
By James

Published on Jan 9, 2006


The following stories are completely fictional. All characters are part of that fiction and do not represent any real person.

As one gets older the memories of past pleasures often fade or become vague and unreal.

We begin to wonder whether they ever actually happened, or are they just a figment of an over active imagination, or perhaps just wishful thinking.

Before they fade from memory altogether, I thought it a good idea to recount some pleasurable moments from much younger days. Which, the more I think about them the less real they seem. The more pleasurable the memory, the less likely the reality.

My first story is about an incident which happened a number of years ago when I must have been around 21 years old.

At that time I was a keen cyclist, and often went with a few friends (usually male) on weekend cycling trips.

It was a fairly loose friendship group, although three of us had been close friends since about the age of 9.

Inevitably we had discovered the pleasures of masturbation, and had on many occasions enjoyed wanking each other. It was not an obsession, nor was it an essential part of every meeting, but nevertheless a very frequent occurance at that time.

In fact, at the time of this story, because we had started to go our separate ways, we had not 'indulged' for some considerable time.

This friendship group and our sexual experiments are not the main reason for writing this story. They are only part of it because they happened to be with me on that particular weekend and were involved in what I suppose I should call 'chapter 1'.

We had set off on the Friday lunch time to give ourselves a long weekend cycling in the Yorkshire Dales. There was myself (Jim), Chris, Dave, and three other guys. This was the first time we had all been away together since school days. We had only met up on infrequent occasion over the past three years due to college and university commitments

We aimed to get to a camp site near Richmond, where we would base ourselves for the rest of the time.

We arrived there and pitched the tents at about 4.00 pm. They were two large tents which each took three people comfortably. The 'tent field' was part of a larger caravan site, but was separated from it by a road.

Unfortunately, during the course of the afternoon's ride, an old ankle injury had flared up, and by early evening it was quite badly swollen. Because of this I decided that I wouldn't go down to the pub with the other guys, but would stay in camp and rest the ankle.

Having announced my decision, Chris very kindly offered to stay with me, even though I insisted that it was not necessary.

I realised that I was really quite glad that Chris had offered. We were the closest friends within the group, and I suppose that I was hoping that he would want to have a wanking session when there were only two of us. It was something which we hadn't done for quite a long time.

When the others had gone, we sat in the tent and opened a couple of cans of beer.

After a bit of general conversation about bikes, college, girlfriends etc., Chris looked at me and said "I see its not getting any smaller".

I looked at him to discover that he was looking at my crotch.

We were both wearing quite baggy shorts, but because we were sitting on the ground with legs spread, they were stretched quite tight, so the outline of my cock and balls was quite distinct, as was Chris's.

"Yours looks to be much the same as well" I replied.

"It still won't be as big as yours." he laughed.

I knew that this would be true. Ever since we became aware of each other's cocks at about the age of 9, mine had always been larger.

I don't think I have a big cock, but at 7" and reasonably thick, I am always proud to show it off.

"Why don't we have a look and see if I've caught up?" Saying which he knelt up on both knees and pushed his shorts down, to reveal his almost limp, uncut cock, which I had seen and played with on many occasions.

I felt an immediate tingling in my cock. This was even better than I had hoped for. Chris had taken the initiative, and was obviously just as keen as I was to enjoy some more mutual masturbation.

"I think you're definitely catching up" I said, and copying his example, I knelt up and pushed my own shorts down.

We knelt there for a few moments looking at each other's cock as though we had never seen them before.

"There's only one way to make sure," commented Chris. "We need to do the comparison when we're both hard."

I needed no further invitation. We both stood up and kicked our trainers and shorts off completely. I zipped up the tent door to prevent surprise visitors, and we both lay back down on the sleeping bags.

The next few minutes passed in almost complete silence save for the moans of pleasure which came from both of us.

I was lying on my back with my head propped up on a rucksack. My legs were parted and my knees slightly raised.

Chris got up off his sleeping bag and moved to kneel between my thighs. I could feel the warmth of his thighs against mine. I could see his now almost erect cock just above mine.

His hands stroked the inside of my thighs from my knees to my balls where he paused to gently but firmly caress them, and then moved on to make my shaft become fully erect, which with his fully erect cock in view took only a matter of seconds.

With my balls cupped in his left hand he began long slow strokes with his right on my now rigid and throbbing cock.

I reached up to his cock and was about to do the same when he suddenly stopped.

He was looking over my head towards the tent door and, with his hand still on my cock whispered, "We're being watched".

"By whom?" I asked without moving.

"A boy, or at least a young guy" he replied.

At this I turned on my side so that I could look in the same direction as Chris.

Sure enough, there was a young guy watching us by peeking under the bottom part of the door zip which I had not pulled right down.

There was a moments silence and then, to my amazement, Chris said, "Come in and watch if you like."

To which the young guy replied "No thanks, I'm not gay."

"Neither are we." said Chris. "We just like wanking, don't you?"

"Yes I do, but I don't do anything else" said the young guy.

"Neither do we" replied Chris "you can please yourself whether you stay or go, but we would like to get on with our wanking."

We then got our second shock of the evening, because the young guy appeared to be having a discussion with someone else who was lying next to him.

"Is there someone with you?" I asked.

"Yes, my cousin" and at that another head appeared next to his. The head of a much younger boy!!

Chris and I looked at each other. This was getting out of hand. One young guy was a risky situation. But two, one of whom appeared to be only about 10 or 11 years of age was decidedly dodgy.

"Well make up your minds because I'm coming to close that flap properly now." said Chris.

At this the two lads crawled in under the zip and sat together against the side of the tent. Chris got up and pulled the zip down properly, hopefully to avoid any further interruptions. Their eyes followed him, or at least they followed the swinging of his cock as he moved.

Next: Chapter 2

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