Merry Go Round Club

Published on Apr 4, 2021


Merry-Go-Round 2 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have comments send them to or

I wasn't that surprised when Reggie came to see me a few days later. He told me he had mentioned me to his friends. They were most interested, but they wanted to make sure that I knew how important privacy was for them.

I told him I understood that. "I know that some interactions are private and intimate. The first time I connected with another kid, he was worried. I told him I thought it was like becoming a blood brother for the Indians. Once you connected with a guy's private parts, you were bound together. The bond was doubly strong when you took his sperm," I explained.

"How long was it before your bond became doubly strong?" Reggie asked.

I laughed. "Believe it or not, it was fifteen minutes later," I said. "Several months later, my buddy suggested the bond would be doubly strong if he shot off in my ass."

"Did that work?" he asked.

"It sure did. We renewed the bond every week or so until I went to college," I said.

Reggie laughed. "Is there any chance we could meet here?" he asked. I said that would be fine. Is next Monday as possibility. I said it was and suggested 2:00 PM. That was good for him. I thought Monday was an off day for priests.

Two cars arrived just before 2:00. There was an older man and a younger man in the first car. Reggie and three other men got out of the second car. It's always tense meeting men you don't know. It's much more tense when you are meeting them for sex.

Reggie introduced me to the men. They were conventionally cordial. I said I could make coffee, or perhaps a glass of wine or a beer. They opted for wine. John had been into wine, and the men appreciated his choice of vintage. We talked and after ten minutes I suggested that if they were interested in more active entertainments, we might adjourn to the master bedroom.

One of the men asked if the entertainment might be too strenuous. I smiled and said that was up to them. That was the right answer.

John and I had a bedroom suite with a study, bedroom, and large bath. Reggie and I stripped, and the other men did the same. No one in the group spent much time at the beach, but the were in good shape. The youngest man there who was 30ish. He went to the oldest man and fondled his balls. That was the starting gun. Reggie joined them and three men came to me, George, Julio, and Don. George was Black, Julio was Latino, and Don was a red-haired Irishman.

"Reggie told me you bottom?" George asked in a whisper. There was a bottle of lubricant on the top of the dresser next to us, with two bottles of Rush. I bent over to suck Julio and that happened to open my ass for George. George lubricated his cock and nudged it in my ass. He seemed timid. I took a bottle of Rush and took a sniff. I handed it to George and went after Julio's cock with enthusiasm.

I didn't know if George took a sniff or not, but thirty seconds later he pushed deep into me and he moaned, "It's beautiful." After five minutes, we regrouped on the bed. I sat on George's cock as Julio sucked me. Don fed me his cock as I squirmed on George. Ten minutes later my cock was in Julio's ass and Don was massaging George's prostate with his cock.

I think the Rush eliminated inhibitions and allowed the men to enjoy the sex more fully. Once they discovered man sex, it was impossible to undiscover it. They overcame their inhibitions. I am no fool, and I knew they were gay religious men. I assumed they were Catholic and deeply repressed. I assumed they were taught to suspect sex and consider it was evil and a sin.

They knew that no one in our group was going to get pregnant. They also knew the men wanted to have sexual relations. No one was going to be forced. No one was underage. They were willing. They were not disobeying the do unto others rule. They all welcomed sex. I couldn't find the sin in consensual sex. It was also clear to me that fucking isn't a sin when your playmate wants your cock is in his ass.

I am a normal guy, but I seemed to have outgrown most of my sexual hang ups. I had bottomed some before I met John. He liked the bottom and he loved to feel my cum spurting into his ass. He only rarely fucked me.

When I encountered the Merry-Go-Round Club, I rediscover the joy of being a bottom. I was more relaxed and accepting. There had been no fear of being caught at the club. There was no need to get off quickly. While cocks are usually conduits for sperm during sex, I discovered they were also the ideal shape for a rectal massage.

An erect, excited cock oozed precum, so once it was in it sometimes self-lubricated. Since the cock has a single objective, eventually an orgasm ends the interlude. It always ends with an exclamation point, not just a period.

If the cock is the right shape it can make me shoot off. Sometimes it's the shape of the cock that rocks my boat. Other times my partner's excitement and his spurting cum that triggers my orgasm. When a man shoots off in me, I am pleased. It is a job well done.

After the initial session we had a rest period. Sex is tiring, but if you've been lucky, your genitals need to recharge. For most of my guests, this had been an adventure, not just a sexual episode. Everyone was gay, and since there had been no place to hide or conceal your activities, everyone, knew you were into it. You could relax because the secret was out.

After the rest period, the older man and his younger associate came over to me. "You seemed to have a good time with my friends," the older man said. "I can tell they also enjoyed it," he said. "It's seemed more intense than our usual activities."

"It may have been more intense, but I think it was more pleasurable too," I said.

"My friend Rodney told me that he was interested in more "intense" activities," the older man said. "I thought this increased intensity might be crude."

"It is important to make sure that your sexual partner is interested. If you are timid and uneasy it is hard to enjoy," I said. "My objective is mutual pleasure. Some men find pain to be a turn on. That's a turn off for me. Sex is not a punishment for me."

"I noticed you took the loads from several men. Was that pleasurable for you?" he asked.

"Sperm is a 100% accurate indicator that you are doing it right," I said. "For some reason and man can produce more than a billion spermatozoa in an orgasm. There is an oversupply. Why not use it as a food group?"

"It's not that filling, the older man said.

"Maybe we could think of it as a garnish," I suggested. Both men laughed.

"I'm afraid my cock had served some men, but I've never taken it myself," the older man said. "It seems undignified."

I smiled. "Dignity and decorum are rarely characteristics of most sexual relationships," I said. Rodney came close to me. I dropped to my knees and began to suck him. Rodney was tall, thin, and rather elegant. He would have been the perfect man kept by a wealthy heiress. In spite of his physical attractiveness, he was masculine.

I had to admit to myself that his cock contributed to the masculinity. He was not aggressive, but he easily adapted to what ever was demanded of him. I was partially wrong about my assessment. He was more like a tightly wound spring waiting for release.

He moaned and twitched as I sucked him. He soon began to ooze precum, after five minutes I knew he was getting close. I got up and asked him in a whisper if he wanted to shoot off in my mouth or ass.

"You would let me in your ass?" he asked in a whisper. I nodded. I asked him to lie on his back. I lubricated his cock and sat on it. Rodney thought he was just fucking my ass. His cock and my ass produced a vision of the heaven, complete with angels, archangels, and heavenly choirs. He wasn't just unprepared feel the sensation. He didn't know they existed.

When Rodney shot off, I popped too. Unexpectedly the old man got on the floor with us as he sampled my fresh cum directly from my cock. Of course, I knew what Rodney felt as he filled my ass. I loved his cock ramming my prostate inducing my orgasm, but I was surprised when the old man took my load with obvious enthusiasm.

The older man and Rodney left shortly after our orgasms, but the other men stayed. The day was not over. The older man seemed to have dampened the enthusiasm of the other men. When he left, the other men blossomed.

I am quite out going, but Reggie became the chief cheer leader of the group. I think the men had some ideas about sex, but all seemed to have thought that sexual urges afflicted other men, not men of their caliber and standing. While the creator gave all living things an urge to reproduce, they though they had been left out.

I had opened my ass for recreational use to the men earlier. For the second round George and Don made their asses available. Reggie slowly worked his tool into Julio's ass. I worked on George first. Apparently fucking for him had been mostly taking older men's cocks. The purpose was for the older men's pleasure. I pushed my well lubricated cock in, gently open his sphincter and then discover his prostate.

Apparently, previous cocks had pushed deep and missed the prostate. I used my large cockhead so massage the tender gland. Of course, I went deep too, but I regularly returned to the prostate. He later told me he had his first hands free orgasm.

Don had a few bad experiences getting fucked, so he was up tight. I lubricated my ass and got on my hands and knees, so he fucked me doggy style. To say Don was graceless underestimated the case. I had anticipated that and had used extra lube in my ass. He pounded like a madman for five minutes or so and pulled out.

"It's your turn," he said.

I told him to get on his back. "I like to watch your cock react," I explained. I pushed his legs apart. And handed him the Rush. I told him to take a sniff if he needed it.

"Don, I'm going to ease my favorite organ into your ass. I'm hoping I can get in deep and massage your innards. My balls have been churning out cum and I'd like leave a sperm flavored thank you present in your ass," I explained. "Let me know if you are going to shoot off. Cocks are the best straws to deliver your load into my mouth."

Everything went well. I nudged my cock into his ass and pressed against the sphincter. I told him to take a sniff and open the door. He did as I asked. A few seconds later his sphincter relaxed, and I popped past it. I pushed in slowly until he shivered. I guessed that was due to my knob meeting his prostate. I gave his prostate a massage. I was excited by then and I knew my precum was lubricating his prostate.

I took mercy on his and pushed deeper. He tried to jerk off his cock to get relief, but I held his hands.

"I could pull out, but you don't want that, do you?" I asked. I gave a hard thrust going deep into Don's ass and he shot off, hands free. I could feel his twitching with each ejaculation. I pulled out slowly as he continued to twitch.

This was the first time Don experienced a joint orgasm. Sperm was spurting from our cocks at the same time. He was draining his cock through his cock as I drained my balls through my cock into his ass. We felt identical emotions and sensation. We shared ecstasy. When I pulled out, I sucked his cock and ate the remains of his orgasm. I was pleased when he had another ejaculation into my mouth. My seed was in his ass, and now his seed was in me.

A little later I connected with George's ass as Julio sucked his cock. Julio asked if he could fuck George. I asked George. He said it was fine with him. George wanted to fuck me again, so as his too slipped into my ass, Julio's cock poked into George.

Next to us, Reggie was gently fucking Don. It was what a friend of my called a soft-landing fuck. Soft landing or not, Reggie was soon moaning as he filled Don with his love juice. That triggered Don to shoot into George and George to rear load me. Everyone had a happy landing. The men went home knowing much more about sex than they knew when thee arrived at my door.

My first visit to the Merry-Go-Round Club had been good. I enjoyed it, but I had been a guest. Over the next weeks the members of the club heard nothing about the club. My debut at the club had been unnoticed. That was good; it was exceptionally good. No stories were circulating. I could be trusted. Privacy was important to the club members. The men I met were ordinary guys. There were other men whose lives could be ruined by exposure. I was not a threat.

Dudley came to see me. He was having a birthday party for a member of the Merry-Go-Round Club and asked if I could attend. I asked if I was the entertainment.

He looked at me oddly and then replied, "Oh no, you misunderstand. Yes, it will be a sex party. No, I have not already filled in your dance cared for the evening. Sex is always voluntary, and it is truly voluntary. There is none of the "Could you help out Buster, he having a bad night" stuff. I can tell you that men you might enjoy will be there."

Dudley was a nice guy. While I wasn't too enthusiastic, I didn't want to insult him, so I went to the party. Dudley greeted me at the door. He mentioned I was a new member of the Merry-Go-Round Club when he introduced me to his guests. Frederic, who was having his 65th birthday, his special friend Oliver and Frederic, Roger, and Sam. They had gone to college with Frederic.

Frederic was retiring from his business, Oliver was a furniture maker, Roger was a lawyer and Sam was an artist. For their age they were in good shape. Frederic and Roger were a bit beefy. Oliver was muscular and Sam was slim and had a runner's body. We had a drinks and conversation flowed easily. They actually knew what a graphic designer was and knew of some of my work.

Dudley suggested that we might go to his exercise room and get more comfortable. We went to an elaborate room in the basement of the house.

"Did you enjoy the Club's meeting? Some men find them a bit much, too informal and undignified," Frederic asked as we stripped.

"I had never been to a party like it, but the men were friendly and open," I said. "Somehow the word dignified didn't occur to me."

Frederic laughed and remarked, "Sometimes it is nice to let it all hang out and not worry if your hair isn't combed. I met Roger and Sam in the showers at the college gym."

"You didn't notice their messed-up hair?" I asked with a smile.

"I didn't look above the waist," he replied. We both laughed.

A minute or two later it was clear these men looked better undressed than dressed. Sam had a hairy chest ad a treasure trail to his thick bush. Oliver was a fully accessorized muscle bear. Oliver was blond so he looked smooth. Roger was a beefy version of Sam Elliot. Roger obviously worked out. He was exceptionally uncut.

Oliver came over to me. "I know you've been to one of the Club meetings," he said. "You know we are all full service with refreshments served from our cocks?"

I nodded and said, "I'm not 100% virgin. I don't think you really get to know a guy without trading sperm. I'm not shy."

"Actually, I am shy everywhere but here," he said. "When I saw all the naked guys going at it like dogs in heat, I loved it. I didn't know men could do that, but I was more than willing to join in. I had fucked a couple of guys before. With the men here, it all was sensation, no drama. Each man was trying to get as much pleasure as possible. There were no ulterior motives. I fucked one guy and he begged me to cum in him. I did and ten minutes later I was desperate to drain the last drop of cum from his cock."

"Now Oliver, is that just a story to get your cock in my ass," I asked.

"No, it wasn't premeditated, but if it worked, I'm willing," he replied.

I smiled, and said, "You guessed it. I am willing!"

Playing hard to get is not my strong suit. I sucked him and noticed his attractiveness increased after precum began to drool. I soon found out they were all nice men, and they were attractively oversexed. They were all ready, willing, and able. They weren't pushy, except when they needed a little extra push to push past my sphincter. They were friendly men looking for new experiences.

I was soon sucking Oliver and Roger joined us. we formed a little daisy chain. I sucked Oliver, he sucked Roger and Roger sucked me. Roger had a tube of lube, and he lubricated my ass as he sucked me. Then he played with my ass. I knew he had other plans. He handed me the lube and I worked it into Oliver's hole.

I got excited when I felt Roger's cock massaging my anus. Oliver seemed to know what was going on. When Roger began to push into me, Oliver moved and impaled himself on my cock. when Roger pushed deeper into me, I did the same to Oliver. I became the filling in fuck sandwich. I was both fucked and fucking.

Roger pulled out and another, bigger cock entered me. It was Frederick.

"Am I trespassing?" he asked. "You are beautifully open." I squeezed my ass to grab his cock.

"I might leave a party favor deep in your ass. Would that bother you?" he asked. I squeezed his cock again.

"I have huge orgasms. Some men say I make a mess," he added. All was well.

Next: Chapter 3

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