
By Bren

Published on Dec 2, 2024


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The cumrag guy did text me the next month but said a substitute would be reading my meter this time. I thought about how this might play out then promptly forgot all about it.

So on this warm, late fall afternoon I was in the backyard raking leaves, nude as usual since probably none of the neighbors can see into my yard. I was enjoying the intense, low-angle sun warming my fat swinging balls whenever I would bend over to scoop up a pile of leaves and toss them into the bag. I heard footsteps behind me and thought Oh Shit but I straightened up and turned around calmly. Not one but three uniformed utility workers were approaching. I put my hands on my hips and proudly stuck out my chest at them. The leading guy spoke up.

"Meter reader, Sir. Sorry to surprise you," he called out, frowning with concern as they kept on approaching.

"No problem," I answered, "but I had forgot you were coming today."

"My colleague said he would text you," he said defensively. "He filled me in on just what to expect" he added, a little sarcastically, as they halted right in front of me. He looked me straight in the eye, but the other two guys looked at my big dick while he kept talking, all three of them intent and serious about their work. "I'm taking along these two guys for field training today. Last month, he identified an anomalous situation here when he read your meter, and we thought it would be a good idea to expose the guys to unique situations like yours."

"He described you as a built stud, full of cum and needing to shoot it bad. He said you were like to be buck naked in your workshop. We didn't find your ass in there, so we had to come stalk you back here in the wild." He paused and now dropped his eyes to my dick, which was starting to swell. I proudly displayed it and my whole body to them, sort of posing and flexing.

As he spoke, the two trainees moved around on each side of me, looking me up and down. They stopped directly behind me, and sort of petted my ass lightly and felt of my trim waist. I could hear them talking softly now and then, "Great assÉ.musclesÉ.huge shouldersÉ.nipplesÉhuge fuckin'cut dongÉ."

The foreman talked on softly: "Yeah. Waiting to shoot out hot cum from that fat dick." It seemed everyone knew the setup, so we could go straight to action. "He told us you got huge balls, and heavy ones." He stepped up even closer to me, and I spread my feet a little and grasped my balls in my hand and pulled them up, presenting them to him. He slipped his hand under mine and gently, respectfully received them. My dick, growing heavier, flopped over to the side.

"I'll catch that for you, Sir" the first boy had stepped up to lightly hold my dick. The foreman carefully rolled my balls around, one in each hand, inspecting them. "Impressive, Sir!" he said, "Just think about all those millions of sperm cells swimming around like crazy inside these fat balls. All their little tails just whipping the insides of your ball sac in a frenzy, wanting to get out of there. And you so want to get rid of them, shoot them out of your hard dick, to stop them torturing you."

The second boy reached around from behind me and touched my nipples. I could feel his hot breath as he murmured softly into my ear. "Mmm Sir! These nipples are so firm. I'm sorry I have to pinch them a little to get them hard. Then I'll tease them for being hard, like thisÉ.I imagine they must be so sensitive, transmitting straight to that hard dick whenever I touch them."

Meanwhile the first boy had started by cradling my dick in his hand, then felt of it all over as it became a raging erection, with me listening to their detailed talk about my body. The foreman had carefully handed over my balls to him. "Such a beautiful dick, Sir," he opined, "We'll need to keep it rock hard and get you close to shooting, then let it swing free for just a sec before we start all over. You need to be edged over and over, Sir. We need to build up your semen pressure, so we make sure and empty out all your built-up fluid. Every one of those millions of sperm, every drop of that hot semen that's swelling your prostate like a balloon.

"And here's the first of it." He announced, delicately scooping up a huge drop of precum that was fixing to slide away down my hard dick and displaying it for the rest of us. He slapped it on his tongue and savored it. "How many days' load we talking about, Sir?"


"Eight days of cum! Fuck, Sir! You must be horny as hell." I didn't deny it. Now that he'd shared the edging game plan, he didn't need to talk anymore and could get to drinking my stream of precum straight from the tip of my throbbing dick. He sipped from just the tip of the tip for some time before starting in on a full-fledged, detailed blow job.

He was a champion edging cocksucker. He had taken over holding my balls and would only let go when it was time to stop sucking to keep me from cumming. Sometimes he stopped sucking and milked my dick with his hand. The foreman and second boy would take turns with him for this relentless milking. Otherwise, the other two ranged all over my naked body, feeling it up and worshipping the muscles when I flexed them. I heard the foreman quietly instructing the two novices what to do to me. They kissed my ass, they licked my feet, they teased my erect nipples. They kept up this edging me for a good hour. They also continued the verbal praise, evaluation, and incitement, their three voices overlapping and intertwining in a kind of erotic chant. "Éyou're gonna shoot so big, SirÉ.give me a turn at those ballsÉ.fuckin handsome faceÉ.precum so sweetÉ.feel those balls swelling biggerÉ."

"It's gonna be time for you to let go and give us that load, here in a minute, Sir," the foreman informed me. This was the best news I'd had in a while, `cause by now I was really desperate to shoot it out. The second boy went back to whispering in my ear while he tweaked the nipples, and it was really him who told me when to cum.

"They've got a container and cumrags ready for you, Sir. They'll aim your load straight in, so we collect it all," he purred in my ear. "You might need to bend forward a little, Sir. Just relax now, Sir, and give it up."

Well, I decided to do just that. They scrambled to fit a kind of spout over my dickhead as I felt the foreman's firm hand insistently milking me into their container. Felt so damn good, I sort of went limp with cumming, and they had to support me while I pumped it all out, must have been fifteen or so phenomenal spurts. When I could stand up again, they were all cheering and praising me, thanking me. I saw they had collected all my cum into one of those plastic parts bins, and the foreman was squeezing out my last few drops.

They had three triangular cumrags cut from some gentleman's white silk handkerchief, and had them soaking in my fresh, hot load. Directly they fished the triangles out, totally saturated and dripping sticky cum, and safety-pinned them by their apexes inside their three uniform shirts, next to their skin, fit right between the pecs. They were so proud of these personal badges! The resulting sizeable wet spots showing from the front could possibly have been seen as perspiration, but the aroma would say different for the rest of the day.

I really admired the team's initiative, creativity, and dedication to service. I planned to give them a good review on the electric utility's website. They were so sweet as they each gave me a good-bye hug and thanked me again. I dipped my hand into the cum bin and marked the napes of each of their necks with a good glob of my luscious cum, enough to run partway down their backs. Marked front and back, the team left in high spirits. I was just proud to have cum so much--totally drained--and been able to share it.

Next: Chapter 3

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