Messiah Time

Published on Nov 26, 2016


Messiah Time 2

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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The next item on the holiday agenda was the annual Nutcracker outbreak. This was always a big event and well attended. The main dancers were professionals, but teen age dancers were in the production. While parents and relatives of dancers would be come to the performances, it was the hoards of children who were in the multitude of ballet schools that counted. They also came with their parents, grandmothers and siblings.

The rehearsals were a problem. Since the children were minors, the stage mothers attended and were difficult. In a performance, everyone has an assigned seat. In a rehearsal, we had a plague of mothers roaming the theater. They came with snacks and drinks.

These is only a thin line separating disciplinary skills of ballet directors and Nazi Concentration Camp Commandants. Usually, all was well and the dancers did what they were told, or else. The day after the Messiah closed I got word that Mme. Anna, the Nutcracker director, had cancer and needed an immediate mastectomy.

She was a strong, intelligent and gifted woman; her assistants tended to be browbeaten serfs with no leadership skills. This could turn into a disaster. I was surprised when a member of the ballet's board took charge, Lawrence. He had been the principal male dancer in one of the New York Companies. After he broke his leg and retired to Richmond where he taught at the University.

I had noticed he was short and very muscular, but I hadn't guessed he was a dancer. He did have leadership skills, but his approach was different from Mme. Anna's methods. Her assistants did what they were told. Lawrence soon discovered that most of them were not self-starters. Lawrence claimed that if someone didn't tell them to wake-up, they would stay in bed until someone did.

He had to bring some of the staff and the stage manager from his University as his assistants. Carlton, the stage manager, was a hyper-active, bird-like man who got a lot done and was organized. He was 30 or so and pretty. Lawrence and Carlton were both demanding and appreciative. If you did well, they praised you and they asserted control easily.

Lawrence was gay; Carlton was ultra-gay. That was fine for the young girls, but a problem for some of the boys. A portion of the boys was gay, Carlton was a dreamboat for them. Luckily, Lawrence and Carlton were fastidious about maintaining strict professionalism. Lawrence liked older men.

Carlton was careful due to an unfortunate experience in his youth. He had a teenage crush on an older, male dance teacher. What was true love for him was an easy lay for the older man. Carlton had been devastated when he realized he was being used. He understood it had been his fantasy of love and sex. It was a fantasy of the older man too, but it didn't include the love part. Carton ended up with no love and an asshole two sizes bigger than it had been before.

Teenaged boys tend to be sexually obsessed anyway. They tend to combine intense urges with near total ignorance. Wanting to be mature and being mature are very different. Carlton wasn't a flirt. Men came to him; he didn't go after them. He also had a knack of letting boys down lightly. He could let them know they were attractive, but he assured them they would eventually find the perfect man. Carton said he usually played the role of an understanding, straight uncle. How he managed the straight part, I do not know.

Lawrence warned me about boys who were looking for a sexual teacher. "Some are calculating about how to get you into compromising situations," he explained. "Any trip to the men's room can be an adventure!"

My staff would be stretched during the performances, since so many in the audience were young. Most were polite and awed by the huge interior. Some had been to the coliseum, gyms and modern movie theaters, but the Pinnacle Theater is extravagant. The theater was dazzlingly decorated and illuminated. Others were too cool to notice anything. For kids who liked to show off, it was a rare opportunity to act like a jerk in front of 3,000 people.

We have volunteer ushers, but as soon as we discovered there was a problem, we had two security men, Bruno and Rocky, who would replace the users. Under the ushers' blazers, they were oversize gorillas. They had a presence that suggested strength with a slight air of menace. Their presence was usually enough to silence punk showoffs.

I assumed they were straight until I saw them with Rolf. Rolf was clearly their sort of man. I liked them too. Whenever I needed brute strength, they were there. They never went over the line and did anything inappropriate. They also had a good relationship with the City Police. We had periodic problems with drunk and disorderly men, and sometimes street people would harass our patrons. Of course, we had security on the street, but if there was a problem or a potential for a problem, Bruno and Rocky took care of it, quickly and quietly.

Most of the rehearsals ran from 4:00 to 9:00 PM. This worked well with school schedules. Each night, Rolf came by to pick up Lawrence. He had been using Lawrence's car. Bruno and Rocky came by after closing-up the building. Somehow, they had exchanged the secret handshake and Rocky, Bruno and I went home with Lawrence and Rolf for a night cap.

Rolf and Lawrence got along well both personally and sexually, but Lawrence needed a rest. Rolf was an energizer bunny sexually. Lawrence wanted us to share the sexual duties. I knew Bruno and Rocky only professionally.

As usual, I worried more than was necessary. They were more than willing to help Rolf, and Lawrence if either wanted help. Lawrence lived in what appeared to be a small house on a rustic wooded site. I soon discovered that the house only looked small, and every tree, bush and flower in the site had been placed there by a talented Landscape Architect.

We went to the den, Lawrence made drinks and when he returned to the room he was naked. That set the tone for the next hour and a half. Rolf stripped. If Bruno and Rocky liked him before, when the saw his monster tool, they recognized true love. Rolf recognized that too, and he was more than willing to satisfy their needs.

Troy, Lawrence's house boy, came in and stripped immediately. Troy was a dancer who grew too big. He was good for catching ballerinas who were flying through the air and could play the Beast in Beauty and the Beast, but work was intermittent. He came over to me and dropped to his knees to suck. He was almost six feet tall, muscular and blond. I thought he was smooth, but his body hair was blond and curly. He loved to suck.

Rolf was a top as were Bruno, Rocky and Troy. Lawrence and I bottomed, but there was an oversupply of tops. Rolf was the star and he ruled the roost. He assumed that all of us were willing to bottom for him. He was right about that, but some of the tops didn't know it.

Rolf's cock seemed to have a mystical or perhaps magnetic effect on gay men. Bruno, Rocky and Troy were macho men, but I knew from experience, that somehow you felt more masculine with Rolf's cock deep in your ass.

Rolf had a dilemma; who would he fuck. All the options were attractive. Troy helped him a little by nudging his cock into my behind. It was an unexpected move and he caught me and my prostate off guard. Troy had beautiful equipment. It was average length and diameter, but it was pretty. I had a feeling sculptors in ancient Greece would have lined up to immortalize it in stone.

It made direct contact with my prostate on the first thrust. It sent me to the moon. Troy was experienced and playful. By then, Rolf had Bruno on his back and was introducing his cock to Bruno's ass. Rolf's fucking technique was slow, easy and insistent. He liked full penetration, but he took his time.

It was intense for Bruno, but Rolf was laid back. He was calmly talking with Lawrence and Rocky, who were playing a supportive role. I had the feeling that they were master craftsmen working on a difficult project and discussing how to achieve their goals.

"Bruno, you have a tight ass. That's good for me, is my cock too much for you?" Rolf asked.

"It's okay, just take your time," Bruno replied.

"He is kind of new to this," Rocky said, "Not a virgin, but it has been a while."

"I take it you are a virgin?" Rolf asked Rocky. Rocky laughed.

"I'm not quite a virginal as I might be, but I have a feeling I will be much less virginal in a few minutes," Rocky remarked.

Lawrence came over to me and suck me as Troy continued to massage my prostate. I had trouble concentration on Rocky, Bruno and Rolf as Lawrence and Troy worked their magic on me. At some point during the encounter, I relaxed and realized that I was comfortable. It seemed that being fucked and squirming on a cock in front of five men I barely knew was natural. Lawrence and Troy had switched places, and for some reason I knew there was a good chance Rocky, Bruno and Rolf would visit my ass.

That happened ten minutes later when Rocky mentioned forming a daisy chain. Somehow that worked. Later I realized that everyone was attracted to the other men. The daisy chain insured that we all had a chance.

Troy was game for just about anything. Rolf was in the holiday spirit and he knew that his cock was the gift that kept on giving. Everyone was a good sport and in a good mood. Rolf was in me and I was in Bruno, then Bruno fucked Lawrence. Lawrence screwed Rocky and Troy finished the chain.

Planning is an important part of my life; that is what makes a theater like mine work. The daisy chain was neither planned nor anticipated. By chance, it couldn't have worked out better. Each man was in the ass of a man who excited him. Somehow, we all coordinated our thrusts rhythmically. Every time Rolf's knob rubbed my prostate, I thrust into Bruno's hole and then he did the same to Lawrence and so forth.

This continued for five or six minutes. I felt the sexual tension build in Rolf. He made a hard, deep thrust and shot off. His spurting sperm induced my orgasm and the rest of the men ejaculated in sequence. For those of us in the middle of the chain, our asses filled with cum as we filled next man in the group.

I knew this was the sort of thing that could only happen; it could never have been planned. Five men ejaculating together is was intensely pleasurable. We all cooled down and pulled apart. There was no way to top that, so we went home. I slept well feeling euphoric about the night's activities.

The next morning the euphoria ended. When I got to the theater I had a message from Sally Taylor, the director of the Opera company. They were scheduled to do the New Year's Eve event, a performance of Die Fledermaus. This was a gala performance that included a fund-raising ball in the theater's banquet hall. The hall was an auxiliary facility. Only in a theater as big as the Pinnacle, would a 1,000 person ballroom be only an auxiliary feature. The event was one of the opera's big fund raising events and with tickets at $1,000 a person or $1,500.00 per couple, it would make around a million for the organization.

The man playing, Dr. Falke, fell and had a serious concussion. His under study had not worked out and was not ready for prime time. Normally one might be able to get away with that, but not with a million at stake. I called Rolf to see if he knew anyone who could take the role.

Rolf came up with a solution. Rolf was good in buffoon roles, such as Falstaff and Count Ochs. He was a bass, but could pass for baritone in a pinch, a deep baritone. He could play Eisenstein, and the Eisenstein could play Dr. Falke.

It turned out that that man playing Eisenstein was unhappy that he hadn't gotten the Dr. Falke role. Sally was pleased to get an internationally known star like Rolf in the production. This worked out well, but it required additional rehearsals at the Pinnacle. The last performance of the Nutcracker was the matinee on the 27 of December and we had one day off before Die Fledermaus started rehearsals to adjust for Rolf's role. Rolf knew the role well, but in German. Our production was in English.

When we announced that Rolf would be in the opera, ticket sales went through the roof. He had been impressive in the Messiah, and many wanted to see him again. We added a second night on the 2nd of January.

Rolf was a trooper, and the Opera staff was professional. My staff was wearing thin. They had been going at full stream for a month with only 4 days off. One of our board members gave a big party for our staff and their families after the last Nutcracker. While many of the families were unconventional, they got along well. I gave everyone a bonus to keep up spirits.

We had the next day off and then the Opera rehearsals. Lawrence had connections to the Opera Company, since he had worked with the ballets that were a part of many operas. He had several house guests in addition to Rolf. These included the man now playing Dr. Falke, Edmund DeRue, and the chief choreographer and lead dancer in the ball scenes, Raoul Vega.

Raoul was a handsome, athletic 40-year-old, a leader of men. His strong suit was working with singers and extras and making them look convincing as dancers in the ball scene. The ballet dancers could do this with no problem, but getting the lead singers to dance well was difficult.

Raoul would have been a sexual predator if he hadn't been so blatant in his intentions and willing to take no for an answer. Most of the men he met were more than willing to please him. He also claimed that an orgasm just before going to bed was the prefect sleeping pill. The orgasm was best if you were with a friend or casual acquaintance. Lovers or spouses had too many strings and complications attached to be relaxing.

During a break, Raoul came over to me. "Rolf told me you have a tight ass," he whispered.

I smiled. "For Rolf, everyone one has a tight ass. He's thick!" I said.

Raoul laughed. "You are right about that. I have heard it is a prizewinner," he replied. "I thought we might wind down a little tonight at Lawrence's house." I said I would think about it.

I liked to think of myself as having considerable will power. That does not include my ability to avoid potential sexual encounters with other adult men. When I drove the men to Lawrence's place, I suspected that the other men weren't good at that either.

Troy and Lawrence were waiting for us with drinks ready. Rolf announced that he wanted a night with no conversation about the theater, dancing or the Opera. "Let's think of ourselves ordinary working men trying to forget the cares of the day," he said.

Rolf, Troy, Lawrence and I had been through a busy period with work, but we had also been active sexually. Raoul and Edmund had been in a sexual dry spell and they knew about Rolf's endowment as well as his appetites. Rolf liked admiring glances at his crotch, and he also was willing to satisfy the curiosity of his admirers.

"I'm horny as hell. I would love to get off. Does anyone else feel the same way?" Raoul asked. Raoul was prone to be direct; subtlety was not part of his approach to life. I guess everyone else was thinking the same way. I would have preferred to wander off to a bedroom, but these men liked the spotlight and showing off. Raoul walked over to Rolf and fondled his crotch.

"Let's go to the exercise room," Lawrence suggested. We went to the room; Raoul was already undressing. Troy joined them.

I was with Edmund. In costume, he looked fine. In sweat pants, he was dumpy. While he had a beautiful voice, he looked like the sort of man who would be cast as the janitor in a sit com.

"I guess you got Miss Congeniality," he remarked.

"I am pretty congenial too," I said.

"It's a little public here," he added. "Does that bother you."

"It can be a bit problematic. For me, it's more of a turn on!" I said.

"Is anything off limits?" he whispered. "I love to fuck. . . bare."

I smiled, "Ask first is the only rule. I know that isn't a problem with most of the men here," I replied. He looked unsure. "I bottom," I added. Edmund smiled. Edmund was heavy set, but not fat. He was also in better shape than I had guessed. Covered in short, brown hair, I assumed he had shaved his body and it was growing back. When he looked around the room he saw that most of the men were hairy.

Edmund was a bit shy, but once he wrapped his lips around my cock all was well, it was more than well. He was like a man stranded in the desert who found my cock a the source of life giving water. After five minutes, I shot off and Edmund greedily ate every drop of sperm.

I knew he wanted to fuck and suggested that we rest a little before re-engaging. We talked and Lawrence joined us. He got along well with Edmund; they had casually met before. I hadn't noticed before, but Lawrence had a fetish for foreskin. Edmund had a thick, stubby cock enveloped in equally thick skin. It pulled back when he was excited, now that he was relaxed, his cock retreated into the skin. He had a grower, not a shower, and there was almost two inches of extra skin totally enveloping his cock.

We were talking when Lawrence asked if he could suck it. Of course, Edmund said it was fine. Lawrence treated the cock as a rare delicacy. He worked his tongue into the pucker and sucked the tube of skin into his mouth enveloping his tongue in the foreskin. I could see him flicking his tongue as he searched for the cock head.

Edmund loved it. He had always considered his copious foreskin as an embarrassment. He was soon hard and drooling cock juices. That was even better for Lawrence, who loved the stuff. Lawrence was so dapper and in control, it was a surprise when I saw him react to the sex juices trapped in the foreskin. I remembered that you don't get to choose what excites you.

On the other side of the room, Rolf's horse cock was deep in Raoul's behind. It had been a stretch for Raoul; He was sweating and quivering a bit, but the look on his face was of a man who had made it to the top of a mountain. Raoul began to shoot off and Troy was close enough to take the spurting semen.

I had noticed that an orgasm can set off a chain reaction of orgasms, and Edmund popped, feeding Lawrence his entire load. It was getting late and we all needed to sleep, but I had a feeling that our sexual explorations were unfinished. For some reason, I had a sense that I had just begun to explore Edmund. His chunky body had much more sexual potential.

Next: Chapter 3

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