Men Wearing Nylon Slips

By Aust Slip

Published on Aug 5, 2013


And Yet Another Successful Slip Conversion

Tim was a 50 year old 5'10" recent divorcee and rented a room from Bill who owned the apartment. The arrangement had been working well for two weeks when Bill suddenly began wearing nothing but ladies full nylon slips and panties around the apartment whenever he was home. Tim's initial reaction was shock. "Why on earth have you started doing that?" Tim asked.

"I normally wear them. I thought I could stop so I advertised the room you took. I found out I couldn't stop because they're just so soft and comfortable to wear. What do you care anyway?" Bill asked.

"I think it's weird and what if I have visitors?" Tim replied.

"We're on the seventh floor and visitors have to be buzzed in. I can be changed in the time they take to get up here" Bill responded.

"I still don't like it. It makes me uncomfortable and we will have to keep the shades pulled" Tim continued.

Assertively Bill said "There's no buildings opposite so no one can see inside. And I'm going to keep wearing them so if the cheap rent isn't worth the discomfort then you can leave. Which would be a shame because we get on well otherwise." Tim thought Bill who was around the same age and height but slightly heavier than him looked ridiculous in a ladies slip. But what Bill had said had made sense and he also figured the world is made up of al kinds so he agreed to stay for a while at least.

Tim avoided Bill around the apartment for about two months but gradually got used to seeing Bill in his slips and they were getting on well as before. Although Tim did have to tolerate Bill's constant bulge that was clearly evident although never spoken of. One day Bill started hanging newly washed slips on hangers to be dried in the sunshine beaming through the window in the living room. "Why are you hanging those there?" enquired Tim.

"The dryer in the basement laundry is broken and the super said we won't get a new one for a month. And you don't want me hanging them out on the balcony where visitors might see them do you? They might think they're yours." laughed Bill.

"I guess not. But why do you have so many" asked Tim after watching Bill hang up at least 20 bright white full slips.

"I just love them so much I keep buying more. I have around 60 in my collection" replied Bill as he sat in his usual chair to the side of the couch Tim was sitting on to watch the replayed football game on the TV. "Who wins this game" asked Bill. Tim turned to answer but was distracted by the slips hanging behind Bill. They were gently wafting about in the very soft breeze coming through the window and looked so bright in the sunshine that beamed in. "They're beautiful aren't they?" said Bill snapping Tim out of his momentary trance.

"umm no" replied Tim in a fumbling voice. "I was just making sure they couldn't be seen from outside. What did you ask" Tim continued.

ill smiled "It's okay. They're made to look beautiful. who wins this game?". Tim answered then sat quietly through the rest of the game. He reluctantly admitted to himself that Bill was right. Those slips did look very beautiful hanging there. He even snuck another look when Bill went to the kitchen. Bill was secretly very pleased.

Bill was sitting in the chair wearing a slip of course when Tim came home to a surprise. There were more than 80 slips hung up everywhere around the apartment living room. "What's going on?" asked Tim startled. "I like to air all my slips every now and then. I have nearly 100. Can you believe that?" said Bill excitedly. "Not really. How long are they staying there?". asked Tim annoyed but taken aback by the sight of all those slips.

"They've been in bags for months and the nylon needs airing for a couple of days." replied Bill who had run lines around the apartment including across the entry to the kitchen where slips were hanging. Tim stood in the middle of the living room looking around as Bill stood up.

That evening Tim went to go to the kitchen. "What do I do here?" he said frustratingly to Bill pointing at the slips blocking his way.

"Just move them aside" said Bill still watching the TV. Tim used the back of his hand to move a slip. He could see they were soft by looking at them but was still taken aback at just how soft they were to touch. The cool silky nylon brushed up his arm as he walked through and his senses were jolted. He momentarily stared at the slip as it gently wafted back to rest hanging again before regaining his composure. Something that had not escaped Bill's attention. Tim secretly couldn't believe how good that felt and when he turned to leave the kitchen found himself excited at the thought of touching that slip again. The slip unavoidably caressed his hand and arm as Tim emerged from the kitchen.

"That wasn't so bad was it?" asked Bill nonchalantly. Tim knew if he gave any indication to Bill of how nice that felt, his argument against the slips with Bill would be lost.

"It's a hassle so they have to come down as soon as possible" said Tim quickly.

The next morning Bill headed out the door with a packed bag. "Where are you going?" asked Tim.

"Just got called to a sales convention for two days." replied Bill.

"What about these? what if someone visits?" enquired Tim gesturing at the many slips

"You'll have to take them down yourself. I don't have time right now because I have a plane to catch. Have fun. If you want you can try them all on" laughed Bill racing out the door.

Within minutes of Bill leaving Tim found himself staring at the slip he had touched the day before. He also gazed at the numerous other slips that surrounded him. Tim couldn't get the thought of how electrifying it had felt when he briefly brushed the slip yesterday. He stood there dumbfounded for a while before almost uncontrollably approaching the slip and brushed the soft nylon again feeling it's softness. Nervously he took the slip off the hanger by one hand and placed his other forearm under the slip holding it up. The silky nylon felt unbelievably soft and alluring as it gently caressed his bare skin. While staring at the slip Tim felt a tingling in his groin and a growing hardness. A thought of what it would be like to wear the slip crossed his mind. That terrified him as he gazed at the beautiful white nylon but he knew he couldn't resist doing it. In an almost trance like state he placed the slip across the back of the lounge and undressed without taking his eyes off it. Tim took the slip again, placed his arms inside and grabbed the shoulder straps either side. He paused as he struggled against the urge to wear the slip that was driven by the luscious feeling now emanating from his groin. That urge and the desire to see if it would feel as good as it looked took over and he lifted the slip above his head and let the silky nylon cascade down his body. In an instant he was encased in the silky nylon that felt more wonderfully arousing than anything he had felt before in his life. Stunned at what he had just done Tim stood motionless looking at his body now inside the slip. He moved slightly and the slip rubbed against him all over. He moved again and the slip rubbed almost lovingly all over again. Oh god he thought as his hand instinctively reached down and began rubbing the slip over his now full erection. As he did the rest of the slip caressed his body all over heightening the sensations. His rubbing became frantic and he could feel himself about to cum. Just before he did he couldn't help but notice the wonderful slips that surrounded him and then looked back to his own body inside one of the beautiful creations. At that he could hold on no longer and exploded in an orgasm harder and more intense than any he could remember, even in his youth. His mind reeled as his body convulsed in pleasure causing him to lay back on the couch. He then again caught a glimpse of all those slips that seemed to prolong his cum. He could feel the twitching pulsing between his testicle and hardness that pumped even more cum into the slip. After what seemed an etertnity the moment subsided and he lay back exhausted.

After a few minutes Tim had the slip off and was in the shower cleaning up. He thought how wrong the whole thing with these slips was and made the decision to take them all down and dump them in Bills room. He wrapped a towel around himself and began to hurriedly take down the slips on the hangers that then caused the silky soft white nylon of the slips to flail about everywhere. In his haste he had forgotten he was wearing only a towel and the nylon was flailing all over his bare arms and torso. It was too late. His body had already reacted involuntarilty and he was getting hard. He stopped to stare at the four slips he held. The memory of the excitement of the cum he had just had in the slip flooded through him and in no time his body was again captive inside a deliciously soft slip. This time he rubbed the other slips into his groin and he came just as hard again. He repeated his attempt to take down the slips after cleaning up, this time fully clohted, but the effect of the silky softness of the slips was etching deeper into his being with each cum. He now found himself ragingly hard just looking at the slips. He managed to take down three more before he again ripped off his clothes and made love to them cumming hard yet again. By the next day Tim had managed to wash and hang the slips he had 'used' but he could not resist adorning his body in the beautiful slips and cumming. It dawned on Tim he was now addicted to wearing slips and decided to take one for private use once Bill was home. Surely Bill wouldn't miss one slip and he could keep it a secret. After his experiences he now understood why Bill wore these things all the time. He had even changed his mind from thinking Bill looked ridiculous in a slip to now almost wanting to see him in one.

When Bill got home he instantly sensed something had changed with Tim and asked "How did you go? Were the slips the hassle you thought they would be?".

"They were fine. No problems. How was your trip?" rushed Tim trying to change the subject. They engaged in normal banter with Bill pretending not to notice that the slip Tim had first touched was missing and was replaced by another. Bill's mind raced at the thought of what might have happened. That evening Tim just could not take his eyes off Bill in his slip. He studied the slip on Bills body. The silky nylon on the curves of his soft belly and rear somehow looked amazingly sexy. Bill couldnt help but notice the attention. That night Bill pretended to turn in but listened intently for noise from Tim's room. He heard what he had hoped for, the sound of Tim wanking. Bill burst into Tim's room turning on the light and his heart leapt at seeing Tim laying on the bed wearing and clutching the missing full slip.

"Well, well, well. Look at you" cooed Bill.

Startled Tim stopped and stood up and yelled "It's all your fault. Leaving all those slips out there". Both men stood there facing each other wearing full slips. Tim hated Bill right now but given his recent awakening of how wonderful the silky creations were thought the shiny white slip looked so sexy on Bill.

"You look fantastic in a slip. Truly" said Bill.

Tim was still hard, gazed at Bill and almost as a courtesy stuttered "umm. so do you."

"Thankyou. I love that slip you're wearing. A wonderful choice. I love the detail on the lace here" said Bill moving close to Tim and running his hand along Tim's chest up to the lacy edging. Tim couldn't believe what was happening. Here he was wearing a ladies slip and facing another man in a slip and he was more aroused than he had ever been.

"I have to admit you were right all along. It feels so nice" replied Tim in a trembling voice.

"I know. So soft and sexy. Feel mine" Bill said taking Tim's hand and running it over the silky white nylon on his soft round belly. He let go of Tim's hand and stroked Tim's slip gently up and down the side. Tim contintued to run his hand over Bill's belly as Bill took another step closer. Too turned on to stop things, Tim just stood there. "Lets touch our slips together" whispered Bill sexily. Bill's slip encased belly pressed gently into Tim's slip. Both men gazed at the slips now touching. Tim, who was already hard from his own slip, was now overwhelmed at how heavenly Bill's warm slip covered body felt against his and couldn't believe it when he was about to cum so readily. Bill felt Tim's hardness and wrapped his arms around him and did one slow thrust of his body into Tim. Tim could feel the impending orgasm and stood still trying to stop it that proved futile. The silky sensations were too much and Tim involuntarily exploded into the slips.

Tim closed his eyes and muttered "oh god no". Bill was euphoric at feeling the convulsions of Tim's helpless body and in two more thrusts joined Tim in orgasm heaven.

"Oh yes. I have you now" gasped Bill in the excitement.

Bill's extra thrusts had intensified Tim's orgasm so much he breathlessly responded "Oh it is yes".Their mutual orgasms subsided and Bill gave one last gentle rub of his slip against Tim as they parted. Tim expected to feel disgusted in himself like he did after he came in the slips before but for some reason he didn't.

Bill said "that was incredible".

"It was. I've never cum so hard. Even with a woman" Tim replied now lounging back on the bed.

Both men cleaned up and went to the living room with Bill in a slip and panties ofcourse. Bill asked "Why the tracksuit?" while holding a beautifully soft nylon slip in front of Tim.

"Are you sure?" enquired Tim unknowingly licking his top lip.

"I would love it. And these as well" said Bill while handing Tim a pair of white nylon panties. Soon Bill was in his usual chair and Tim was on the couch both clad in ladies slips and panties.

"I take it you agree with me now about wearing slips?" Bill asked Tim cheekily.

"Oh god yes. But I need to ask. What did you mean when you said 'you had me now' when we were in the bedroom?" asked Tim.

"Whatever do you mean?" grinned Bill.

"Was leaving me alone with all these beautiful slips part of a secret plan to get me to wear them?" asked Tim.

Bill smiled devilishly as he slid over to sit right beside Tim "Does that matter now?" said Bill pointing to their respective obvious hard ons.

The realisation hit Tim and he stated loudly "You're so devious" as Bill gently stroked Tim's slip. Tim turned to face Bill.

"I thought it would be impossible I would ever a find a slightly over weight 50 year old man sexy. But you are by far the sexiest person I have ever met" said Tim gazing at Bill's body in the luscious slip. Bill stood, flung Tim around and climbed to be above him while smiling sweetly.

Tim excitedly said "oh yes please" as he realised Bill was about to lie his soft nylon clad body onto his. Bill then lowered his slip onto Tim's nylon encased body and then planted a warm wet kiss right on Tim's mouth his tongue forcing it's way inside.

Tim was surprised but his resistance quickly faded as he let out a "mmmmm" as their tongues danced and entwined.

"Our first kiss. That was so sweet." cooed Bill.

Tim breathed "You are so delicious. How on earth did you discover the joy of the slips?".

"It all started when I was seeing a therapist and his assistant Tom. But that story can wait" he said as he plunged his mouth onto Tim's eager mouth again and began grinding his silky white nylon slip into Tim until ......

Next: Chapter 3

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