Metropolis Night

By Sean Hoke

Published on Mar 1, 2010


Metropolis Nights By


I don't own or know anything about the Characters in this story; Batman and all other characters form the DC universe are Property of DC Comics and Time Warner. I am merely writing this fanfic for others to enjoy. Note form the Author:

I know that I am not following the story lines as they are set out by the comics/movies, this is my interpretation so though I really do appreciate feedback, I don't want anyone writing me telling me how this or that can't or won't happen. Other then that, I love to hear form people about my stories.

Chapter One: Moving into the Big City

Richard Grayson walked into his modest sized two bedroom apartment with a box in his arms, the last box of his move. He placed the box along with the others in the living room and headed into the kitchen for a bottle water form the fridge. Richard walked back into the living room; he would unpack most of his stuff later. He gazed into the mirror already hanging over the fireplace, Richard ran a hand though his slightly damp jet black hair, his cobalt eyes sparkled at the idea of his apartment, and he simply loved the idea of his own space. Richard's apartment was modest yet still spacious, with a large living room, a gourmet kitchen, a formal dinning room, a study, a nice guest room, and a lavish master suite. The apartment was lavishly decorated, a gift form his guardian.

Richard was an orphan; ten years ago he was living with his parents and an older brother. The four together were "The Flying Graysons" a trapeze group in one of the largest and most sought after circus' in the world. Then the circus came to Gotham City, home of the vigilante/crime fighter Batman. That night as the family preformed their daring act, a madman named Two Face commandeered the circus and held everyone hostage, in the hopes of drawing out Batman. With great risk to themselves the Grayson's worked together to save everyone from the giant mirror ball filled with TNT. Richard was the one responsible for finally pushing the mirror ball off the roof and into the bay. He was feeling great; his family had just saved the day. Maybe they would get a commendation form the Mayor or something; however when he slipped back into the Big Top from the roof his world crashed down around him. Apparently Two Face had noticed what was happening and had shot down the rigging his family was suspended on. Staring down to the ground so very far blow Richard could clearly see the three bodies of his only family. He knew they were dead and deep in his heart burst a flame of pure hatred that wanted revenge. The man that took him in was none other then Billionaire Bruce Wayne. At first Richard thought it was a publicity stunt, or something. However after a while he realized that Bruce really did seem to care about him. Over time they formed a sort of family. Of course it wasn't always easy especially when Richard found out about Bruce's night time activities.

Bruce was actually Batman. Richard had the hardest time accepting that as he blamed Batman for what happened to his family. However after a fist fight and long hours of talking, Richard began to understand all that Bruce had gone though. After time and some personal thinking Richard decided to join Batman and took up the name Robin. For five years Richard fought as Robin, earning the name the boy wonder. His athletic prowess helped a lot, so did training daily with Bruce. However at the age of twenty Richard began to resent still being called the boy wonder. So he reinvented and renamed himself as Nightwing. Two years after the birth of Nightwing, Richard's family grew again with the introduction of Tim Drake. Tim would in time take up the Robin legacy, and though Richard had no personal problems with Tim it did seem to change the family dynamic. Richard, who had been attending college, was finally able to devote more of himself to that, and in time graduated with honors in journalism. Richard returned to Stately Wayne Manor to find that life had changed a lot. For one Bruce had officially adopted Tim as his son, Tim even changed his last name to Wayne. Richard tried hard not to let it affect him, but the truth was it bothered him a lot. One day Richard met Bruce at his downtown offices in Wayne Enterprises.

"Dick, take a seat, can I get you anything?" Bruce said as Richard walked in. `Dick' was what Richard normally went by. "What brings you to the office today?" He asked.

"No I don't need anything. I wanted to talk with you away from the Manor." Richard said.

"You know you can talk to me anytime anywhere." Bruce said.

"Yeah I know." Richard said. "I was offered a job today, a pretty good one too." He added.

"That's great, Dick"

"It's in Metropolis, working as a junior reporter for the Daily Planet." Richard said.

"You're leaving Gotham City." Bruce asked.

"Yeah I think it's time." Richard said.

"Are you planning on continuing your night time activities, as well?"

"I haven't decided yet, probably not right away at least. Why are you planning on replacing me yet again?" Richard said heatedly.

"Dick you are getting angry over nothing, Tim found out about Batman much the same way you did. He wanted to help and the name was available." Bruce said calmly.

"It wasn't yours to give out." Richard replied.

"You're right." Bruce said after taking a deep breath. "I am sorry Dick."

"Richard. I have decided to go by my full name professionally." Richard said.

"Very well Richard, but to me you will always be Dick." Bruce said with a hint of a smile. "When are you leaving for Metropolis?"

"A week or so, I will need to find a place to live first." Richard said.

"I would like to help with that if you want, after all we are still family right?" Bruce asked.

"Of course we are." Richard said as he rose to leave.

Now here it was two weeks later and Richard had his own place. Richard had found the place himself so agreed to let Bruce have it decorated. Richard stretched out his sore muscles and walked into the master suite. A hot shower would feel great before hitting the sheets. Tomorrow he would finish unpacking and Monday he would start at the Daily Planet.

Next: Chapter 2

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