
By Andrew Thayer

Published on Aug 7, 2003


DISCLAIMER: This story is completely fictional, only a product of my imagination. I never realized how much work goes into these stories, so please don't publish this elsewhere and claim it as your own. I hope y'all like it.

Thanks for all of the great comments from the previous stories. I hope this meets your expectations.

Jordan and I slept well into the next day, not bothering to get up for breakfast and barely making lunch in the cafeteria. We discussed our plans for the day. I informed him that I had my weekly basketball game in the gym - some of my friends and I have an IM team put together and compete in the campus league each week. I told him also that I needed to practice my viola this afternoon, as it had been nearly 48 hours since I picked it up. He told me that Matty had a performance this afternoon, a dress rehearsal for the upcoming play, which was scheduled to open this week. He wanted to go if he had time. I invited him to play basketball with us, but he declined. He didn't really know how to play and didn't want to embarrass himself. So, we made plans to contact each other in the afternoon, after my game. I gave him my cell number and programmed his in my phone, and then we departed from the cafeteria with a quick peck on the cheek and a goodbye.

I trekked my way back to the flat and got changed into my workout clothes. I grabbed a bag and put my equipment inside and headed for the gym. Joshua was there warming up, and he perked up when I entered the arena. We stretched together and did a few laps around the court, getting loose for our game. He bombarded me with questions about Jordan, and I patiently explained everything to him that had happened to this point.

"I don't know how to handle this, buddy," Joshua said.

"What do you mean, buddy?" I replied, not sure where that buddy came from.

"Well, I mean, this is your first serious relationship since we went out. I am used to having the monopoly on your time, and now I gotta learn how to share."

"Aw, look at that sad look on your face. There is plenty of me to go around. Anyway, you can't give me everything I need."

"Micah, I can give you all that you need with plenty more left over!"

"Yeah, I know you can give me that, but I'm talking about reciprocity. You just weren't able to give back to me everything I gave to you when we were together. Look, we've been through this a thousand times. Let's play some ball."

"Yeah, I know. I just love to get you worked up and listen to you preach about it."


So, we played our game. It went really well. I was still agitated about our conversation and took it out on the court. Joshua has always been able to play me like a Stradivarius. We won, which meant we were advancing into the playoffs for the winter tournament. Our team was pretty happy, and we got cleaned up and headed to the bar for a few celebratory drinks. I called Jordan from the bar, and he reminded me about the dress rehearsal for Matty's play. We made plans to get together for dinner, but I had to go practice for a couple of hours. I told Jordan I'd be in rehearsal at the Performing Arts Center and that I'd meet him at the cafeteria for dinner.

I left my buddies at the bar and headed across campus to the center. I retrieved my viola and case from a locker there, and went into one of the sound-proof rehearsal rooms for practice. The rehearsal rooms were all arranged in rows down three halls in the back of the building. It allowed all of the different players to practice in silence as loudly as they wanted. Each room had a piano, a couch and table and a couple of chairs and music stands. I never understood why there was a couch in the practice rooms, but there were many times that I used it to rest in between performances or to relax and get my mind back on track to play.

When I got to the building, I had the hardest time finding a room. It was packed! Everyone had the same idea. There was really an incredible sound coming down the hallway. All of the muffled sounds from inside the rooms rolled down the way, mixing with each other and producing a sweet, pillow of sound. The rooms were sound proof from inside, so you couldn't hear the guy next door, but the noise did make its way out the doors and into the hallway. I finally found a room and got settled into my mood. I tuned the viola against the piano, which was meticulously maintained by the college.

I started with scales. They aren't particularly interesting or stimulating, but they are a great way to warm up your fingers and tune your playing to get it to sound right. I started playing some Bach Sonatas and a piece by Dvorak. I also had some pieces a little lighter - some Broadway music arranged for viola and some movie tunes. I like to use those to break up the practice a little bit. I was playing the theme from "Beauty and the Beast" when there was a knock at the door.

"Um, Yeah?"

"Micah? The door opened slightly and Jordan looked in the door. "Oh, Thank God it is you. Can't you label these rooms or something? This is the seventh room I've knocked on to find you."

"Oops. Sorry `bout that. It was really busy when I got here, and it took me forever to find this one. What are you doing here?"

"Well, I thought I'd try to find you here to go to dinner, instead of just meeting you in the caf‚. You ready to go?"

"Geez, is it already that time? I had no idea; time just got away from me. Let me get my things together."

As I was gathering my stuff and shoving my music in its folder, Jordan came up to me from behind and wrapped his cold hands around my face, shocking the hell out of me. The tender play of his fingers across my cheeks and down my neck was very stimulating, and I stood where I was, not wanting to interrupt him. He grabbed my shoulders and spun me around, staring deeply into my eyes. He leaned in and kissed me lightly on the lips, lingering in front of my face for a few seconds. His eyes were closed and he was grinning. I pulled him into me and kissed him deeply again, pushing my tongue into his mouth and feeling his tongue opposing mine. He pushed against me lightly, and I fell backward onto the couch.

He came crashing down onto me and momentarily pushed the air out of my lungs. I gasped and started coughing, struggling under his weight as he lay on top of me. He jumped up and kneeled down next to me, making sure I was alright. I was fine, but it was neat to see the concern on his face as he looked at me. I turned my face and started kissing him again, pulling him up on top of me. I brought my knees up and put him between them, on top of me. We kissed for a long time, running our hands over our bodies and lightly writhing against each other.

We were on the couch for quite a while, kissing and rubbing each other, both getting very heated and hungry for more. I glanced at the clock on the wall while Jordan was munching on my neck and realized what time it was. If we were going to get to the dress rehearsal for Matty's play, we had to get going. I pulled Jordan off of me and pointed at the clock on the wall, and he jumped up and started getting put back together quickly. I stuffed my instrument and stuff into the lockers and we ran over to the theatre. We got there just in time for the lights to dim in the theatre. The director came out on stage and explained that this was a dress rehearsal for the play that opened next week. He thanked us for coming and wished us enjoyment during the show.

The play was one written by a local playwright, a recent graduate of the school. This was the first production of the play, but the cast was hoping to take it to the regional theatre festival this spring. Matty had the starring role in the production, the owner of a small, Northeastern bed and breakfast where the majority of the play took place. To be honest, it was not the most stimulating story ever written. It was interesting, and Jordan and I watched intently through the first act, but at the intermission, we were both debating on whether we should stay for the duration or take off and get a bite to eat. Jordan wanted to go, but felt guilty about leaving, because Matty had mentioned how excited he was that we were coming to the rehearsal. We went back in and took our seats as the second act was beginning. I noticed that a few of the people that had been there during the first act were no longer there, leaving only a few people left in audience. We were sitting in the middle of the theatre, but there was no one around us, only a few up toward the front and two people sitting alone in the very last row.

I reached over and grabbed Jordan's hand, and squeezed it tightly. He rested our hands on his thigh, and we sat like that for a while. I then started to lightly rub his thigh with my hand, and he let me go to explore his leg further. I worked my hand up his leg to his hip, and snaked it across his crotch, feeling his excitement underneath his pants. This encouraged me further, and I started to rub his erection through the fabric protecting him from my advances. I started to get excited myself, and had to reach over and readjust myself, bringing it up to point north, in a more comfortable position. Jordan was starting to breath heavily, and pushed up into my hand, increasing the pressure of my touch. I leaned over to him and breathed into his ear, turning him on even further. I whispered in his ear, "Meet me up in the balcony", and quickly got up and grabbed my coat.

I ran up into the balcony and was relieved to find no one up there. I sat towards the back and waited for Jordan to arrive, which he did only moments after I got there.

"I didn't want to leave at the same time, so I waited a few seconds before practically running up the aisle toward the theatre door", he said.

"Glad you made it. Come here."

He came over to me and sat on my lap, with his back toward the stage. We started kissing heavily and grinding into each other, feeling each others cocks through our pants. Jordan reached down and slipped my zipper open, freeing my hard dick from the confines of his prison. I pushed my hips up, and he stood up and pulled my pants down to my ankles. I did not put on any underwear after the game, and when Jordan realized this, he got even more turned on. He lunged at my dick, grabbing it with his hand and taking it all the way down his throat in one push. I love it when he does that. He is one of the only people that can control his throat that well. No gag or anything! His tongue was lapping at the shaft, while my dickhead was lodged in his throat. I was thrusting up into his mouth while he was massaging the whole length of it with his tongue. When the head was just in his mouth, his tongue would attack my sensitive slit, driving me over the edge quickly.

I started moaning and quickly realized I had better shut up or we would attract more attention than the play. Jordan stood up and dropped his pants, stepping out of them and leaving them in a pile at my feet. He climbed up on my lap, with his feet on the arms of the seat. His ass was spread wide, and hovered just above my erect dick. He spit into his palm and spread it over his hole, working a finger into his entrance to loosen it up. I watched intently as he worked himself into a frenzy, right above my lap. He placed his hands on the back of the seat, over my shoulders, and started to lower himself onto me. He grabbed my cock and pointed it up, making contact with his hot hole. He slowly started to lower himself down, piercing his tight entrance with the head of my cock. The heat from his body stimulated the head of my cock, heightening the sensations I was feeling already. He continued to lower himself onto me, until I could feel his balls resting in my pubic hair. I couldn't believe that he had taken me all the way down, straddling me like that. It didn't look that comfortable to me, because his knees were drawn up tight to his chest and his feet were spread wide, on the arms of the chair.

He rose up and lowered again, massaging the insides of his hot canal with my cock. He started leaking precum from the end of his cock, which was dripping down onto my abdomen. I grabbed him and started to jack him lightly. I looked up into his eyes, which were closed tightly. He had a slight grimace on his face, emphasizing the discomfort he was feeling while straddling me like he was. I wrapped my arms around his back and stood up, holding him to my chest while I spun around and put him into the chair, all the while staying lodged in his ass. This was much more comfortable to him, and it allowed me to fuck him with more intensity. I wanted to drive into him as hard as I could muster, and he responded by wrapping his legs around my back and pulling me into him with more fervor.

His dick was leaking puddles of precum onto his belly, lubricating the head while our abdomens rubbed together. He was arching up into me while I drove into him as hard as I could. My balls were slapping his ass with each thrust, making a slight slurpy sound each time they made contact and pulled away. He was biting my shoulder as I was thrusting into him, gagging his mouth to avoid making too much noise. His biting was becoming more urgent, which turned me on even more, bringing me to the edge with each thrust into his hot body.

All too soon, his breathing quickened even more and his body went rigid underneath me, followed by the splashing feeling of his come between our bodies. The spasms rocking his body were sent to every muscle he had, especially his ass, which was grabbing at my cock with each eruption from his dick. This extra sensation sent me crazy, and soon after I shot off into his ass, filling him with my come. My thrusts became less urgent, until I rested on top of him, still lodged in his ass. My cum was oozing out of him, around my deflating cock, and running down his ass crack.

I pulled out of him and stood up, giggling as I looked at him, splayed out in the chair, with a semi hard-on and a puddle of cum on his belly. His body was totally limp, his head over on one shoulder and his eyes lightly shut. His breathing had returned to normal, and he looked incredibly peaceful in that position. He turned me on even more, and I bent down and lightly kissed him on the cheek. I then realized that the theatre lights were coming up and the director was on the stage again, thanking the audience for coming to the performance and inviting them to come back to the opening performance in two nights. I grabbed my scarf from my coat and wiped his belly and my cock off, prodding him to wake up and get dressed before we were discovered.

We made it into the foyer of the theatre, just as Matty and the rest of the cast were coming out from the dressing area in the basement. They were all pumped about the performance they put on and were heading over to a friend's house for a breakdown of the performance and to celebrate. Matty invited us to come along, but we declined and decided to get a bite to eat, as we missed dinner coming to the play.

After dinner we went to my flat and met Bobby there. We watched the Sopranos on T.V. and then retired to my room for bed. I was exhausted from the day and as soon as my head hit the pillow I was out. I woke up a bit later and found Jordan in front of me, spooned into me as tightly as was possible. I wrapped my arm around him, kissed his neck and fell back into a peaceful sleep, not to wake until the next morning.

What did you think? Please let me know at indydrew78@yahoo.com. I have some more chapters of this story already written and will publish them if I get enough feedback.

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