Mentor and Mentee

By David

Published on Oct 30, 2011


Mentor and Mentee -- Part 3

Author: davidoh69

Note: The following story is entirely fictitious. Any resemblance to actual people, places or events is coincidental. This story contains explicit sexual content involving persons over the age of 18. If you are offended by sex between consenting male adults or if it is not legal to read this in your area, please do not continue. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy the story.

My mind was reeling from the realization that my hot little mentee was also a rent boy. I couldn't believe it. I should have felt lucky, I mean, hell, it was a fantasy come true, but I think I was too shocked to even think straight. I tightened my grip on Kyle's arm as he struggled to get away and I drug him into the house and locked the door behind us. I manhandled him into the family room and pushed him down onto the leather couch. At this point, he was trembling with fear and still seemed ready to bolt. I was torn between ripping his clothes off and fucking him like I would any other escort and trying to calm him down and figure out just what was really going on here. In the end, I did the right thing and decided to try and talk to him.

"Look Kyle, I'm not going to hurt you. I could never hurt you, but you're not leaving here until we talk about what's going on with you and with us, I said."

At that point, he started sobbing, and whispered, "Please Mr. Turner...uh...I mean Brandon, please just let me leave. I know you must hate me, so just let me go."

"Hate you. Kyle, how could I ever hate you? You've done nothing that would make me feel that way toward you," I said as I sat next to him and began gently rubbing his back trying my best to comfort him. At first he stiffened pulled away from my touch, but then he collapsed into me laying his head on my chest and letting go with his tears.

" saw taking my roommates cock down my throat like a s...s...slut, and now you find out I'm a little bitch for hire, how can you not hate me?," he sobbed.

"Kyle, I don't care if you like to suck cock, hell, I'm gay myself. I admit I was shocked to come out of the bathroom and find you on your knees blowing Adam, but it certainly didn't cause me to think badly of you. Now, as far as you hiring yourself out as a rent boy goes, I have to say, I'm not really sure I like the idea of you doing it, but again, I was the one who hired you, so how could I possibly hate you. In fact, I wouldn't blame you if you said you found me disgusting for hiring guys your age for sex." I said.

Kyle sat up and looked me in the eye and said, "You really don't hate me, do you Brandon?"

"No, Kyle I don't. If you had returned any of my phone calls, you would have known how I felt about you," I said.

"I know. I'm sorry for not calling, but I was too ashamed at having you see me being used by Adam like that, and I didn't know what to say to explain it to you. Oh, and I don't find you disgusting Brandon; having sex with men your age can be hot," said Kyle.

Hmm...I wondered to myself just what this kid knew about having sex with men my age, but I decided to let that go for now. I first needed to understand this thing between him and Adam and how he got into being an escort. "Look Kyle, Adam explained your relationship to me the best he could. He didn't really want to because he thought it was more your place, but I finally talked him into it. It seems that that you like to have him use you, that you get off on it, but he couldn't tell me much more since you never wanted to talk to him about it, and he certainly didn't seem to know anything about you working as an escort."

"Adam doesn't know that I have sex with anyone but him. Please, please don't tell him, he thinks I am his little bitch, and he would be pissed if he found out that I let other guys use me too."

"Don't worry Kyle, I won't tell him or anyone else about it. It is not my place, but I do want to talk more about it. Why don't you start by telling me when you first found out you liked to be dominated and why you chose Adam to be your "daddy."

"I don't know, I mean, I'm not sure I can talk to you about this. You're supposed to be my professional mentor. You shouldn't even know about this, god I'm so stupid for letting this happen, said Kyle.

"Look Kyle, maybe our relationship started out as mentor and mentee, but with everything that has happened, I think we are a little beyond that. You don't have to tell me anything you don't want to, but I really wish you would. I care about you, and I want you to be able to share anything and everything with me. I promise not to judge or lecture you; I just want to help."

"Thanks Brandon, I mean uh...ok, I guess I should start at the beginning. It all really started my senior year of high school. I mean, I have been attracted to guys since puberty, but other than sneaking a few peeks at my teammates in the locker room and jerking off to gay porn, I had never actually done anything about it. I was on the basketball team and hung out with the jocks, so up until then, nobody suspected I was gay."

"We had just started practice for basketball season, and there was this new kid on the team named Chris. He was senior like me, but he was like the star of the team where as I was just ok. He had moved with his parents from out of state over the summer, and we had met at a couple of basketball camps. He was 6' 3" tall with dark hair and these amazing green eyes and had a great muscular athletic body. The first time I saw him shirtless, it was all I could do not to stare. He had these great pecs with pert little nipples and a light dusting of dark hair across his chest and a nice trail leading down to the decent looking package in his shorts. I had to adjust myself to trap my hard cock in the waist band of my jock so the other guys wouldn't notice how horned up I was. Luckily, nobody noticed, and I was able to get it under control, but I had a new star for my jerk off fantasies for the rest of the summer."

"Hmm...that description of Chris makes me think of Adam," I said.

" does," said Kyle, "You'll see how they relate when I get done with what I'm about to tell you."

"Ok, sorry for interrupting," I said.

"No problem. Let's see, after the camps, I really never saw much of Chris until school started, and then it was just in classes or whatever. I still found him hot and would start to bone up thinking about him, but I didn't get a chance to see him shirtless again until practice started. As luck would have it, our locker assignments for our bball gear were right next to each other, so on the first day of practice, I got to watch him undress as I was finishing changing into my practice clothes. He had a hot, muscular round ass that was slightly hairy, and a nice trimmed bush over what appeared to be a 4.5 -- 5 inch soft cock and a huge set of balls. My eyes were glued to him the whole time as I sat there on the bench putting on my shoes. The Coach's whistle broke the spell, and Chris just glanced at me and said, `Hurry up Kyle, if you're late, we all have to run laps.' Luckily, I wasn't late, but I was worried that Chris had seen me staring at him. Practice was uneventful, as where the showers afterward; I hung back and let Chris finish first so I wouldn't catch me perving on his hot body as he got dressed. "

"A few days went by, and I tried to tell myself I had to get over my obsession with Chris or it would get me in trouble, but I couldn't do it. That day in practice, it finally came back to bite me. I was so distracted staring at Chris that I couldn't seem to get any of the drills right, and Coach got pissed. As practice ended he yelled, Kyle, Chris, you two stay after, everyone else, hit the showers.' We hung around till everyone left, and then Coach let me have it, Kyle, I don't know what the hell was wrong with you today son, but you were totally out of it on the court. I don't think you got one play right out of the 15 drills that we did. I know you're not my star player like Chris here, but come on, I know you're better than that.' I apologized to Coach for screwing up and told him I would do better, but that wasn't enough. `Damn straight you'll do better son, and you're gonna start right now. Chris, as captain of this team, you're gonna run Kyle here through all of those drills again and make sure he gets it right this time. I don't want either of you leaving until he knows them backward and forward.' Chris started to protest that he had plans, but Coach shut him down. He was stuck here, and it was my fault."

"After coach left, Chris ran me through every drill a few times until I got them right. I could tell he was pissed about being here, but he acted like a team captain should and made sure I knew what I was doing. After a couple of hours, I had everything down, so Chris said we should hit the showers. As we were undressing at our lockers, Chris checked his phone and started cursing, Damn it, I can't believe she went to meet her friends rather than wait for me. She's such a bitch.' Seeing he was madder than before and knowing it was my fault, I just finished undressing and headed into the showers. I was already soaping up when Chris came in and took the shower right next to me. I took a quick glance at his cock, and he looked like he had the beginnings of a boner which made me start to bone up as well. I quickly turned my back to him and continued washing. A few minutes later, Chris said to me I can't believe you were such a fuck up out there today Kyle. If it weren't for you, I could have spent the last two hours getting my cock sucked rather than running drills with you.' I said, Fuck dude, I'm so sorry, I don't know what was wrong with me today, but I couldn't concentrate.' You sure didn't have any trouble concentrating on my hot body, faggot,' he said. What...what the fuck are you talking about,' I stammered. Shut up faggot,' Chris said as he grabbed me by the shoulders, spun me a around and pushed me to my knees. There I was on my knees with the hot water running down my back and his hard 9.5 inch cock staring me straight in the face. He looked down at me, grabbed me by the hair and said, `Go on bitch, you know you want it, suck my big cock.' "

"I struggled to try and get away from his grip, but he held firm to my hair and pulled my head back and slapped me hard across the face with his other hand. `Stop struggling bitch, it's your fault I didn't get head from my girl today, so you're gonna suck my fat cock whether you want to or not, but if your hard, dripping faggot cock is any indication, I'd say you want it.' He was right, I did want it, and my body was giving me away. Even though the grip on my hair was painful and my face stung from the slap, I was hard as hell and hornier than I'd ever been. The only thing holding me back was the fear that now everyone in school would know I was gay. I started to beg for him to stop, but another slap across the face shut me up. At that point, I knew I had no choice but to suck his cock like I'd fantasized about and face the consequences."

"This being my first time sucking cock, I wasn't exactly sure what to do, but I'd watched enough porn to have a pretty good idea. I tentatively stuck my tongue out and ran it up the underside of his shaft. His cock tasted delicious to me, and I began swirling my tongue around the fat mushroom head. Stop slobbering on it bitch and put it in your fucking mouth and suck it,' ordered Chris. I opened my mouth and took the head inside. Not only was Chris' cock long, it was fat, and it stretched my mouth as I took him about halfway in. I continued working his shaft and head with my tongue as I began to bob up and down on his rod. Come on bitch, take the whole thing in your fucking mouth,' said Chris. I tried taking more, but I couldn't. Chris got impatient and grabbed my hair hard and shoved his cock so deep in my mouth that I started to gag. You better fuckin learn to swallow it bitch, cause you're taking it all one way or the other', said Chris as he continued to force my head down on his cock. I struggled to breath and he finally pulled back and let me get a few deep breaths before he plunged back in. I gagged again, but he kept forcing the head against the back of my throat. After a few more times of this, I was finally able to make myself swallow and felt the head of his cock slide into my throat. He held it there with me breathing through my nose letting me get used to the invasion. Then without warning he began slowly fucking in and out of my mouth and throat. That's it bitch take my fucking cock down your throat. I knew your faggot mouth could do it', he moaned as he began to pick up the pace of his thrusts. He started moaning loudly and grabbed my head in both hands and then really began skull fucking me. He was pounding my mouth with his big cock and his balls were bouncing against my chin. Yeah you little bitch, take my man cock, I'm gonna fuckin feed you my cum,' he moaned. He continued pounding me for a few more minutes, and then I felt his cock expand as he shoved it deep in my throat and began unloading his hot cum in my mouth. Oh yeah, swallow that fuckin load, bitch, take my cum, you know you love it.' There was so much I thought I was going to choke until he pulled back a little so that he was cumming in my mouth rather than down my throat, and I was able begin swallowing his load. I had never tasted cum before, well other than my own, and I found his slightly sweet and extremely tasty. I swallowed as much as I could, but some of it escaped the sides of my mouth.

"When he came down off his orgasm, he made me lick his cock clean, and then he pulled out and pushed me away. I was so fucking hard and horny from what had just happened that I reached down and gave my cock a couple of strokes and cum erupted all over my abs and chest up to my neck. It was the most intense orgasm I'd ever had. Chris looked down at my cum covered body and said, Clean yourself up faggot, we need to get out of here.' I finished showering as did Chris, and we went to our lockers to dress. As we were finishing up dressing, I nervously said to Chris won't tell anyone about what just happened will you Chris?' He smirked and said, Kyle, why would I do that? If I tell the other guys, then I have to share you, and I want that mouth all to myself. As long as you service me whenever and wherever I say, then it will be our little secret. Oh, and Kyle, when I say I want you all to myself, I mean it. You're only to have sex with me and nobody else, is that clear?' I said, Yeah, it's clear. I don't want anyone else to find out, so I'll do whatever you say.' I was relieved that I didn't have to worry about anyone else finding out, but I wasn't sure what to think about Chris wanting me all to himself."

Kyle's telling of his first time with Chris, had left me hard and hornier than ever. I wanted to pull out my cock and shove it down his throat, but I knew that would probably freak him out. Besides, I wanted to know more about his relationship with Chris and how it lead to Adam and escorting. "So, I guess, that's when you realized you liked to be dominated," I asked Kyle.

"Yeah Brandon, that was my first experience with it. I kind of felt dirty and used, but I was so turned on by the rough treatment and degrading talk, that I knew I wanted more, and the fact that Chris had made me his `bitch' was exciting as hell to me even if a little worrisome,' said Kyle as he tried to subtly readjust himself in his tight jeans. Looks like I wasn't the only one who got worked up from the story.

"How long did your relationship with Chris go on? Did you just continue to suck him off when he wanted or did it move on to other things," I asked.

"It went on till the end of my senior year when we both graduated. Chris left right after graduation to play on a summer league team and then went off to college in another part of the country. For the first couple months after the locker room incident, he would just have me suck him off. He would use my mouth a few times a week, and I found I was disappointed on the days he didn't. That's how bad I wanted him. We would either find a reason to stay late after practice, go to a park at lunch or sometime he would take me into the restroom during a study hall we both shared for a quickie. Sometimes he would let me get naked and jerk off too, and other times, he would just feed me his load and it would be over. He didn't start fucking me until his girlfriend broke up with him right before Christmas break."

"Was he the first guy to ever fuck you," I asked Kyle.

"Yeah. As I said, I had never been with anyone before Chris, and I was scared of what he might do if he found out I was messing around with another guy once he made me his `bitch', so I never even thought of doing anything with another guy. Plus, I actually enjoyed being with Chris and how he treated me, so I had no reason to look anywhere else.", said Kyle.

"How was your first time with him? I'm sure it wasn't easy taking his huge cock in your virgin ass," I said.

"It wasn't easy, but luckily I had at least been using a medium size dildo to fuck myself for a month or so before the real thing happened, so it wasn't as bad as it would have been if nothing had ever been up there," said Kyle. Once, I got used to his big cock in me though, it felt great to have him pounding my tight hole. He was surprisingly gentle at first, but then he really let me have it. Right before he shot his load deep in my ass, I shot the biggest load ever all over the locker room floor, and I never even touched my cock. After that I would beg him to fuck me each time we got together. Sometimes he would, and other times he would just use my mouth. I think he got off on having that power over me. The day he left to go to that summer league was one of the saddest for me. Even though I had some opportunities that summer, I couldn't bring myself to have sex with another guy. I still felt like I belonged to Chris, and it was his cock that I wanted in my mouth and ass."

"Wow, so I guess that's where Adam fits in then," I asked.

"Yeah, when I first laid eyes on Adam on move in day our freshman year, I was stunned. I mean, he looked so much like Chris, it was crazy. I knew from the moment I saw him that I had found my new `daddy', but I had no idea if he would even be into it. At college I didn't really care if people found out I was gay, but I knew I couldn't just tell him I wanted him to take Chris' place. I had just met the guy and had to live with him for an entire year, so I did my best to hide my desires for him waiting for the right moment. When I walked in on him jerking off that day, I knew that was my opportunity, so I took it and didn't worry about the consequences," said Kyle.

"Well, looks like it paid off for both of you," I said.

"Yeah, it really did Brandon. I really love having Adam use me for his pleasure; it is such a turn on for me. I know he cares about me too and would never do anything to hurt me, and that makes it that much better," said Kyle.

"Your right Kyle, Adam does care about you, and so do I. In fact, I am sure he would be more than just pissed about your being an escort because of the other guys you're having sex with. I think his concerns would be much greater," I said.

"Brandon, please, I told you that Adam doesn't know, and you can't tell him. He thinks he is the only guy I am with and he likes it that way, so I want him to continue to think that, and if I have to stop escorting, I will lose him for sure," said Kyle.

"What do you mean you'll lose Adam if you stop escorting," I asked with a confused look on my face, "You're not making any sense Kyle."

"Look, this is kind of embarrassing for me Brandon, but without the money I make from escorting, I would have to drop out of school and go back home. You see, my parents are having some hard times financially, and when the school year started, they told me they could only barely afford half of my tuition. I told them I got a work/study job to cover the rest, but even with their financial troubles, I still didn't qualify for financial aid, and escorting was the only thing I knew I could do to make the kind of money I would need to cover the rest of my tuition and my living expenses."

"Kyle, I'm sorry to hear about your parents financial troubles, but I don't understand how you go from having a dominate/submissive relationship with a single guy to selling yourself online. I'm not judging you, far from it, but what even gave you the idea to make that leap," I asked.

"It isn't as much of leap as you think. I just started doing it here about a month after the new school year started, but I started taking money for sex working at a resort in my hometown this past summer," said Kyle.

I didn't really know what to say. I guess this kid wasn't as innocent as I thought. My instincts were to protect him from the dangers of the world of escorting, but maybe he didn't need my protection. Maybe what he needed was for me to pay him for his services and show him how it feels to be fucked by a real man. But that was my hard cock talking, I needed to hear more about what happened this summer before deciding what to do.

"Alright then, tell me what happened this summer Kyle..."

End of Part 3

Thank you all for continuing to read my story and to those of you that have written. I really appreciate the encouragement. I apologize if this chapter left you hanging. I promise that the next chapter will answer the "will Brandon fuck Kyle question". Please feel free to provide feedback and suggestions at

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