
By moc.oohay@66sseccus

Published on Aug 2, 2008


Dear Readers: Well here we are again. I actually poked out three chapters in two days but my editor, John, has to work too so it took a bit to get these to you. I hope you like to read.

Thank you to John, who really appreciates reading them countless times EG over and over again to check for ahem errors; also thanks to those that have chosen to write. I appreciate the positive comments and the feedback.

Usual disclaimers: Work of fiction, AIDS/STDs are a real threat so please cover it up. If you are not supposed to be reading this, then don't.

Robert awoke with a strange but warm sensation in his ass. He tried rolling on his back but found that there was another body behind him.

It was Nick.

After he was taken from Michael's room last night, his dick strained to be released. Nick assured him while they were both submissives, Robert would be the dominant in any sex between them because Robert was the guest. Robert let Nick suck him off but in turn, Robert let Nick fuck him. It was a different sort of fucking because Nick's cock was much larger than Michael's.

As he cleared his head, Robert realized he needed to go piss. He noticed that the clock on the table said 7 a.m. He pried himself away from Nick only to take about three steps from the bed to have Nick stir.

"Where do you think you're going?" Nick said with his eyes closed.

"I need to go take a piss." Robert stopped to answer.

Nick turned over to see that Robert's dick was full with the need of a morning piss. "I'll help you with that."

Robert smirked, "Oh into watersports, are we?"

"Master says we are to have fun, he just didn't say how much." Nick now was up and moving towards the bathroom. "Come on, we'll shower."

"Exactly," thought Robert.

The morning greeted Rick and Michael much differently. Michael's left side was sore from sleeping heavily on his side. While he was trying to get a grasp of his surroundings, he knew that it was Rick that still was inside of him, slowly pushing in and out of his hole.

"Do you ever give up?" Michael said half-laughing.

Rick was fully awake and fully aroused. "No, you're going to be this way too eventually. You will learn control but you will also know when to surrender to your animal passions."

"When do I get to fuck you?" Michael was enjoying the feeling of Rick's cock.

Rick took a deep breath and reached his arm around to play with Michael's nipple. "You might get your chance; I've been known to switch roles."

Michael pushed his ass into Rick. Rick grabbed Michael closer to himself and whispered into Michael's ear.

"You are one fucking hot man. Your ass is hungry but so is your soul. Let's get this done, get our boys, and let's see how Mr. Reynolds is doing."

About an hour later, Rick and Michael emerged from the bedroom in heavy bathrobes, fresh from a hot shower where what was started in the bed finished in the immense bathroom. Outside the door were Nick and Robert waiting to escort their men to breakfast.

Robert was happy to see Michael survived the night, but he saw something different in his lover/master. He stood a little taller, maybe? He wasn't quite sure what the difference was but he was truly grateful to see Michael again.

Before Michael leaned over to kiss Robert, he asked Rick, "Is it okay if I kiss Robert?"

Rick laughed. "Of course it is. You are initiating the contact. Just because you are discovering your masculinity doesn't mean you can't do the romantic stuff. Shit, I'm not even that tough on my lover."

Michael didn't have to ask a second time. He grabbed Robert and kissed him hard and fast. "Now that's done, what's for breakfast, I'm hungry!"

They knocked on the door to Randy and Steve's room but from the outside they could hear obvious sounds of sex going on. Someone was getting plowed but it wasn't quite sure who was doing what to whom.

"I'll have Nick come back up to invite them to breakfast in a few minutes," Rick laughed. "They're going to need some food soon."

The foursome proceeded down the staircase and through some rooms to the patio outside of the main living area. There a buffet for kings was laid out. The two men in their pressed white uniforms waited for the men to serve themselves. Once seated, coffee and juice was served.

"What about Tad?" Michael was concerned because no one has checked on him.

"We checked on him before meeting you outside your room." Nick chimed. "I assume I'm off grounding, Sir?"

Rick leaned over and kissed Nick on the lips. "Yes, you are. Wonderful job last night, you performed very well."

Michael was perplexed. "I thought he was being punished?"

"He was," Nick finished sipping his coffee. "He disobeyed me, but one thing about Nick, it's only a temporary thing. One of us has to be the master, and Nick relinquished that role a long time ago. What you saw on the TV was part punishment, and partly Nick's fantasy realized.

Nick smiled. "I can be a prick too."

The men laughed.

"So Robert," Rick turned. "Are you enjoying your second visit to our ranch?"

Robert put down his fork. "Yes, sir, I am; especially since Michael is here."

Rick pushed the envelope a bit further. "What did you think of Nick's dick?"

Robert almost choked on the juice he was drinking. He shot a look at Michael waiting for some disapproving sign.

"Yes, Robert, how was Nick?" Michael continued eating without looking at his lover.

"Well, Sir, uh, he was very fulfilling."

Both Rick and Nick laughed at Robert's answer.

"Michael I do apologize for bending the rule about your control over Robert." Rick looked to Michael for some sort of displeasure.

Michael stood up to refill his plate. "Actually considering what happened between us Rick? I am quite fine with it, Sir."

Robert suddenly became very uneasy. He knew when Michael used the word "sir"; it wasn't necessarily a good thing.

"What do you mean by that?" Sensing the uneasiness, Nick didn't wait for Rick.

Michael finished filling his plate and turned to the group. "As much as I have experienced in the last few weeks, this shouldn't bother me, but it does. My life is in total upheaval. Now I'm privy to some experiment this weekend that is supposed to help me come into my own. I don't know what to think."

Rick was impressed. "Well at least you have the balls to admit you're scared."

"Scared?" Michael said with some pent up anger. "You think this is scared? This is chaos. I never dreamed this would ever happen. This has totally turned my life upside down."

The three men just looked at Michael as he began to eat. Rick knew this would happen. He knew it would be best if Nick and he left for awhile.

"Robert, Michael, I'm sorry but I need to tend to some other duties, would you please excuse me?" Rick stood up. "Gentlemen, enjoy the breakfast, we shall resume training in awhile."

"I should get to my chores too," Nick stood.

Rick dismissed the staff for the time being.

Both men quickly exited but stopped well out of the earshot of Robert and Michael.

"Sir, I don't mean to be disrespectful, but are you sure this was a good idea?" Nick questioned Rick.

Rick looked back at Michael. "No, that was normal. He is going to be chaotic for awhile. Look at what we know about his personal and business life, he will come around. Trust me."

Robert sat and picked at his food. Michael devoured his food and drank his coffee. There were no words to be exchanged. Michael did not look at Robert.

Robert removed his collar and placed it on the table. He turned to Michael and touched his hand. Michael didn't move.

"Do you know how much respect I have for you?" Robert finally spoke.

"What?" Michael looked Robert.

Robert repeated his question. "Do you know how much respect I have for you?"

"No." Michael was short.

"Michael, look at me." Robert waited for Michael to look. He waited and then speaking with more force, "MICHAEL, look at me!"

Michael moved his head to see the face of his lover. He noticed the collar was off.

"Why did you take off your collar?" Michael sarcastically continued. "Won't Mr. Rick get angry for that?"

"Michael, this isn't a game." Robert answered. "Yes, wearing leather and collars and all that is part of the scene but this, I mean this right now, is about you and me. Do you want me to put it back on?

"Do what you want, I don't fuckin' care." Michael was angry now.

Robert moved to kneel by Michael. "Michael, I respect everything you've done for me. At Wylie and Sons you've given me huge responsibility, but between us, I see you evolving into something that isn't like a wounded puppy."

"I am not an animal." Michael was staring off into the distance.

"No, you're not, I'm sorry." Robert responded. "But you were hurt by your ex. We all saw it at work. You were slowly bouncing back at work when what happened between us really took hold. I know our relationship is ethically wrong; we shouldn't be involved, a superior and subordinate. Bu compared to what you were you have grown in confidence about who you are. Does any of this matter?"

"I just don't get how my life became chaotic?" Michael stood up and walked to the edge of the patio.

Robert stood up and moved behind Michael. He hugged Michael's torso. "Your life isn't as chaotic as you think it is. It can only be chaotic if you choose NOT to take control."

Michael was confused. He felt stronger this morning than he had in the past, but something inside of him hurt. He had never cried as a boy or as a man, but the dam broke and he started to shed tears.

"I'm tired of acting like I'm strong when inside I feel terribly inadequate. I feel partly to blame that I wasn't watching Thomas's backside with this whole Dillingham mess. I failed my marriage. I feel like I'm not worthy of you."

Robert pressed into Michael tighter. Robert didn't know what to say. He had never experienced what Michael was going through. What love he had for this man was only amplified because of Michael's willingness to be vulnerable for him now.

"You probably think I'm a pussy because I'm crying," Michael broke Robert's embrace to search out something to dry his face with."

Robert followed. "No, it shows incredible strength to cry. Michael, I love you. I have never wanted anyone more."

Michael looked at Robert. He had said he loved Robert before but now it was something different. It wasn't just his head talking, it was his heart. Michael dried his face and stood before Robert.

"I love you, too." Michael bent over and started to kiss Robert. Gentle and tenderly, Robert tasted the left over tears on Michael's lips.

"So you are okay?" Robert asked.

"No, I'm not totally okay but I'll be fine," Michael continued. "So you get off on this stuff? I mean this leather and collar crap?"

Robert smiled. "Yeah, it's just a thing or a fetish."

"Do you expect me to treat you this way in the bedroom every time we fuck," Michael smiled at the notion, "or is this a one-time thing to play with my mind?"

Robert pulled away from Michael. He knew he had to answer. "Michael, whether you and I do this again or not, isn't really a big deal. I know you get off being on top. I get off being on bottom. The reason you're here this weekend is to learn from Rick. We knew it would be a risk bringing you out here this early in your coming out, but..."

"We?" interrupted Michael. "Who is `we'?"

"Randy and me," Robert watched for Michael to become angry.

Michael smiled. "So I was part of the plan huh?" He started to laugh in a disbelieving manner. "I've been played."

Robert wasn't sure where Michael was going with his thoughts. "Michael, you knew that Randy and I used to play around. You gave me permission to come out here the other night. It was when we were having a little fun, well Randy, Rick and me, that I mentioned how much you might like this place."

Michael just sat listening.

"Rick questioned both Randy and me," Robert continued. "He asked a lot of questions. He was genuinely interested in you. I think even as I spoke, and I spoke very well of you, Sir, that he extended an invitation to you. That's why you're here. But whatever you think Michael, you are not being played; this for you to understand yourself better."

Michael just processed what Robert said. He didn't feel like a total wimp but something was changing in him. Was his relationship with Robert just sex? No. He knew that he respected this kid. He knew that loved this kid, and it wasn't like infatuation love; there was something deep, but yet young. The hardest part he dealt with was his gayness. He was out of his element.

"So," Robert broke Michael's thoughts, "what are you thinking?"

"Not so much thinking," Michael looked at Robert. "So this isn't a game?"

"No," Robert said. "Like Sir said to me the other night. It will be a means to an end."

"But you never asked my earlier question, is this a one-time thing or something on going?"

"I'm not going to lie, I like what's going on here this weekend," Robert felt his dick getting warm, "but what I have with you is much more important than collars or leather or being dominated. "

Michael smiled. "You'd better put back on the collar."

"Are you sure you want this?" Robert reached for the collar.

As Robert began to reattach it around his neck, Michael ensured it was firmly in place. He turned Robert around and grabbed the ring. "Of course I do, you're gonna be my bitch for the rest of the weekend."

They laughed and kissed a bit more before walking down the grassy knoll from the patio.

As they left, Randy and Steve came out to get some fresh air and food after witnessing the exchange between Michael and Robert. The two servants came back out to ensure they took care of the broad-bodied, overly sexed men.

"See, told you the kid was good," Randy said to Steve. "Robert is a charmer, but he's got to come clean with Michael soon or else there might be a different hell to pay."

As much pleasure was had by the foursome, Tad Reynolds was in a world of pain. His night was filled with overstimulation of his ass and dick; he lost count after the fourth orgasm. Now, whenever he got close to cumming, his balls were churning in pain because he couldn't keep up. He'd feel his body explode in what should be a pleasurable experience only to have his ball remind him he had nothing to show for it.

All of a sudden manipulations stopped.

Rick had Nick go down to the playroom while he shut down the power. Nick carefully removed the milking apparatus from Tad's dick but left the vibrating dildo in his ass.

"Oh thank you," Tad said in relief.

"I wouldn't thank me yet; your training is still not completed." Nick whispered in Tad's ear.

"Training, what's going on here?" Tad strained to see but his eyes were fully covered. "What did I do to deserve this?"

Rick's voice came over the intercom. "You are here for reassignment training."

"Reassignment training?" Tad stretched to listen carefully.

"Yes Tad, you've been a naughty little boy." Rick was taunting as Nick prepared the next training for Tad. "We found your stash of porn on your computer and those magazines. What would people think if they found out that you were a fag?" Rick waited for Tad's answer.

Tad didn't answer. Whatever struggle he had in his body, it now was deflated. Rick waited for an answer and decided to force it out with a reminder of turning up the dildo in his ass.

"Alright, I'll obey," Tad screamed. "Fuck, you're gonna kill me!"

"Oh now Tad, we wouldn't want to do that. You are young and fine piece of male flesh. We have other plans for you!" Rick turned the dial down to zero on Tad's ass.

Tad just groaned. "What do I need to do?"

"Close your eyes while my assistant places some special goggles on your face. Let me warn you, if you look, you will be punished."

Tad didn't want any more punishment. The blindfold was quickly changed with an awkward set of goggles. Instantly they lit up and different scenes of men fucking men, first twinks, then bears, and finally master/slave combinations played out. Tad tried not to watch but it was difficult to shut his eyes.

Nick then placed a special tube around Tad's deflated dick. It suctioned to the soft meat so as not to fall off.

"Okay Tad, here's a lesson in control. We aren't going to milk you any longer but now we're going to punish you if you get hard. The harder you get, the more pain you'll feel." Rick was enjoying this. The apparatus was specifically set to his size. It would deliver non-injury type shocks to Tad's dick with each inch of growth.

"Why are you doing this to me?" Tad yelled. "Hello? Anyone, please, answer me!"

Nick rejoined Rick in the booth. "Stay here and monitor his progress. I don't think it will take more than an hour and we'll have totally broken him." Rick watched Tad as he struggled to remain soft. Rick knew Tad was weak. Even as he left, he could hear Tad grimace in pain.

Rick rejoined the men on the patio. Michael and Robert just returned from their walk while Randy and Steve finished their breakfast.

"So Randy, did you have to fight for a little dominance last night in bed?" Michael made the first shot.

"Yeah, Steve is in better shape than I thought, but he was my bitch at one point." Randy scratched his full stomach and stretched.

"What the fuck?!" Steve sputtered. "You loved me being on top and screamed like a cum whore in heat for my dick to release in you."

"Yeah, believe what you want Steve because no one is going to believe you." Randy retorted.

Rick smiled. "We could go to video and see if that's true Randy. You were, after all, taped."

Randy blushed three shades of red.

"Geez, Randy, I never thought I'd see you blush...what would all the men say down at the bar?" Robert got his jab in but ducked because he knew what was coming.

"Listen boy," Randy stood up grabbing his ample meat. "You've taken a ride on my dick a few times and I know you loved it so don't be spreadin' no shit."

The group laughed.

"So how is Tad doing, Sir?" Robert asked.

"Oh he's coming along very well." Rick was pleased. "I'd say in about an hour he's going to be pretty happy to have some time away from my playroom and in my bedroom."

Michael was less unnerved about the talk of Tad.

"Tell me something, Rick," Randy asked. "Should Michael be looking for a new employee soon?"

Michael shot Randy a look. Randy knew what was going on.

"Only if Tad's services could be used better here," Rick answered.

"So what's on the agenda today, Rick?" Michael asked feeling the need to move onto another subject.

"Well it's time for us to continue our training." Rick felt it was good to move back to Michael's training. "Randy and Steve, you may want to head down to the stables and take a ride on the horses. Robert, I think you can join Michael and me."

The five men all separated. Rick took Michael into the library. Robert was in tow but now back in his submissive position.

"Robert, you may kneel at Michael's feet." Rick commanded as he sat directly across from Michael. Robert did as he told. "I suppose you have many questions?"

Michael didn't know where to begin but quickly found his first question.

"What are your intentions for Tad?" Michael was thinking like a boss now.

"Oh very well," Rick sighed. "The boy is a fag. He just doesn't care to admit it, yet. My intention is to break him, teach him, and make him a slave. He won't be a slave in the case of serving me, but he'll be my sexual play toy. It's been awhile since I've had a boy like Tad."

Michael smiled just a bit thinking of Tad as a sexual plaything but then questioned further. "Am I going to have to give him up at Wylie & Sons?"

"No, I train my slaves to be independent of me for their survival." Nick pressed a button for his servants. "You actually may see a marked improvement when I'm finished. I am fair but firm. He will learn pain and he will learn submission. Hell, if he acts up at work, I can even give you permission to fuck with him, if you want."

"No, no, that won't be necessary. I'll leave that to you." Michael rebutted. "But how are you breaking him?"

"Right about now, he's being trained, somewhat like a Pavlovian dog." Rick signaled his servant to come into the room. "Before I finish, are either of you thirsty?"

Michael looked at Robert. "We will both take a tall glass of iced water, if you please."

"Please bring their requests and please bring me some iced tea." Rick sent his servant away.

"Is it safe to talk in front of these men?" Michael asked.

"Oh most definitely, they were once unruly young men. Let's just say, I provide services that go far beyond training men sexually. Next to the stables, I have about 10 young men who have all been trained. They all get paid very well and live in a very well-equipped bunkhouse."

"And this is all because of the Sons of Mars?" Michael was curious.

Rick laughed. "No, Randy must have told you that Nick and I are sought after, no?"

"Yes." Michael felt a lump in his throat.

"We are extremely particular about whom we train. " At this point the servant returned with the men's drinks. "Some in the gay community would consider us a fetish; I guess they'd be correct to some degree. However, we are more than playing games. We train men to be masters and to be submissives. I use the word `slave' a lot but I don't see it as such. A submissive still owns his soul and should be allowed to be independent to some degree. What Nick and I teach is how to command respect but to give respect. It's not about being evil-spirited, because trust me, there are those masters who are and give us a bad name. We simply take those who are truly interested and train them. We have men all over the world who have come here, and we are well-compensated."

Michael was impressed. He felt more at ease now. "But am I to become a master?"

Rick smiled. "Only if you want to, but I see something different in you. The reason I made you wear these clothes is to help you realize there is another side, commanding and authoritative that you need to rediscover. Robert is a means to an end and is truly a submissive, aren't you son?"

Robert looked up. "Sir, I am."

"I see that there's more than a role of master/slave here. Oh make no mistake, I see you two have many years together, if not a lifetime, but Michael, you need to be assured that even when Robert is pounding your ass with his dick, you're in control of who you are." Rick stood up.

"With your permission, Micheal, may I borrow Robert?" Rick waited for Michael's answer.

"Yes." Michael knew a lesson was about to start.

"Come here boy." Rick pointed to his feet. Robert crawled the 10 feet over to where Rick stood and kneeled with his head bowed in front of Rick.

"Good boy." Rick looked at Michael. "I have had your boy. He took a ride on my dick and knows the power of my sexual energy, but as I stated late last night, this isn't about sex, it's about harnessing your sexuality, your masculinity into something that you control. Men, unfortunately, are dogs; even those that live in marital bliss still long to ride into the night and deposit their sperm into whatever moves. What makes you different Michael is that you can control your urges. Right now, do you wish to fuck this boy?"

Michael was startled by the question. It wasn't so much by the question but the way the word fuck' turned him on. His dick was getting hard just thinking about the word fuck'.

"Well Michael, I'm waiting." Rick felt Michael's hesitancy.

"Yes, I would like to fuck him." Michael sneered just a bit.

Rick moved away from Robert and stood next to Michael. "Stand, please."

Robert stayed kneeling. Once again his dick was in a most awkward and painful position. He wanted his Michael to fuck him silly.

"You see the difference between men like us, and submissives like Robert is that there is a status or position we each hold. Submissives yearn to serve. It doesn't make them less of a man, but even in the wild, there is an alpha and there is an omega. Robert lives to serve you. Even at work, in his leadership position, he is still submissive to you and wants nothing more to please you."

Michael made the connection. He hadn't realized it before, but before him, kneeling on the floor, was a man, a boy, a submissive, that did what he commanded. "Yes, I understand. Even we're making love, I feel in control. When I work and he follows, I feel strong. Is that what this is?"

"Yes," hissed Rick. "The reason Tad Reynolds is in my playroom isn't because he's a fag hater, it's because he's confused. He's a submissive too, but doesn't understand that yet. In his past life, it may have been a domineering parent, a bully in school, or his own self-doubt, but he's terribly confused. I've seen several men like him before. When I'm finished with him, he'll know his position with both you and me."

Robert could feel the blood intensifying his hard-on to new proportions. He wanted to be fucked by Michael. His body began to glisten from the heat of the anticipation.

"Go ahead Michael." Rick stepped back. "Take Robert and have him now."

Michael felt powerful. He felt as if a new man was breaking out inside of him. He felt his body calm from its excited state but still he felt the blood coursing through his veins as he watched Robert kneel quietly across the room.

"No, I think I'd like to see what's happening with Tad." Michael turned toward Rick. "Can I go see him?"

Rick was surprised. This was the first time he had someone like Michael want to wait to take a submissive. "Are you sure? I wouldn't want this fine piece of young manhood to have to suffer very long."

"Yes, I am." Michael shook his head affirmatively.

"Then what are we to do with your boy?" Rick questioned.

For the first time, Michael realized that he could control his sexual urges. Not that his sexual urges neither made him weak nor did his love for Robert, but he really wanted to wait.

"He looks a bit tired. I think he should have to retire to our room and rest." Michael looked at Robert and said the one word that Robert least wanted to hear: "Stand!"

Robert stood up and turned toward the two men. His head was bowed. He was discouraged because Michael wasn't going to take him.

"Go to our room and lie down." Michael saw that Robert wasn't happy. Just as Robert passed Michael, Michael said, "Stop."

At this point, Michael reached under Robert's bowed head and raised his chin. "I love you" was all that Michael said and a small smile came from Robert. "Now go."

Rick watched the exchange. He couldn't help to be a bit envious of Michael. Michael had yet to fully understand what he had in Robert. He saw the love these men had for each other. It was still young love, but it was love. He knew that their relationship would be about mutual respect and love, but Michael would have the upper hand.

When Robert left the room, Rick turned to leave. "So how do you feel, Michael?"

"I wanted to fuck him right there on your floor. I wanted him and I knew he wanted me, but something inside, no, I wanted to wait. Before we'd be like two dogs in heat. Now, it's different. Why?"

"I am simply giving you some tools. You might even think of me as a pseudo-psychologist," Rick turned down the hallway, "but the reality is, the problem with men today is that they've been emasculated by several factors. It could be a mother, a wife, a corporation, an event, something, anything that literally cuts them off from their potential. Even I was a major fuck-up at one time."

"I find that hard to believe." Michael rebuffed.

"Oh yes, I've been there, before a very wise, older man taught me the ways." Rick smiled, remember the days gone by.

"I was traveling in Europe and got into some trouble. You know how we are when we're young. I got into a rough crowd one night, partying, smoking weed, when I was viciously beaten. I came onto one of the guys and this group bashed me pretty hard. Fortunately, Luis, my eventual mentor, found me and nursed me back to health. He invited me to stay with him."

Michael was intrigued that Rick was opening up with him so quickly.

"Luis wasn't gay but he ascertained that I was. He helped me get my head straight, earn some money, and allowed me into the Sons of Mars. I was very lucky. Eventually I wanted to come back home to the United States and let Luis know. He understood the need to be home and on our final night together, I showed my appreciation by making love with him."

Rick stopped and sighed for a moment, as if he was reliving a painful memory.

"Luis reminded me he wasn't gay, actually, he was quite the ladies man. But I insisted in showing him my gratitude in the only manner I could. Luis was a bear of a man, beautifully covered in silver hair, well-kept beard and very muscular. I enjoyed making love to him that night and letting him enter me. It was that same position, the one I was with you that night, which he finished with me. You see, we drank the liquid that you drank. He passed his essence to me as I passed my essence to you."

"It sounds as if you loved him." Michael commented.

"Yes, you could say that, but it wasn't a kind of love that was returned. It was more of a deep, abiding friendship and respect that we shared. Unfortunately, not soon after I left, Luis was killed in a car accident." Rick showed little emotion except for one tear.

Michael knew it might feel awkward but he hugged Rick. It was a firm hug, but not too long.

"Why did you share this with me?" Michael said.

"I like you Michael. I think you need to understand that I do not share my story with many. My circle of friends is extremely small and just as Randy and Robert both thought you would benefit from your time here; I trust that when this weekend is over, we can become friends, too." Rick continued walking towards the playroom door.

Once again, Michael realized that his circle of friends was extremely small. "Whether it matters or not, I want you to know that I'm going enjoy being your friend too."

Rick turned to Michael before opening the door. "You sure you're ready for this?"

Michael sneered. "Yeah, I am. Let's both complete his training."

Rick opened the door to find Nick at the controls.

"So how is our trainee doing, Nick?" Rick spoke as Michael closed the door.

"Oh he broke faster than you expected. I think it's a new record, 30 minutes." Nick laughed.

"What were you doing to him?" Michael scanned the monitors to see what was now attached to Tad's dick.

"It's a rather nifty device. Each inch he grows a shock of electricity hits his dick. Usually it takes about an hour for a trainee to stop, but Tad," Nick continued, "well, it was a record."

"Does it do any damage?" Michael was a bit concerned for Tad's health.

Rick opened the door down to the main playroom. "No, it just reminds them they aren't in control."

Rick went down to where Tad lay strapped. "Well it seems your training is finished for now. Do you need to go to the restroom?"

Tad was dazed. His eyes were now tired from the visual stimulus, his body limp from the physical pain.

"I don't know. I'm so hungry and thirsty." Tad managed to whisper.

"I am not a cruel person Tad, I think it's time for you to get up. Give me a moment while I unhook you." Rick said as he signaled for Nick.

"You should stay up here for now, Michael." Nick said, "I don't you to ruin his surprise later."

Michael sat down and watched. Once Nick was down in the playroom, slowly Rick and Nick disassembled the tube and the dildo from Tad's body. Before they unstrapped Tad, they both put zippered hoods on their heads.

"You might want to close your eyes because you've been blindfolded awhile and your eyes will not adjust very quickly to the light." Nick started to unhook the goggles.

Tad made the mistake of opening his eyes too quickly and then grimacing in pain because of the intense light of the room. Slowly he opened his eyes again and tears filled his dry eyes as he adjusted to the light.

Nick and Rick knew this part all too well. Even willing trainees had troubles once they were unstrapped from the table. Slowly, they unhooked Tad's legs and then arms.

"You need to be careful as you stand because you have not had proper blood flow to your legs in the last hours. Let us help you up." Rick commanded Tad.

Very carefully Tad stood on his feet then felt the blood return to his arms. He wanted to fight but was too weakened by his position on the board. Both Nick and Rick supported them as they led him to a door that was only accessible by a key that Nick had pulled out of his pants and opened.

Michael now viewed a new screen to the left when the light came on in the room. He saw a sparse room with just a bed, toilet and sink. Carefully, Nick and Rick laid Tad down.

"I will bring you something to drink and eat very shortly. You may rest until we're back." Nick said as he went to the door.

"I'm not hungry as much as I'm thirsty." Tad grumbled.

"You will eat and you will drink." Rick stated clearly. "You have much more to endure today and I can't have you fading away. Do you understand?"

Tad didn't answer.

"TAD! I said do you understand?" Rick asked again louder.

"Yes, damn it, I understand, now leave me the fuck alone!" Tad turned away and started to sob but no tears came out.

Both men exited and Nick locked the door. From the monitor Michael could see Tad lying on the bed, convulsing from his raw show of emotion.

The men removed their masks and headed back up to the control room.

"Get him fed in the next 30 minutes." Rick directed Nick. "Make sure it's light on solids but heavy on protein drinks. Oh, I know he's weakened but make sure to have one of the boys help you in case he causes trouble. You know what to do if he does."

Nick left very quickly.

Michael wasn't nervous about this any longer. Actually, the more he watched Tad, the more he became aroused.

"Interesting, isn't it?" Nick watched Michael. "You know, I could teach you some basic bondage stuff that I know Robert would like. You might enjoy spicing it up a bit."

Michael laughed. "How could it be any spicier when I fucked my boy on my desk at work or cum all over his tie and presented it to you?"

"Oh you have no idea!" Rick laughed.

Robert laid down but was restless. "Why would he choose Tad over me?" Robert knew it was silly. He had Michael for himself but there was this streak of jealousy that came over him. "After all, it was me that got him to come here."

Robert couldn't stand it. He was hot, horny, and tired. He wanted to release his load. "Fuck, my dick is on fire. I want to jack off but I can't; only with Michael's permission."

Little did Robert know that he was being watched by Michael from the playroom. Michael asked Rick to tune into their room.

"He's restless, you should go to him." Rick mentioned.

"Yeah, he probably wants to jack off." Michael laughed. "How can I compete with his sexual energy?"

"Let me ask you a question," Rick sat next to Michael. The monitors flashed on from both Tad's captivity and the guest room. "How does this make you feel, watching Tad and watching Robert?"

"Like a voyeur, actually." Michael's mind was thinking. "I know this might sound really off the wall, but I want to see Robert fuck Tad."

"Really?" Rick was surprised. "Why's that?"

"A couple of weeks ago, I caught Tad making some pretty homophobic remarks. I had left my planner in our board room and busted in on the fun. Andy was there, too." Michael's gaze now was on Tad.

"Randy's Andy?" Rick asked.

"Yes," Michael answered back, "the very same one. When Andy got beat up, I thought it was Tad, but I was wrong. Tad is just a jerk that needed an attitude adjustment."

Rick smiled. "Well he's getting one helluva one this weekend."

"Yeah, I guess." Michael said. "Anyway, I knew about Robert being gay (it's a story for another time) and I got really pissed off and I guess something inside of me snapped. It was as if I wanted to protect Robert."

"Really? Do you think you had feelings for Robert at that time?" Rick wanted to know more.

"I don't know, well yeah. It's that chaos thing again." Michael remembered. "My divorce was final; I was in a compromising position in a gay bar that I had no business being in. If it weren't for Robert protecting me from Randy's advances, I think I'd probably have an incredibly loose hole about now."

"Interesting," Rick hesitated. "You know we talk about finding your inner-masculinity, your inner-man, if you will, but how do you feel about being gay?"

Michael's head dipped a bit. "Can I tell you I'm not sure?"

Rick waited and then let out a loud laugh. Michael wasn't sure to make of this explosion of laughter.

"Fuck man, if you're not sure, then you have a funny way of showing it." Rick continued to laugh. "You are gay, trust me. You just need to figure out how you're going to deal with the world's perception of it, and that, my friend, I cannot help you with."

"How do you do it?" Michael questioned Rick.

"I'm not gay." Rick laughed even louder than before. "No, seriously, I just personally say, fuck em' if they can't handle it, it's their problem."

Nick entered the room with the tray with one of the hunkier men on their ranch in tow.

"Sorry Michael, this is Jean-Claude. Jean-Claude, this is Michael." Nick made introductions while Michael stood to shake his hand.

Rick quickly stopped him. "Uh no, Michael, he cannot shake your hand. He is not permitted to. My submissives on the ranch all have to maintain their position at all times."

"Oh sorry," Michael awkwardly sat down.

"That's okay," Rick said. "Jean-Claude is one of my longest serving submissives and one of most trusted trainers. He works with the horses on the ranch."

Nick and Jean-Claude descended into the playroom. Both men put on their zippered masks before entering the room. Nick handed Jean-Claude the tray while he fished out the key. Rick gave Nick the thumbs up and they two men entered.

Tad had remained on the bed the entire time. He heard the door open and began to slowly sit up. He was incredibly hungry and very thirsty. The two men entered the room and placed the tray on the table.

"Get up and eat." Nick commanded.

Jean-Claude moved towards Tad to assist him. Tad needed little help to the table. He sat down and started to drink the water. Nick made sure to bring a large pitcher. As Tad ate the soft food and drank the protein drinks, he felt his strength coming back.

"How do you feel?" Nick asked.

"I feel better." Tad was relieved that he wasn't on the board anymore. "What's going to happen to me? You aren't going to kill me, are you?"

"No," Nick replied. "The hard part is over for you, if you remain good. If you fight us, then you will return to be punished."

"Oh no, I'll do what you want." Tad said.

Rick beamed. "I got you!"

Michael was even surprised. "That doesn't mean he's going to bend to being fucked is he?"

"No, that will come later. It's the pain-pleasure syndrome. He's endured much pain. We are meeting his needs, basic needs, and he will come to trust us very soon."

"Can I get some clothes?" Tad asked. The fact he was still naked made him shiver.

"I think that can be arranged." Nick said. "I will see what I can do for you."

The two allowed Tad to finish his food and drink. They quickly exited the room and locked up. Tad had no idea what time of day it was, or if days or weeks had passed. It was all a blur. While he would normally feel like a prisoner, something was taking over his thoughts. He wasn't quite sure what it was, but it was some secure feeling that he had missed for some time.

As Jean-Claude and Nick reentered the control room, Rick gave instructions to have Tad dressed in jeans and a t-shirt but no shoes or socks.

The two men left quickly.

"So you want Robert to fuck Tad?" Rick returned to their previous conversation.

Michael thought about it for a moment. He smiled then sneered a bit. "Yeah, I want him to plug Tad's ass good."

"Your wish is my command." Rick answered.

"But first, I'd better go take care of Robert before he explodes." Michael looked at the monitor where Robert was lying down.

"Care if I watch?" Rick asked.

"I'm counting on it." Michael opened the door and left.

Randy and Steve were enjoying their ride. Rick's ranch was huge. The midday sun was beaming down on their sweaty bodies so they chose to stop and water the horses at the pond about three miles out.

"Did you see that Jean-Claude back in the stables?" Steve whistled.

"Fuck, he has to be the hugest guy I've seen in awhile. He might even be bigger than Nick." Randy smiled.

"When did we get to be such horny ol' fucks?" Steve took off his shirt and sought the shade of the tree by the pond.

"I don't know who you're thinking of as `old' here, but you remember the old days. There was no pussy or young punk's ass we wouldn't tap if the reason was right." Randy remarked. "You remember that one Latino kid we did that night when we found him whoring himself to old guys in the alley?"

"Enrique?" Steve answered. "You know what he does now?"

"You mean other than guys?" Randy laughed.

"Shit man, he's like seriously doing well." Steve sniffed his pits noting that he needed a shower. "The guy is married, got five kids; manages a chain out in LA. He's on track to own one franchise in the next year or so."

"We're talking about cock-sucking, ass-licking Enrique?" Randy was surprised.

"Fuck yeah. He hires me on the side to do some background checks on the people he hires. He sells high-end electronics so he can't have employees walking out with merchandise so in trade for my services, I get to fuck his tight ass on a regular basis." Steve adjusted his cock. "Damn, I got to be getting back to LA soon so I can take a dip on him."

Randy couldn't believe his friend. "Well yeah, you seemed to like it last night when I took a ride on your hairy ass."

Steve looked at Randy. "Seemed like old times, didn't it bro? It's all good."

The breeze blew lightly over their bodies. Being out in the open, bare-chested, the men felt calm for the first time in a week.

"Damn, I wonder how Andy is doing?" It was the first time Randy allowed himself to think about Andy.

"Why don't you call him?" Steve handed Randy his cell.

Randy opened the cell but it could get a signal. "Damn, no signal. It's okay, I'll do it later."

"Hey bro, do you know when you talk about Andy, you get that stupid-ass grin on your face." Steve teased a bit, but knew he hit a nerve.

Randy tried to stop the inevitable smile but couldn't. "Shit, stop that!" Randy looked out on the pasture and heard the call of the meadowlarks.

"Yeah, I know I light up." Randy smiled even more. "It just scares me."

"What scares you man? That you'll get your heart broken again?" Steve moved closer to Randy. "Fuck, I have yet to find that perfect person. I'm okay if it doesn't happen for me. But baby, you need Andy."

Randy tried hard not to let a tear fall, but he failed. "Yeah, yeah, and Andy needs me."

"No, he doesn't need you. You did that shit once, remember? It only brought you heartache and pain. You can't save Andy." Steve could see he hit a nerve.

"You don't understand." Randy yelled.

"The fuck I don't." Steve got angry. "You can't control someone's life. You literally went broke and drove yourself mad drinking over that piece of shit who I won't even say his name. You're not in love because you want to save people; you're in love because something in Andy completes you."

"What in the fuck do you understand about love?" Randy stood up and started for the horses.

Steve got up, grabbed Randy's arm and faced him. "You and I have seen a lot of shit in our day. Remember, we were cops together? Men beating on their wives or girlfriends, people shot because of jealousy or cheating. Now we're private dicks and we expose people for the piece of shit they are. Don't tell me I don't know what love is."

Randy wanted to haul off and kick his buddy's ass. He shoved Steve backward but Steve was ready for it. Randy went to his horse and began checking his saddle.

"Go ahead," Steve screamed. "Go ahead and run off like the piece of chicken shit you are. If you love me like a brother then listen to what I have to say."

Randy stopped his check and turned around. "Okay, fuckhead, tell me what I need to hear."

Steve calmed down a bit and continued. "I see how you care for Andy. Hell, you do the same thing to Michael and Robert because you're a big man with a big heart. Andy would be lucky to have a man like you at his side. He doesn't need a papa bear trying to make him into some Son of Mars shit and he is not your latest project, he is a young man that needs to be loved and you need his love too. Does this make sense?"

Randy thought silently about his buddy's words. Steve was right. It didn't mean that he needed to stop supporting Andy, he had to learn how to let Andy love him back.

"Yeah, it does." Randy went back to checking the saddle.

Steve approached Randy from behind and tapped his shoulder. Randy turned to see Steve smiling.

"You are such a dumbfuck sometimes. Don't ruin this." Steve grabbed Randy and gave him a big ol' bear hug. The two men kissed.

"So how about we go find ourselves some French-named stud and have us some fun?" Steve went to his horse.

"There you go, always thinkin' with your dick!" Randy laughed as he mounted his horse.

"Hey it works for me." Steve mounted his ride and the two took off into the hot summer day.

Michael entered the room quietly to see Robert finally napping. Very silently he walked to the bed and reached over to Robert's naked torso and started to play with his nips. He pulled and twisted them in an effort to wake his lover.

Robert stirred but wasn't sure what was going on. When he turned and lazily opened his eyes, he smiled to see it was Michael.

"When did you come in?" Robert stretched.

"Oh just a few seconds ago," Michael smiled a bit. "Had a little trouble sleeping?"

Robert remembered why he had a hard time sleeping. He didn't want to cause drama but he knew better than to question his lover.

Michael was getting pretty good at reading Robert's expressions. He could tell something was troubling his boy. "What is it?"

"No," Robert looked away, "I'm not allowed to ask, Sir."

Michael grabbed the ring in Michael's collar and pulled him up. "Answer!"

Robert didn't know if Michael was playing or serious. "You chose Tad over fucking me?"

Michael reached for Robert's tit and turned it enough to get Robert's attention. It wasn't meant to hurt, just surprise Robert.

"You should know better than to ask that question, boy." Michael wasn't angry but he wasn't pleased either. "Strip."

Robert knew something was different here. Again, he didn't know if Michael was playing a game, doing some new role play, or both. Robert stood up and complete stripped down. He stood before Michael.

Michael walked around Robert. Yes, Michael though, he had one of the finest pieces of asses in his command. He loved Robert but was just a bit pissed that Robert would ever think that he would choose Tad over his boy.

Michael moved to the bench at the end of the bed. "Come here and bend over my lap."

Robert knew this wasn't an act; Michael was serious. Robert bent over Michael's leather-covered legs. Michael was sure to position Robert's stiffening cock between his legs. He was amazed that his boy was getting aroused at the thought of being spanked.

Without as much of a warning, Michael's hand came down on Robert's cheek. Robert wasn't ready for it so there wasn't a chance to firm up to help relieve the blow. Michael then smacked Robert's other ass cheek. Robert felt the sting of Michael's hand on his ass.

"Before I continue," Michael spoke. "Do you think I would allow myself to choose that piece of shit Tad Reynolds over you?"

Before Robert could speak, another whack came flying on Robert's ass. "No Sir, I am sorry."

WHACK! Another stinging blow was felt. "I'm sorry?" Michael was in the mood to punish but also to taunt a bit too. "Is that all I get?"

WHACK! "Sir, I'm sorry, I won't think that again." This time tears started to well up in Robert's eyes. Michael knew that he had made his point.

"Get up!" Robert stood up immediately. He didn't dare wipe the tears from his eyes.

"I want you to understand something." Michael stood up and went nose to nose with Robert. "Look at me."

Robert's eyes moved toward Michael's.

"You are mine and I am yours. I love you but I will not tolerate petty jealousy from you." Michael spoke clearly, enunciating each syllable. "It is a sign of weakness and you should know better than to think that I would put anyone else before you."

Robert felt ashamed. His eyes lowered.

"Look at me." Michael continued. "Do we understand each other?"

Robert looked up. His eyes full of tears he answered a very silent. "Yes...Sir."

Rick watched from the control room. He was amazed that Michael would take such extreme measures but approved of what he did. Rick did not know that Nick was waiting for him. Rick sensed his presence and asked, "So what do you think now?"

"He is good." Nick walked to his master. "And I see you need release, may I?"

Rick reached up to his sometime lover and said, "I would like that. Would you like to do it here, or in the playroom?"

Nick grabbed Rick's hand and they descended into the playroom. The same board that was used to train Tad, now was adjusted so Nick could lie back and let his head hang over the side while Rick opened his pants and inserted his cock into the soft waiting mouth.

Rick turned on the monitor in the playroom so he could keep tabs on both Tad and Michael.

"Yes," hissed Rick. "Your throat feels so hot. It's not going to take any time for me to blow this load."

Nick moaned in agreement.

Michael wasn't finished with Robert. "Find some lube and assume the position on the bed, facing the TV."

Robert was curious about what was going to happen next. He knew he was going to get fucked but wondered why he would be facing the TV.

Michael disrobed quickly. He wasn't going to waste his time having Robert suck him. He wanted to shove his dick hard and deep into his lover's red-cheeked ass. For Michael, he was about to express his dominance in a new way.

Robert quickly returned to the bed with his ass lubed up.

"I thought I told you to bring me the lube?" Michael demanded.

"Sir, I took care of it...OW!" Before Robert could finish, Michael had already entered.

"When I give an order, I expect it followed." Michael barked.

Whatever had taken over Michael, Robert loved Michael for it. He knew that there would be tender times, but now wasn't one of them. He was going to be ridden hard.

WHACK! Michael's hand came down on Robert's cherry-red ass. "Keep that hole tight!"

As Michael continued to thrust, he turned on the remote and tuned into the split screen mode of the playroom and Tad's room.

Michael leaned over, pushing Robert down. "See Tad? I have a job for you; do you think you can do it?"

Robert was now in full excitement. "Sir...anything."

"See how firm and tight Tad's ass is?" Michael whispered into Robert's ear. "You are going to fuck that for me."

It was as if Robert hit a brick wall and forgot his position. "Why would I want to do that?"

WHACK! "Disobedience boy, it's going to get you into trouble" Michael wickedly laughed.

Robert didn't like the sound of what was about to happen. "Sir, why?"

Robert prepared for another whack but instead felt Michael pull him up into a sitting position where Michael's dick planted itself deeply. That move made Robert gasp for air as the dick hit its intended target.

"You are going to fuck Tad Reynolds because I say you will. If you want to please me, then you'll do as you're told." Michael spoke again with enunciated syllables. "Do I make myself clear?"

Robert knew he wasn't going to win. "Yes, Sir, I will do as I am told."

"Very good Michael," Rick's voice was heard through the monitor.

"I knew you'd like to watch me bend his will." Michael sneered. "I see that you've got Nick busy right now?"

"Oh this?" Rick thrust his hips harder. "Nick insisted on doing it, especially after your little spanking exposition."

"Liked that, huh?" Michael moved Robert back to the doggie position and grabbed his hair to pull his head back. "It surprised me too."

"Shall we finish this so we can get onto other business?" Rick asked.

"I'm ready if you are." Michael knew it was time.

As if on cue, Rick and Michael thrust their hips into their men. Michael leaned over enough to talk to Robert.

"I'm about to cum in you long and hard. When I'm done, you will be allowed to cum then lick up your mess off of both you and me. Do you understand?"

Robert grunted a "sir" but didn't finish because Michael had begun his final destination.

At that same point, Rick grabbed Nick's tits through his shirt and started to unload his heavy balls into his lover's mouth. Nick knew Rick was overdue because this throat kept receiving shots of cum. Only towards the end was Rick gracious enough to pull out so that Nick could taste Rick's release.

Michael continued to pump his seed into his lover.

"Oh fuck! I am unloading my seed into you baby. Oh fuck your hole is so tight, I don't want to stop." Michael was thoroughly spent when he offered his last thrust.

Both Michael and Rick looked at each other through the screens in spent joy. Michael could see that Robert was tired but still horny. Robert's dick was drooling with precum and waiting for attention.

"Hey Rick," Michael asked, now wanting to have a little more fun.

"Yeah? What do you need?" Rick wiped the sweat off his face.

"Do you have someone that would come service my boy here?" Michael didn't even believe the words as they came out of his mouth.

"Nick, go." Nick was off the table and to Michael's room in 30 seconds. Not even winded by his previous encounter or by the run, he knocked on the door.

"Sir, I want to perform for only you." Robert pleaded with his eyes.

"You are. Come in Nick." Michael pushed himself off the bed and found a chair to position right in front of the bed.

"Sir, you needed me?" Nick smiled.

"Yes, lie on the bed. I want to see Robert cum all over your body and face." Michael's dick jumped again. Maybe he wasn't as old as he thought.

"Wouldn't you like to join us, Sir?" Nick asked.

"No, I like to watch. Right, Rick?" Michael knew Rick was still watching.

"Yes, very much so." Rick laughed as he found his way back to the control room.

Robert straddled Nick's face and shoved his cock deep into the waiting cavity.

Michael thought to himself, "It won't be long."

Next: Chapter 21

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