
By Andrew Thayer

Published on Aug 2, 2003


DISCLAIMER: This story is completely fictional, only a product of my imagination. I never realized how much work goes into these stories, so please don't publish this elsewhere and claim it as your own. I hope y'all like it.


The sound of my clumsy roommate tripping over one of the piles of crap in our flat woke me from an incredibly deep sleep, a sleep that I don't really remember starting, or how I got there. My body seemed disconnected from my mind, as I attempted to get me bearings in my environment. I was in my room, because I recognized the smell - a mix of incense, coffee and dirty laundry. No matter how hard I tried, I could not get rid of that smell - it permeated everything I had. It wasn't that it was a bad smell, just very distinctive. As I was contemplating new ways to change that smell, new aspects of my environment began to permeate my consciousness. It was light out, as sun was peaking around the blinds on my window. The blinds are just simple Venetian blinds, but I got some fabric from the remnant store and hung it over a bar, draped around the window and down in front. It was a really pretty floral pattern, not too outrageous, but rather sultry, and I mixed in a complementary color so it looked really great. My room was kinda cold, and I was wrapped in my comforter and drawn up in the fetal position, lying on my right side. My comforter was really thick and heavy, just like I wanted it. It covered my bed and made it look better than it really is - it is just a futon mattress on the floor. I was getting used to the temperature in my room, because the building I lived in was an old, renovated apartment building that was rather drafty with old, radiator-style heat. As I started to gain some feeling in my extremities, I noticed unusual pressure on my side and against the back of my legs. It was warm and soft, but not moving much at all. I moved my arm under the blanket, ran it down my chest to my leg, up the side of my leg to my thigh and over the side, to feel what was behind me. I ran into what felt like another leg - tender but muscular, slightly hairy and warm. I slowly brought my arm back up to my chin, into the same position I woke up in.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?" That was the only thing running through my mind. "WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?"

The fact that it was a leg, muscular and hairy, was intriguing to my very foggy mind. It really didn't bother me that it was hairy and muscular. The fact that it must be attached to a guy wasn't a big deal. (In fact, if this muscular, hairy leg was attached to a woman, I'd be much more freaked out.) I have been much more comfortable with muscular, boy's bodies since I really knew what bodies were all about. You see, I am gay. I am also a college student. I'm a junior at a relatively prestigious Midwestern college (at least it is prestigious to people that think about those things - to the students it is just school). And, if you haven't figured it out yet, my mind likes to move around a lot. I can spend hours on these flights of thought that jump all over the place. It is actually kind of fun now, `cause I can use it when I want and control it when I don't. That took a few years lying on a couch in a doctor's office. My therapist did great things for me - it was with him that I found out what I should do with my life. He said that I should use these creative urgings my mind has to my advantage. I took up music - it is one of the only things that my mind can grab onto and hold for hours. I can sit with my viola and some music and play for hours without even realizing it. My mom used to worry about me when I would spend hours in my room playing without eating, drinking or going to the bathroom. To me, it was as close to heaven as I thought I could get. My therapist also helped me get comfortable with my sexuality. I mean, it was never a big deal in my home (My parent's actually think it is cool - it gives me an "edge"). But getting over the negative impressions I got through the media and all the kids at school took some time. I mean, when you are bombarded with "fag", "cocksucker", "mary" and various other words hurled at me at school, as well as all the stereotypes put out on T.V. and the movies, you can't help but get a little self- conscious and have some problems with your self-image. But, I eventually worked that crap out, and now I don't give a shit what people say about me, to me or behind my back. It helped that I was pretty athletic in school, so I could back up things I would say. I was never into organized sports - I don't have the temperament for it, but I played pick-up games a lot and worked out by myself and my friends all the time. So, by the time I got to college, I had a pretty tight body, which allowed me to work and play, meeting new people without worrying how I looked. My favorite parts of my body are my legs - nicely muscular and tanned, with just the right amount of hair on them.

Wait! Muscular, hairy legs. up against my body. WHAT THE HELL IS THAT? Maybe I should ask, WHO THE HELL IS THAT?

Focus, now. Try to remember something, anything. Let's see. Today is Saturday, because yesterday I only had one class - my performance lab. That is my Friday schedule. My lab is in the afternoon, starting around 1:00 p.m. and lasting a few hours. It is just me and my professor, so it can last an hour or 3 hours, depending on his mood and mine. Yesterday, he was in a great mood, so I got out of lab about 4:30. I came home and changed my clothes, so I could go run at the gym and get some time on the weights. I worked out until about 7:00 and went straight to the cafeteria on campus for some food. There, I ran into my best friend, Joshua, and we ate dinner and made plans for the evening. Joshua has been my best friend since I first came to college. We met during orientation and have been inseparable since. We tried to date for a bit, but we were much better at being best friends. Anyway (I need to try to remember who is behind me), after we left the cafeteria, I came back home and took a shower. My roommate, Bobby, was in, so we hung out for a little while and had a beer or two. He is a cool guy, hopelessly straight, but very easy going and generally a great roommate. We were roommates our sophomore year in the dorms and decided to get a small apartment off campus for this year. So, after I got ready, Joshua stopped by and we left for the night. We had heard about a party at an off campus apartment of one of our friends. It was supposed to be a typical college party with a keg, loud music and a chance to unwind after a tough week. We got there and started drinking. I remember starting off pretty strong, doing a couple of shots at the makeshift bar with Joshua and our party host. After that, things were getting a little blurry. I remember getting a few more drinks and dancing, a lot. The music was really thumping and the people at the party were making the night really hot. The room was dimly lit with a disco ball and some flashing colored lights. I remember being mesmerized by the lights and dancing, staring at them for a long time.

This isn't getting me very far. The last thing I remember was dancing under the lights in our friend's apartment. I kinda cocked my head up off my pillow and took a look around the room, to see if there were any clues lying around that might help me out. I saw my clothes, haphazardly draped over my desk chair and music stand. I saw a dark coat that I didn't recognize and a red scarf hanging over my computer screen. Still nothing. Then I saw a dark lump over in the corner, leaning up against the closet door. It was a hat - but it was an old style hat, kinda like the one's Sinatra would wear in all of his cool movies. I lied there, staring at that hat, trying to remember something about it. I knew it wasn't mine; I've never been too big on hats. Anyway, I loved my hair and didn't want to cover it up too much. None of my friends wore a hat like that. One of my friends, Michael, wears hats all the time, even some really funky ones, but I don't remember one like that. I also cannot imagine Michael being naked in my bed with me. Even with a truck-load of alcohol, I don't think I'd end up in bed with him. Anyway, I stared at that hat, thinking back to that party, when I remembered seeing it dancing, under the lights. All I could see in my mind was the hat; the person wearing it was facing the other way. He was wearing a dark suit coat and black pants. He was a little shorter than me, probably about 5'10" or so. I could see that he had dark, loosely curly hair, long enough to hang out under the hat and cover his collar. He was moving really well, very smooth and seductive. He was slowly swinging his hips with his hands in front of him. He was dancing with a girl, someone I had seen around campus but really didn't know that well. Then I remember Joshua coming up to me and grabbing me, pulling me back to the bar for another round of drinks. We had a couple more shots and then started playing one of those stupid drinking games, which seem like such a good idea when you are drunk. We started playing "I never", where you take turns saying out loud things that you have never done, and if anyone in the group has done that, they take a drink.

We were playing, and had gone through a couple of rounds, when that girl I saw from the dance floor come up to the bar. She asked what we were playing and Joshua told her about the game. She asked to join in and grabbed the arm of someone behind her, and pulled them up to the bar. It was the guy in the hat. Wow! He was gorgeous. His great looking hair was hanging down under the hat, framing his face that was highlighted by the bluest eyes I have ever seen. His nose was small and perky, slightly upturned at the end. His lips were full and glistening, turned up into a cute little smirk. He had long sideburns down to the bottom of his ears, highlighting his straight, defined jaw. I couldn't stop staring at him, and he caught my stare and gave me a quick smile. He laughed (no doubt at my continued stare) and introduced himself as Jordan. I shook myself out of it, reciprocated his introduction and resumed the game.

Joshua was in rare form tonight, no doubt from the alcohol I have helped him consume. For his turn, he said, "I've never had sex in the Science Building." Everyone was quiet for a moment, and then the guilty ones took a drink, including me. (That's a story for another time.) I noticed that Jordan also took a drink after that announcement. Next to go was Marcey, the girl dancing with Jordan. She proclaimed, "I've never had sex with any of the guys around this bar." As Joshua was standing there, I was obligated to take a drink. When I brought the glass down from my lips, I saw Jordan drinking from his glass. My eyes got as big as saucers, and when he brought his glass down, he was looking right at me, blushing, with this huge smile on his face. It was then, I remember, that I decided the game was over and went back out to the dance floor, grabbing Jordan's arm and pulling him along with me. We danced for a few songs, getting closer and closer, until we were pretty much bumping and grinding into each other, getting very excited. He leaned into me and asked, "Would you like to get out of here?" I shook my head and grabbed his arm again, going to the bedroom to get our coats.

This is all coming back to me now. When we got outside, he locked my arm into his, and we used each other to steady ourselves and walk toward my house. I fumbled with my keys in the front door, and then tripped up the stairs to my third floor flat, Jordan in tow. We fell into the living room of my home and hit the floor hard, him landing on top of me. We stayed there for a second, then started kissing, lightly at first, almost testing the waters, then both diving in, thrashing about and chomping on each others sweet tasting mouths. I brought my leg up and kicked the door closed, and flipped over on top of him. I pulled him up, and we stood, wrapping each other up in our coats and arms. He even brought his leg up and wrapped it around the back of my knees. I was pretty impressed, considering neither of us were doing very well standing on our own. I coaxed him into my bedroom, not wanting to get interrupted by my roommate. We have an agreement that neither of us would do anything in the common areas of the apartment that we wouldn't want our mothers to see. When we got to the bedroom and closed the door, we couldn't get undressed fast enough. That explains why our clothes are spread all over the room. I remember taking his hat off and slinging it across the room, trying to hit my stand and missing. We got down to our undies and fell back onto the bed. His body was so sweet, very tight and smooth. He didn't have any hair on his body, except for jet black pubes and little tufts of hair under his arms. He was wearing tight, smiley face Joe Boxer boxer briefs, covering what looked like a tight, round butt. His chest was well-defined, but not bulging by any means. His arms were cut nicely, and his abs were hard and ripped. He had those great bulges that ran from his side down and forward, diving into his boxers, like arrows directing you to the treasure. His Joe Boxers were hiding a promising bulge, very hard and lying to his left side, up toward the waistband. His legs were really muscled, almost out of proportion to the rest of his tight, almost slight frame. We wrapped up into each others arms and were grinding into each other again, getting hot and bothered, feeling each other up from head to toe. He snaked his hands into the back of my boxers and grabbed my ass, kneading my muscles and pushing his fingertips into the hot flesh. I had my hands up by his face, running my fingers through his hair and holding his gorgeous face right in front of me.

I guess I should tell you a little about me, because I realized I haven't even told you my name yet. I'm Micah, 21 year old junior in college. I told you already that I play the viola, a stringed instrument between the violin and the cello. You hold it like a violin, but it is a little bigger and has the deepest, softest sound of any of the strings. I'm from Chicago, Illinois. I am gay and have been out since I was about 16 years old. I am 6'2", weigh about 170 pounds. I have brown hair that is kinda long, but not unruly. Like I said, I work out regularly, so I have a nice, sculpted body. Nothing out of control, but well defined. Well, that's me.

Anyway, I was trying to remember what happened last night to bring me to this point, lying in bed with Jordan, someone I had not seen on campus before last night. I remember going crazy, making out with him on the bed, grinding into each other and rubbing our hands all over our bodies. He was underneath me, and he brought his leg up and wrapped it around me, then took me and flipped me over, coming down on top of me. He grabbed my boxers and ripped them down, pushing them off of my legs and leaving me naked, splayed out underneath him. He stood up and seductively started pushing his boxer briefs down, turning around and bending at the waist, pushing them down to the floor and showing me his tight, tanned ass. He looked at me from between his legs and winked. He then stood back up and came back to the bed with me. He crawled up my legs, kissing them as he came up, and stopped at the crotch. He rubbed my stomach and chest, breathing heavily on my dick and watching it throb underneath his face. He slowly pushed his tongue out of his mouth and brought it down to the underside of my dick, rubbing it lightly along the vein that runs the length of me. When he got to the head, he licked at the drop of precum that had worked its way out and smacked his lips with a "Mmm, Mmm" sound. He sucked my dick into his mouth and went all the way down to the base in one move. His tongue worked its way over the surface all the way down. When he bottomed out, my throbbing cock was lodged in the back of his throat, and he started making swallowing motions with his throat muscles. He then came back up for air and went all the way back down again. He kept deep throating me, going up and down all the way. When he got to my tip, he would tongue the opening, coaxing more precum out of the end. He kept at it for a few minutes, getting me really close to blowing everything I had down his throat. I started moaning loudly and writhing under him, warning him that I was about to blow. He just pushed my chest back down and kept going, sucking my cock like it was keeping his heart beating. I started thrusting up into his mouth, trying to get as much of me into him as I could. I felt like he could have sucked my entire body through my dick, he was working it so hard. I grabbed his head and pushed it down into my pubes, felt his nose grind into the base of my cock, and let out a howl as my spunk shot out of my dick and into his mouth. The first two shots went directly down his throat, but he pulled back a bit and got the other 5 shots in his mouth.

As I came down from my high, he slowly pulled up off of my dick and sucked the last few drops out of the tip of the head. He looked up to me and seductively began kissing my balls, which were slowly relaxing after my orgasm. He reached down and pushed my legs up to my chest and kissed his way down my scrotum, lightly licking at the base of my dick. He worked his way further south and started tonguing my sensitive hole. Now, if there is something that totally gets me going, it is getting eaten out. He went crazy, licking my hole and working it loose. Then he started working my cum, that he kept in his mouth, into my hole, slicking it up and getting me as hot as I have ever been. Then he started working a finger into me, pushing lightly up to his second knuckle, then twisting his finger around and pushing on the walls of my chute.

He worked his way up my body and came down on top of me, kissing me deeply, sharing the rest of my cum with me. He then sat up and presented me with his cock, which looked delicious. It was about 7" long and slender, with a big, flared head. I brought it into my mouth and licked the head, sucking out a drop of his tasty home-made lube. I reached up and pulled his body into me, dragging my tongue along the underside of his shaft. He reached the back of my throat and pushed steadily, breaking through and lodging in my esophagus. He pulled back out and thrust into me again, letting me taste some more of him as I slicked up his pole. He pulled out again and came down on top of me, kissing me heavily and thrusting his tongue into my mouth. I brought my legs up to his back, pushing his body into mine. He took the hint and started thrusting into me hard, grinding into me and bringing my cock back to life. He sat up between my legs and pushed my knees into my chest, exposing my slicked up hole to his view. He reached over to the nightstand and grabbed the bottle of lube, and squirted a bit onto the tip of his cock, letting it run down the sides. He then let some dribble out of the bottle onto my dick, and the coldness of it shocked the hell out of me. I cringed and jumped slightly, a cold chill running through my body. I was so stimulated, my body kept trembling while he rubbed up and down my sides. He took his cock in his hand and rubbed the lube into it, getting himself nice and slicked up. I drew my legs up and held onto my thighs, spreading my ass cheeks open for him. He leaned into me, putting the tip of his cock at my entrance. I relaxed my body and pushed out against him. He pushed steadily into me, and the flared head of his cock popped into me. I gasped and sucked in some air, causing me to tense up and squeeze his dick with my ass. He looked at me with wide eyes and smiled, telling me how great that felt. I breathed deeply a couple of times and relaxed, allowing him to push the rest of the way into me. He slowly pushed in, and I soon felt his pubes against my balls. I wrapped my legs around his back and brought him down to me. We kissed long and deep, with him lodged in my ass all the way. While we were kissing, he slowly started to withdraw from my ass, leaving me with a slightly empty feeling, until he started to thrust into me again.

"Jordan, that feels so good. I can feel your head rubbing against my prostate! Give it to me again!!" I raspily said into his ear.

He took hold of my shoulders and started thrusting into me harder than I have ever had before. IT FELT FANTASTIC! I couldn't control myself and started moaning loudly and rolling my head side to side, kissing his arms and breathing deeply. He started moaning with me, with each thrust of his body into mine. My dick had come back to life, and with the help of the lube he shocked me with, was getting rubbed by his abs with every thrust he made into me. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and, with my legs around his back, was practically hanging from him, connected by his dick and my ass. I started clinching my ass muscles with each thrust, grabbing onto him and sending chills up my spine. His moans started rising in pitch to an ear shattering screech, and I could tell he was close. His thrusting became more urgent, until he was slamming into me with everything his drunken body could bring. Just as I could feel his dick get bigger and his balls pulled up to his dick, I shot my load all over my chest, sticking our bodies together with my warm goo. I then held still and I could feel his dick spasming in my ass, covering the walls of my tunnel with his hot spunk. We both held that position for a moment, with me completely off the bed, hanging from his body.

We soon collapsed down onto the bed, and he pushed me over onto my side, spooning up to my back and wrapping his arms around me.

The next thing I remember is waking up in his arms, and trying to figure out what the hell happened. My dick is now hard as a rock, both from my memories of last night and my need to relieve myself of all the liquid I have consumed. Jordan was out for the count, not moving at all. I slowly rolled over and worked my way out of his embrace, grabbed my robe and went out to the bathroom. When I came out, Bobby, my roommate, was in the kitchen making some coffee. He had this huge grin on his face and asked me what the hell was going on in my room.

"Why?", I asked.

"Micah, you were SO loud last night. I wasn't sure if I should check on you to make sure you were alright. Who is it anyway?"

"Thanks for your concern, Bobby. Sorry if we disturbed you. His name is Jordan; we met at some off campus party last night."

"So, Micah, what have you got planned for today? I was thinking of going to the gym for some basketball - wanna join me?"

"Yeah, that sounds great. When Jordan gets up, I'll see what he would like to do. I should probably get to know him a little bit. All I know is that he is gorgeous and he can dance really well."

"Ah, the life of a single man. Not that I'm jealous or anything, but it sounds like you had a good time. I'm going over to Laura's place for breakfast. Ring me when you know what you wanna do, kay?"

"Cool, Bobby. Tell Laura I said hi."

I went back into the bedroom, and Jordan was slowly beginning to come around. I smiled down at him, while his eyes opened slowly. I could tell he was trying to replay the events of last night, as I had done a few minutes ago. I got down on the bed and gave him a glass of water and some Tylenol, hoping his head wasn't hurting as badly as mine was.

"Hi," he said groggily.

"Hey. How do you feel?"

"Wonderful, Micah. It felt so good to wake up in your arms. You were unbelievable last night."

"That's what I understand. It took me a while to get it all back this morning. My roommate told me how much fun we were having."

Jordan's eyes got really big and he started giggling into his glass of water. He drew his legs up to his chest and wrapped his arms around them, looking up at me with the sweetest eyes I have ever seen.

I couldn't help myself - I crawled into the bed with him, put his glass down, and grabbed him around his body. He stretched out underneath me and we began to kiss again, very tenderly and soft. We were both giggling like schoolgirls and wrapping ourselves up in the comforter.

I stopped abruptly and sat up on my elbows, over his face. "By the way, my full name is Micah Hastings. What is yours?"

"Jordan, Jordan Martin."

Now that we were formally introduced, we started making out again, and stayed in bed all afternoon.

What did you think? Please let me know at indydrew78@yahoo.com. I have some more chapters of this story already written and will publish them if I get enough feedback.

Next: Chapter 2

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