Men of Chesapeake

By Erik Jager

Published on Oct 27, 2014


It was Friday evening after a narrow away victory against a suburban Baltimore school all the kids had piled on the bus and we got back to Chesapeake around 9pm. I went straight to my apartment, exhausted from the long week of teaching and coaching. Flopping down on the couch while turning on the TV, I pretty much immediately passed out.

I awoke to the buzz of my iPhone on the makeshift coffee table. Groggy and slightly confused I read the incoming text from a number I didn't recognize.

`James – got your number from the team contact sheet. Grabbing beers want to join? Chief.'

I would be lying if I said I hadn't thought about what had happened 3 days ago. But I was really trying not to. Lucky I was busy enough that I hadn't had much time to mull it over. I checked the time on my phone and it read 10:15pm. I was 22 years old and it was a Friday night, of course I wanted to go for drinks.

`Sure. Where at?' I texted back to Chief Evans and saved his number in my phone.

`Cid's' was the text I got back from Chief

After quickly getting ready I was on my way to Cid's, a small dive bar. I had been there a few times it was fun, although the crowd was pretty hit or miss. On the way there I realized that my cock was rock hard in my jeans. The more I tried to not think about it, the more I found myself replaying the events of a few days ago in my head. The nonchalant way that I was a invited, it hadn't occurred to me that it would happen again, but I couldn't help but hope so. This surprised me but I was never one to judge, especially myself. I figured I was young and exploring everything there was to offer.

When I pulled up to Cid's there were a few other cars there, walking inside I was greeted by some classic rock playing from the jukebox and as the door slammed behind me everyone turned. I was used to this sort of thing, since as a well built 6'4 athlete people tended to notice when I entered a space.

"James, over here!" called Chief from a table in the back corner of the bar.

I acknowledged him with a wave and nod and made my way over. The bar was dark but not in a seedy way, just not very well lit. The patrons were playing darts, pool, and sitting at the bar drinking. As I closed on the table I noticed 3 pitchers of beer and two men sitting there. One was Chief, obviously, but the other I didn't recognize.

"Take a sit. James, this is Tim West, he used to work with us at the station for a few summers while he was in college. Now he's big time, am I right, Timmy?" joked Chief

"Always giving me shit. No way am I big time. I'm a CrossFit coach in DC, this guy just likes to bust my balls. I hear you're the new assistant lax coach?" replied Tim. I would later find out that Tim had also been a Division 1 gymnast at Georgetown.

"Nice to meet you, Tim. Yeah, coaching and teaching physics. Working on a masters part time," I said as I reached out and shoot Tim's powerful hand.

"Oh a brainiac! Well, I hear that you played through college and you got the boys on a pretty good program." Continued Tim. It was obvious they had, had a few beers already. I grabbed a glass and filled it with the amber liquid and took a few big gulps. I had to catch up!

"Yup, I've been using a similar strength and conditioning program to the one they had us on at school. It works well, the boys have been getting stronger and faster every day." I said between gulps of beer.

"You bet they are! My boy added 10 pounds of muscle since you came here! He is a beast now," proclaimed Chief as he refilled my glass.

We continued bullshitting and getting to know each other over the course of most of the pitchers of beer. At one point Chief disappeared to the restroom, but then reappeared with a round of shots. I didn't realize how drunk I was or how much I was enjoying myself until, against the grain of the conversation; Tim said something that made my heart skip a beat.

"I hear you and Chief had a good time in the shower the other day," said Tim with a low tone and wry smile.

I must have immediately blushed because he then bellowed a full laugh.

"Don't be embarrassed, man! Nothing wrong with getting your rocks off!" comforted Tim.

"Timmy here knows a thing or two about that," added Chief.

I felt a hand on the crotch of my jeans squeezing my once again rock hard cock. I didn't want to make a scene so I tried to play it cool.

"Looks like you need to get off again, huh?" joked Chief as his hand continued to squeeze my member.

"You don't know the half of it. I haven't gotten one out since we were in the shower," I replied.

The mixture of booze, horniness, and their attitude gave me the confidence to play along with them.

"Well then, it looks like we have had enough here. Let's get this show on the road!" suggested Tim.

We all hopped into our cars and pulled out of the parking lot. Chief said her knew a place we could go to. It was a very large house right outside of town that was empty at the moment. Chief had the keys because he had spent the day inspecting it for safety issues before a family could move in the next week.

As I drove over I had no idea what to expect. All I knew is that I was really horny and I was attracted to both men. I thought about Tim, I would have expected Chief to bring someone closer to his own age. At the bar I had learned that Tim was 21, just a year younger than I was, we were both fresh out of college but Tim had seemed infinitely more comfortable with the situation than I was. I wasn't uncomfortable; the whole thing was just very new and foreign to me. I made myself concentrate on the road since I had a good buzz I didn't want anything bad to happen.

When we arrived a few minutes later we all got out and walked up the path to the front door. Once inside the vast entryway, Chief guided us up the front steps and down a hall to the master suite. Flicking on the lights I was a huge room with large windows, lush carpet, and a distinct lack of furniture aside from a solitary folding chair and some towels.

"We shouldn't be bothered here tonight," announced Chief as he shucked his tight fitting fire department polo shirt unveiling his furry muscular upper body. Before his shirt had touched the floor he was pawing at his belt.

"Sounds good to me, Chief!" chimed Tim. I looked over and he had already pulled off his shirt and kicked off his shoes.

In an instant his jeans were off and he was standing in his white briefs. I looked his body over, taking him in. Tim stood about 5'9 with the compact build of a gymnast, obviously. He carried a good deal of muscle for such a compact build, which I attributed to his years as a gymnast and then coaching CrossFit. His abs rippled in a glorious 8 pack with a treasure trail of brown hair a shade or two darker than the hair on his head. Traveling up, his large, defined chest seemed to just be sprouting hair around his nipples and between his pecs. His powerful arms and shoulders flexed as he pushed the waistband of his briefs down, freeing a throbbing 8 inch cock.

"Enjoying the show, buddy?" asked Tim as his hazel eyes looked up at me.

"Oh right, yeah I was," I laughed as I pulled off my shirt.

"Well, then, it looks like we are all ready for some fun." Added Chief as he sauntered over.

Without warning he bent over and planted a deep kiss onto Tim's mouth. His right hand grabbed at Tim's cock and began to slowly jerk it. I was standing a few feet away watching, naked, jerking my own cock. Chief dropped to his knees and engulfed Tim's cock in his mouth eliciting a moan of approval from the 21 year old.

"Don't just stand there playing with yourself, join in the fun," encouraged Tim.

I walked next to Tim and without warning Chief spat out Tim's cock and threw his lips around mine. I had, had my cock sucked many times throughout my life but none had compared to this, Chief swirled his tongue around my cock head while simultaneously swallowing the shaft. Within seconds his nose was in my pubes and his throat undulated around my cock. He then slid his lips down to the head and repeated the action, again and again with the same vigor each time. I looked up at the ceiling and moaned loudly.

"Fuck yeah Chief! Show James what a real blowjob feels like, he's got such a beautiful piece!" encouraged Tim and he crouched down to join Chief.

Tim knelt in front of my to the side of Chief who was working magic on my cock. Tim further bent over and started tonguing my nuts. He bathed each nut with his tongue then slithered it down to my taint and flicked it around the edge of my asshole. This was moving more quickly than I imagined but I didn't care, it all felt so good I wanted to explore everything I could.

Sense I was getting close, Chief pulled off my cock and looked up at me. His face and moustache was gleaming with spittle and my precum. He smiled and winked at me as he brought himself to his feet.

"Feels good to have a man blow you, huh? I knew you'd like it. Why don't you try out your skills?" said Chief as he walked over to the chair and sat down.

All I could think about at that moment was how hot I thought these guys were. I had never experienced this kind of lust before but I was enjoying it. My cock throbbed as I knelt in front of the sitting man. With one hand I grasped his rock hard shaft and slowly jerked it a few times, watching the foreskin glide over the head glistening with precum. I had to taste it.

My mouth engulfed his member; I sucked on the head for a moment letting my tongue explore the first cock to ever enter my mouth. My tongue wiggled under the foreskin, and circled around his head. I could tell I was doing well by the moans coming from Chief. I decided to try and take more into my mouth; I slid my lips further down his shaft. The thickness of his cock had my mouth stretched all the way as I tried in vain to swallow more of his cock.

I had forgotten about Tim's presence until I felt the warm moist prodding on my crack. I could tell he was behind me licking by ass crack. Up and down the length of it, slowly digging his tongue deeper and deeper into my trench. I moaned around Chief's cock and unconsciously pushed my hips back. Tim's tongue applied pressure to the outside of my hole and Chief's cock sprung from my mouth as I moaned out loud.

"Somebody is enjoying this," grinned Chief.

"You should feel him shove his hips back!" chimed in Tim.

"Well then, I think it's time for me to get my ass eaten. Tim let me sit on your face," Chief half commanded.

I popped up from my kneeling position, unsure of what to do. I absentmindedly groped my throbbing cock. I had no idea where this was going but I knew that I wanted it to go wherever it could!

Tim lay down on his back and Chief squatted down over his face, his cock standing straight up against his densely hairy abs. Tim's muscular body flexed and squirmed under the larger, older man. Both men were sweating a little, for Tim it accentuated his cut muscles and light dusting of hair; for Chief it made him even more intimidating and attractive to me.

"Don't just stand there Coach! You were doing a fucking amazing job on my cock why don't you continue?" Boomed Chief as the ends of his mouth curled up with his moustache into a lustful grin followed by a low exhaling moan. I could tell Tim's tongue had just made contact with his asshole, I had just learned that feeling.

There was something about the way he called me Coach in the moment that made my cock throb harder. Before I knew it, I was straddling Tim and going to town on Chief's cock. Its warm salty firmness stretched my mouth all the way. I tried my best to get it all down but it proved fruitless. I began working the shaft up and down and up and down again. Before I knew it was basically facefucking myself on Chief's rigid huge uncut cock.

Chief was bouncing ever so slightly and grinding his hips on Tim's face. I could feel Tim's cock rubbing against my left leg, it was leaking precum heavily. I could feel his body tense under me, putting it together, I could tell he was getting close.

"Fuck Tim! You're a fucking animal! Get in there buddy... That's it! Fuck!" cried Chief.

Tim's cock exploded. I couldn't see it but I felt blast after blast of hot cum splatter against my left leg and heard a muffled cry from under Chief's ass. Tim must have shoved his tongue all the way into Chief's asshole when he came because Chief threw his head back, put a huge paw on the back of my head shoving it down on his cock as far as possible, let out a moan and began unloading in my gullet.

I had seen him blow before and I knew on some level that, that is what this was coming to but it still took me by surprise. I recoiled after the first blast in my throat, his cock popping out of my mouth shooting all over my face. Still enraged by lust I pounced back on his cock and devoured the rest of his load and I began to empty my nuts on Tim's abs and chest.

We lay there in a sweaty heap for some time before Chief got a call on his cellphone.

"Hey guys, sorry I wanted to do a round two but the wife broke down and I have to go get her" said Chief after hanging up the phone after a brief conversation.

"No worries, Chief, I should probably call my girl too." Added Tim as he got up and began to dress.

"James, you ok with everything? Didn't want to push you too far, you're still new to all this stuff." Chief asked.

"Yeah, Chief, that was fucking hot! I haven't cum that hard since the shower." I replied.

"Ha ha ha that is wonderful to hear! You take to dick like a fish to water!" bellowed Chief.

"Gotta say, I think I'm hooked"

"That's great to hear!"

The three of us walked out to our cars and shook hands as we parted ways for the night. Drove away satisfied yet still horny. I knew I was going home to jerk off more thinking about what had just happened.

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