Men Wearing Nylon Slips

By Aust Slip

Published on Oct 16, 2013


The 6th instalment. The conversions continue .....

The mayor met with the three men late into the evening in his sound proof office. "Now what proposal would you like to discuss?" he asked the men he thought were about to offer a 'private donation' for some shady development.

"We have a proposal" said the guy who had introduced himself as Tim.

"Go ahead. Please" the mayor said eagerly.

"We want you to wear these" said a guy who introduced himself as Bill as he held out a pristine white nylon ladies full slip and panties.

Puzzled the mayor said "Okay. I think you gentlemen can leave now"

"Lets not be too hasty. Have a look" said Tom as he opened a laptop in front of the mayor.

The mayor was dismayed to see a video of himself taking an envelope and counting money. He remembered that was 2 days ago at a coffee shop. Two men wanted an application for a bar development fast tracked."How did you get that?" he asked in a menacing tone when he realized he had been set up.

"What you should be worried about is that reporter at the paper who writes negative stories about you getting a copy of that video" said Tom as he showed it as an attachment in an email ready to be sent to her. "I'm going to send it in 60 seconds and you won't be mayor lunchtime tomorrow" continued Tom confidently.

The mayor knew Tom was right and panicked. He would go along with these crazy characters for now and then send his cronies around to shut them down he thought to himself. "Give them here then delete that email. How long do I have to humiliate myself?" snapped the mayor.

"We'll let you know" replied Bill.

The mayor was tall and a bigger build. He was surprised at how easy the slip was to put on and how well it fit. The panties were just as easy and a snug fit. When the mayor looked up he saw the three men in the room had discarded their male clothes and stood with him also in white full nylon slips and panties."We thought you would feel more comfortable with us like this" smiled Tim.

"Care to tell me what this is about?" asked the mayor.

"We want to give you pleasure" said Tom.

"How do you think you're going to do that?" chuckled the mayor.

"We've already started. How does that slip feel? Soft and silky?"asked Bill.

"Mine is sexy, makes me so hard" said Tim as he and the others moved closer.

The mayor knew the men were trying to draw his attention to the ladies lingerie he had been forced into and sensed danger. He had noticed the softness of the panties and slip at their first touch but had managed to ignore it. But on hearing the words of the men his mind involuntarily turned to the softness that adorned his body. The mayor felt a stirrng sensation in his groin saw an emerging bulge under the bright white nylon when he looked down.

"Mmmm. He's getting hard already. A perfectly normal reaction to the delicate caress of cool soft nylon." cooed Tim.

"I've had enough" the mayor declared as he moved to cast off the feminine attire.

"Not if you want to stay mayor" chimed Tom.

"what is this really all about?" demanded the mayor.

"We want to sexually connect with you" said Tom.

"That won't work. Because I like women. Not men" replied the mayor.

"This isn't about men or women. It's about us, you and the gentle touch of silky soft nylon" retorted Tom as the three men advanced slowly on the mayor who had backed against a wall.

When their bodies were inches from the mayor's the mayor blurted "what are you doing?"

"This" said Tom as he suddenly pressed himself front on into the mayor, and as he did so ensured his groin was hard against the mayor's.

"And this" said Bill and Tim who did the same against either side.

"What now?" trembled the mayor who was becoming overwhelmed by the nylon slip he wore and on bodies of the men that surrounded him.

"We stand here and let our bodies get to know each other through the deliciousness of the silky nylon. Can you feel my hardness slide against yours?" whispered Tom.

The mayor ignored Tom and tried to move away but Tom's body followed his.

"This is getting so hot" said Bill.

"We're all getting harder and harder. You're turning us on and we're turning you on. Can there be a greater sexual connection thant that?" whispered Tom.

The mayor had to admit to himself he had never in his life been so aroused. Even with sexy young women who wanted favors. "But it's so wrong" said the mayor.

"Pay attention to the signals from your body. It knows what is natural" responded Tim assuredly.

"We've gotten so close to cumming and all we have done is press our warm silky slip covered bodies against each other. Lets complete our connection through consumation" said Tom as he began to rhythmically grind into the mayor, the hardness of his panty bulge sliding and rubbing the mayo'rs equally hard panty bulge under the slips.

Bill and Tim joined Tom and soon the four men were a heaving mass of silky soft nylon clad male bodies.

The sensations were too much for the mayor who for some reason he had the uncontrollabe urge to empty himself into the softness that surrounded him."No no no" he yelled the as a wave of pleasure more intense than he had ever felt before swept over him. His body tensed as load after load of juicy cum erupted into the nylon that slipped and slid against him.

That triggered Tom, Bill & Tim to do the same and soon all four were in the throes of joint ecstasy.

When their orgasms subsided Bill breathed "Did we connect with you?"

"Oh god yes. That was incredible, better than I can ever remember" replied the mayor honestly.

"Do you want to wear a slip again?" asked Tom.

"Yes and yes" answered the mayor.

Tom laughed "We wear ours all the time under male clothes. The silky softness reminds us of experiences like these"

"I'll be doing that too" smiled the mayor.

"Now we have some development plans to submit. Can we count on our special relationship for your support?" asked Tom.

"Oh yes. I want lots more of that special relationship. Oh God I'm getting hard again already and I'm 52" replied the mayor excitedly.

"Wonderful" said Bill as he pulled out 4 fresh full slips and panties.

In an instant they were all dressed again in clean white slips and panties and Bill had his body against the mayor's slip clad body. He took the mayor's face in his hands and planted a warm wet kiss on his mouth. The mayor hesitated before he reciprocated the kiss and moaned in pleasure.

Tim loved watching his live in lingerie lover kissing the mayor and said "Oh Bill darling. You are sooo romantic. Tom looked at Tim and both men smiled at each other. They first touched their panty bulges then kissed deeply. The mayor broke his kiss with Bill and marvelled at the sight of Tom and Tim's embrace and loved what he saw. Soon all four men joined in a single silky embrace.

"Now if I could only get that reporter off my back" mused the mayor.

"I have organized a late night meeting with the owner of the paper. we should be able to get him to see things our way on that" smiled Tom. The mayor responded with an open mouth smile that Tom soon kissed deeply.

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