
By K

Published on Jul 16, 2003



This is the first story that I'm writing for so I'd greatly appreciate feedback for this one more than any other I ever write. The following story is as true in the sense that all of the events actually happened, although sometimes the timing is off.

I'm now a senior in college, a few years older than when the story takes place. Then I was about to become a sophomore in college, but I was still attending community college because I come from a fairly rural type of area about 1.5 hours from Washington, D.C. I'm somewhat tall, about 6 feet, thin. I also have auburn hair and brown eyes. I had never had sex before this story, thus I was a virgin (i.e., I had never eaten pussy before, fucked a cunt, or blown a dude. Hell, I hadn't ever kissed anyone before these events in Mexico. I had gone there on vacation for just over a month. I was also studying Spanish, that was sort of my motivation for going. Little did I know that a few of the guys I met would soon make me realize that I'd be improving upon a new skill, cocksucking. I was 18, almost 19. I was enjoying Cancun, Mexico. It was to be my home that summer for about 5 weeks. I would wake up each morning to a day that was already quite hot. It was hard to stay completely dry throughout the day but showers did help. I enjoyed waking up a bit early just because I knew that I'd be able to hit the shower and feel the cool water fall over my naked skin. I like showers, being wet. It makes me feel sexual. It makes my usually smooth body even smoother and gives me a chance to loose some tension as I run my hands through my hair. This morning was no different. I turned the warm water on and took a few brief moments to get used to it. I then turned back the dial to make the water a bit cooler. I wanted to feel good, almost slightly chilled. I wetted my hair thoroughly and took some shampoo from the bottle. Working the shampoo into my hair, I slowly closed my eyes and hastened the pace of my breathing. I let the cool water run down my chest and my abdomen, and then trail through my pubic hair. The water felt great on my dick. The coolness of the water shrunk and tightened the skin on my penis and my sac. My nipples started to tingle a bit, and the skin around them tightened as well. I reach down and grabbed my hard nipples. I played with them for a minute or so then I bent down to pick up the soap that was sitting on the ledge. I lathered up my body, paying special attention to my pits, my feet and my ass. Running my fingers through my crack felt good as well, pushing into my hole to make sure it was clean. I rinsed all of the soap from my body and began to jerk at my cock for a while, until it was semi-hard. I tugged on my sac a few times as well, but I stopped there. As good as it would've felt to have pumped my cock for an explosive jizz fest, it didn't happen.... not then. I hopped out of the shower and looked at my body in the mirror. The cool water shower always makes a body look tighter and more muscular, I guess because it makes the skin just a bit tighter around the muscles. I quickly finished getting ready for classes and headed to breakfast. I walked to school.......It's about a leisurely 20 minutes walk. It actually was a nice time to think. I thought about how the tropical heat made for nice evenings and how going out to a club might be fun. I didn't have those things at home. Plus, at home, I had parents and things were more expensive. I hadn't ever kissed anyone in my life nor had any sexual contact with anyone. I didn't like to put labels on things, but I knew I was gay, at least mostly. There was maybe 1 out of every 100 girls that I like, but it's rarely quite the same. I walked to school seeing people look at me, usually I figured it was because I look so different from the idea of a typical Mexican. Once a pair of girls came up to me, I think they were looking for something from me. Maybe they wanted me to eat out their pussy or maybe they just wanted to blow me, either way, it was apparent they wanted something sexual. Most others days I would see at least one guy eyeing me up and down, it might've been a macho type of "I can take you" sort of thing though. I was new to the world, especially the Mexican world. I wouldn't know how to tell if someone wanted to get it on with me or what to do back if they told me that they did. My school was interesting in that there were about 20 people, mostly Americans.....the remainder mostly Europeans (Germans). There was a gay guy in the school I found out later.....he was also on the same plane I took to Cancun, small world. There were a few frat type guys and a young doctor that I wouldn't've minded partying with and maybe had the opportunity to make out with or exchange blowjobs. I also began to love the more abundant type around me, the Latin bodies. I decided that looking for someone online was a good idea. I was certainly comfortable doing it. Let's just say that it wasn't, but something did happen with one of the guys that I met from the computer. He was nice enough, 26 or 28, if memory serves me. He was quite polite and not a pain to look at either. We met in a very public place, but it was somewhat deserted. It was quite obvious that he was about as harmless as they came so I didn't have to worry about him kidnapping me or any of the horror that you hear about. We talked for about an hour and a half in a semi-park. We spoke of many things.... family, culture......many things, nothing too heavy. We decided to meet again a bit later that evening to go to the beach, Playa Delfines. So a bit later that night, 9 or 10, we met up and headed to the beach. It was a pretty night, not really hot. The clouds were fairly beautiful in the sky but rain was on the horizon, that was obvious. We put my towel down on the beach and began to talk. Even we moved closer and kissed. That was my first kiss, a mixture of anxiety and smoke (he smoked). In little time he was half-naked and me as well and his cock was in my mouth. He was quite small, at least I remember thinking that at the time. I guess his size was good for me though for the first time because I wouldn't've been able to put a huge cock into my mouth. I sucked his dick as best as I could. He wasn't complaining and was encouraging me a bit to continue. I quickly realized how an uncut dick is different from a cut cock (mine being an example). He touched my dick through my pants and eventually took his hands and placed my cock out onto my stomach. He licked my belly button and then stuck his tongue out and licked a bit of pre-cum off my slit. Then he took the head of my cock into his mouth and held it gently but tightly. He realized that I was a great deal larger than him and he told me how big of a cock I had, even though I didn't agree. He began to suck me pretty hard and took more and more of me into his mouth. Pretty soon he was going up and down on most of my cock pretty fast. It felt great. I looked down and watched him as he ate my dick. It was a new experience for me, somewhat intense. The setting helped not to overexcite was beginning to sprinkle and I could tell from the clouds it would rain a bit harder pretty soon. I sucked on him a bit more and he sucked me some more too. He didn't make too much noise while he sucked me, not like I did when I sucked him. He took my cock out of his mouth and began to jack me off a bit. He stared into my eyes for a bit. Then he stopped and just lied beside me with his hand on my cock. I asked him to take it off because I was very close to coming, but he didn't remove his hand. My body began to thrust into his hand for a second or two and then I felt my pelvis pound forward and expel a jet of hot, gooey man juice onto the guy's hand. I believe he enjoyed having my jizz on his skin because he looked at me and smiled. Then he kissed me and began to jack me off again. My cock got really sensitive though and I asked him to stop. He continued for just another second or so and then stopped. Another night I decided that going to a gay bar/disco would be fun because, if nothing else, the music and drinks (both fairly new things to me) would me exciting and fun. I went to Karamba, right in the center of town. It was quite fun. I enjoyed many of the songs and asked locals to identify the songs so that I could later purchase the cds that I liked. I had another adventure or two with guys in Mexico. Both of them I met at the bar. One was quite hot and spoke English beyond my wildest dreams. He was great, but he was drunk when I met him. He was really depressed. I danced with him because I know what it's like to get depressed and he was quite irresistible. He had a nice build, nice everything. He decided that he was going to leave. He was stumbling a bit, and he had to descend stairs to get onto the street for a cab so I walked out with him. When we got to the street I realized he'd never get home by himself, at least I was pretty sure that he wouldn't make it on his own. We got in the cab and went to his place which was a quick cab ride away. When we got to his apartment, he cranked his stereo with a variety of music, but he mostly played a Savage Garden CD. I helped him out of his clothes and with his contacts. He wanted to make out with me and probably try to have some sort of sex with me. He wanted me to sleep in the same bed with him, so I did, but I kept my underwear on because that was the only way I was going to sleep beside him. I woke up pretty early, not that I ever really went to sleep. I looked at him until he woke up. Then we made out a bit and he put my hand on his cock and asked me, "te gusta?" I responded with a "si" and a smile. He smiled back and pulled down my underwear. He seemed quite happy with what he found and jacked my cock for a stroke or two. I knew that I wanted to make him feel good because he felt so bad the night before. I bent my head down as he lied on his back and I took his cock into my mouth. I swallowed nearly the whole thing right away. I began to give him a sensual blowjob, a cocksucking with a bit of feeling. He moaned and uttered phrases such as "si, me encanta" and "ay, que rico. Hazlo asi." He had a beautiful cock that was worthy of a chain of orgasms, but he stopped me from going further. It was fine by me because I didn't mind just being able to look at his cock, it really was quite beautiful. I could tell what he wanted, to fill some void in his life, and apparently to fill a void in his mouth as well. He motioned for my cock so I straddled his chest and lightly sat there as I fed him my cock. He devoured about half of it and gave me a firm blowjob. He kept me very hard and quite happy. I could tell that he really was enjoying what he was doing. I told him how good of a job he was doing and that he really knew how to work my meat. He was really into it, trying to swallow my cock. He began to choke a bit, but he kept going at it. I probably fucked his face a bit as I got into it. "You suck a good dick, dude," I said to him. I thought for sure he wanted my cum because he sucked me like a straw, like he couldn't live without the taste of my juicy jizz. "Yeah baby, suck my dong. I know you wanna taste that hot cum I'm making just for you. Blow me." At that moment he moved some of his attention from me and I began to feel his body rock. He was cumming onto his stomach, right behind me. I had given him the occasional jerk, but I hadn't really paid much attention to his hands. I mean, his mouth was so fucking hot that I didn't have time to think about what his hands might have been doing. I took my cock out of his mouth right after he came and began to tightly jerk my cock over his hot body. It took me a minute or so, but I blew the biggest load of hot cum ever onto his torso and his bed. Afterwards he asked me if I wanted to fuck, but I wasn't into that, certainly not then. I had to get back to my host family because I didn't want them to worry about where I had been all night (after all, I was supposed to be in class.......the only day I missed). I told him I'd be back later, but when I got back he didn't expect that I would return. We never did fuck and I never did get to exchange oral with him again. The only other guy that I did anything with besides just kissing was Fernando. He was great, like a teddy bear. He was quite older than me, around 30, but he didn't seem like it at all. He had much more money than the average Mexican. We met at the bar, but one day we ended up going to a mall and to a hotel to use the pool and beach facilities. That day was great. I knew that he wanted me. We people-watched for a while and made comments about them......most of them only spoke English so it wasn't a big deal to speak Spanish in front of them. This guy was interested in me the person, that I could tell. He listened to me tell about my life in the U.S. as well as just tell stories. He took me out to eat on an occasion or two. We also showered one day after cumming on each other. We liked sucking each other. He had a really sweet cock. It was a real pleasure to please him whenever I could. He liked to smile and laugh just a little bit after he came. I would suck him for a while and then jack him off about as hard and fast as I could (he liked that) until he came. I loved feeling his milky man sap rush over me and later roll over my body. He straddled my body once and came on my chest. I hadn't cum yet and he positioned my dick around his ass crack. He moved his body up and down over his ass. I guess that a clue that he wanted me to fuck him, but I wasn't up for that. It seemed a bit scary to be back then, and still does a bit. I had lost my non-ass virginity that summer and made up just a bit for lost time.

Please provide comment regardless of what it is......perhaps I could share another experience or two of mine, even though further experience is limited.

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