Men Wearing Nylon Slips

By Aust Slip

Published on Oct 7, 2013


Larry noticed the 50 something guy who had frequented the bar Larry stopped at every evening for a drink after work in recent weeks. They sometimes conversed across tables about the game on the large screen but this evening the guy came over just as Larry was about to leave.

"Hi. I'm Noel" said the guy politely.

"Larry" he replied.

"I'm not sure you can help but my car is still in the shop and I need a ride. But only if you're headed towards the cinema complex on South Boulevard. Otherwise I'll ask around" asked Noel politely.

"No problem. It's on my way" answered Larry who was somewhat of a recluse. During the trip they exchanged that Noel was an insurance investigator and that Larry was a civil servant at the State's local IRS office. Larry also discovered that like him, Noel was a coin collector, and he couldn't resist the invitation to go inside to see Noel's coins.

"Coffee?" offered Noel as Larry went through the folders of impressive coins.

"Sure. Thanks" said Larry.

"I hope I'm not keeping you from anything" said Noel.

"No. I've lived alone since my wife passed away" said Larry.

"Divorced here" said Noel.

Larry felt a bit giddy. "Are you alright?" asked Noel.

"I'm not sure" replied Larry as his head spun.

"You better lay down for a minute" said Noel which Larry did just before everything went black.

hLarry awoke in astonishment. Noel stood in front if him wearing nothing but a white ladies full slip. Larry rubbed his eyes and muttered "What are you doing?"

"Same as you" answered Noel as he smiled and pointed at Larry. Larry looked down at his body and was shocked to see that he too was dressed in a ladies white slip. Worse still he could feel panties as well.

In panic he threw off the ladies attire and standing naked demanded "where's my clothes?".

"I would put those back on if I were you" mused Noel.

"Why would I?" asked Larry.

"Take a look" said Noel as he pointed to a laptop on the living room table. To his horror, Larry saw a picture of himself asleep wearing the slip titled 'Larry like slips'. Also on the screen was his own email account with an email in he outbox and the picture of him as an attachment.

"Look at the 'TO' address bar" said Noel ominously.

Larry's mind reeled as he saw at least 10 email addresses for his work colleagues. He tried to close it down but the screen was locked.

"See that time at 8 minutes and counting down?" said Noel. "Once that reaches 0 the email goes. Unless I log in and stop it. which I will if you put the lovely slip back on" continued Noel.

Larry unplugged the laptop but it went to battery. "That email will be sent from the server. If you take out the battery I won't be able stop it" laughed Noel who clearly enjoyed Larry's predicament.

"Stop that email" shouted Larry.

"Your options are simple. Wear the slip or you go to work tomorrow trying to explain away the photo. In 6 minutes" laughed Noel.

Larry realized he was trapped. "Blackmail is against the law" said Larry.

"Call the Police. Have me arrested. Then during the court case you explain to your friends and colleagues the photo of you in the slip shown on the 6 o'clock news while I'll pay a fine." laughed Noel.

"How long do I have to wear it?" asked Larry annoyed.

"Only 1 hour. Then you can watch me delete the email" said Noel seductively.

"What kind of weird game are you playing? asked Larry incredulously.

"I'm just having some sexy fun" replied Noel.

"You're sadly mistaken if you think wearing that will do anything. Give it here so I can rain on your parade and get out of here" said Larry defiantly. Soon Larry was in white panties and a slip and demanded "Stop the email and start the timer"

They both sat on separate couches and Noel smiled at Larry "You look fabulous".

Larry had decided to remain silent to get through the ordeal.

"How does the nylon feel? Soft?" asked Noel. "I know what happens to a man in your predicament. At first he is surprised at Just how silky it is. Are surprised Larry? Is it silkier than you thought it would be?" cooed Noel.

Larry remained steadfast. But Noel was right. The damn slip and panties were ridiculously soft he thought to himself.

Noel was quiet for a few minutes knowing the silkiness of Larry's slip was working on Larry's vulnerable male body. He then stood directly in front of Larry, his own full slip in full view. "Look at what my slip has done to me. I'm getting hard. Is your slip doing that to you?" Noel asked Larry.

Larry was quiet as he hid the unexplained excitement that grew in his groin.

Noel could see the obvious awakening between Larry's legs. "Oh my. Don't tell me you like it" teased Noel.

"Shut up" snapped Larry. He looked down and saw that his unwanted hardness had grown. He stood up and went to the kitchen to escape Noel who followed him.

"You can't escape the slip you're in or me" said Noel as he trapped Larry in a corner. Noel blocked Larry with his slip clad body as Larry tried to get past. The delicate caresses of the slip and panties overtook Larry and he stood gazing at his own body.

"Oh god you're so sexy" said Noel as he watched Larry surrender to the silky sensations.

Noel could see Larry's hard cock pulsing as it strained inside the silky panties His own cock responded as if reaching out to Larry's hardness. Larry watched Noel's cock now inches from his move even closer. The luscious silkiness of the panties and slips had brought the bodies of both men to the precipice of explosive pleasure. They were fully aware the slightest touch was all it would take to plunge them both into an abyss of orgasmic pleasure.

"No. Don't" pleaded Larry.

"I have to" said Noel as he took a step forward that resulted in an erotic coming together of their silky nylon encased bodies. Noel thrusted his panty covered bulge under his slip just once into Larry's bulge, their cocks slid against each other in the swirling silky mix.

"Uh uh" stuttered Larry as for about 2 seconds he thought he could resist before his entire body convulsed uncontrollably. He let out agonized groans in time with each load of cum that erupted into his and Noel's pressed together silkies. Noel exploded too when he felt Larry orgasm and wrapped his arms around his quarry. In the headiness Larry unknowingly did the same and both men were in a loving silky embrace in mutual ecstasy.

"Oh fuck. I can't remember ever cumming so hard" breathed Larry as the excitement subsided.

"It's wonderful isn't it. You have about 30 minutes left in the slip but after that you deserve an early mark " smiled Noel still holding Larry.

"Thanks" said Larry who was keen to get going.

"Anytime you want another sexy silky session, I'm available" said Noel as Larry changed.

"I don't think I will" said Larry as he headed out the door. Noel knew a seed was planted in Larry and he would most likely be back. Sooner rather than later.

At work the next day Larry could not get the silky slips out of his head. His phone rang. "Are you hard?" asked the voice he recognized as Noel's.

"Very" he replied.

"See you tonight?" asked Noel. After a long pause Larry whispered "Okay".

Noel turned to Terry after he hung up. "He's coming" he said as they exchanged wicked smiles.

Next: Chapter 6

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