
By moc.oohay@66sseccus

Published on Jul 27, 2008


Hey folks, I got a note the other day asking if I was going to ever finish this series up and I realized that it was time to return to it and try to complete it. It has been almost two years since I last touched this series. Please keep your e-mails positive and if you don't like the series, then just skip over it.

Please be advised if you aren't supposed to be reading this stuff where you live or if you're too young, then don't. It's really that simple. This is a work of fiction; all the characters are inspired but not based on any real person living or dead.


The group watched as Tad struggled against his bindings. No matter how hard he tried, he was stuck to the apparatus and nothing, short of someone coming to remove the straps, would allow him the freedom to move. It seemed if he moved or struggled, the pressure to his backside and his dick increased; so he gave up.

Michael watched Rick's expression. He saw Rick's eyes open with lustful fascination but also a hint of pleasure in what the machine was doing to Tad. He took notice with how slowly Rick adjusted the controls to cause Tad to give up his struggle. While Michael knew that Tad would break under the pressure that Rick was applying, it made him uncomfortable.

Robert sensed Michael's uneasiness. Unfortunately, he was not allowed to ease his lover's concern without being told to do so. Robert knew that Michael didn't understand what was going on here. He hoped it wasn't a mistake bringing Michael out to the ranch this soon.

"Gentleman," Rick broke the silence, "would you be so kind to follow Nick into the billiard room for a night cap while Michael and I have a short conversation?"

Nick was at the back of the room nearest the door and opened it without as much as a word. The men followed the blond-haired man as the door closed. It was time for Rick to start Michael's training.

Nick didn't look at Michael as he spoke.

"It unnerves you, doesn't it?"

Michael didn't know what to say. He was nervous.

"Speak, I want to know. " Rick repeated, "It unnerves you, doesn't it?"

"Yes it does," Michael's head bowed in shame.

Again, without as much as a turn of his head, Rick continued.

"Why do you feel ashamed? Don't you think Mr. Reynolds deserves this treatment?"

Michael hesitated then said, "I'm not sure. This is all so new to me. I mean, I was a `straight' man just a few weeks ago and now this?"

Rick chuckled silently.

"Why are you laughing?" Michael was curious.

"Because I know about you, or your type; your ex-wife was a bitch. She kept you controlled, even in the bedroom, didn't she?"

Michael didn't speak.

"She emasculated you. She made you less of a man than what you should be." Rick turned and looked directly into Michael's eyes. "But at work, you weren't intimidated. You knew your position and your rank. You were assertive, commanding, and direct. It was when you returned home, you became a lesser man. Am I right?"

Michael didn't know what to say.

"ANSWER ME!" Rick demanded.

Michael's answer was barely audible. "Yes."

Rick moved towards Michael. He did not touch Michael at first but Michael could feel the masculinity, the raw power that this man had. Rick was as close to Michael that a person could be without touching, and then Rick grabbed Michael's arms and leaned in to whisper into Michael's ear.

"You are going to reclaim your manhood this weekend. This isn't about sex and it definitely isn't about being gay. It's about being the man that you should have always been. You are going to learn about using your sexuality to be the man you know you should be. When you fuck Robert, you are going to experience a new sensation. You will be in control. When you fuck Tad, you will be in control. When I fuck you, you will know control. "

Rick released Michael but Michael stood dazed and awestruck. When he was touching Rick, he was receiving Rick's power, his essence, but now that he was released, he felt buzzed and dazed.

Rick chuckled quietly again and thought to himself, "Yes, this one is going to be great."

"Now," Rick pressed a button, "You must be attired for the weekend. Nick will be in shortly to take you to the fitting room. He will properly fit you for the weekend and you may have these items as a gift from me to you."

Michael shook himself enough to ask, "Why are you doing this for me, I mean, you don't know me."

Rick looked into Michael's eyes, "Like I said, I know your kind. You need someone like me to teach you. This weekend will only be the beginning, but I plan to teach you much. Besides, I liked you from the moment I met you in your office building. You may not know it now, but we're going to be friends, and I don't allow many into my circle."

The door opened and Nick entered.

"Take Mr. McManus to the fitting room. See that he's fitted with leather pants, white t-shirt, boots, socks, and a jock. Do not take more than 30 minutes Nick, if you know what's good for you."

Nick bowed his head a little and Michael was taken off to the fitting room. The door closed.

Rick turned towards his new would-be slave. "As for you Mr. Reynolds, let's just turn up the juice a little and see how long before your pleasure turns to pain. Nick walked about five steps in front of Michael and turned down a series of hallways. Michael thought to himself that this house was huge. Before he had a chance to orientate himself to where he might be, Nick proceeded to open a door and flipped on a light switch.

The room itself was huge. It had a series of large dark colored closets and drawers. Nick quickly took out his measuring tape and measured Michael for his attire. Without as much as a word, Nick quickly went around the room finding all the required attire.

"What size boot do you wear, sir?" Nick moved towards the closet doors where the boots were stored. Michael was amazed how brightly polished each of the boots were. "Sir, I need to know your size, please."

Michael snapped out of his trance, "I wear an 11, but cut out the `sir' crap, okay? You're about my age, aren't you?"

Nick stopped and faced Michael. He knew he shouldn't speak to Michael because Rick could be monitoring the room but he chose to be gracious and explain to Michael how things ran.

"Sir, I was disobedient earlier and even though I am the master's partner in training, I am still his submissive. It is out of respect for my master's wishes that I must address you as `sir'. I will suffer great punishment if I show disrespect in any form." Nick turned back to the closet, found the correct boots, and handed them to Michael.

Once Nick closed the closet doors, he turned and asked one final question. "While I am to be at my master's call, I can assist you in disrobing and helping you dress, if you like, sir."

Michael looked at this silver-haired god and almost laughed but thought better of it. "Uh Nick, it's okay, I am a big boy and can get dressed by myself. But just where am I to dress?"

Nick smirked a bit; he kind of wanted to see Michael naked. Nick wanted to tease him a bit but knew better for it. He turned and found the dressing stool and pulled it out.

"When you are finished dressing, you may place your clothes on the stool and I will collect them and bring them to your room later, sir. Is there anything else you need?" Nick waited for an answer.

"No, I think I can handle this. How do I get back to the billiard room?" Michael had already started to undress.

Nick watched in anticipation as Michael slipped out of his jeans but snapped out of it and said, "I will be outside the door. If you should need me, just push this button here on the wall and I will come in. When you are completed, simply come out and I will lead you back to the group, sir."

While Michael continued stripping, Nick slowly left the room. Just as Michael was removing his jockeys, Nick thought about how nice Michael's ass looked. Michael found that everything fit perfectly. The jock wasn't too tight, and the clothes weren't too loose. Once he had his boots on, he went to fold his clothes but then thought, "What the hell, I'll let Nick do it" and found Nick posted right outside the door.

Nick led Michael back to the billiard room where the group started to whistle and howl over Michael's improved looks.

"Fuck man," Randy stood up to give Michael a big bear hug, "if you were more of a bottom, I'd have you over this table right now and making you hot for my dick."

Michael blushed but instead of being bashful about his looks, he surprised himself by saying, "You think I'm gonna be your bitch? Who's to say that I wouldn't drag my dick in your ass just to show you who the real man is?"

Randy was taken aback by the comment but beamed. He knew before this weekend was out, Michael was going to be changed. He leaned over and whispered, "If you learn all that you need to this weekend, you might find I may do that for you."

Michael blushed but remained silent.

Michael's new attire wasn't lost on Robert's eyes. Again, Robert knew his status but it didn't stop his dick from growing very quickly and painfully in his leather pants. He wanted to adjust himself but knew that he couldn't without permission. Again, it was his place to be submissive in all things, even his sexual arousal.

Rick entered the room. Looking at and circling Michael, Rick smiled, "Very good Nick, I am pleased." Nick knew he had found favor in his master's eyes for both the fit and his efficiency.

Nick had poured some dark amber spirits into glasses for Randy, Steve, Rick, and Michael and passed them around.

Rick raised his glass, "Gentleman, welcome to my home and my passion. May you each learn something new about yourselves this weekend and go home to be stronger, more assertive men." The glasses were touched against each other, and the dark amber liquid was quickly consumed by all. While only Rick and Nick knew the contents, the other men were surprised about how smooth and warming the liquid felt as it made its way down their throats.

"It is rather late and I know it has been a long day for some so Nick will show you to your rooms." Rick turned to Nick. "When you have completed your tasks, you are to come directly to my room."

"Yes, sir," Nick said with a brief nod.

Nick showed each of the men to their rooms on the second level. Michael was trying to get a feel for the immense amount of room Rick had at this ranch but couldn't get his head around it. Something in that drink was playing with his mind. It wasn't a drunk-sort of feeling, but almost as if he was feeling aggressively horny.

Nick first showed Randy and Steve to their rooms. They joked that they wouldn't be messing around but like Michael, a feeling of immense sexual arousal overcame them. Almost the moment the door closed them off from the hallway, they were ripping off clothes and fighting to see who would be doing whom first.

It was a few doors down that Nick stopped once again and opened the door. Michael walked in first with Robert in tow. Nick said nothing as he closed the door. What the two men saw literally made their mouths drop to the floor.

Michael wanted to kiss Robert but resisted the urge; he wanted to explore the immense room. It was decorated in a very masculine manner with leather furniture, king sized bed, bearskin throws and a full wet bar. Leading from the room was an enormous bathroom that had an enclosed steam shower with shower heads coming from all directions, a mammoth spa bathtub, and a full array of lubes and condoms placed on top of a granite countertop with sinks flanking each side. The floor was tiled where the bedroom was covered in the softest carpet known to mankind.

Both men stood amazed and awestruck. It was their return to the bedroom portion that they saw a remote at the head of the bed and a note attached to it.

"Michael, this is my very special guest room. I have only allowed four other men in this room in the entire time I've lived here. This remote will give you access to the outside world but if you locate and press the brown button, you will be allowed to see everything I see, including your own room. You can watch Mr. Reynolds, tune into Randy and Steve's room, and yes, even see what I might be doing to Nick even as you read this."

You may not understand it now, but Robert is not allowed to speak unless you allow him to. He must obey all your commands, desires, and wishes. He may not, at anytime, fuck you. This weekend is about finding your power and your strength. Robert understands this and is not to be questioned about it. The only one that will be allowed to fuck you will be me, and be prepared, because I will be fucking you at some point of this weekend."

"As my guest, please enjoy the room. Your formal training will begin soon."

Michael turned to Robert. "So you're not allowed to fuck me?"

Robert already knew that he couldn't answer. He did not speak because he wasn't given permission to do so.

"Oh yeah," Michael snorted waving his hand in a dismissive manner, "you may freely speak."

"Sir, you cannot ask me that. I am required to follow master's lead. I am your lover, your friend, and your submissive, I live only to please you this weekend." Robert wanted to embrace Michael but knew better.

Michael sighed loudly. He didn't understand this. It seemed as if it were all a game. "'Sir?' You now have to call me sir? What kind of fucking mind game is this?"

Robert wanted to touch his lover. He wanted to make love to him. His dick strained against the leather pants, he wanted to be fucked hard and long by Michael, but again, it was about power. If Michael truly knew the power that he held over Robert, it might drive Michael to think Robert was obsessed or insane.

"Sir, Master Rick is good at what he does. I saw it firsthand the other night when we were here. I think you will understand more as the weekend goes along."

Once again, Michael sighed heavily. While he was trying to process this, he realized that without so much as a sexual thought in his head, he felt a tightening in the crotch of his pants. He looked at Robert and realized that he had a man that was ready to obey his every wish.

"Strip." Michael said forcefully. He surprised himself.

Robert carefully took off his shirt and his leather pants. Before he could touch his jockstrap, Michael stopped him.

Michael closed the distance between them and grabbed the back of Robert's neck and slowly forced him down to his knees. Something primal, something dominant suddenly took over. He felt as if an inner caveman came alive in him.

As Michael stepped closer to Robert's face, he uttered one word.


Robert didn't have to be told again. Through the leather pants, Robert went to work licking the leather, inhaling deep breaths as he did so, taking in the fresh leather smell of his lover's pants. He opened his mouth and started chewing through the leather at the lump of meat that stretched the skin. Robert didn't have to look at Michael, because he knew the hand on the back of his head forcing him tighter to the enclosed cock was pleasing to his lover, now his master.

Michael still had the remote in his hand. He hit the brown button and a menu came up. A split screen of the playroom, Steve and Randy's room, and yes, Rick's room came up. He selected Rick's room and was surprised at what he saw.

As if in a mirror, Nick was doing the same exact thing to Rick, but it was different because instead of Rick looking down at his slave, Rick was staring right at the camera at Michael. Michael was drawn to Rick's face because of its strength and ruggedness. It was not out of some lust for Rick, but as if Michael was feeding off of Rick's energy again.

Michael had enough of Robert's work. "Strip me down, now."

Michael released Robert and Robert stood. Michael wanted to rape Robert's mouth with his tongue but something inside prevented him from doing it. It felt as if by doing so, he was not in control of his own emotions, because kissing became an emotional thing for Michael.

Robert stood up and pulled Michael's shirt off. He folded the shirt and placed it on the dresser. Robert came back and started to unbutton the pants. Robert let a smile escape and Michael saw it.

"What are you smiling at? You like leather pants on me? You think I should come to work like this?" Michael was teasing now.

"Sir, yes, but I don't think any work would get done." Robert continued to fumble with the buttons more out of frustration than being playful. "Sir, do you want me to remove your boots?"

Michael didn't realize that it might be a struggle so he moved to sit down on the bench at the end of the bed. "You may remove my boots."

Robert appreciated that his lover wasn't unduly cruel or vicious. He had his fill of those types. It was while he was removing Michael's boots and carefully placing them under the bench that he remembered one guy that purposely made him struggle to pull leather pants over the boots. The man was verbally abusive in a way that was neither a turn on or sexy.

Once out of his leather pants, Michael stood and moved around to the bed. He purposely left the jock strap on so to tease Robert. He could tell the work he was doing in the gym was benefiting his body. He also noticed that his dick seemed a bit larger, but thought it was just his imagination.

As Michael positioned himself on the bed, remote still in hand, he saw Rick now bent over Nick fucking him. He didn't notice it before but on the remote there was a green button that he pressed. Suddenly the room was filled with sounds.

"When are you going to learn not to question my authority?" It was unmistakably Rick. Nick remained silent while Rick continued to mercilessly pound at Nick's ass.

"When I'm done with you, you will lick me clean and sleep at the end of the bed. Do you understand?" Rick hardly sounded winded as he continued to nail his slave's ass.

Nick managed a weak, "Yes Sir" as Michael watched Rick start to increase the intensity of his thrusts. Robert was now standing at the side of the bed watching too. What happened next startled them both.

"I know you're still watching Michael. I sense it." Rick didn't miss a beat as he got close to his climax. "Be prepared to start your training early in the morning."

Rick pulled out of Nick, continued jacking, as he flipped Nick over. He moved to Nick's face and shoved his cock into Nick's mouth. Rick erupted with animalistic grunts and growls as he unloaded his balls into Nick's waiting mouth.

The screen went black.

"What the fuck was that?" Michael had no other words but whatever trance he was in watching Rick, he came out of and immediately grabbed Robert pulling him into bed. Robert fell on top of Michael and almost forgot himself and kissed Michael but felt the light sting of Michael's hand.

"You will suck me dry. You will not taste my cock but you must make me cum through my jockstrap. You may not use your hands."

Robert liked this incarnation of his lover; he was turned on. He moved swiftly and efficiently to taste the fabric of the new jock. He did everything in his power to please his master. Yes, he knew this man was his lover, but now he was his master. He would now submit to whatever Michael wanted.

Robert licked and slobbered over the fabric, painfully and longingly wanting to taste the flesh of his master. No matter how he tried, he was unable to get that taste to come through the fabric.

Michael watched this boy as he worked. He knew that he would release the cock from its bonds eventually because as much as this scene turned him on, it wasn't enough. He wanted to feel the hot wet cavity of Robert's mouth as he came. He actually enjoyed making Robert work for the prize.

Michael said nothing as he pushed Robert away. Michael stood up and began to strip himself of the jock he was wearing. He went to find his new boots and put them back on his socked feet.


Robert knew what he had to do. He got off the bed and kneeled on his hands and feet before his new god of a man. He began to lick the tops of the boot. He started on the left boot and then went to the right. Michael raised his foot and smashed the sole into Robert's waiting face. Robert licked each of the new grooves of each boot. Michael took notice that Robert was hard, harder than he's ever seen his boy been before. He admired Robert's strength and fortitude.

Michael said the word again.


Robert didn't hesitate. The moment Robert made contact Michael's right hand was firmly behind Robert's head thrusting his dick deep in Robert's mouth. Robert wasn't prepared and gagged a bit but quickly adjusted.

Just as Rick nailed Nick's ass, Robert's face took the full brunt of Michael's thrusts. Michael knew it wouldn't be long before he came. He was enjoying the ride. His felt loose and free but again that feeling welled up in him; something primal was ripping his insides apart.

"Holy fuck!" Michael screamed. Michael released his load into his lover's, no, his slave's mouth. He had intense orgasms with Robert before but something kept him trusting and cumming. It wasn't just a minute or two but it was a full five minutes before Michael stopped.

Robert was amazed and turned on; wanting to release his own load. He knew he had to wait for permission. Michael had never been as forceful or came as long as he had just now. Robert wondered if the drink he was not privy to was the cause of this new found energy.

Just as Michael felt power, he now felt sleepy. He wanted to crawl into bed, but he also saw that Robert was in need of release too. Before he could react a very deep, wicked laugh echoed through the room.

"Very good Michael, very good, indeed," there stood Rick at the doorway with Nick in tow. "I see that my instincts were right. You will learn much."

Michael, like Adam in the Garden of Eden after eating the fruit, felt very naked and very embarrassed. He started to turn when Rick raised his hand.

"Stop! We're all men here. You have nothing to be bashful about here." Rick walked over and inspected the two men as they hadn't moved from their position since finishing their encounter.

"Nick, take Robert and help him relieve his `problem' before we do this nice young piece of stud some harm."

Nick came over to Robert and helped him stand. Robert was a bit sore from being on his knees awhile but slowly started to move towards the door. Michael as in a daze but came to when he realized what was happening.

"Wait a minute, I want him here." Michael protested to Rick.

Rick smiled. "He will return, but we have some training to attend to right now. Nick won't hurt him, too much." Robert looked back at Michael's concerned face.

Before Michael could move two steps the door had closed and Rick grabbed Michael and forcefully kissed him. Instantly Michael was taken in by Rick's kiss. Michael felt almost powerless to do anything to force himself away from Rick's grasp. Rick started to twist and pull at Michael's nips ensuring that Michael would be aroused in just a few seconds. Rick moved his right hand down to Michael's exposed crotch and felt a cock that was barely limp from its previous encounter and ready for action again.

Rick pulled away from both Michael's lips and his cock and smiled.

"Yes, Mr. McManus, you are a strong man. You just need to discover that strength." Rick took off his heavy burgundy robe and placed it on the bench at the end of the bed. "Come with me to bed."

Michael was not dazed this time. He started to get angry. He wondered about that final drink. This wasn't how he worked.

"You've got to be kidding. I'm not going into that bed with you."

Rick turned. "Oh you will, not because I've asked you to, but because in about another 30 seconds your body will betray you and your animal instincts will push you to want to fuck."

"What was in that drink? Is that why this is happening?"

Rick pulled back the sheets and propped up a pillow. Despite his concerns, Michael recognized that Rick was a gorgeous man, his blonde hair, blue eyes, and stone-hard body couldn't be dismissed.

"You want answers?" Rick continued. "Tell me what you know about the Roman god Mars?"

"What does Mythology have to do with this?" Michael crossed his arms and refused to move.

"It has quite a lot to do with it. It is the reason I have what I have." Rick rebutted.

"You worship Mars?" questioned Michael.

"No, not worship, just understand him. You see, Mars was the Roman god of War but he was also a god of fertility. Now obviously I am not interested in having children, but there was another side to that fertility that many have forgotten." Rick continued to wait for Michael to relent.

"So again," Michael questioned, "what does that have to do with me?"

Rick smirked. "It's not about you Michael, It's about masculinity. There is a secret society of men that have passed down the secrets of true masculinity over the centuries. In that drink you consumed, you drank the essence of a flower that once grew in each of Mars temples. When the old ways passed, this society was formed that would pass down these secrets and keep this flower alive. The berries from this flower have a secret juice that revives men's true masculinity..."

"Like Viagra?" Michael was growing tired of standing.

"No, not a drug it's so much more. The point here is for you to rediscover something in yourself that you've allowed someone to take away from you, namely, your ex-wife." Rick could see that Michael was getting tired of standing. "Now come sit on the bed and I'll explain. I promise I won't do anything until I've answered your questions."

Michael was still confused but felt he could trust Rick.

"Let me ask you," Rick turned to look at Michael. "How did it feel to dump that load down your boy's throat?"

Michael blushed a bit but answered. "It was great, it was like nothing like I've ever felt before."

"That kiss I gave you, did you feel the energy?" Rick continued.

"Yes, it's weird, it's as if whenever I'm near you, like earlier in the playroom when you whispered in my ear, there was this sensation I got." Michael's dick was starting to plump as he talked.

"That's not just that drink. That's the rediscovery of your masculinity. The drink helps you feel that potential." Rick found the remote and pushed the brown button. He quickly selected Randy and Steve's room.

These two big ex-cop guys were still humping, but it was different. It was as if one was fighting for dominance over the other. Michael's cock started to leak at the sight of the scene.

"You see, they know their masculinity. Steve may have discovered it from other sources but Randy wasn't much different than you at one time. Men think cockiness, dominance, bravado, big muscles and huge dicks are what masculinity is about. It isn't." Rick watched Michael's face as the scene played out. "Randy wasn't much different than you at one time, he knows what you're about to learn."

"Like me?" Michael snorted. "Randy was like me?"

Rick knew he hit a nerve. "Yes, Randy was just like you, and when he was over here the other night, he knew you needed what I had too."

Michael grew silent. Rick knew he had Michael. Reaching over, Rick started to stroke Michael's dick. Just like the few before, Rick knew that he had only a short window to enact his plan.

Michael felt the power of Rick's hand. It seemed that it was intensified by simply having Rick's hand on his dick. Rick moved over and started to kiss Michael. Michael returned the kisses. This wasn't forced like earlier, it was welcomed.

Michael's body seemed to be dwarfed by Rick's body. Rick positioned his body between Michael's legs. As their kiss intensified, so did the pressure of Rick's hand on Michael's cock. Rick rarely got to suck a man's cock. He liked to do it but because of his position and training, he had only previously done it four times since living at the ranch.

Rick broke the kiss and then started to explore Michael's body. He spent considerable time licking at Michael's pits. Michael's scent was clean but manly. He smelled the hint of sweaty body odor, which was a turn on for Rick. After completely licking both pits, he went to Michael's nips. Pulling and chewing, he could tell Michael needed some good tit work but didn't want to painfully over sensitize them. Rick dove deep and fast on Michael's cock.

Michael jumped. All at once his body's pleasure centralized on Rick's attention to his dick. Rick didn't make small strokes, he made long deep dives pushing Michael closer to release. It was on the fifth or sixth dive that Michael's balls released again, this time into Rick's mouth.

As Michael released, Rick reserved the last bit in his mouth. Once satisfied that Michael was finished, he moved Michael so that the bud of Michael's ass was exposed. He released the extra cum into the area and began licking quickly to lube and open Michael's ass.

Michael was not prepared for this move. He went from one pleasure to another. What surprised him more that Rick was doing this act left for someone like Robert. This isn't something he ever thought Rick would do.

As Rick finished and raised himself up, his dick dragged and slowly entered Michael's waiting bud. He wasn't going to ask for Michael's permission, he was going to take Michael tonight.

"Oh holy fuck, what are you doing?" Michael screamed more in surprise than in pain.

"I'm finishing your first night of training." Rick pushed deep and looked into Michael's eyes. "That drink has another effect that you're going to learn about very quickly. When I cum in you tonight you will absorb my essence. You will feel my strength in your veins; you will become one of the sons of Mars."

Michael couldn't have prepared himself for what was about to happen. The strength of Rick's thrusts were indeed powerful yet there was no pain. He felt Rick's energy coursing in, on and around him. Each time Rick would fuck him a little bit harder but Michael's pleasure would continue to grow. The sweat from Rick's body now dripped onto Michael's body and they began to grunt and groan. Michael's fingers dug deep into Rick's back.

"Yes," hissed Michael. "I want you to cum in me. Make me stronger, make me a man."

Rick smiled because that's all it would take for him to cum deep and coat Michael's insides with his juice. Both of the men were clawing and fighting for that precious cargo to be shot. When Michael finally wrapped his legs around Rick's back, Rick exploded that filled the room and the hallway with sounds of intense sexual release. Like earlier, even though Rick had cum deep into Michael, they wanted the sensation to continue for several minutes until Rick finally had to stop.

Michael was stunned at the remarkable session of sex but he didn't want to stop. When he unwrapped his legs from Rick's torso, Rick moved so as to keep his dick planted in Michael's hole. The two lay so Michael could be spooned by Rick's enormous body.

When they woke up in the morning, it wasn't to sunlight and birds singing. It was to Rick slowly thrusting his dick into Michael's hole.

Next: Chapter 20

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