Merry Mount

Published on Jun 15, 2020



Merry Mount By Bob Archman

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

In the 1880's an order of nun's established a convent, St. Mary's Mount, on James River, 20 miles west of Richmond. In the 1880's that was the middle of nowhere and it was ideal for cloistered nuns who had renounced the world. By 1900, the number of nuns grew to almost 100, but had dwindled to 7 when the convent was closed in 1957.

As the last nuns left the convent an electrical short set fire to the main building and all but the Mother Superior's residence burned to the ground. The property was bought by a cranky farmer named Silas Miller who turned it into a dairy farm. When he died his son ran the farm until he died. Young Silas never married and had no children, so the place was inherited by Dwight Light, a cousin. Dwight was nicknamed Dim Light for obvious reasons.

Dim Light only had a single successful venture. He married well and had a child, John. Dim's wife's trust fund supported them. Dim Light liked to golf. He liked it a lot. He had no interest in his child or home life. Once John was born his mother devoted herself to him and she lost interest in her husband. The only father figure John knew was the Farm Manager, Fred. He had a son, Fred Jr who was John's best friend and playmate. No one ever mentioned a Mrs. Fred.

John discovered sex with Fred Jr. and a few of his friends. Fred Sr. was a good father to both boys. Fred Sr. had two close friends, Barnabas and Aaron. They were friendly and willing to help young guys find themselves sexually. While they never sexually connected with the boys, they did provide how to guides. Barnabas was an exhibitionist. Having a regular audience was a turn on for him. John and Fred Jr. would hide in the barn. They loved watching these sessions.

John's parents died in an automobile accident. As their only son, John Light inherited the property that had become valuable due to Richmond's growth. The property was about a thousand acres. John sold most of it to developer, but he kept the Mother Superior's house and 100 acres for himself.

The house was large and ultra-Victorian. The family had lived there since the nuns left but hated the old house. John liked it. In the 120-year life of the house, it had become stylish again. With 12 bedrooms and servants' quarters for six it was huge.

John had been a mid-level manager of for a large corporation. He quit and became a man of leisure. I am Wilson Malone and worked with him as a department head. We had an encounter in the men's room when we were working on a project. Eventually, my cock developed an especially good relationship with his ass.

John had spent his life hiding his sexual preferences from his family and his co-workers. With no family and no job, his house became an informal club house for his gay friends. He re-christened the house the Merry Mount.

John's gay friends were a mixed bag of varied types. In his 20s John had gone with Barnabas to the local cruising places. Barnabas had been around and had good taste when it came to picking men. Fred Jr. was involved with the local fire departments and hunting clubs and found some like-minded men there. John's mother had been interested in art and theater and John shared that interest. John was wealthy so he could both buy art and contribute to theatrical organizations. He made friends with numerous actors and artists.

John wasn't attracted to a single type of man. Farmers, firemen, artists and actors were all friends and sexual playmates. John was what might be describe as sexually active and generous and many of his friends share those characteristics.

All men encounter problems from time to time. If a volunteer fireman had a bad divorce, they could stay at Merry Mount. Unemployed artists, actors between gigs, and farmer's sons who couldn't stand living at home found a bedroom at the Mount. John described it as a men's club with eccentric membership standards.

The evolution of the house into a gay center was gradual. John was the only resident at first, but he was joined by three construction workers, Bubba, Skeeter and Monty. They lived in a trailer which burned when a neighbor decided to use a charcoal grill indoors in his trailer. The men were working and when they came home everything they owned was gone. John gave them a place to stay.

John housed them for free, but the men worked on the house. Skeeter was injured on the job and couldn't work a full day. He was a good carpenter and help John keep the house in good repair.

Another man, Joe was a talented Sculptor, but had no marketable skills. He liked carpentry and Skeeter turned out to be a good teacher of carpentry. Skeeter was a scrawny, hairy and100% redneck. Joe was a beefy, hairy Italian from the Bronx. He could have been a Neanderthal. They got along well. Over the next few years the number of residents in the house increased.

I joined the group when at age 55, I was fired due to a corporate "re-alignment." That included almost everyone who was over fifty. My wife filed for divorce the next day. The house was in her name for tax reasons and she had transferred most of our joint accounts to her name a week before. John offered me a place to stay.

The first floor had standard living, dining, rec rooms and a library. The basement was developed as an exercise area. The upstairs has two bedrooms with private baths, but the other bedrooms had private toilets and sinks, but shared a common shower. The attic was one large open room with beds and a bath.

There was a swimming pool to the rear and the barns were turned in to workshops and studios. The house had both flower gardens and vegetable gardens.

I thought I would have trouble relating to the other men. The first time I used the common shower on the second floor, I realized I would have no problem. While I might be formal and a bit cold, my cock was good at making friends. It was wild, crazy and friendly. I over think things. My cock tends to be spontaneous and willing.

I had only had sex with men one-on-one, and usually in a dark, secluded place. I was with three men I hardly knew in a bright shower room. I am a thin, bald, bearded man. I not muscular and had a hairy chest and body my former wife disliked. The guys in the shower thought I looked okay and my cock had star potential. I was uneasy looking at them naked, but they had no problem looking at me.

"You're one of John's friends?" a beefy man named Roger asked. Roger was a telephone lineman.

"I am Wilson Malone, We've known each other for years," I replied.

"We're not that shy here. I hope that doesn't bother you?" he said.

"I haven't been in a shower room like this since high school," I said and then smiled. "I guess I could get used to it." A younger man named Joe was next to me. He bent over and sucked my cock. I didn't know what to do, but my cock did.

"Some of the guys like to make a man feel welcome," Roger said. "I hope Joe isn't too enthusiastic."

I closed my eyes and moaned a little. "Wow, I do feel welcome," I managed to say.

"We have a few guys who are size queens. You may have a line of guys at your door," Roger said. This isn't a test or an initiation ceremony. If you're not interested, just say so. You won't offend anybody."

We played a little in the shower then went to Roger's room. I discovered that while Roger looked like a Neanderthal throwback, he was both a size queen and a bottom. My wife thought my cock was too big and gross. Several guys said they liked the bottom but changed their minds when they saw it. Roger thought Christmas had come early.

I slept well that night. I realized I wasn't in Kansas anymore and that while my old life had crashed and burned, there was a possibility my new life would be better than I had guessed. I hadn't even considered I might have a sex life, not to mention an exciting sex life.

I now had a part time job at an accounting firm. That was for morning's only, so I was back at Merry Mount by noon. John used an old firm to handle his major business, but he kept Merry Mount's accounts separate. I helped him with those. That took a few hours twice a week. I was a man of leisure most of the afternoons.

It was a hot, mid-summer day and I went to the pool. The house had limited air conditioning. Most of the men who stayed in the afternoon were older, retired men.

I was the only one there at first, but John Light joined me. We talked for a while and he wanted to know how I was doing. "Once the shock of the divorce wore off it has been okay," I said. "Most of the stuff I accumulated was to please my wife. She took it all and I realized I didn't give a shit. I don't seem to form attachments for possessions. That is lucky for me."

It was sunny and John said it was time for a swim. He stripped off his trunks and dove into the water. Two older men arrived, Earnest and Southhall. They introduced themselves, stripped and got in the pool. I did the same. I had never been naked outside, and it was slightly titillating. I had impressed the men in the shower, and everyone wanted to know me. I discovered that there were few secrets at Merry Mount.

Ernest and Southhall seemed to think I was hot stuff. "Well Wilson, you are as advertised," Southhall said as he looked at my cock.

"I hope someone told Wilson that the residents are all gay. The dress code might be a shock to him," Earnest remarked.

I smiled. "I knew the men were gay, but I hadn't realized it was nude too," I said.

"It's clothing optional, so don't feel pressured if it's not your thing," Southhall said. "I had never been naked in public before I came here."

"It seems that going naked kind of shows everyone your cards before the game starts," I remarked. "You can't use your poker face."

"I wouldn't worry about that. You've got a Royal Flush," Ernest said. "It took a while for me to get used to letting it all hang out. It simplifies life in some ways. You have a beauty."

We were still talking when Bubba came to the pool. He said the temperatures had reached 100 where he was working, and the superintendent sent them home.

"That was nice, not many guys would do that," I said.

"Well the superintendent is a smart man. If a guy has a heatstroke it can cost thousands. You get damn little work done, so it's inefficient. He asked if we would like to start at seven and get off at three. That works for everyone. He will get more work done and have happier workers," Bubba said. He went to a shower area next to the pool, stripped, cleaned up and then jumped in the pool. Bubba was a big blond guy, all muscle. It was construction worker muscle, not gym muscle. He was well hung, but not exceptionally big.

As I looked at him, I realized he was a dream come true for me. He wasn't pretty, but if you wanted a perfect example of what my Grandfather called a "fine figure of a man," it was Bubba. I hoped he was gay, but that seemed unlikely.

He swam for a while, got out of the pool and sat next to me.

"Damn, is that fucker real?" he asked as he looked at my cock. I am not always the most perceptive man in the world, but I took that as a sign of definite sexual interest.

"It's real, but I haven't used it for recreational purposes in a while," I said. We talked for a while, and Bubba eventually asked if I would mind if he dropped in on me that evening. I said that was fine.

Between 3:30 and 5:00 more men came to the pool. There was no overt sexual contact, but I seemed that some of the men were arranging for the night's entertainment. There was a group that played bridge in the living room. They alternated with some Gun Rummy players. There was pool in the basement and the television in the rec room. Twice a week they had movie night there. There was poker in the attic.

Since none of the men were rolling in cash, gambling seemed like a problem to me. I found out later it was strip poker. At 9:00-9:30 things quieted down. Some men needed to be at work early, so they needed to sleep.

Bubba came by to see me just after nine. "Did anyone tell you about the house rules?" he asked.

"There are rules?" I asked.

Bubba smiled. "Not officially, but there are some understandings. This is our home, not a Fraternity house. Men have jobs there need to get to. Fun is fine, but it can't get loud," he said. "Sex is fine as long as everyone one involved is into it. I assume you have guessed everyone here is into it."

I nodded. "I was hoping that includes you," I said.

"I am a long-time member here. I save my ass for some special friends, but I don't mind feeding a hungry man," he said. "I don't mind doing prostate exams to make sure everything is working right."

"My ass hasn't been used for recreational purposes in a while," I said. "I'm not sure about the exam."

"That's no problem for me, different strokes for difference folks," he said. "If you don't was an exam, I can do a plain old buff and shine, followed by a sperm bath."

I laughed, "How many ways of saying to like to fuck do you have?"

Bubba laughed too, "You've discovered my secret; I like to fuck."

"Are you up for some sucking?" I asked. I was not surprised to find Bubba like to suck too. We soon 69ed and all was well. I had been worried that he wanted to be in charge, but he was almost as enthusiastic about my cock as I was about his. It had seemed average when it was soft, but it was thick six incher, uncut and drooling. I'm not quite a 96-pound weakling, but I could be mistaken for one. I thought he was just being polite, but the flow of precum reassured me.

I liked man sex, but it had always been quick and almost utilitarian. It was in a room in cheep motel or in a bedroom when the guys wife of lover might return. It was relaxed and there was no time limit here. I thought cocks were exciting and pleasurable, but I had never thought of them as beautiful before. Sex was a way to get your rocks off. Here it was a leisurely exploration.

Bubba's cock was beautiful. It was a distillation of manhood. It drooled and dribbled. It wasn't decorative. His cock gave me and up to the minute update on his state of sexual arousal. I realized my cock was telling him the same thing about me. I wondered if he wanted to taste my orgasm as much as I wanted him.

The answer came quickly. Not only did we shoot off together, we ejaculated together.

On Friday night I ran into Roger in the shower. "I had a good time with you the other day," he said.

"I enjoyed it too," I said, "and when I say enjoyed, I mean I really enjoyed it."

Roger came closer to me. "Saturday evenings I have some pals who get together for that sort of fun," he said. "It's for guys who like to do their entertaining on the back porch. They would love you."

"It is rough?" I asked.

"They are all nice guys. They all pitch and catch, but with a cock like your, there will be a line of guys waiting for you to stretch their assholes," he said. "Do you bottom?"

"I've done it a few times," I said. Roger could tell by the tone of my voice I wasn't that into it.

"I can tell the guys your ass still uses training wheels. They understand that. I know you had a good attitude, things will work out," he said.

"Do any of them use training wheels?" I asked.

"Shit no, their asses are more likely to have calluses," Roger said. "They are all good guys. Let's just say the have an itch in an unusual place."

I wasn't too sure about Roger's party, but I said I would sleep on it. That was a misjudgment on my part. Trying to think about if you want to have sex or not, seems to get you excited, and a hard cock tends to be the decision maker. You mind can carefully consider the pros and cons of a situation. A hard cock only considers the pros. I saw Roger at breakfast and told him I was interested.

He told me they met at Joe, the sculptor's studio. He lived in a room at the back of his studio space at 7:00-7:30. Roger said it was a regular event and you never knew who would show up, but whoever did attend would be into it big time.

Many of the men went off to see friends of family on Saturday night so Merry Mount was quiet. It was a good time if you wanted more intimate times with a friend or possible lover. Sex tended to be semi-public at the farm.

Joe greeted me and took me to his room. Roger was already there and naked. Joe was nude but was wearing an open robe. He was friendly, funny and cheerful. He was enthusiastic and energetic. Joe and Roger had what John called Neanderthal good looks. John and Bubba were in a corner with Ernest and Southhall. I stripped. We chatted a little but Southhall started the ball rolling by sucking my cock.

"Don't mind Southhall, he won the silver medal for taking it in the ass at the Fire Island Olympics 16 years ago, but he still trying to keep in shape," John said.

The man laughed. "I wonder if Wilson can get the medal in for the deepest cock-put?" Joe asked.

"You need to know, I will do anything that doesn't require gymnastics," Ernest said. The men laughed and nature took its course.

The group seemed strange at first, but I was comfortable after ten of fifteen minutes. It was strange to be with a group of like-minded men. They wanted to be with me and share sexual experiences. Thye weren't embarrassed, ashamed or uneasy.

Of course, I knew the wanted my cock, but you must take the cock and the man. Joe was tight, but he wanted me badly. He resisted until I popped through his sphincter. Once I was in, the sphincter became a cock ring. Roger asked if he could cut in, I let him. I then went to his rear and slid into his ass. He loved it.

When we broke apart, I fucked Southhall. He was excited and shot off quickly. I joined with Bubba and we flip fucked.

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