
By Andrew Thayer

Published on Aug 3, 2003


DISCLAIMER: This story is completely fictional, only a product of my imagination. I never realized how much work goes into these stories, so please don't publish this elsewhere and claim it as your own. I hope y'all like it.

Thanks for all of the great comments from the first story. I hope this meets your expectations.

Jordan and I stayed in bed all afternoon, but we just cuddled and talked, getting to know each other. We really had this bond, almost indescribable, that caused us to instantly connect on so many different levels. We really shared a lot of our lives with each other that afternoon, and I felt like he was someone that I better take care of and hold tight forever.

Jordan told me all about himself. I learned that he was from Indianapolis, Indiana. His father was a successful doctor at the medical center there and his mother was a socialite, volunteering for various civic clubs and charities. He has two siblings, a younger brother and an older sister. He is also a junior here, studying theatre and dance. That explained his beautiful legs and dexterity last night! He wants to go to New York after graduation and try to make it on Broadway. He has been out for a few years, going through all of the things that we go through when we come to such a realization. His family was incredibly supportive, offering whatever he felt he needed to accept it and feel good about himself. He told me he also spent a few years on the couch of a doctor, and that he helped Jordan deal with a lot of the stuff in his mind. He was not athletic at all in school, preferring to take part in all of the school productions and also participating in some community theatre. He had been a dancer since he was 10, starting in ballet and learning classical dance later. He told me about all of the theatres in Indianapolis and the things they produced, and I was really impressed. He told me he was in a couple of "gay plays", and that was where he began to develop a love of theatre.

We eventually decided we had better get out of bed and join the living. We got showered and put on some casual clothes, and I made dinner. I enjoy cooking a lot, and I think I am pretty good. At least Jordan was impressed with my skills. I made some vegetarian pasta and a salad, while we shared a bottle of wine. I have been a vegetarian for a few years. My parents are veggies, but they let me decide if I wanted to or not. After dinner, we decided to get dressed and go out for a little bit. We went to his dorm room and he got some new clothes, and we went to the campus movie that night. They were playing "Ocean's Eleven", not the new one, but the original with Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis, Jr., and Dean Martin. I saw the new one with Brad Pitt and Matt Damon, but this one was really good, too. After the movie, I called Joshua and asked him if he knew of anything going on, but he was of little help. It seems he was nursing a pretty bad hangover and didn't feel like going out.

We walked around campus for a little bit, practically hanging on each other, arm in arm, and enjoying the crisp night and campus scenery. We decided to grab a cab and go into town, to see if the bars were very exciting. We got to Halstead Street and went into Roscoe's, and the usually suspects were out and about. The music was really good, and we spent a couple of hours dancing on the floor, crammed with people. We had a couple of drinks, but nothing too heavy. I wanted to remember everything about tonite and not spend all of tomorrow trying to recall it. We left Roscoe's and went across the street to Sidetracks. It is one of my favorite bars - it is like a video bar that shows music videos and clips from classic movies and T.V. shows. It is always fun and puts me in a great mood while I'm there. After having a couple more drinks and talking to some people I knew, we decided to leave for home.

We grabbed a cab right out front of the bar and told him where to go. We sank down into the back seat and were talking quietly, wrapped in each other's arms. He leaned in to me and kissed me lightly on the lips. I glanced at the rear-view mirror to see if the driver was paying attention to us, but he was looking out front at the traffic ahead of us. I kissed him back, this time making it a little heavier. He pushed his tongue through his lips and ran it over my front teeth, while I sucked it further into my mouth. I opened my jaw and brought his tongue all the way in, biting on it lightly and pulling on it. We sword-fought each other, getting deeper and deeper into our make-out session. I brought my hands up into his coat and ran them over his torso, tweaking his nipple and running them down his side. I rested my hand on his left hip, and he turned a little more toward me. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer, and I walked my hands over his hip and grabbed his left cheek, grabbing it heavily and kneading the tight muscle. He started moaning lightly and kissing me deeper, lightly pushing his lower body into mine. I brought my hand back around his hip and rubbed his crotch, feeling his hardness through his pants. My fingers played over the front of his pants, feeling the outline of his dick as it lay across his thigh. I found the top of his zipper and lightly tugged on it, feeling it give as each spline broke free. I worked it down to the bottom of the opening and brought my hand back up, snaking my fingers into his fly, slowly working it open.

I got all the way into his pants and put my hand over the top of his underwear, pulling them down and exposing his flesh to my fingers. He sucked in a large breath of air, hissing through his teeth, and gasped audibly as I began massaging his erection. I glanced up front at the driver, but he was listening to the Bulls on the radio and paying little attention to what was going on in his back seat. I was able to completely free him from the confines of his pants, bring the head and shaft of his dick out into the cool night air. I stroked him slowly and steadily, running my fingers together on the upstroke, giving him more sensation around the head. We continued to kiss deeply, his hands running all over my back, grabbing my arm occasionally and squeezing my bicep, clueing me in as to how good my attention felt.

He was leaking precum all over the end of his dick, lubricating my strokes and causing slight squishing sounds to emanate from his lap. I started stoking faster, noticing that we were nearing our destination, and his breathing became more labored and quicker, signaling the rise of his orgasm. Just when I felt he was about to shoot all over us, I pulled my body back and leaned down, taking the head of his cock into my warm mouth, stroking his shaft and licking the head with my tongue. That pushed him over the edge and he exploded in my mouth, bathing my teeth with his warm spunk. He shot 6 - 7 times, but I was able to hold it all in, as he was calming down and easing back into the seat of the cab. I sat up and grinned widely, swallowing his savory fluid. His face was flushed and his eyes were wide, but he gave me the sweetest look, almost like he was caught with his hand in the cookie jar. I zipped him back up and straightened his clothes, just as we were pulling into campus.

I paid the cabby and gave him a generous tip; then we walked into the dorm and ascended the stairs to his room. Apparently, his roommate was out for the night, so we took off our coats and got comfortable on his bed. He was still a little flushed from our cab ride, so he was pretty quiet, and I just sat next to him, absorbing his warmth and relishing our contact.

We apparently fell asleep, because I woke up a little while later on his bed, still in my clothes, with him next to me in the same condition. I shook him lightly and woke him up. As he was coming to, I asked him what he would like to do. Groggily, he suggested that we get undressed and go to bed. I took off my clothes and arranged them neatly on his desk chair, and as I turned around, he was fast asleep on the bed, still fully clothed. I went to him and pulled his shoes and socks off, unbuttoned his shirt and pulled off his pants. He was so cute! He curled up in the bed on his side facing the wall, smacked his tongue a couple of times then settled into a deep sleep. I crawled into the bed next to him (I didn't have a lot of choice, as his bed was a standard dorm room single.). I wrapped my arm around his body and spooned in behind him, intertwining our feet to keep them warm. I fell into a calm slumber, breathing slowly and deeply with him at my side.

I again awoke a little while later, most likely from the strange surroundings and the tight bed, but also from the throbbing erection I had, nestled into his back. I had to get up and pee, but I didn't want to disturb him, so I remained still, but brought my hand down to his hip and rubbed it lightly. It was then that I noticed he was hard as well, the head of his dick pushing up his underwear at his hip bone. I ran my hand down the front of his underwear, feeling the outline of him, and lightly massaging his balls, bunched up at the base of his erection. He started moaning quietly, apparently still asleep in a dream- like state, and lightly thrust his hips forward, urging me to continue my massage. He then awoke with a gasp and looked around, as if unaware of his surroundings, then calmed down when he saw me next to him. He got a smirk on his face and asked me what I was up to.

"Look what I found," grabbing the shaft of his dick through his underwear and squeezing kinda hard. He groaned and turned onto his back, allowing me better access to his lap.

"Well, what do you think we should do about that?" he asked.

"I have a few ideas. I could do this." as I pulled the top of his underwear up to expose the head. He lifted his butt off the bed and allowed me to pull them the rest of the way off.

"I could also do this." stroking the shaft with my right hand, running it up the entire length of his dick and squeezing out a large drop of clear lube.

"Or, I could do this.", as I leaned down and sucked the drop into my mouth and clamped my lips around his flared-out, deep red head. I continued to stroke his shaft, then as I worked more of his length into my mouth, my hands went down to the base and grabbed onto his balls, massaging them lightly and rolling them in my hand like stress balls. He moaned again, and he thrust his hips up as I went down, driving his shaft further into my mouth until his pubic hair was rubbing against my cheek. He withdrew, then thrust up again, as I dropped my head back down into his lap, eliciting more moans as I hit bottom.

I moved to the foot of the bed and straddled his legs, holding him by the hips and diving back into his lap, sucking his dick into my mouth and deep-throating him in one motion. I continued sucking his dick, running my tongue along the underside and tickling the sensitive head with it as I came up. He was grinding his butt into the bed, shifting his hips back and forth and squirming underneath my weight. I reached down and grabbed his legs from the back and lifted, bringing his knees to his chest, and exposing the underside of his scrotum and the little line that runs from his ball sac to his hole. He rested his feet on my shoulders as I went back down onto him, licking his tender nuts and running my tongue around the base of his cock. I noticed that he was smooth down there, obviously having recently shaved away the hairs on his scrotum and butt hole. I worked my way down further and reached his opening, lightly flicking it with my tongue and watching it flex and spasm from the attention. I went back at it, lapping heavily at his crack, feeling him loosen up underneath me. Having adequately lubricated his hole, I came back up and started sucking his cock again, and brought my hand down to his ass cheeks and massaged them for a moment, working closer and closer to the center. My forefinger grazed across his hole, feeling the tender skin covering the muscle. I pushed slightly at the opening and he opened up, accepting the intrusion to the innermost parts of his body.

I worked my finger into the hole, pushing up to the second knuckle and held it there for a second, feeling the warmth of the passage and the softness of its walls. I continued to suck on his cock, however, and could feel it harden and release more of his sweet fluid. He obviously wanted more, though, as he pushed down against my finger and pulled the rest of it into his body. I took the hint and started to slowly withdraw my finger, bringing it almost all the way out, before putting my middle finger up next to it and pushing them both in all the way. He moaned loudly and screamed "Oh my God", bringing his hands up and covering his face, running his fingers through his hair and over his forehead. I looked up at him and he lifted his head from the pillow. With a pleading look in his eyes, he whispered "Fuck me, Micah. I want to feel you deep inside of me."

He reached over the side of the bed and brought a small bottle of lube up, warming it in his palm before handing it to me. I took it and squeezed a small amount onto my withdrawn fingers, replacing them in his loosened hole to ease my entry. I brought my hand back up and squeezed a bit more of the smooth liquid onto the palm of my hand and massaged it into my hardened dick, paying special attention to the head and covering the whole shaft with the shiny substance. He pulled his legs up to his chest harder, completely opening his ass for me, while I worked my way up to him, positioning the head of my dick at his entrance. I could feel his muscles relaxing and contracting his ass, almost coaxing me to enter into him. I put slight pressure on his entrance and he relaxed completely, accepting me into him all the way in one motion. After I had traveled the seven inches it took for my pubic hair to meet his balls, he wrapped his legs around my back and pulled his body tighter into me, before relaxing and letting his butt fall back to the bed. He repeated this motion, fucking up into me, while I remained motionless, allowing him to work my dick in and out of his hole.

He was incoherent in his speech, spewing syllables and letters out, never able to finish even one word. I got tickled listening to him babble on and started to giggle, which brought him out of his trance. He looked up to me with a surprised look on his face and said "What?"

"It's nothing, sweetie. You are just so cute when you are lost like that." He grinned at me, and slowed down his thrusting, allowing me to move a little bit and push into him some. I flopped down onto my side, pushing his legs away from me a little, but never pulling all of the way out of him. He rolled onto his side, facing away from me, and we spooned again, very similar to the way we fell asleep, only now I had my dick lodged all the way up his ass, and we were not near ready to fall asleep. I wrapped my arms around his chest and brought my face up to the nape of his neck, nibbling on the skin under his ear and licking from his shoulder to his jaw bone. I started to thrust into him a little more urgently, pushing him closer to the wall. He brought his knee up and put his arm out to push back against me. I rose up slightly off the bed, on my left elbow, putting my right arm around him and grabbing his dick, giving it a few urgent strokes. He rolled over further, now face down into the bed, bringing me over on top of him. I put my knees on either side of his thighs, while he stretched out underneath me. I was able to thrust into him from on top, almost doing push ups over his back, while he thrust back up into me, bending at his back and pulling his lower body off the bed. I reached back down under him when he came off the bed and grabbed his dick again, and he fucked himself into my hand while I pushed into him from above.

We were really into it, relishing the feelings that we were giving each other. We were getting very close to orgasm, and I wanted to make sure we went at the same time (I think sex is much better when that happens.). I was stroking the walls of his ass and his hard dick at the same time, and I could tell it would not be very long at all before he was ready to blow. I was getting close also, and I could feel the tingling in my balls becoming more urgent. Just as I was about to have one of the biggest orgasms of my life - BANG! The door flew open and his roommate lunged into the room with a thud. There was no way I was able to stop, and I don't think Jordan wanted to either, so we kept going and very soon after I could feel his dick spasm underneath him, spewing his seed into the bed. The spasms that his body was conducting from the base of his dick up to his ass sent shivers down my spine, and I blew my spunk into his ass, convulsing on top of him while my mouth was buried in his shoulder.

We didn't have a lot of time to relish the feelings, though, because his roommate was propped against the desk on the other side of the room, applauding and whooping like he just saw the Chicago Bears score the winning touchdown. I collapsed on top of him, pulling the blanket up over our bodies and hiding my face in his back. He turned his head and looked at his roommate, sighed and said, "Matty, this is Micah. Micah, Matty."

Well, I guess that was the best thing he could have said. I looked up at Matty and smiled a rather embarrassed smile, saying,"Hi."

He laughed at us and said hi back, then apologized for the intrusion. It was obvious he was a little drunk, because he was still propped against the desk and his eyes were a little blurry looking. I rolled over, off of Jordan, toward the wall, and got in behind him, almost using him as a shield against our audience. Jordan rolled onto his side also, facing away from me, and propped onto his elbow.

They spoke for a minute or two about where Matty had been and where Jordan had been the past two days. He explained how we met at that party last night and spent the day together. Matty eventually excused himself and went to the bathroom, which allowed us some time to collect ourselves and at least put on our underwear.

I was still kind of startled from Matty's entrance and amazed at how casual both he and Jordan were about the situation. Jordan explained that Matty was also gay and in the theatre department, and that this was not the first time one of them had entered the room at a bad time. I told them they should come up with an alert system of some kind. Hadn't they every heard of the old tie on the doorknob routine? We discussed how we should spend the rest of the night, if we should go to my place or something.

"Nah, Matty is fine. The room is big enough and he does not snore too loud. As long as you are o.k. with staying, I really don't want to get dressed and trek out into the cold night again," said Jordan.

"Yeah, it's fine with me. You guys seem to have a pretty good relationship."

"We are great roommates. We have been since we were freshmen. We were on the same floor, and both of us had meathead football players for roommates. We really didn't care for them much, and they certainly didn't want to room with "fairies" as they put it, so we swapped."

"Have you ever slept together," I asked.

He grinned. "Yes, we fucked like bunnies our freshman year. We were like a married couple. We couldn't get enough sex and since we were always together, it worked out great. We didn't really "date" though, and have never been "boyfriends" per se, but we were screwing each other silly. Eventually, though, I wanted more and he didn't, so we went through this ugly period where we didn't talk or anything. But, that is way behind us now. We are great friends."

"Sounds great. Kinda like me and Joshua. Although we dated for a while, but discovered we were much better "friends" than "boyfriends". We've been pretty inseparable since."

About that time, Matty came back into the room and undressed, going to bed naked.

"You sleep like that all the time, or is that just for my benefit?" I asked.

"Don't flatter yourself, sweetheart," he said grinning. "I sleep like this all the time. Just ask Jordan."

I looked into Jordan's eyes, and he grinned. "I told you we used to fuck like bunnies. How could I resist when he is flopping around like that all the time."

He was built pretty well. His body was incredibly thin and lithe, with no hair anywhere. His dick was huge, even soft, hanging down over his droopy scrotum, which held what appeared to be a pretty impressive package.

"Well, I'd love to keep this up all night, boys. But I need my beauty sleep. I have practice tomorrow, and I need to be fabulous!"

Jordan and I both giggled at Matty's dramatics. We turned off the lights and settled into our slumber. I slept the sleep of the dead, warm and snuggled up to my new baby, with dreams of what could become.

What did you think? Please let me know at indydrew78@yahoo.com. I have some more chapters of this story already written and will publish them if I get enough feedback.

Next: Chapter 3

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