Men of the House

By Keith Peters

Published on Dec 5, 2011


The following story contains descriptions of explicit sex acts between consenting adult males. If you are offended or if it is illegal for you to view such materials, then leave now. By proceeding further you agree that you are of legal age and not in violation of any local or Federal laws governing such.

When my son-in-law first married my daughter we didn?t like each other at all. He was 21 and had impregnated my 16 year old daughter. As for him, well, he didn?t like too many people period. I was just one more person to dislike.

He is 6?2? and at the time weighed around 190 with blond hair and blue eyes. In other words, he is a very nice looking, sexy guy. Even with our mutual dislike, I had to admit that if we had met under different circumstances, I would definitely have tried to bed him. As it was, I initially had no desire towards him that didn?t involve a great deal of physical violence.

The two were married and four weeks later, my grandson was born. Funny how having a baby around can change things. My son-in-law was still cocky as hell, but he and my daughter had given me a beautiful grandson. I decided I could tolerate him.

A few months after my grandson made his grand appearance, my daughter, son-in-law and grandson found themselves homeless. Rather than have them live on the streets we allowed them to move in with us. The arrangement was tense, to say the least. He was arrogant and ungrateful while my daughter was petulant and demanding. But, for the sake of my grandchild, I strove to keep things as pleasant as possible and my son seemed to follow my lead. Not so for my wife and our other daughter.

After a couple of weeks, my wife and other daughter made comments regarding how my son-in-law was always on the computer chatting with people. They thought he was either cheating on my daughter or he was about to. So, I did what any self-respecting, red-blooded American dad would do. I hacked into my own computer and read his messages. Since he was in my home using my PC, I didn?t feel privacy violations were an issue. I searched through the computer?s history and pulled up the chats that were recorded there. I also enabled subroutines that took snapshots of the screens whenever certain programs (messaging and chat) were launched. This gave me all the information I needed to see who my son-in-law was chatting with and what was being said.

Most, I noticed, were with women and my anger grew. He discussed in great detail what he liked and what he wanted to do with these women. Sometimes he?d say he wasn?t married, but other times he?d say he was but that his wife didn?t understand him. Well, I was about to make certain my daughter understood him perfectly.

Just as I was prepared to confront him in front of my daughter I noticed a screen name that didn?t look right. It seemed to be a man?s and not a woman?s. I opened the chat and read what was said. Sure enough, the other person described himself as a middle aged married man who was looking to suck dick. He asked what my son-in-law was in to. My Son-in-law told him that he liked to have his dick sucked by another man and he also liked fucking other guys but that he didn?t suck dick himself nor did he allow himself to be fucked. They chatted some more before signing off. Although they had mentioned hooking up, there was nothing to indicate that ever happened.

Thus intrigued, I looked deeper and found about six or seven conversations with men. There were a couple that were obviously ?regulars? because the conversations seemed to be picking up where they left off. I began to notice what appeared to be a pattern. The men he spoke with were all over thirty (he was 22 at the time) and most were in their forties or fifties.

In two separate conversations, he also mentioned that he fantasized about having sex with his father (who is two years younger than me and overweight like I am, though his father is about 6 inches shorter than I) and his younger brother who is, by the way, one of the most gorgeous young men I have ever seen!

All of this was done over the course of a couple of weeks as privacy allowed. In the meantime, one evening my wife and I were in the living room after everyone else had gone to bed. My son-in-law came in dressed only in his boxer briefs and sporting a VERY sizeable bulge (he was semi-hard). I couldn?t help but stare at it as he went to the kitchen to get a drink. The whole time I was looking at him, he was looking at me. That was when my attitude toward my son-in-law started to change. That was when I decided I wanted a piece of the action. That was when I decided to formulate a plan.

Taking the information I had gleaned from my ?research,? I created a false ID on his favorite chat site. My created name was Jay but the physical description I used matched my true physical appearance (that way I?d know for certain he liked older heavy men). I put that I was from the neighboring town about five miles down the road and that I was married with kids and looking for fun. I then hacked into his chat ID and added myself to his friends list so he?d think we had chatted before.

When everything was set up, I had only to wait. About three days later, he was on the family computer in the living room (as usual) and I was on my personal computer on the other side of the room. I sent him a message and he responded. We began chatting about sex and I got hard almost immediately. I steered him in the direction of sex with his father (which he now denied saying he wanted to) and how he felt about guys my (Jay?s) age and weight. He said he like older guys that were overweight especially if they had dicks smaller than his. He told (Jay) that his was 10? (It?s more like 9-1/2 but who?s complaining).

I asked if he lived alone and he said no that he lived with his wife?s family. I asked if he was interested in his father-in-law and he said he was not (sigh). Anyway, he quickly changed the subject, wanting instead to talk about hooking up with me (Jay).

We chatted off and on for about three months. Meanwhile, as his father-in-law, I began working on developing our relationship. I made it a point to talk with him more and to spend more time with him. If he needed to run an errand, I?d offer to go with him. He usually accepted and we started talking more, despite the fact that he was very nervous and withdrawn. Gradually, he opened up more and we reached a level of civility that laid the groundwork for our current relationship.

Then, one night he and I were on the computers after everyone had gone to bed. ?Jay? sent a text to him and he quickly responded. He began telling Jay how horny he was and how he really needed a bj. Jay suggested (laughingly) he hit on his father-in-law. My son-in-law refused, at first. He continued, however to talk to Jay, trying to coerce Jay into meeting him somewhere. Jay said he couldn?t get away.

Then Jay (me) told my son-in-law that he (Jay) was chatting with another guy whose son-in-law lived with him and that the guy wanted to get it on with the son-in-law. My son-in-law was mildly interested. Jay then asked if it could have been his father-in-law that Jay was chatting with. He said he didn?t think so. Jay told my son-in-law to stand up and stretch. When my son-in-law did, Jay sent him a message telling him that the ?other guy?s? son-in-law had stood and stretched. Then my son-n-law told Jay to have the other guy to grab his crotch, which I did.

This went on for about an hour and half until I finally had to take a piss break. To cover my tracks, in case my son-in-law asked me to do something, Jay told my son-in-law that I was going to go pee. I stood up, announced my intentions, and then went to the john. When I got back, my son-in-law had sent a message to Jay saying, ?It?s him, it?s him!? It had gotten late so my alter ego told my son-in-law that he had to go. My son-in-law wanted to know what to do next. Jay told him to ask his father-in-law if he would mind taking a look at a spot on his upper leg. That way the two could go in the bathroom and it would give my son-in-law an excuse to drop his jeans. ?Jay? then said his good byes and logged off.

When I logged off and stood up I announced I needed to go to bed and asked my son-in-law if he needed anything before I go. My son-in-law asked if I?d mind looking at a spot on his upper thigh. I told him I didn?t mind, but that we should probably go into the bathroom and lock the door so no one would walk in on us, otherwise we?d have a lot of explaining to do. He agreed.

Once in the bathroom, I stood in front of my son-in-law looking expectantly. Nervously, he unfastened and dropped his jeans and pointed to an imaginary spot on his leg. I got down on my knees and pretended to look while rubbing my hands up and down his leg. I said I didn?t see anything and asked if it might be farther up the leg of his boxer briefs. He said I could look. Rather than pushing up the leg of his underwear, I grabbed the waistband and pulled them down, exposing his 9 « inch semi-hard monster. I ran my hands up his thigh until the back of one hand brushed his scrotum. His dick jumped.

I took my time ?examining? his leg stopping only to comment on how big his dick was. He gave a nervous chuckle but said nothing. I commented, ?I bet it gets bigger.? At which he nodded nervously. Without comment, I moved my hands to fondle his sack. A few moments of massaging his balls and then I grabbed his dick, jacking him slowly. As his dick grew, I started licking his balls and all around them. I worked my way up his ball sack to the base of his cock. Slowly, I licked my way up to the bulbous head. I worked my mouth and tongue around the beautiful cockhead before finally engulfing his shaft in my hungry mouth. With a little difficulty, I was able to take his whole manhood into my mouth and down my throat. I worked his dick for all I was worth. It only took a few minutes before he was moaning, thrusting, and shooting his hot jizz in my mouth. I swallowed every drop. When he was done, he quickly pulled up his pants and left the bathroom without a word.

The haste with which he left made me wonder if he didn?t like it. It was several days later before I got my answer.

We were home alone, he had just gotten off work (he did maintenance for some apartments along with his dad and one of his brothers). He flopped down in the recliner with his arms raised over his head (what has now become his ?call to action?). He mentioned how tired he was after being on his feet all day. Naturally, I decided to help him relax a bit. I knelt down in front of him and, much to his surprise untied and removed his work boots. Unknown to him, I have long had a foot fetish when it comes to men. I removed his boots and began massaging his sweaty, socked feet. He kept grabbing at his crotch as his dick grew harder.

After a few minutes of working his barking dogs, I reached up to pull his shirt off over his head, stopping only to lick the sweat from his sweaty armpits. This both surprised and excited him. (He later told me my daughter often harassed him about his stinky pits; I told him I like the way he smelled.) I moved my mouth up his from his pits to his neck and face. I tried to kiss his lips, but he refused to let me.

I worked my mouth back down his torso to his jeans. He rushed to undo them but I pushed his hands away. I wanted to take my time. Once I had them undone, I opened them up and worked my mouth on his dick through his boxers. He was pretty well going nuts, so when he lifted his hips, I pulled off his pants and boxers freeing his large manhood which slapped against his belly when it sprang free.

I buried my face beside his sweaty ball-sack and worked my tongue along the crevice where his legs joined his torso, lapping up his sweat as I gave him pleasure. I trailed my mouth down under his balls to his perineum and then back up the other side, doing it all very slowly. Once I had covered every bit of his groin area I returned to his balls, nipping at his scrotum with my incisors before sucking each ball in to my mouth in turn (they are too big to both fit in my mouth without causing him discomfort).

I spent several long minutes of this before finally turning my attention to his shaft. I kissed and licked my way up his shaft before engulfing the huge monster in my mouth. I tried not to touch him with my teeth only to have him tell me he liked me using them on him. I gladly pulled my lips back and allowed my pearly whites to work the shaft to the sound of appreciative moans from my son-in-law. He ran his hands over my head while I worked his member.

It wasn?t long before he lost control. It started with urgent thrusting into my throat, then he lifted his hips off the recliner in an attempt to bury himself deeper inside me. Pulse after pulse of hot jizz filled my mouth. I opened my throat to allow his life flow to spill down into my stomach and still he came. When he was finally spent, he collapsed back into the recliner, panting.

I held on to his manhood until it was completely flaccid. I wanted to get every drop of his awesome tasting cum. Finally and VERY reluctantly, I allowed it to slip from my lips. I noted for the first time how small his cock seemed when it was soft. Until now, I had only ever seen it hard or semi-hard. It looked rather small and unassuming. Downright cute, too! But I knew for a fact what mighty oaks from little acorns grow! It is definitely a grower not a shower.

I rubbed his legs with my hands going back down to his white-socked feet. I rubbed them a while longer, kissing them and nibbling at his toes before slipping off his socks and putting my bare mouth on them. This surprised him most of all and, where he had acted as though he was going to move before, he decided to stay and let me finish. I rubbed and kissed his bare feet, ending with sucking each toe in turn. Of course, this took quite a while, during which time his dick had grown hard again.

I moved back to his lap and took his dick in my mouth again, knowing that this time had to be quicker as my son and daughter would soon be home from school. I worked his shaft as before, thinking he either wouldn?t cum again or it would take a long time for him to. I was so wrong. I hadn?t been working that huge nine and a half inches of man meat long before he convulsed and exploded in my mouth again. The load was considerably smaller, but the action was far more intense. I even rolled my eyes towards his feet and, sure enough, his toes were curled as his legs were stretched. He later told me that was the most intense orgasms he had ever had.

It?s been eight years since that first time and he and I still play quite regularly. Oh, we have our disagreements still, but we?ve become quite close since those early days and we are more willing and able to work things out. He?s much like a son to me and I am much like his second father. In fact, we now own a few acres of land on which my son-in-law, daughter, and their three kids have a home very near to our own.

We hope you enjoyed reading about our family. If so, please take a moment to drop us a line at to let us know. As this writing concerns our family, all rights are reserved. This work may not be reproduced either in whole or in part without my expressed written consent. Publication of this material without express written consent is strictly prohibited. If so, please take a moment to drop us a line at to let us know.

Next: Chapter 2: The Brother

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