Men Wearing Nylon Slips

By Aust Slip

Published on Sep 24, 2013


This story is the sequel to the previous story 'Men Wearing Slips'.


Terry met Bill and Tim, his new neighbors who lived in the apartment opposite. He liked that they were in their 50's, most likely sensible and not likely to get up to much. That expectation was shortlived because the next day when Terry came home, Bill was in the hall between their apartments wearing nothing but a white ladies full slip.

"This is so embarassing" started Bill. "I locked myself out calling to Tim before he got to the elevator but I missed him".

"Is that right?" replied Terry not really sure what to say.

"People don't normally come around that corner but to be safe would you mind if I came in until Tim got home? He shouldn't be more than 20 minutes" asked Bill.

Terry was startled but always helped people and replied "I guess that's okay"

Terry and Bill talked casually about ex-wives and other things. The topic of the slip came up once. "There's not much to it. Slips are comfortable to wear around the house and also they give me pleasure if you know what I mean" said Bill casually.

They heard Tim come home.

"Is he ....." started Terry.

"He won't like me telling you this but he wears them too. Now we have cable and there's a game on tonight at 8 if you would like to come over. It's the least I can do for helping me out." said Bill heading out the door.

Bill was quite good company despite having worn the slip and Terry loved Monday night football. "Okay thanks. I will" replied Terry.

Terry knocked on the door at 8 sharp and was shocked to see both Bill and Tim wearing bright white nylon full slips. He could also see the outline of lace white panties. "Surely you don't wear those things when you have visitors?" asked Terry.

"Normally no but you already know so what's the difference" said Tim cheerfully.

"And you should be used to it after this afternoon" laughed Bill.

Before he knew it Te was sitting on a couch watching football with 2 guys in slips on chairs either side. By halftime and after 4 beers Terry had relaxed. But then Bill clumsily dropped a tray of 3 beers that soaked Terry through.

"Go to the bathroom and get out of those clothes. I'll race across to your place and get you something dry" said Bill.

Annoyed at the situation and not thinking it through Terry gave Bill his key and stripped down in the bathroom. Instead of his clothes Terry was given a silky white full slip and panties. "Funny. Now you can give me my clothes" laughed Terry.

"Only after you've worn that beautiful slip" said Bill.

Terry came out of the bathroom. "Where's my clothes?" he demanded.

"Locked up at your place and I've hidden your key. Now you can either pay a locksmith $200 and wait outside naked for 2 hours or you can wear the slip and panties and get your key back" said Bill ominously.

"Why do you want me to wear them?" asked Terry in desperation.

"Simple. It's such a turn on watching a man wear a silky soft slip and nylon panties for the first time. Now you only have to wear them for 15 minutes. By then half time will be over and you can watch the rest of the game with us." smiled Bill confidently.

It dawned on Terry that Bill had intentionally spilt the beers as part of a creepy plan to get him to wear a slip. He considered his options and decided to play dress up and then get away from these two as quickly as possible. "15 minutes then I'm not having anything more to do with you weirdos" snapped Terry as he snatched the slip and panties from Tim.

Tim started the countdown on his phone once Terry was fully dressed in the intimate attire.

Terry was startled by just how soft the slip felt as it caressed his bare skin. Without realising he looked down and the sight of the the silky soft nylon slip that encased his body together with it's smooth softness caused a juicy warmth to grow in his groin.

Bill and Tim had watched Terry intently and noticed his involuntary reaction and rubbed themselves through their own slips and panties.

"I think he likes it" Tim said excitedly.

"Oh he does" said Bill who licked his lips lustfully.

Terry realised his hand had unintentionally gone to his groin while the other rubbed against the slip on his thigh. He regained his composure momentarily and stopped. "How long have I got?" he asked quickly as he tried to bypass his initial reaction.

"Only 14 minutes but what's the hurry? You seem you like the slip and panties." beamed Bill as he advanced on Terry.

Terry walked quickly around the couch to escape Bill that caused the nylon to slide all over him seductively.

Tim moved around the other side of the couch to cut off Terry's escape and asked "Can you believe how incredibly smooth and silky the nylon feels when you move?"

"Not really" muttered Terry in denial. He had gotten harder and knew Tim was right.

Tim moved close to Terry who was trapped between his silken covered assailants. "The slip fits you so perfectly. I love how the bodice fits snugly here and then the nylon shapes wonderfully over your belly." cooed Tim as he ran his hand over Terry's slip. "Take a look" continued Tim as he pointed to a full length mirror on the wall.

Terry was stunned when he saw himself wearing the slip and became instantly rock hard. The sight was too much and he suprised himself when he blurted "Oh fuck. You guys are right. Slips and panties are fucking sexy to wear".

"mmmmmm. They are darling" said Bill sweetly as he watched Terry start to rub himself through the slip. Bill and Tim did the same.

"Oh that's it honey. Give in to the slip. It's wants you to cum" cooed Tim whose slip now brushed Terry's slip as they all rubbed themselves frantically.

"Oh my god he's going to cum" squealed Bill who was so excited at what was happening.

"You two are so wicked" shrieked Terry as he felt the last of his resistance fade and he succumbed to the silken sensations that assailed him all over. In the mayhem he exploded and came harder than he could ever remember. The feeling was more delicious than anything he had felt before as his groin pulsed as load after load of cum erupted into the silken panties.

Tim and Bill both came hard simultaneously with Terry reeling at not only the silky softness of their own slips but at how sexy it was they had trapped Terry, a normal 50 something year old man, into wearing and cumming in slips and panties.

"Oh that was sooo incredible. Lets all get changed" said Bill who was the first to regain his composure.

To Terry's surprise Bill handed him a fresh clean pair of panties and silky white nylon slip.

"I'm done" said Terry quizzically.

"You stil have 8 minutes to go" smiled Bill. Terry saw Bill was right when he looked at the countdown that had stopped with 8 to go.

Contradictions flooded Terry's mind. He wanted to escape but felt himself getting hard again as he studied the slip he held. "A deal is a deal" he said as he slid on the panties and slip.

All three men again stood in front of the mirror dressed in silkies. "Lets make it a little more exciting this time" said Bill seductively.

"How" asked Terry.

"Like this" replied Bill smiling broadly as he wrapped his arms around Terry and pulled their slip clad bodies against each other front on, the silky nylon covering their soft bellies pressed hard together.

As Bill's soft slip pushed agains his Terry gasped "Oh god. This is the most erotic thing I've ever felt. I'm getting so hard"

"Me too. You are so sexy yourself" said Bill as his hard cock rose to meet Terry's.

"I'm ready to cum again" said Terry as he joined Bill in the embrace and wrapped his arms around Bill.

"Not yet. Lets enjoy each others silkiness for a while" whispered Bill as both men looked admiringly into each others eyes.

"You two look so romantic standing there in that loving embrace. Kiss him Bill. Kiss him now." Tim gasped.

At that Bill smiled and kissed Terry deeply driving his warm wet tongue deep into Terry's mouth. "mmmmmmm" moaned Bill.

Terry resisted at first but was overwhelmed by the silkiness of his and Bill's slips that he let out his own moan as Bill's tongue explored his mouth. Terry reciprocated and their tongues entwined and danced wetly together.

When their kiss broke Bill said "You are so naughty. You just kissed another man."

"I know. But it felt so right" replied Terry now on the verge of cumming again.

"Do you still think we're weird?" asked Bill coyly.

"Not at all. This is just so amazing" replied Terry.

"Would you say we've converted you to slip wearing?" asked Bill smiling as he looked past Terry and knowingly at Tim.

"Oh god yes. I want to wear one all the time. They're such a turn on. Now lets cum again together" said Terry breathily.

"Ofcourse my darling." said Bill.

Tim pressed into Terry from the back as Bill started to rhythmically grind into Terry from the front. Terry caught a glimpse of their three writhing slip covered bodies in the mirror and in an instant came even harder than before that he was giddy and almost passed out from the intenseness.

An hour later all three had cum mulitple times were still wearing slips and panties. The game was long forgotten about and Terry,now exhausted, got up to leave. "I better get going. Thanks so much for the most amazing and enlightening evening" smiled Terry.

"Take these" said Bill disappearing into his bedroom then reappearing with 5 slips and panties.

"Thanks so much" said Terry. "But it's more fun with someone else"

"We're always here but we'll have to find someone special for you." smiled Tim who now held Bill lovingly, their slips touching.

"mmmmm. A permanent slip wearing fuck buddy. That would be wonderful" responded Terry.

Bill smiled sexily "Lets work on it tomorrow. I am thinking we lure a 50 year old divorcee like us into a silky trap and ......

Next: Chapter 4

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