Merry Christmas Master

By Z

Published on Dec 20, 2014



Disclaimer: The following contains explicit scenes of male sex and a variety of consensual activities. This story may not be copied or posted to any other websites without explicit permission from the author. All characters depicted are above 18 years of age. If any of this content is offensive to you or illegal to access in your geography, please do not proceed.

Author's note:

This is a new story I've been working on. Not done with Girlfriend's Stepdad Series just taking a slight break. So I welcome all feedback. Thank you so much! Please donate to nifty. It has decades of good stories up here.

Merry Christmas Master

Category: Gay Male Authoritarian

Devin and Josh were randomly assigned roommates in college. But even due to the circumstances they hit it off right away. Both boys loved the same music, video games and had a pretty similar schedule. During the first few weeks they had spent every waking minute with eachother. Working out together, eating together, sleeping together, partying together, nobody thought it was more than that as both flirted with girls and did pretty well playing the field as freshman.

Devin lived out of state though. His parents had sent him to their old college, but now they lived across the country. At first the distance made Devin nervous, but having Josh around was almost like having a twin brother. People said they looked a lot alike, both had dark hair and eyes, though Josh was a little bit taller and broader built. He was also a bit hairier, with some nice tufts of chest hair. Devin, on the other hand was completely smooth. He even kept his cock shaved cause he thought it made it look bigger.

Josh had caught him doing it a bunch of times. He always made fun of him, saying it made him look like a pre-pubescent boy. Devin just told him to stop drooling over his crotch and concentrate on shaving his hairy ass. The boys loved to kid eachother.

Since Devin had nowhere to go, Josh suggested he come with him for the holiday season. He'd get some good meals, have some fun and not have to be stuck around the lonely dormitories all weekend. Devin agreed pretty quickly as he figured it'd be cool to see where his best bud grew up. Plus atleast this way he could get some partying in.

Once both their classes had been finished and the semester was over. Josh drove them out an hour south to his hometown. During the trip, the boys did the typical stupid things: got high, messed with girls on the highway by mooning them or making obsene gestures and singing terribly to their favorite bands.

Eventually, the boys were in town. The local bars were packed with college kids back for the holiday break and family members back to celebrate the holidays. Josh made a b-line for his house as both boys had not yet turned 21 and wouldn't be able to do much there yet. They drove up to a ritzy neighborhood that reminded Devin of his family's house out west. Josh's parent's lived at the end of the street in a big house with a spacious yard.

Josh pulled up the long driveway and pulled into the 3rd space in the garage.

"Alright dude, home sweet home come on in." Josh said as the boys unloaded the car. It was filled with dirty laundry from the boys' accumulated semester of college.

"Damn bro, nice place your folks got here." Devin complimented.

The garage was even heated. A huge and well organized toolset gave Devin the impression that Josh's dad was a huge gearhead. The boy's went into the house through the garage entrance and walked into the empty living room.

"We got the place to ourselves tonight my folks went into the city to pick up my sister. They're staying the night before though." Josh explained.

"So they can get busy with eachother?" Devin teased while making fucking gestures with his hands.

"You're pretty sick, dude." Josh laughed as he brought out a bottle of whiskey and a 24 pack of beer.

"Now that I'm in college my dad says its important for me to enjoy myself, so as long as I don't fuck up he usually keeps me stocked with alcohol when I'm home." Josh said as he passed Devin a beer.

"Sweeeeet dude. My folks keep my under a tight leash." Devin said.

"Maybe you NEED a tight leash, bro." Josh teased as he took a huge swig of beer.

The boys had a great night. Watching Die Hard and Bad Santa, they got wasted. Josh seemed to have a better tolerance than Devin remembered though, cause he didn't seem to affected. Before long Devin was a drooling, passed out mess on the couch. Josh stared at the pathetic sight and smiled an evil grin.

"Finally..." Josh said as he got up and walked over to the closet. The boy drug out a huge crate full of stuff.

"Sorry Dev," Josh said to the passed out boy, "but I wasn't completely honest with you."

As Josh talked to the passed out boy he stripped out of his t-shirt and took off his jeans revealing his well defined hairy chest, 6 pac abs and strong legs. Josh loved walking around in tight boxer briefs. It made him feel sexy, but he didn't feel like being the only one. He sauntered over to Devin and started to strip his best buddy out of his hooded sweatshirt, jeans and boxers.

Once Devin was naked. Josh drug him by his ankles into the front room of the huge house. As he drug the unconscious boy, Josh couldn't help but admire him. Sure, he was a skinny twink, but Josh's work on Devin's body had given him a nice tone. No wonder people were lusting after him. He had a pretty nice dick too. It was pretty thick seven inches with a nice set of low hanging balls.

Josh was going to have fun watching Devin wake up. The boy was in for a big shock. Josh began to wonder if Devin had ever played with his ass before. Cause that might be a big shock too. Josh had planned this for weeks. He got a hold of some of his folks sleeping pills, spiked Devin's first beer, and waited for it to settle. Now, Josh would have ample time to set up the naked college boy just how he wanted him.

Josh easily picked Devin up and stood him up against the wall opposite a huge window facing the front yard and driveway. The wall had eyelets in it so Josh could thread some bright red rope through and tie Devin's wrists together high over his head. Next, he locked Devin's ankles into a spreader bar that he set to the most extended setting. Josh was liking the look of the naked bound stud already, but more had to be done.

Next, Josh locked a head harness with a big red ball gag in Devin's mouth. Now he really looked like a slut. The head harness did a great job of keeping that ball in his mouth. It also helped obstruct his vision a bit. Not that Josh minded Devin seeing him now. The sight of it made Josh smile, and basically jump around the room in excitement. This was working out just how he wanted to. He looked down, luckily Devin's dick was still very soft since the poor guy was still passed out. Josh had no trouble locking a bright red chastity device, that he ordered off the internet specifically for his purpose, over Devin's poor unsuspecting dick and balls.

As a final insult, Josh lubed up his hands and started fingering Devin's tight, hairless ass hole.

"You even shave your hole don't you, you little bitch?" Josh laughed as he finger fucked his roommate.

After Devin was properly lubed, Josh slid a nice big butt plug into the bound boy and let it lock into place. Josh smiled knowing what Devin would feel when he woke up. This was going to be great. Josh wanted Devin awake for the next phase of his humiliation though, so he would have to wait until Devin came out of it.

Luckily Josh had some smelling salt he had picked up at the pharmacy. He wasn't a very patient guy and he was on a deadline. The stuff worked like a charm. Devin came out of it with a quick head jerk.

"Wakey, wakey," Josh teased his best friend.

"Mmmpphh....MMMff..Fujfgjj" Devin said drooling into his gag.

"Sorry buddy, I don't be able to undertand you. But you look good, trust me." Josh said as he rubbed on the big bulge of his boxer briefs.

Devin saw this motion. His eyes widenened and he started trying to fight the rope and his restraints. They held him tight. All he could do was moan into his gag. But he wasn't just tied up, he was butt naked. Speaking of butt, what the fuck was lodged in his. He tried to expel it but it was stuck! His ass felt so tight, and full. What had Josh done to him.

"Mmpppfuff fughgh!" Devin mumbled into his gag.

"Hmmm, I like the ball gag but I think I can do better to decorate your slut ass for christmas. I think tape will work better. Some shiny red tape." Josh commented, more to the room than to Devin. In fact, he seemed to be completely ignoring his supposed best friend's pleas and cries for help.

"Dude, I love hearing you though," Josh finally commented as he brought over some tape and a rank looking red jock over, "music to my ears."

"Mmpfffhh?" Devin looked at him, a big string of drool hanging off his chin.

Josh used the stinky jock to wipe up his drool. He held it up to Devin's nose for an extended period of time, all the while staring at Devin with a shit eating grin on his face.

"Nothing you can do you little slut." Devin said as he set the jock on a nearby end table and started removing the head harness.

Once it was off, Devin quickly tried his best to convince Josh to untie him and let him go. He didn't know what this was, but he wanted to let Josh know that he wasn't into it. At least he didn't think he was.

"Josh, what the fuck man!" Devin shouted.

"Let me go dude. This is fucked up!" Devin shouted again.

Josh just picked up the red jock and forced it into Devin's mouth and held it there tightly as he brought his face right up to the bound stud's face.

"Look here you smooth little bitch, you're not going anywhere!" Josh said in a very serious tone, "I worked very hard to get you where you are. You taste that? That's 10 loads of my cum on that jock. Ten. Fucking. Loads. I have worked at this that long knowing I wanted you to taste it Dev.

Devin looked at him with a very disgusted face, causing Josh to let out a little giggle.

"Yeah I like you sucking on my jizz dude. I don't think you've ever looked better. " Josh complimented his friend as he started rapping red tape around Devin's head, trapping the jock inside Devin's mouth and forcing him to suck the sweat and cum out of the fabric. After wrapping the tape around six times, Josh looked at Devin to admire his work.

"That looks better!" Josh smiled.

Now, Devin could barely even emit any sounds. The tape held him firm. All he could do was stare at Josh as he drug over a huge string of christmas lights and started wrapping them all around his body.

"Gotta get you all lookin pretty dev-o" Josh explained.

Once Josh had the nervous Devin all strung up, he started attaching weird clothespin things with hooks on the end of them to Devin's nipples. This caused intense pain to radiate from poor Devin's exposed nipples, and he moaned into his gag and pleaded with his eyes for Josh to release him.

Josh didn't listen, he just hung some heavy christmas ornament looking things on the hooks, adding more weight to Devin's nipples and more pain. Josh then took some red lipstick and wrote the words "FAG WHORE" on Devin's fore head. Josh studied his creation for a second, then decided to add some red clothespins to Devin's ears.

Devin kept struggling in his ropes, but they held him in place as Josh added some shiny garland to his bound college boy christmas tree. JOsh was finally satisfied as he stepped back and started taking pics with his phone, much to Devin's dismay.

"Ok Devin, I'll explain some things to you now," Josh said casually, "this isn't my folks house.

Devin gave Josh a very confused look and started mumbling incoherently into his gag.

"Nope," Josh continued, "In fact this is my Master's house. Yea, I know it sounds weird, but I have a Master. I am his slave."

Now Devin was even more confused. What the hell was Josh talking about. He had never mentioned anything like this before. Where the hell was this coming from?

"Yea I'm sure it's a bit shocking," Josh said, "But we met over the summer. A good dude at my gym. He gave me an instant boner. He's just such a man, ya know?"

Devin couldn't believe what he was hearing. He had never heard Josh talk like this before. He had thought Josh was straight. They had both banged chicks on the same night in the dorm numerous times. Was Josh bi? Devin sure had some fantasies with Josh in them. He always dismissed it as just curiousity, but now things were taking a very weird turn.

"Anyways man. You're my christmas present to him. You and that sexy tight ass of yours I stuffed with a big butt plug." Josh smiled a very sadistic grin. This caused Devin to erupt in a frenzy and struggle in his ropes.

"nah dude, you'll enjoy it. Trust me." Josh explained as he rubbed Devin's chest soothingly.

"He'll make you want to cum so hard you'll do anything," Josh continued, "You'll beg for his dick, and if you've been a good slave, he'll reward you with a big blast of cum down your bitch throat or up your ass."

The way josh was talking to him made Devin get really horny. He had never experienced anything like it. The control Josh was exerting over him and the attention, not to mention the humiliation of being bound naked in front of his college buddy. Devin would have been hard as a rock if not for the chastity device.

"He'll be here soon," Josh said, "I wanted you all ready. All set up like the little slut you are. Or at least are gonna be. Here, let's light you up.

Josh reached down and plugged in the lights. He also plugged in another plug causing Devin's ass to tingle. The butt plug was an electric butt plug and sending waves of plesure to Devin's newly felt prostate. The boy was now lit up like christmas and being driven mad with anal stimulation. It caused him to move around and writhe in his binds. This also had the effect of making the ornaments on his nipples sway. They actually had little bells on them so they jingled with each movement. It made Josh insanely horny too, but he had to stay strong.

Finally, once Josh was satisfied. He stripped out of his briefs, revealing a thick eight inch hard cock and a thick black bush. Next Josh picked up a collar, iron manacles and a locking cock gag. He pushed the gag in, locked it in place. Next he picked up the iron collar and locked it on. Josh sunk to his knees and backed up against the wall by the door where another eyelet was. He cuffed his ankles together, then reached his muscled arms behind his back and cuffed his hands in place. He had taken care to run the chain of the manacles through the eyelet, so he was now locked, naked in place waiting for his master.

An hour passed by, Devin was struggling in frustrated, horny bliss wihle Josh sat on his knees in complete silent formation. Devin babbled into the jock gag as he stared out the window and saw a big, burly man walk up the sidewalk towards the door. He was built like a brick shit house, probably in his late thirties, with a long thick brown beard. He walked through and his presence made everything in the room stop.

He took in the sight before him. His slave locked in place where it should be, but something was different. There was a guest. A nice guest on display. Could it be, had christmas come early?

"Well, what do we have here?" The big booming voice said as the man walked right up to Devin, "you like things coming down your chimney chute boy?"

To be continued.

Thanks for reading. If you have any comments please let me know. I'd like to continue on the story. Also if you want check out my tumblr at

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