my throat. It was difficult to breathe at times and difficult to stop from gagging but I was able to keep up the pressure long enough to be rewarded with a huge load of thick, salty cum deep down my throat. As Michael's piston motion slowed down I was amazed to find that the cum hadn't subsided. I eagerly swallowed all I could and tried to catch any drips that slid out past my lips. I didn't intend to waste a drop.

Michale finally stopped fucking my mouth and his cum finally stopped shooting into the back of my throat. I sat back in the driver's seat of the car and looked at the sexy face of my black bull. Michael smiled over at me saying "Damn, I should have been turning out white boys a long time ago" in a deep husky voice.

Although I knew I found my true calling I felt a bit defensive about Michael's statement. "I'm not gay Michael" I responded, "I only fool around with guys when I'm dressed".

Michael chuckled, reached across the passenger compartment of the car and took my hand lovingl."You and I both know that this was the most intense sexual experience of your entire life. When I looked down at you I saw you working just as hard as any white girl I ever fucked trying to please me. As far as I'm concerned you just found your true calling and that makes you a faggot.....my faggot. Dont be ashamed of it, be proud. Now drive me back to my car".

Coming soon, Chapter 3.

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