
By Fred Frackett

Published on May 17, 2009


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'Chuck Eye Steak.. where are ya Chuck Eye Steak?' I mused to myself as I walked down the meatcase. Wanted to grill them outside that night, wife was gone to her sister's and I know they'd be going out, so why not treat myself?

"Only got a couple left if ya want 'em.." I heard behind me. I turned and there stood a meatcutter bringing out trays of packages on a dolly. "But, they're extra thick and didn't sell, got some dark to 'em.." he warned. "Already pulled 'em, there on the block for trim.."

"Oh hell, those are the best! The worse they look the better they taste!" I grinned. I'd been a meatcutter for a while in my younger days.

"Now there's a man who knows his meat.." he grinned slyly at me.

"Yeah, love to rub it, pull it, massage it and eat it!" I grinned back, looking down at his groin. Didn't know if he was interested, but most meat men always were!

"Nothin' better'n steak... especially tube steak, y'know?" he queried, wondering if I knew what he was talking about.

"Best kinda meat there is.. love getting flogged with it, then get it shoved down my throat.." I tossed back, leaning close to whisper, "Especially when I'm on my stocking'd knees with slut red lipstick on.."

"Oouu honey, love to be a panty flamer.. lemme get those steaks for you.." he moaned. I could tell he couldn't stay out there, his apron was tenting too much! He quickly came back out and handed them to me; they were huge!

"Oh I'd never be able to eat these up! You wanna cum over for some steak? Wife's gone..." I said hopefully.

"I'd love to.. mine is going to fucking Bingo tonight.. lemme reprice these.. they look distressed.." he grinned, taking them back in and repricing them down to 87 cents a pound! While he did that I jotted down my address and gave it to him when he came back out. "I get done at 4.." he said hopefully as he handed me the packages.

"Cum over then, bring something to wear.." I moaned.

"I've got my duffle in the truck.. seeya sweetie!" he grinned!

I walked away, almost ready to cum in my panties I was so excited! It brought back a flood of memories, mostly about Bob, the meat manager and his wrapper Julie. She'd worked for him for several years and I could tell by their looks and glances something personal was between them.. but never suspected how much until I got invited to his house for dinner one night as we had an odd piece of hip sirloin left...

"Whaddaya want me to do with this?" I asked Bob, showing him a wedge piece of hip sirloin; the sirloins cut off one end and the T-bones and Porterhouses cut off the other. Apparently it had been done wrong as the hip that was left was 2" on one side and almost 5" on the other, the hipbone long and spindley, making it almost impossible to cut it into a tailless Porterhouse or a decent strip and tenderloin.

"Yeah, I fucked that up myself, I got distracted and cut off the loin from the rump wrong and didn't notice, then cut the loin up and it ended up out-of-whack. Tell ya what, let's take that to my place and have a steak dinner! It's still good enough to cook!" he grinned wickedly. "Hey Julie, wanna cum to my house for a steak dinner?" he smiled.

"Yum! Tube Steak?" she giggled.

"Well, ya never know!" and Bob winked at me. They joked all the time about a 'tube steak'.. had no idea what they were referring to! But, I was afraid to ask, not wanting to embarrass myself.

"Do I cut it in pieces? Or how do I wrap it up?" I asked, learning how to use the wrapping machine. Julie headed for the wrap machine to do it, but Bob held up his hand.

"Here, I"ll show him.." he grinned.

"I bet you will!" she laughed back. Huh? I didn't get it...

Bob came up behind me and said, "Here, I'll show ya how.." and pulled some saran out, right behind me, his arms reaching out thru mine. Suddenly I felt it.. he pressed his groin right up tight to my ass and it sure wasn't no baton in there! He was hard as a rock! As he rolled the wrap over the piece he did a long, slow bump and grind into my ass! Fuck, it felt sooo good! Immediately I ground back into him, letting him know it was perfectly a-ok to be coming on to me like that!

"MMmmmm I like the way you show me things..." I moaned in a whisper. "I'll show you a few too if you'll get her to leave.." I mooaned and slipped my hand behind me to fondle his cock.

"Oohh fuck, you're a little slutboy, aren't ya?!" Bob groaned. "Don't worry about Julie... she's just as interested as I am.. we've played together before.." he groaned, my hand massaging his balls too. "You like fucking around?" he asked, humping into my hand.

"Oh fuck yesss..." I hissed, undulating like a little slut. "You're making my panties wet with precum..." and guided his hand to my crotch.

"Ohh fuck Julie, we got a panty boy.. a hot, hard panty boy!" Bob groaned, gripping my cock through my pants and panties.

"He got a nice tubesteak?" she giggled. Suddenly I knew what a tubesteak was!

"Oh yes, feels just right for my mouth.." and squeezed it. I melted!

"Boss is comin'..." Julie warned, noticing the store manager coming down the aisle. Luckily we were hidden at the wrap machine. We broke apart quickly.

"Hey Bob, can a customer get only half a turkey?" he hollered into the meat room.

"Yeah sure, I'll cut it in half.." taking the frozen bird from his hands. Me and Julie got busy with traying up chicken parts, our backs to them. She glanced at me, grinned, and undid the top button on her meatcoat, her ample cleavage showing off. I looked at her, then at her cleavage, then back up at her.

"Go ahead and look... do you like?" she giggled. I nodded yes.. damn, I wished I had tits like that! "I'll show you more at Bob's house, I promise.. ok?" and winked at me!

"S..sure!" I stuttered, enflamed and confused! It took us about an hour to clean up the meatroom and break down all the equipment, sanitize it, etc. 'til we finally got out of there. Bob told me to follow him, and Julie already apparently knew the way anyways. It only took about 20 minutes. I called dad and told him I was going to my boss's house to eat dinner.. he just laughed and told me to swallow.. ! lol!

"Sure, Dad, but I'll save your big, hard, face-fucking cock for dessert! Don't disappoint me.. I wanna big mouthful of your hot, creamy cum!" I promised.

We entered his house, allowing Julie to go ahead of us, then Bob and then me carrying the hip sirloin, wrapped in butcher paper. He led me to the kitchen, he had a butcher block there and we set down the meat and Bob got some beers, even Julie took one.

"Wanna watch some porno?" Bob asked, then went into the livingroom and flicked on the TV and turned on the DVD player; a multi-disk one already loaded. He sat down in the middle of the couch, patting both sides of him... cozy! I was on his right side, Julie on his left. The room filled with sounds of hot sex as three guys in drag sucked and fucked like crazy!

Julie slid her long nails inside his shirt while he spread his legs and pulled my hand to his crotch.

"You might find something interesting in there..." he groaned as I unzipped his pants. Bright pink peeked out at me! I slid his pants down to reveal pink bikini panties, black garter belt, black hose too! He writhed at I fondled his thick cock in his panties!

"Ohhh fuck that feels so good! Take it out and hold it while Julie sucks on it!" he moaned. "Frig it with your hand!" I would have sucked it too but she snarfed it right down! But, it was only 8 or 10 sucks, then she raised up off it and smiled, "Here honey, your turn.. want some lipstick?" and handed me her tube of slut red.

"Yes, lemme get more into the part tho.." I groaned, slipping my pants off to reveal panties and stockings, then pulling my shirt off to reveal a flattened bra! I quickly took out a falsie from each pants back pocket that filled my bra perfectly, daubed on some lipstick, then went to town on the boss's big fucking cock!

"Oh fuck yeah you hot fucking cocksucking pantyboy slut!" he groaned. Julie pulled down the top of her dress to let those big mammaries loose and rubbed them all over his face while I watched and sucked. Bob tensed and filled my mouth with his cum! I eagerly ate it all right down. I slid up and immediately grabbed a handful of Julie's tits.. damn they were fine! While she frenchkissed Bob, I slid my hand down under her dress to feel how sopping wet her pussy was.. her.. holy shit! She had a big fucking cock!

"You.. you.. you're not Julie..!" I groaned, squeezing her.. er, his.. er.. whatever's cock!

Breaking the kiss, Julie answered, "No, I'm Jules.. I was Bob's 1st cutter until he transformed me, then I became Julie his wrapper and that's why he hired you! Now be a good boy and suck my fucking cock, baby!" Julie moaned, laying back while I scurried between her legs. I gave her one of my best blowjobs, sucking her cock from base to tip to base! She blew her cookies deep down my throat! I just slid my lips off her cock and kissed the tip!

"Now it's our turn to work you over, sweetie!" Bob groaned, laying me on the couch. He eagerly sucked my cock in his mouth while Julie raised my legs and tonguefucked my asshole. Then they switched, Julie tenderly sucking my cock and balls while Bob entered me, his big thick cock fucking me until I thought his cum would squirt out my ears his orgasm was so fucking powerful! He no more than pulled out of me when Julie buried her face in my ass, her mouth already full of my cum, to lick his out and swallow both loads, then plow my ass with her big cock too! She came in my ass and then ate it out also, kissing Bob with her cum and the two passing it back and forth! While they kissed she grabbed my head and buried it in her big tits, making me suck on one, then the other, then back again! I got so hard I pushed her onto all fours and mounted her asshole, fucking her while Bob fucked me again. We came and then collapsed! Bob crawled over to me and tonguefucked my hole, eating out his cum from my sore, tender asshole, massaging the membranes with his hot tongue!

"Ohhh fuck, you two are something else! We're gonna get along just perfect!" I moaned, arching to his tonguefucking!

We stopped playing long enough for Bob to bone out the hip sirloin, cutting the tenderloin and strip and tail into thin steaks. He brought out a huge cast iron pan that was rectangular, covering both burners on the stove, chopping up onions, peppers and potatoes, adding some garlic and frying them up in one end while sizzling the tiny steaks in the other in hot browned butter while Julie boiled up some ears of corn. We sat, in our finery, down to a delicious meal with sizzle-fried steak, homefries and fresh corn on the cob, gobbling it all down! Bob had drained all the grease from the pan as soon as the cooking was done into a plastic bowl; by the time dinner was done and dishes washed it had cooled to room temp. He grabbed the bowl and offered, "Dessert, anyone?" and the three of us went into the livingroom and stripped of our lingerie, laying naked on a big plastic sheet. We each scooped up a big wad of grease and tenderly applied it to each others' cocks, balls and assholes, masturbating and sucking each others' cocks daisy-chain fashion, and lubing assholes to be fucked by freshly cleaned off corn cobs! We all extracted one last load of hot cum down each others' throats for our dessert treat before finally dressing to go home!

I walked into the house... "Daaaddd?" I hollered.

"Hey son.. in here.." he hollered from the kitchen. He was drying dishes, replete in stockings, high heels, garter belt, bra and makeup!

"Oohhh goody! Mommy's at class, huh?" I grinned, sliding to my knees and slobbering all over his cock thru his panties. I could feel it grow and harden. "Lean back on the counter, daddy.. lemme suck your big fucking cock!" I groaned, pulling it out from the side of his panties!

"Ooohh yes honey.. I've been waiting.. did you suck your boss's hard cock too?" he groaned as I slowly slurped up and down his thick cock.

"Oh yes daddy, and his wrapper's cock too.. Julie.. she used to be Jules.. they both came in my cocksucking mouth.." I moaned, my words turning both of us on! "Now cum in my mouth too daddy!" I hissed, sucking him harder as I slid my hand in his panties and started fingering his asshole....

I rushed home with the steaks, my cock aching from remembering Bob and Julie, and got into my latest outfit - black seamed stockings, black lace garterbelt, lacy hip high bikini panties, satin pink bra and ruffles on the wrists. I put on some slut red lipstick, an ankle chain and my 4" spikes, admiring the outfit when the doorbell rang!

'Ouu he's here!' I giggled and ran to answer the door. He shifted nervously from one foot to the other while waiting, a duffle bag in his hand. I opened the door enough to let him in without the neighbors seeing me in drag; he dropped the duffle and held me tight and kissed me hard. Then, very softly too!

The first was a man kiss, the second a woman kiss.." he explained. "Where can I change?"

"What's your name, honey?" I asked as I led him to the bedroom.

"Oliver, but I prefer Olivia if that's ok!"

"Sure is, Olivia!" I giggled. "Now, let me help you out of your things.." I moaned, sinking to my knees to pull down his zipper as he removed his shirt! He had on panties, too! I slid his belt loose and shucked down his pants, showing me his panties with his big hard cock inside! I mouthed it through the panties, making him moan, then sucked his balls a little.

"Now, what's in the duffle?" I asked, curious to what he brought.

"Mmmmm my finery.." he giggled, taking out bras, panties, stockings, garterbelts, high heels, makeup, the works! He donned several items while I played and stroked him, getting his precum flowing in his panties, we went to the kitchen and I pulled out the package of steaks, wrapping one around his thick cock to masturbate him with, then suck it tasting the beef tallow on his cock. He bent me over the sink and pulled my panties aside and rubbed my asshole with a steak, then some EVOO and slid his hard cock deep in my ass, fucking me silly until cumming inside me, then grabbing the steak as his cum oozed out my ass all over it. We set that aside on the counter to 'marinade' while I bent him over, fucking his asshole just like he did mine, cumming inside him and then he basted a second steak. We pulled our panties up and went out on the enclosed deck and fired up the grill, tossing the cumsoaked steaks on while laying on chaise lounges taking turns sucking each other, then took off the steaks and cut them up, feeding each other pieces to chew up, putting on more slut red lipstick to dramatize the effect of sucking the meat into our mouths.

We finished the afternoon with a long, hot shower, kissing and playing with each other, soaping and sucking and fucking until we were both spent. Wearily we dressed in our 'normal' clothes, knowing it wouldn't be the last time we'd play together!

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