Mentor and Mentee

By David

Published on Oct 22, 2011


Mentor and Mentee -- Part 1

Author: davidoh69

Note: The following story is entirely fictitious. Any resemblance to actual people, places or events is coincidental. This story contains explicit sexual content involving persons over the age of 18. If you are offended by sex between consenting male adults or if it is not legal to read this in your area, please do not continue. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy the story.

From the moment I saw those shirtless pictures of Kyle on his Facebook profile, I knew I would want him, but I also knew that would not be possible. You see, Kyle was going to be my new mentee in the Executive Mentor program at my college alma mater, and I would have to maintain a fairly professional relationship with him or else risk exposing things about myself that could ruin my reputation. I figured it would be ok; I'd done it before with other mentees who were at least as good looking as this kid appeared to be. I really enjoy helping these young men succeed in their college careers and preparing them for the business world; I guess that is why I continue to torture myself with a new mentee every three years rather than just quitting the program. I guess I could pick a female mentee, but it just wouldn't be the same for me.

Before I go on, I guess I should tell you a little bit about myself. My name is Brandon Turner, and I am a 40 year old corporate executive who enjoys having sex with college aged young men. I live a fairly private life and am not "out" to most of my friends, family or colleagues, and I typically satisfy my sexual desires for younger men with rent boys and the like. I don't want you to get the wrong idea, it's not that I necessarily need to pay for it, but it helps to ensure some level of discretion and that I get what I want. I am in fairly good shape with a toned body that I keep that way by running and weight training. I am about 5'11" tall and weigh 185. I have brown hair and eyes and am slightly hairy, and I have a 7.5" cut cock that is of average thickness. Now back to the story...

Our first meeting was on campus at a restaurant in the new residence hall where he lives. When I walked in and saw him standing there, I felt my heartbeat quicken and my cock begin to stir in my suit pants. He was even cuter than his photos. He is a little shorter than me and fairly thin. He has blondish brown hair that he wears short and messy and has beautiful blue eyes. His arms coming out of his t-shirt appeared toned but not overly muscular. Overall, he seemed to have a somewhat athletic look about him. I thought to myself, "Damn, this isn't going to be easy..."

We shook hands and made some small talk while we placed our orders and waited in line for our food. I did my best to try and avoid checking him out, but I couldn't help but notice the way his sweats clung to his tight round ass. It was all I could do to keep my cock under control. I was relieved when we could finally sit down so I didn't have to worry about him seeing me pop a boner. The meeting went well, with us getting to know each other a little better. Kyle has a great personality and is easy to talk to. I found out he was from a family of four brothers with him being the youngest at 20. He is a writer and plays on an intramural basketball team. As we talked, I found I was able to ignore my lust for him and instead focus on building our mentor/mentee relationship. I was glad this was the case, but as I said, I've done this before. However, in the past the other guys were clearly straight and talked about girls or their girlfriends' right from the beginning. Kyle didn't mention a girlfriend, and there was something about him that made me think, just maybe this one could be gay.

At the end of our meeting, we arranged to keep in touch via phone and e-mail and to meet for dinner on a monthly basis. He offered to give me a tour of the new residence hall and his suite, but I had to get to a meeting, so I declined and told him we would do it next time for sure. He seemed a little disappointed that he didn't get to show off the campus' newest building to me, but agreed that next time would be good.

3 Weeks Later

It had been three weeks since my first meeting with Kyle, and I was anxious to see him again. I couldn't seem to get him out of my head, and I had used him as the star in my jerk off fantasies repeatedly since we'd last met. I knew it was wrong to think of him that way, but I just couldn't help imaging running my hands and mouth all over his athletic body and shoving my cock down his throat. As my body would be wracked with orgasm I would imagine filling his mouth with my hot cum and watching as he greedily swallowed my load. But those were just fantasies, I mean, I was still having trouble getting him to call me Brandon instead of Mr. Turner, so the idea that he would even want to have sex with me much less actually do it seemed ridiculous. Maybe after our dinner tonight, I would be able to see him as just another mentee and not a possible sex partner. If that didn't work, I guess, I would have to call up one of my regular boys and schedule some time to play.

We decided to meet off campus at a local steakhouse. Kyle protested at first that it was out of his price range, but I assured him that I would be paying and that I could afford it. I got there first and decided to wait for him at the bar. I ordered a diet coke (I never drink in front of my mentees until they turn 21 and can join me) and just relaxed till he arrived. I saw him walk in, and he was wearing a tight fitting graphic tee, and a pair of jeans that hugged his frame nicely. As he got closer, I could see a nice bulge in the front of his pants showing off his package. This kid sure wasn't making things easy on me.

We were seated, and we talked about his classes and some internships he was considering applying for. I gave him some advice on how to tailor his cover letters, etc. and told him a little more about my work and what had been going on in my life. As we talked, I stopped seeing him as a sexual fantasy and more as a young man who really needed my advice and guidance. That is until we were ready to leave. He said, "So Mr. Turner...I mean Brandon, are you ready to go back to my room?" As he said those words, my cock instantly got hard, and I almost forgot that he wasn't one of my rent boys that I had taken out to dinner before taking him home and using his mouth and ass for my pleasure.

"Excuse me, Kyle...what did you say?"

"Oh...well, I uh, I mean it's ok if you don't have time, but I thought you were going to let me give you a tour of my room and the new residence hall this time."

Of course, I had totally forgotten that I promised him I would tour the new building the next time we got together. "Oh, of course I have time, I just figured that since we met off campus, that we wouldn't do it tonight. But if you want to then let's go."

Kyle relaxed some then, and we agreed that I would meet him outside the entrance to the residence hall back on campus. I followed him back to campus and found a parking spot and walked to his dorm. I was grateful for the time alone so that I could once again push aside my desire for him and remember that I was here to mentor him, not fuck him.

Kyle used his key card to let us into the building, and he proceeded to take me on a tour of the common areas of the hall. It was a spectacular building, much nicer than the dorms they had when I was in college. When we got to his suite, he told me he had three other suite mates, but he thought they all had night classes, so nobody should be home. We went in to the common area, and it had a nice sitting area with a flat screen, a small kitchenette, etc. The suite had four small bedrooms with the typical dorm bed and study area, at least based on Kyle's room. His room was neat and had sports posters on the walls. It also had a couple of bathrooms that were shared.

"Hey Kyle, mind if I use your bathroom? I guess I drank too much diet at the restaurant."

"No, go ahead Mr...uh Brandon, I just hope it isn't too messy."

I went in and unzipped and hauled out my soft cock. As I relieved my bladder, I looked around the room, and it wasn't actually too bad for a bunch of college guys. There were a few towels lying here and there, and a pair of boxer briefs lying by the shower stall. When I finished pissing, I couldn't help myself, I had to pick up the underwear and give them a sniff. The crotch had a nice manly sent to it, and there appeared to be some dried cum in them as well. Damn...just when I thought I had put my lust behind me, I was starting to bone up again. I threw the underwear back on the floor where I found them and put my cock away. I took my time washing my hands so my cock could go down.

I opened the door to the bathroom and started to walk out, and what I saw froze me in my tracks. Standing in front of the couch was this hot, naked college boy with dark hair, brilliant green eyes, a muscular build with a slightly hairy chest, and, to my complete and utter shock, he had his cock buried in the throat of my mentee. Kyle was naked and on his knees in front of this stud and the guy was holding his head and pounding his huge cock in and out of Kyle's throat at a furious pace. Kyle seemed to be struggling to push the guy away, but his smaller frame didn't have the strength. I knew I should say something to stop what was going on, but I couldn't stop watching. This young stud was living out my fantasy with my mentee.

"Stop struggling bitch, you know you like sucking my cock. I've been saving this load for you all week," growled the hot stud. With that the guy started pounding his cock in out of Kyle's mouth as fast as he could go, and it seemed all Kyle could do was grab onto his muscular thighs and try and hold out till the guy reached his orgasm. I was mesmerized by the sight of this hot stud face fucking Kyle, but I did take the time to check out Kyle's hot body. As I said, he was on the skinner side, but had a very nicely toned body with a little bit of definition in all the right places. He had very little body hair except a nice treasure trail and some trimmed pubes. His bubble butt was to hot as hell and it looked like he had a nice 7 inch cock that was fully hard and possibly leaking pre-cum. I guess he was enjoying this more than I originally had thought.

My own 7.5 inch cock was hard as steel and felt like it was going to burst through my pants. I was tempted to take it back out and stroke it, but it appeared that the show was going to last much longer and things were going to be bad enough without me being caught jacking off too.

The hot stud pounded Kyle's mouth for a few more minutes and then let out a loud moan..."OH FUCK, I'm gonna cum, get ready to take my load you little cum slut." With that, he shoved his cock all the way into Kyle's mouth and held his head in place. His body tensed up and I could tell he was filling my mentee's mouth with his seed. I could see Kyle's throat muscles working hard to swallow the cum that was flooding his mouth. As the stud came down off his orgasm, he released Kyle's head and pushed him away. He then opened his eyes and turned his head and was looking right at me. "Who the fuck are you?" he yelled. It was then that Kyle must have realized I was still there, as he started frantically grabbing for his clothes, but everything was strewn all over the room, so he couldn't find his underwear or pants. Finally, he got up off the floor and went running to his room and slammed the door. I looked directly at the hot stud and said, "I'm Kyle's mentor, who are you?" The guy responded, "I'm his daddy."

End of part 1.

I hope you enjoyed the story. If you would like to hear more, please e-mail me your feedback at

Next: Chapter 2

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