Men's Room in the Park

By Frank Levy

Published on Jun 6, 2006



They had patched the glory hole in the wall of the men room in the park which left me with little option but to sit there on the toilet with my jeans at my ankles, dick in my hand, think about the "good old days". It was early in the afternoon on a weekday and the place was mostly deserted. My cock was hard with my stroking so I slowed down to keep it up as long as possible. I'd brought lube which always made me feel sexier using it to shine my knob and run luxuriously up and down the 6 1/2inch shaft. .I'm not huge, but nicely shaped, they say. I lubed my perineum and let my finger slide slowly toward my hole. Scrunching forward and bringing my ass up, my ass was rimmed with lube around and around, then inside then out again.

" MMM" that felt good.

"Did I just groan aloud?" Suddenly I noticed ankles by the urinal next to my stall. "When did he come in?" I thought.

The guy in sneakers stood for a time, flushed, went to the sink, ran water, went to the towel dispenser, back to the sink and waited. Next he had to get some toilet paper from the stall next to mine and crossed in front of me discreetly looking through the cracks of the door--twice. Then. again.. (Not so discrete)

He was slim, wearing blue nylon running shorts that were exceptionally short. His legs were long, with runner's muscles beneath his tanned skin. I got up, flushed and came out of the stall to take a look. He was about 6ft or taller, salt and pepper hair, ice-blue eyes, and had a face like he should be an executive with a big company. He stood there doing stretching exercises, showing off his smooth legs and butt.

"Nice day for a run" I suggested.

"Yes, perfect" he answered non-committedly.

Eager to communicate, I said

"Those are nice shorts. What is that material?" I moved forward and stroked the edge that lay on his thigh.

"Um,uh, nylon, I think"

I proceeded to rub a little higher and noticed his cockhead rising inside the un-constructed garment. He noticed that I noticed and didn't move, so I ran my palm gently over the bulge, defining its measurement. My other hand ran slowly up the back of his thigh towards the spot where his long legs met his firm butt. He had a nice "C" shaped ass, which on a slim guy, is very sexy. His mouth was open and he was breathing steadily. We turned toward each other and began to explore each others bodies. I'm shorter and more muscular, with dark hair and mustache ^Ö he went for my chest and pinched my tits before working down my abs toward the button of my jeans. In seconds my pants were on the floor ,again, and my cock expanded. His hands were smooth and he stroked me as I rummaged inside his shorts for his rising cock. I slipped his shorts down as I simultaneously stooped to take his seven inches of hard meat into my mouth. He let out a low hiss as I swallowed it straight down to the root. He rocked his hips gently back and forth slowly fucking my face as I tickled his butt hole with two fingers. His penis filled my mouth and throat; I let it slide along my tongue back and forth. Stretching my tongue, I was able to connect the tip to the top of his balls--his big purple head halfway down my esophagus. He was very hard and pulsing nectar. I withdrew my sucking orifice from his leaking rod and stood to stick my tongue in his mouth. He breathed me in taking my wet probe deep inside him, His long arms ran down my back and cupped my ass cheeks, spreading and kneading them like two loaves. He bit my neck, licked my chin, my throat; I could hear the sensual rasping of his tongue on my beard, and then he continued down to feast on my furry chest.

He nipped and sucked alternately leaving me breathless on my tiptoes, back arched. He had an educated mouth. At last he showed some mercy and went down on my dripping member.

"Oh, yesss" I screamed in my head. Eat that fucking dick!

Suddenly he stood.

He maneuvered me over to the sinks, spun me around and bent me forward. I felt his marvelous tongue working on my glutes. His long slim fingers opened my butt like a lunchbox. At first I felt cool air then hot, wet probing around my sphincter. He slid a finger in up to the knuckle and vibrated it back and forth, tickling my prostate gland. He sent his tongue way up inside sealing his lips around the outside of my hole, mouth fucking me. My eyeballs rolled back in my head from the intense pleasure. My body was tingling with ripples of electricity, my tits were hard and my cock leaking onto the cement floor darkening it with spermy stain." Let me stay like this forever!!" some part of me thought.

I remembered the lube in my pocket but didn't want to break the mood. I reached back and tried to grad his cock. He brought it forward to fill my outstretched hand. He was rock hard and also leaking pre-cum. Nonchalantly, I dipped down, grabbed the lube and lateraled it back to him. My next sensation was that of cool, clean grease traveling up my ass on the end of a finger. I spread my legs and braced myself as I felt his cock head smooch my anal lips.

"Oh yeah" I breathed; and it slid in right up to the pubes.

"Umph. Ahhh" I felt him inside me like a bolt in a lock; oiled, snug, and a perfect fit. He began to slide in and out enraging my prostate. He popped out, then squeezed the head back in again titillating my guts with waves of pleasure.

"Oh my god" I groaned.

He kept doing that until I was going out of my mind with pleasure. At last he stayed in and began pistoning like a locomotive--slowly with rhythm, then speeding up with jagged thrusts. He was slamming in and out when my cock unexpectedly exploded. Without touching myself I shot off 5 ropes of white hot cum. When he felt my insides contract and suck at his hard cock, he, too, began to pump his load far up my anal canal. I could feel him spurt his hot lava way inside. His breath was steady and fast, like when he ran. He was in good shape. I, on the other hand was spent. We both stood for a moment, our semi-hard cocks still dripping clear fluid.

I turned and we locked lips and wrapped out tongues around each others oral muscle in one last duel. Finished we dressed quickly with no conversation.

"See you around?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'll be here. Maybe Thursday" I answered.

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