Mentor and Mentee

By David

Published on Oct 24, 2011


Mentor and Mentee -- Part 2

Author: davidoh69

Note: The following story is entirely fictitious. Any resemblance to actual people, places or events is coincidental. This story contains explicit sexual content involving persons over the age of 18. If you are offended by sex between consenting male adults or if it is not legal to read this in your area, please do not continue. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy the story.

The hot college stud and I just stood there silently staring at one another. I was trying to make sense out of what was happening, but my cock was still rock hard and tenting my slacks from the hot scene that I had just witnessed, and having this naked kid staring at me wasn't helping matters. The kid looked me up and down, and finally his gaze froze on my crotch. "Looks like you enjoyed the show, Mr. Mentor, or maybe you want some of this too," said the hot stud as he grabbed his soft cock and shook it at me. "I'm always up for another round."

I was tempted to take him up on his offer, if that's what it really was. I do enjoy sucking cock and being fucked almost as much as being the one getting sucked and doing the fucking. For a moment, I pictured myself on my knees in front of the young stud taking his soft cock in my mouth and swirling my tongue around the head and sucking on the shaft until it hardened to its full nine inches. But as quickly as the thought came, I realized this was not the time or the place for that. I needed to focus on Kyle and what had just happened. "While it's a tempting offer, I think I'm going to have to pass. I really need to go see about Kyle right now."

"Suite yourself," smirked the hot stud as he turned and walked into his room. I had hoped to ask him what he meant by saying he was Kyle's "daddy", but he was gone before I got the chance.

I went to Kyle's door and knocked and got no response. I tried the knob, but it was locked. "Come on Kyle, it's Brandon, let me in. We really need to talk." I waited, but again got no response. I tried knocking again, "Please Kyle just let me in. I promise everything will be fine between us. Look, I'm gay too, so really, it's no big deal." I waited, but again no response. Of course, I knew this was about more than being gay. I had seen him used like a cheap cock slut by his roommate, so to him, I'm sure it was a big deal. I knocked a few more times, but to no avail.

The hot stud came walking back out of his room wearing a just pair of basketball shorts, and said "Hey man, maybe you should just give him some space. He'll let you know when he's ready to talk."

"Maybe you're right, I just want him to know that I'm ok with what I saw and that I still want to be his mentor," I said. "By the way, my name is Brandon, what's yours?"

"The names Adam," said the shirtless stud as he reached out his hand to shake mine. When we touched, I felt a jolt of electricity shoot through me straight to my cock. "Not now," I thought to myself, as I willed my cock to stay soft. He continued, "And do you really just want to be his mentor?"

"I don't know, I mean yes. Look Adam, we don't know each other, so don't judge me and I won't judge you. How about you tell me what you meant when you said your Kyle's daddy?"

"I don't know man," said Adam, "Maybe that's something you need to hear from Kyle."

"You're probably right, but since Kyle won't talk to me, I would really like to understand what is going on here, and right now, you're the only one who can help me."

"Alright, let me grab a shirt and some flip flops and we can go outside and talk. The other roommates will be home soon, and it will be better if you're not here; otherwise, there will just be more explaining to do," said Adam.

We went outside to the quad and found a bench where we could talk in relative privacy. It was a warm night, and it felt good to be out in the fresh air. Once we sat down, I looked at Adam and said, "So, let's hear it man."

"It all started last year when we were freshmen. Kyle and I were roommates in the old dorms where it was just one room with two beds and two desks, and a common bathroom and shower area for the floor. So there was really no privacy at all when we were both in the room. Kyle and I had different class schedules, so we did have periods of alone time in the room, and I would use those times to jerk off. One day about half-way through the first semester, I was sitting at my desk totally naked watching porn on my laptop and stroking my hard cock, when the door opened and Kyle walked in. When he saw what I was doing, he immediately froze with his eyes locked onto my cock. I didn't think too much about it, since he'd never seen me hard before, and you get a lot of looks with a cock this size. Anyway, after a minute or so, he snapped out of it and offered to leave. I told him that wasn't necessary, but that I was going to finish jerking off. I turned back to my computer and kept going at it, not really thinking about him being there. I was so engrossed in what I was doing, that I didn't even realize he had stripped down and was on his knees next to my chair until he reached out and touched my leg."

"Wait a minute," I said, "you're telling me this all started because he walked in on you jerking off, and that he decided to what, join you?"

"Yes, but he didn't really decide to join me. Let me finish the story, and you'll understand," said Adam.

Adam continued, "I about jumped a mile when he touched me, and when I turned to look at him, there he was kneeling in front of me totally naked with his hard 7" cock pointing to the ceiling. He looked up at me, and asked me if he could suck me. I didn't know what to say, I'd never done anything sexual with a guy before, but I was really horny. Before I could even answer him, he pushed my legs apart, crawled forward and took my nine inches in his mouth all the way down to the base. The sensation of pleasure that coursed through me was almost too much and I about shot my load right there, but I held on. Then he pulled back and started running his tongue all over the shaft and head of my cock. He stuck his tongue in my slit and greedily lapped up the pre-cum I was now oozing. He bobbed up and down on my cock a few more times before he pulled off and looked up at me and said Fuck my face Adam, please, I need it.' I couldn't believe what he just said, but I knew I wanted his mouth back on me, so I stood up, grabbed him by the hair and shoved my big cock down his throat. I started fucking his mouth like I would a girl's pussy sliding my cock into his throat. He kept working me over with his tongue, and I knew I wouldn't last long. I started saying things like yeah bitch, suck that cock, you like that big man cock in your throat, make me cum bitch.' I knew it was degrading, but Kyle seemed to be getting off on it, as he just sucked harder and started stroking his own leaking cock. I pounded him hard for a few more minutes, and then I couldn't hold back any longer. I'm gonna cum bitch, I moaned, as I buried my cock in his throat and began firing rope after rope of cum into him. When I came down off my orgasm, I pushed him off me and collapsed into my desk chair. I looked down at him, and cum was running out of the corners of his mouth and was splattered all over his chest and stomach where he had shot his own load. We both got cleaned up and never really talked about what happened, other than he said, let me know if you want to do that again.'

"Wow, Adam. That is quite the story," I said, "Obviously you continued doing it with him."

"Yeah, I didn't take him up on his offer right away, and I could tell he was disappointed. A couple weeks later, I was really horny and Kyle was there, so I just whipped out my cock and started playing with it. Immediately, Kyle asked if I wanted to use his mouth. I was hesitant, and he almost begged me saying how much he loved sucking cock and how he needed my cum. I still didn't know what to think, but, hell, he wanted it and I needed to bust a nut, so we did it again. From then on, anytime I needed to get off, I would just tell him to strip and get on his knees, and he would do it. We've maintained that same sort of relationship ever since."

"And you've never talked about it?," I asked.

"Nope. I tried once, and he said he didn't want to, that I should just enjoy it," said Adam.

"Have you ever done anything else besides oral with him," I asked Adam, as I was curious as to what all Kyle was into.

"For the rest of the first semester, it was just oral. I mean, that was great for me, and I really never thought about fucking his ass or anything; I didn't consider myself gay or even bi then," said Adam.

"But, I'm guessing you're about to tell me that changed at some point," I said.

"Yeah, it did. It was right after finals and before we left for Christmas break that year. I was majorly horny because I'd been so busy studying that I hadn't gotten off in like a week, and I knew I wouldn't see Kyle for a month over break, so I decided I needed to get some of his hot mouth before leaving. I came back to the room after my last exam, and Kyle was there packing his things to leave for home the next day. He was wearing a pair of basketball shorts and nothing else, and the sight of his half naked body made me instantly hard. I grabbed him by the shoulders and turned him toward me, yanked down his shorts and pushed him to his knees. He instantly started boning up and went straight to licking my balls and up and down my 9 inch shaft. He spent some time swirling his tongue around the head of my cock to get all of the pre-cum that I had started leaking before he started deep throating me. Then all of a sudden, Kyle pulled his mouth off me and stood up and walked over to the desk.

I had no idea what was going on, so I said what the fuck bitch, who told you to stop sucking my cock?' He just looked at me and said in a husky voice, I want you to fuck me.' I was confused by what he meant, so I said Get back on your knees bitch and I'll fuck your face harder than I ever fucked it before.' He laid his body across the desk with his ass sticking out toward me, looked back at me and said, Not my mouth, my ass. I need you to fuck me in the ass. I need to feel your big cock in my tight hole and have you breed me with your hot cum.' I stood there stunned for a minute or so, not really sure what to do. I mean, I knew what he wanted, but I kept thinking did I want that, was that too gay? Kyle reached in a drawer and pulled at a small bottle of lube and tossed it to me. That broke my trance, and he reached back and spread his ass cheeks so I could see his winking hole and said `Please Adam, fuck me daddy, I really want to feel you inside me.'

The sight of his inviting hole was too much for me, so I lubed up my throbbing cock and stepped up behind him. I grabbed his hips and slowly slid my fat cock into his waiting hole. His ass was so tight and warm; it felt amazing as I slid deeper into him. He was moaning as I hit bottom with my pubes brushing his ass cheeks. I had to stop for a minute for fear of blowing my load right then; no pussy had ever felt this good. He looked back at me and said, Come on Adam, fuck me, use my ass like you do my mouth.' With that I pulled back and slowly started fucking in and out of his hole with nice long strokes. He was moaning with pleasure and gasped harder, do it harder', so I pulled almost all the way out and slammed back into him. Then I started really pounding in and out of his ass. I grabbed him by the hair and he arched his back and I was able to go deeper inside him. I said things like, Oh god, Kyle, you're so fucking tight, I love fucking your bitch ass and Oh god, I'm gonna breed you with my cum and mark you as my little bitch.' At the pace I was going, I couldn't last long, so when I was close, I yelled out Oh, I'm gonna cum, take my load bitch, daddy's gonna fill you with his sperm.' With that I buried my cock to the hilt and started firing shot after shot of hot cum into Kyle's ass. It was the most intense orgasm I'd ever had. As I was unloading, I felt Kyle's ass muscles grip my cock tighter and his body tense up, and he let out a loud moan, Oh fuck yeah, I'm cumming too.' When I was done, I pulled out of his ass and collapsed on my bed. Kyle dropped to his knees and crawled over to me and proceeded to lick my cock clean. Then he got up, cleaned himself off, pulled on his shorts and went back to packing as if nothing had happed, just like always. Ever since then, he either blows me or I fuck him or both, it just depends on my mood. He always seems up for either"

"Damn dude, that's intense. Does he do the same thing for your other roommates," I asked.

"Not that I know of. I usually try and do it with him when I know everyone else is in class or out somewhere. If I had known you were in the bathroom, I never would have made him do it tonight. I just thought he was playing hard to get like he does every now and then. I'm really sorry that things happened this way," said Adam.

"I guess I am too. I mean it was way hot to see you fuck his face, and I've fantasized about doing it myself, but not at the expense of our relationship," I said.

"You really do care about him, don't you," asked Adam.

"Even though I haven't known him that long, I really do, and I hope he doesn't do anything stupid because of what happened tonight. Please keep an eye on him and ask him to call me. If he starts acting strange or does anything out of the ordinary, will you call me," I said.

"Sure Brandon, give me your number man, and I'll let you know how he's doing. I promise to try and get him to call you too."

I handed him my business card and thanked him for sharing his story with me. As I turned to go he said, "Oh, and by the way, if you ever decide you want some of this, you know where to find me." I just laughed and continued to walk toward my car, but in my head, I was thinking, I just might take him up on that offer sometime.

A week went by, and I hadn't heard anything from Kyle. I had left numerous messages on his cell, sent him a few e-mails and even tried texting him, but I heard nothing. Adam had called me a couple of days after the incident, and told me Kyle seemed to be acting normal and that he hadn't said anything about that night. Adam said he told him to call me, but that Kyle had just ignored him. Of course, Adam had to end the call reminding me he'd be happy to fuck me anytime.

I thought about calling the mentor program advisor knowing that she would insist that Kyle call me, but I didn't want to get him in any trouble. I had spent a lot of time thinking about what I saw and heard that night, and I knew I was going to have a tough time keeping my hands off him if we did see each other again, so maybe it was for the best if I didn't hear from him. I didn't really believe that, but at this point there wasn't much I could do.

I decided what I needed was some fun. I had been sexually frustrated ever since I watched Adam dump his load down Kyle's throat, and it was time to take care of that. I made a couple of calls to my usual guys, but they were both booked up for the night. I decided to take a chance and check out the web for any new material in the area. It didn't happen often, but every once in a while a new guy would appear on the site that fit the profile I was looking for. As luck would have it, there was a new guy that was in the right age range and was into the right things. He only had cock and ass pictures on the site, but they looked great, so I decided to take a chance. He only had an e-mail listed, so I sent him a message asking if he was free tonight. I didn't really expect a reply, as a lot of times only having an e-mail means the guy isn't serious, but I was pleasantly surprised when I heard back from him an hour later. He said he was free, so we agreed on terms, and I gave him my address. Normally, I would ask for a face pic, but he was upfront about needing to maintain his discretion, and since I did as well, I was willing to let it slide.

I had a light dinner and then decided to take a nice hot shower to get ready for the evening. We agreed that he would be here at 8:00, and I wanted to be nice and clean for our time together. I was gonna pound the shit out of this kid tonight, but first I was going to see to it that his mouth and tongue explored every inch of my taut body including eating my ass. I was horny as hell, so he was going to be in for a wild night.

I had showered and dressed in a tight t-shirt that showed off my chest and arms and a pair of track pants that clung to me in all the right places. I decided to pour myself a drink and was sipping on it when the doorbell rang. I checked the clock, and he was right on time. I went to the door anxiously anticipating meeting my hot new boy toy. When I opened the door, I was shocked to Kyle standing there instead of the guy I had booked from the site. Kyle was dressed in a tight fitting button down that was open a few buttons to show off his smooth chest and a pair of jeans that left nothing to the imagination as to what he was packing in the cock and balls department. I saw a brief look of confusion and then fear on Kyle's face as he looked at me, and then I heard him mutter "Oh God no, this can't be happening," as he started to turn to leave. I grabbed his arm and said, "Kyle, please stay, we need to talk."

He tried to pull away and said, "Just let me go, I never would have come here if I'd know it was you."

"Kyle, what do you mean, if you'd known it was me," I said, and then it hit me, "Oh my God," I said, "you mean, you're the guy from the site..."

End of Part 2

I hope you enjoyed Part 2 of my story. I will try and post the next chapter soon. Please send all comments and feedback to I love hearing from you. If you have ideas on what direction you would like to see the story take, please let me know.

Next: Chapter 3

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