Men of Chesapeake

By Erik Jager

Published on Oct 20, 2014


This story is fictional and occurs in a fantasy without STDs. Please feel free to give me feedback at

I had been teaching math at Chesapeake High School in Maryland for only half a year when things had started to really happen for me. I had attended University of Maryland on a lacrosse scholarship, majoring in physics and had decided to take an open teaching position while pursuing a master's degree part time, without any real career direction. All I knew was that higher-level math, science, and sports have always come easy to me so that is what I pursued. This may sound like I don't enjoy those things but, really, I do.

When I was hired at Chesapeake High they were in need of a physics teacher and an assistant lacrosse coach. My lacrosse background helped set me apart from the other candidates and I got the job rather easily. Being the only physics teacher I taught regular, AP physics, and also taught some of the calculus classes.

Now, in Maryland, we take our lacrosse very seriously. I had grown up playing football, basketball, soccer, lacrosse, and track. By the time you become a standout you are encouraged to focus on one sport. I ended up as a lacrosse and track standout, which propelled me through college without having to pay tuition, graduating largely debt free for which I am still very grateful. Chesapeake is not a very large town but is fairly affluent. I was able to rent a small apartment on my modest salary as a first year teacher fresh out of college, but as a 22 year old without any real debt I wasn't asking for much more than the basics. Enough about me though, let's get on with the story.

PHWEET! I blew the whistle as I gazed over the cold fields a short walk from the gym of the school. "Great practice today guys! That work well all put in last semester is starting to pay off! Now get inside and shower up. Remember to rest up tonight, we have lifting tomorrow morning. If you're late, you run!" I yelled out the the combined JV and varsity lacrosse team. The head lacrosse coach had come down with the flu so I had to run practice myself.

The typical schedule during the season was lifting 2-3 mornings a week with practice 5 days a week in the afternoons and once on the weekend. Obviously, there wasn't any lifting or practices on days we had games. Before this practice I hadn't coached the varsity team on my own, as an assistant coach I was in charge of JV and helped out with varsity. Luckily the boys were well schooled in respect and I had no problems.

I helped the equipment manager gather up some of the cones and balls while the freshmen on the JV cleaned up the rest, as is their rite of passage. As we trudged down the path back to the gym it had begun to rain as it does in the early spring in the Mid-Atlantic states. Once inside and out of the rain I turned down the hall towards the boy's locker room, the coach's office was located inside the locker room.

Inside all of the boys who weren't helping the clean up effort were in the shower, a few horsing around but mostly just warming up, cleaning off, and getting home. We run a tough program, but that keeps us in contention with schools three to four times our size once the state playoffs around and it sends many of its players to top tier colleges on full or partial scholarships. The coach's office had a private shower and I had begun to strip down to get into the shower when I started answering some emails and texts from college buddies.

Time had evidently gotten away from me, because I heard a knock at the door and a booming voice, "Coach Cahill?" I looked up upon hearing my name.

A solid man looking to be in his mid 40s was standing in the doorway with his hand out to shake mine. He stood about 6'3 and looked to be built very well. The man was wearing a close fitting dark blue t-shirt under a rain slicker with the hood up, a pair of heavy-duty jeans, and work boots. I could just make out the logo on the t-shirt and it looked to be a fire company logo.

"Yes, I'm James Cahill. And you must be Blake's father?" I asked figuring that Blake's father was the only one on the team with a firefighter father; he was the chief firefighter at that.

"Yes, I'm Henry Evans. You can call me Chief, most people do. Glad we can finally meet, Blake always talks about how nice it is to have someone so fresh and experienced at a high level of lacrosse," said Chief Evans

"Thanks, Chief. Blake has been making a lot of progress, I think the new weight program has really helped him catch his body up to his skills," I replied.

"That's great to hear, his mother and I are looking forward to the first game of the season! Anyway, his car broke down the other day and I was supposed to pick him up. I figured with the rain that he had waited inside so I came in to look for him. Have you seen him since practice?"

"Oh, uhhh, no, I think I overhead him accept a ride home from Patrick when we were getting ready for practice. I bet he is already on his way home. Sorry you had to come all the way out here and get soaked!" I replied

"Thanks. That kid never tells me anything!" joked Chief. "Sorry to keep you from your shower, you look like you are soaked and freezing."

I was suddenly aware that I was standing shirtless, shoeless and was still dripping wet. I put down my phone and went to shake Chief's hand again to say goodbye.

"It was nice meeting you Chief, I should probably shower to warm up.," I said.

"Pleasure was all mine."

I turned and walked to the shower on the far side of the office, passed the desk and chairs. Reaching in, I cranked the dial all the way to hot and turned around to shut the door and take my pants off.

"Hey Coach Cahill, do you mind if I warm up in there as well? Before I came here I was outside inspecting some fire damage when the rain started and I had to come here. Chilled to the bone." Asked Chief Evans

"Uhhh... There's only, like, a single showerhead. I guess we could share?" I stammered not really meaning to offer to share, more saying it so that he would realize it was crazy to both squeeze into the small area.

"Sounds good, Coach!" proclaimed Chief Evans as he tore off his rain slicker and shirt in seemingly one motion.

I couldn't believe how quickly he was undressing! The shadow from the hood of the rain slicker had partially obscured his face, but now, I could really get a look at it. He had dark brown hair short cut hair, a little messy from being wet and under a hood; but you could tell that it had started the day neatly parted to the side. His jaw was strong with a good deal of stubble from the long day and a thick well maintained moustache coating his upper lip.

His shirt and slicker had scarcely hit the ground before he was kicking off his shoes and unbuckling his belt. I had noticed his upper body; he had a well-developed chest with a defined valley between his hard pecs and a flat defined stomach. There was a thick coating of hair the same shade of the hair on his head and his well defined abs were easily visible through the forest of hair.

"You okay there?" asked Chief Evans as he looked up and caught me staring.

"Oh ummm... yeah, just caught off guard," I stammered out again.

Blushing I quickly shucked my pants and jockstrap and hopped into the shower. The water was scalding and I let out a yelp as I lunged for the dial to cool it down a bit.

"Sorry I didn't mean to make you jumpy, just thought this would be the sensible thing to do," Chief Evans tried to calm me down as he walked into the shower completely naked.

Upon hearing Chief Evans' somewhat justification for asking to join in the shower and seeing him step into the small area in all his glory, I quickly turned my back to him and the showerhead. I began shampooing up my close-cropped blond hair and then reached behind myself for the soap.

"Hey if you start reaching for things in this little space you may get more than you bargained for!" laughed Chief Evans as our hands met since we both grabbed for the soap off the ledge at the same time.

I turned around a joined in the laugh, mine more forced than his. The shampoo had just begun to bleed down my face momentarily blinding me. At the same instant Chief Evans tried to squeeze passed me to reach the shampoo, conceding the soap for the moment. The shower couldn't have been more that 4x5. It could barely hold both of us and his muscular, ripped, wet, hairy upper body slid across my back.

"Sorry Coach, it's a bit tight in here. If I can just squeeze passed a second... ah, here we are. Okay, now let's switch, I need to soap up." Narrated Chief Evans

I turned to hand him the soap and whacked him in the leg with my rock hard cock. I had been in such a haze, since he tore off his shirt that I hadn't even realized that I had gotten totally boned up! I immediately snapped with it and my face burned red.

"Oh my – I'm... I – Fuck! Uh sorry Chief." I stuttered out somehow.

The soap flew out of my hand and assaulted Chief Evans' hard, tight stomach as I involuntarily tensed. The water pounded on my back as I slowly drew my gaze up to meet Chief Evans' eyes.

"Coach, no worries. I was in the army, came through the ranks at the firehouse, and have 2 teenage boys. I think I know an involuntary boner when I see one. Relax, we are both adults I'm not going to blab around town," assured Chief Evans and he cracked a smile and poked me in the ribs lightly, breaking my tension and getting me to relax for a minute.

"Thanks Chief, I don't know why... I mean this has never happened before, you know, boning up in the locker room. Though I guess I haven't ever gone this long befo – " I cut off my sentence realizing that was about to share just a little too much with the father of one of my students and players, whom I had never met before.

Since moving to Chesapeake, my sex life had slowed down considerably. In college and high school before that I was a big shot jock who never went wanting for pussy. I had lost track of the number of women I had been with, but those days were over. Because of Chesapeake's size, there wasn't much of a dating scene, or any kind of scene. I had always admired the male body and stole glances in locker rooms, but it was never really anything I thought about before that as a sexual thing. I couldn't believe this guy had gotten me all revved up, and now I was about to tell him about my sex draught, the only oasis when I visit friends in larger cities.

"I see. Chesapeake isn't the most hopping place is it? I bet you were the hotshot star player before coming here. That's understandable. We all have sex drives bigger than this town, you just have to get creative." Chief Evans said as we switched positions, my cock still hard knocked him in the thigh again.

"What do you mean `creative'? I have just been taking care of myself a lot," I responded.

"Well, there is that. But some of the guys in town take care of each other. Women can be fickle and aren't always in the mood to take care of us," replied Chief Evans as he lightly grasped my hard cock causing it to pulsate, sending a shiver through my body.

I stared into Chief Evans' brown eyes as he slowly began to lightly jerk me off. My face was blank; I was at a complete loss as to what was happening. Chief just smiled and squirted some shampoo onto my raging cock to lube it up. His gentle jerking continued, my 7.5-inch cut cock flared and the head ballooned.

"Just relax and let it out. Ole Chief knows what he's doing." Cooed Chief Evans

Chief Evans' other hand landed on my nuts, lightly groping them and massaging my taint at the same time. He leaned forward and as his lips landed on mine, his own throbbing erection pressed into my abdomen.

"UHHHH FUCK!" I squealed, I couldn't take it anymore and blew my load.

Rocket after rocket of my cum exploded from my cock, into Chief Evans' groin. He continued to jerk and kiss me through my orgasm causing one of the longest and most intense ejaculations that I had ever experienced at the time.

"That was... amazing... I can't believe..." I was gasping for air trying to refocus my eyes after my orgasm subsided and Chief Evans had broken our kiss.

"That is what some of the men in this town do to help each other out. Wives and girlfriends aren't always willing. The way we see it, it's not cheating if it's with a guy." Replied Chief Evans, shooting his eyes down to his own throbbing cock.

Chief's gaze brought my gaze down to his cock. I hadn't taken the time to check him out below the belt because; I had been trying to avoid looking since I had already been caught staring once. Then of course his handjob happened so quickly I hadn't had the chance to take in his naked body totally.

The hair coating his upper body continues down passed his belt and to his groin. The V from his pelvic bone framed the cascade of hair and formed a crude arrow, pointing the way down to the base of his shaft. His cock looked to be slightly longer than mine, maybe a hair shy of 8-inches, but it was much thicker. Where mine was 5.75-inches circumference (I know, I measured) his was probably closer to 7.5-inches. It wasn't monster length, but it was thicker than any I had ever seen in a locker room albeit my experience with hard cocks aside from my own was limited at the time. He had a large deep red head that was peaking out through his uncut foreskin, leaking ever so slightly. His nuts hung low about the same size as mine, and his public hair was neatly trimmed to the same length as the rest of his body hair.

His legs were very muscular, from his whole body it was evident that he took staying in shape very seriously. It probably helps that he was encouraged to be in top form for his physically demanding job.

"Your turn, huh?" I said sheepishly

"Don't do anything you are uncomfortable with." Replied Chief Evans

I wanted to repay the man who had given me the best orgasm ever, from a handjob no less! I reached out and gently grabbed the head of his cock. Chief exhaled at my touch and that is when I realized that he was just as hard up for action as I was. I had never touched another man's penis before, let alone a throbbing erection. Rolling back the foreskin I exposed the head of his cock. I continued to play with the foreskin and head for a few minutes, working up the courage to do more, and frankly fascinated by the hood of skin.

I had avoided eye contact the whole time I was touching him. I don't know whether it was intentional or if it was just being focused, but I looked up when Chief gently grabbed my left hand and placed it on his muscular chest. I looked him in the eyes and began to glide my hands through his chest hair down to this right nipple, all the while playing with his foreskin and head.

Reaching his right nipple I thought I would be daring and squeezed it. It had been erect before but it instantly grew harder and his cock pulsated, seeping out some more precum. Chief let out a soft, low moan and I grew more daring. I removed my hand from his cock and squeezed both of his nipples.

"Ohhh fuck yes Coach! Like that!" moaned Chief Evans

I leaned forward, and giving his nipples another squeeze I landed a kiss on his lips. This time he was more aggressive and forced his tongue in through my lips. Now this, I was familiar with. Our tongues playfully wrestled and he pulled me closer to his body. When we broke out kiss, Chief Evans was grinning at me and I squirted some shampoo into my hands. I couldn't believe how into this I was.

With both hands covered in shampoo, I attacked his cock again. My right hand enveloped his cockhead, massaging and sliding the foreskin up and down. My left hand gripped his thick veiny shaft. I began to jerk his shaft in a light, ever so slightly corkscrew motion all the while keeping my right hand playing with its head. Looking up, Chief flung his head back and mutter something incomprehensible.

His shafted pulsed once more but this time a jet of thick cum came flying out instead of precum. This momentarily caught me off guard but I kept jerking. More and more jets flew out. Not as much volume as mine, but thicker and whiter. The jets of cum clung to my abs. The shower filled with Chief's moans and I kept on jerking until he yanked his cock out of my hands.

"Sensitive head after I cum," smirked Chief Evans

"Happens to me too," I replied.

"Thanks, Coach, I needed that. But something tells me you needed it a bit more than I did. Why don't you rinse off my load and let's get out of here," replied Chief.

I quick rinsed off and shut off the water, which was beginning to turn cold. I walked out of the shower and into the coach's office upon which Chief tossed me a towel. It was obviously the one I had laid out for myself as it was already damp from Chief Evans using it to dry off.

"I'll be honest, Chief, I don't really know what happened there. I haven't ever done anything like that before." I confessed.

"Yeah, I would tell. You were pretty tense in there. No worries, Coach we can leave it at that. There is always more if you want, though."

Chief began to dress in his no longer as wet clothes. He had placed them on the radiator before joining me in the shower, it had warmed them nicely, if not totally dried them.

"Thanks for the shower, Coach." Said Chief Evans as he shoot my hand and began to leave.

"Call me James." I replied

"Thanks, James. Just so you know, I knew Blake got a ride with his buddy all along." Chief said with a wink and walked out the door.

Next: Chapter 2

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