Memoirs of a Teenager

By ddrarrow

Published on May 26, 2023


"Oh herro Mongorians... Welcome to my Shitty Wall..."

If you don't know what that's from, then you need to seriously get a lobotomy. Or you just need to watch South Park more often.



What's up!?

...Yeah. Nothing much in terms of introductory pre-story conversation this time. Uh... I'm still doing the whole demographic thing, so, if you'd like, you can send an email with your age and any comments or whatever so that I can see who likes my story. You can even send a flame if you want to, but I might flood your inbox with Spamtaro (tm).

Oh, and if you don't know what Spamtaro is, then you should look it up on the internet. It's pretty random stuff, but I think it's funny!

Now, then... On to the mandatory copyright stuffs!

This story (Memoirs of a Teenager) and all of its contents are copyright of me ( and are not to be copied or reproduced without permission. In order to get permission, you must retain the fact that I am the author of this work and that you state where you are copying my work to. (Whether it be a website, forum ,etc.) This story is only to be displayed on the Nifty Erotic Stories Archive and its mirror sites. (Don't worry, there's almost no erotica here. ALMOST is the key word this time. There's only a little bit of it in this chapter, but if you're still squeamish, you can choose not to read this chapter. Sure, there'll be a gaping hole in the storyline, but if you're really don't wanna read stuff like that, well... First, what the hell are you doing here!? Second, you still don't have to. I don't influence your thoughts and mind. If only, if only...)

If you violate any of the above terms, then you are agreeing to having me send Gerard Way to your house and sucking your blood. Or maybe I'll just be really mad at you and make people close to you hate you. Or maybe I'll just be mad.

Memoirs of a Teenager

Chapter Five: V-J Day

'I'm tired...

Tired of running...

I'm tired...

Tired of listening...

I'm tired...

Tired of hoping...

Today we can revive...

Good morning...

Good morning...

Keep your sadness alive...'

The lyrics poured out of my alarm clock. I guess it was time to wake up and "revive". Ugh... Must... Turn off... Alarm clock... Loud... Very loud... Ughhhh.........

Crap. Today's Valentine's Day, isn't it?

Uh, alright. Time to take another trip into my pile of semi-repressed memories. This time we're gonna look at February 14, 2006.


'Jealousy's an ugly word but you don't seem to care.

Converse behind my back but now I'm here.

Need no one to comply with me through everyone that I defeat,

Don't need you, fuck cam'raderie, this rage will never go away.

Hatred fuels my blood, I'll burn ya down.

You can't help me...

One king to watch the horsemen fall, I'll fight until the end.

I won't help you.'

Shit. Today's Valentine's Day, where everyone gets together with their loved ones and trades candy and love and all of that unnecessary emotional crap. I've already resigned myself to the fact that I will never, ever feel anything like love or joy or anything like that ever again. In fact, I should have refused them. Pointless emotional connections always lead to the same thing: their ends. Once you lose someone close to you, you experience the worst pain ever imaginable. You feel the pain of loss. The gaping hole where they once were is worse than any physical hole created by any blade, firearm, or other weapon of choice.

I don't want to go to school today, but the law says I have to. Damn.

Shower. Dry. Brush teeth. Put on deodorant. Put on clothes. Comb hair. Walk downstairs. Consume food. Walk out of house to bus stop. Board bus. Wait. Go to school. Wait for first period. Go to cafeteria for stupid Valentine's Day celebration where everyone gets together and celebrates "love". Hah, I don't know what this "love" truly is. At least, not anymore.

I'll never have someone to "love". I'm a faggot, right? There's nobody in the world for me except for other freaks like me. Yeah, I'm a freak. I'm a freak and a faggot. He was right. I'm as good as dead in the social world. I am one of society's lesser beings. I am on the losing end of natural selection. I lose. At everything. Love. Friends. Life. Living. In every aspect, I am the loser. I only exist now. Now I must wait for this day to end. This day that "reminds" me of what I might have been foolish enough to desire. To endure this day of "love".


Man, my life sure sucked back then. Now, I really don't care. I'll just sit back and take things as they come. Meh. I guess I should get my lazy ass off of my mattress, huh?

School would have been unbearable if not for the block system. Basically, on Wednesdays, we have first period take up first and second period, and seventh period takes up seventh and eighth. On Thursdays, second period takes up first and second, and eighth takes up seventh and eighth. Basically, this means that for those four classes, I have one less homework assignment, since we only have those classes four days out of five. Today is Wednesday, so that means that I won't have to deal with Algebra II or English until tomorrow. But then again, that means that I won't see Jake until lunch today... Oh well.

Guitar. Blah. Times two. Blah blah. Health. Blah. Discovering that the vending machine is faulty and you can get two drinks for the price of one. Sweet! Yeah, the vending machine by my third period class is faulty and gives you two drinks if you press the right button and shake it a little. It's a cool trick I learned from watching this kid watch another kid "cheating the system".

I looked anxiously between my watch and the clock on the wall as I waited for the bell to sound, signaling the end of third period and the beginning of the six-minute break between third and fourth period. Yes, I feel like being specific today. Nyah.

I walked towards my locker to change out my books and get what I needed for the last four periods. As I closed the locker, I saw Taylor standing by his. Wow. I must be oblivious or something. I never really noticed that his locker was so close to mine, but all of the freshmen have the same hallway to themselves, so it would make sense.

"Hey David." I must not have been looking, but I turned my head and he was looking at me.

"Oh, hey Taylor."

"Health sure is a drag, isn't it?"

"Uhh... Yeah, I guess."

"Alright then. See ya."

"Ok, bye."

I walked towards the cafeteria. That sure was pretty random.

I went into the cafeteria and scanned the area... Where was Jake? I was sure that he had this lunch period... Hmm...

"Hey David." I turned around. It was Alec.

"Oh, hi. Sorry, but I gotta do something. See ya."

"Uh, alright. See ya."

I went over to the ice cream truck and I bought an AriZona. I love AriZona green tea for some reason... Huh. Oh well. Afterwards, I went towards the new building to take my usual power nap. As I walked towards my bench, I saw something surprising...

"Aww... He's not here..." I said to myself. I was thinking that Jake was back here for a reason last time. Oh well... I might as well get my sleep on, right?

'The... Whole truth...

And nothing but the truth,

Stop me if you've heard this one before.

The... Whole truth...

Is nothing but a good excuse.

So long as you don't torture me with my plans,

Let's be honest;

A secret silent, is a secret safe.

Miami, Miami, Miami...

Well every hour, on the hour...

Every hour, on the hour...'

Damn... The lack of sleep really was getting to me... I'm... yawn... Tired... Too tired... Zzz......

A bright flash of light. A shadow in the distance. What is that? Is somebody there? Why do all of my dreams involve lights and a shadowy figure? Uhh... Hello? Is anyone there? Jeez... I hate these kinds of dreams... But wait... I thought that you weren't supposed to be self conscious about your dreams when you're dreaming? What if these thoughts are all part of my dream? Does that mean that I've achieved some sort of Zen-like ability to become conscious about my dreams, thus allowing me to act independently in them, as opposed to being a third-person observer or "a soul trapped in a body"? Does that mean that I can take control of my dreams? Wait... Maybe I can make things appear in my dreams at will, sort of like The Matrix. Wow, that'd be kickass! So, I'm basically living in a temporary mental playground where I can do anything, huh? Might as well try some-

"Hey, David! Wake up!"

"Uhh.... What the hell...?" Shit, I even DREAM about dreaming. Man, what the hell... I really do have some fucked up dreams... Hunh...? Who's there...? "Who's there?" my mouth said, finally cooperating with my brain.

"Dude, wake up! You're almost late for class!"

"But who's there...?" I whined. I hadn't opened my eyes completely yet.

"It's Jake!"

I shot straight up after hearing that.

"Huh!? Wha...? Ungghhh... Oh, uh... Hi, Jake..."

He couldn't help but chuckle to himself. His laugh was kind of cute. But I'd better not think too much about that.

"Haha... Wow... Alright then. Good thing I found you. Welcome back to the land of the living."

"Ngggh... Shut up..." I said, still somewhat sleepy.

"Whatever. You'd better move your ass. You're gonna be late for whatever class you have next."

"Gah... You're right. Ok then... Thanks, man."

"No prob. See ya later."

"Alright." I guess I was finally awake. I moved my ass, as Jake suggested, to my Spanish II class.

"Hola chicos," our Spanish teacher said. "Hoy vamos a empezar a una practica. Es sobre los verbos ir y ser en el preterito." Ms. Bruzonic was, most likely, the best Spanish teacher on the planet. Strangely, although we call her "Ms. Bruzonic", she's actually married, but I guess it would have been hard to say "Mrs. Bruzonic". Oddly enough, she's not Spanish, but she married some guy from Bolivia, I think. She's also the cousin of some kid in my grade, I think. Today sure seemed to be one of those "lazy days", I think. Sadly, I seemed to be the only person in my class that had any effort to work, I think. Everyone else was just bored out of their minds, I think. Maybe I should stop saying "I think", I think.

"Estamos terminado?" The words snapped me out of my deep, albeit totally fucking random, train of thought. "Estamos terminado?" I heard again. Nobody ever responded to that question anymore, for some reason. Meh. I began to zone out, as I usually did to kill time during class.

The kid sitting two seats in front of me was Jackson. He went to my middle school with me. I remember this one time last year when we talked a lot over AIM. It was when I was trying to come out. He IM'ed me, and before I knew it, we were talking about all sorts of stuff. He said that he had a crush on this girl from Russia who had transferred to our school, but he couldn't have her since she was already dating someone else. I remember her, somewhat... She had a pretty big rack, actually. Nonetheless, I was never really attracted to her.

Anyways, Jackson and I were talking, and then he asked me if I had a girlfriend yet. I said no, and then he told me that someone had told him that I was gay. I guess it must have been some asshole who was trying to spread bad shit about me, but I did admit to Jackson that I was gay. From there, the conversation got a little awkward when we started talking about puberty and stuff. We talked about sex and stuff, and that's when he told me that he might have been bi. He liked girls, definitely, but he also seemed to like guys, but just a little bit. Then he asked me how long I was. This definitely came as a surprise, but I was somewhat horny from our conversation, so I obliged. I told him that I was six-and-a-half inches (Which I was back then, no lie!) and he said that I was pretty big. Hmm... Where have I heard that before?

Well, he asked for some pictures of my boner. He said that he was also sending some of his to my inbox, so that gave me even more incentive. I took some pics, and sent them to him. When I looked in my inbox, I saw an email from Jackson, and I opened it, anxious to see what was inside. Looking at his cock definitely turned me on, and before I knew it, we were talking again, commenting on each other's dicks. Then, he began to wonder what would happen if we ever did something together, like a blowjob or something. That really caught my attention, and I began to fantasize. I told him that we could definitely do something sometime, then I reluctantly logged off, since I heard my mom enter the house.

That string of events was probably the closest I have ever gotten to actually having any sexual contact with another person since Kevin. Sadly, nothing ever happened between me and Jackson, but in the back of my mind, I was hoping that something would happen eventually. Ah well... Nothing would probably happen anyways, since he seems to be going out with some chick now.

But that never stopped me from fantasizing. Heheh...

Okay, enough horny thoughts! Gah! Concentrate on school! Necesito algo sexo ahora... Shit! Non-sex-related school! Uh... Fui al partido de futbol ayer. Fue muy buenisimo. Yeah. That works.

Thank God that the bell rung. (Rang?) I grabbed my things and walked toward my Biology class. I pulled out my iPod and switched it on, looking for something to distract me from my clearly sex-laden thought processes...

'Things are better left unsaid...

But none of that matters now...

I guess.

But what if I could right my wrongs,

And lay my fears to rest?

So please,

Tell me it's a dream.

I'm unsure if this is real,

Or maybe I'm still asleep...

Unsteady as she goes,

I'm betting the west wind blows me away forever.'

I decided to take the long route to class by stopping by my locker. Honestly, I didn't need anything from my locker and I was going to pass by it after Biology anyways, but I guess I just felt like I wanted to pick out a new route. Besides, trying to go upstairs from the entrance I was using before could be a pain in the ass, since it was small and a lot of people used it to get to the cafeteria for sixth period lunch.

I went around the front of the school and entered the hallway leading to my locker. Once I got there, I just sorta stood there for thirty seconds or so and then I went into the courtyard to get to the classroom before the bell rung. (Once again, rang?) Once I was there, I took my seat and Jake and I began to talk.

"So, did you make it on time, dude?" he said.

"Uh... Yeah. Thanks for that."

"Heheh..." His laugh was cute, definitely.

"So, how're you liking Yorktown?"

"Uh, it sucks."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Well, when I moved here, I was kinda hoping that I could actually make some friends. The dudes back in California were-"

"Assholes? Yeah, I know what you mean."

"Yeah, exactly. And now that I've moved, I was hoping that I could make some new friends, but people here seem to ignore me and shit."

"Man... That sucks. Well, if it makes you feel any better, I don't really have any friends at this school, or even in this state, for that matter. I know exactly what you mean."

"sigh... Yeah. Okay, let's stop being emo and shit."

"Hahah... Yeah, you're right, I guess."

We learned. Yeah, that's about it. Well, I think I learned... I just don't remember what it was about. Meh. Oh well. We had some spare time before the bell rung, so Jake and I started talking again.

"Hey, Jake, are you doing anything today? I'm gonna be bored out of my mind today and I was wondering if you'd like to come over."

"Uh... Really? Uh, I mean, sure! That'd be cool."

"Alright, then. Meet me at my locker. You know that hallway where all of the freshmen are?"

"The one by the attendance office?"

"Yeah, that one. My locker's over there. It's number 804."

"Alright, then. See ya later."

"Okay. See ya."

This definitely brought my spirits up. I usually never had people over at my house for some reason or other. With Alex, it was usually because he "forgets" to call me back and shit. Honestly, there's something about him, as if he's pretending to be my friend. What an asshole. As for Brandan, well... Usually, he's baked out of his mind, so I don't bother calling him that much anymore. I just walk to his house randomly and pester him until he agrees to stop being high and start hanging out with me for the day. Heh.

Since Alex and I had the same block class periods, we went to our last classes together. He couldn't help but notice that I was talking with "the new kid", as he would probably think of him.

"Hey, David, so who was that you were talking to?"

"Oh, that was Jake. He's new here. We were just making plans to hang out after school today. Something we'd do if you actually REMEMBERED about it."

"Gah, jeez. You know how forgetful I am!"

"Uh-huh. Sure. Whatever." I suddenly felt like not talking with Alex anymore, so I decided that I would take a detour. "Hey, Alex, I gotta go. See ya."

I made a right into the stairwell without waiting for a response. I walked through the, uh... Quadruple? (Two sets of double doors.) Uh... Yeah. Let's just say I walked through the door that led into the courtyard. I took this shortcut so I wouldn't have to cross paths with Alex. Fortunately, he had English and I had World History.

The last two periods were as boring as usual. I was actually pretty anxious to get to my locker. I got there and opened my locker, and then I put my unnecessary crap away. As I was closing my locker, I saw Taylor walking to his locker. He was talking with Jake! Huh...

"Hey guys," I said.

"Oh, hey." Taylor said.

"Hey, David." Jake said. "You guys know each other?"

"Yeah," I started. "Taylor and I have the same Health class."

"Yep." Taylor added.

"Alright then. So, how're we getting to your house? Jake asked.

"We're taking the bus. I live pretty far away from here, so walking sure as hell isn't an option."

"Okay. See ya, Taylor." Jake said.

"See ya." Taylor replied.

We walked outside and made our way to my bus.

"So, Jake... How do you know Taylor?"

"Oh, uh... Funny story. Turns out that I have an old friend that moved here when we were young. One of his friends happens to be one of Taylor's friends. Small world, huh?"

"Very. Oh, it's this one over here. Come on."

We boarded the bus and took some seats near the back.

"I like your backpack." Jake said. I got bored one day last year and decided to decorate my backpack. I got a couple of patches, one of Stewie from Family Guy and another of the evil monkey, also from Family Guy. I also get a couple of buttons/pins/whatever and put them on my backpack.

"Oh, thanks."

"Family Guy is awesome."

"Of course. Best show on Earth."

"Yeah. So, do you have a girlfriend?"

Hm. That sure was a weird transition. Not to mention, a pretty strange question to ask someone you just met yesterday. Huh...

"Uh, nope. Unfortunately, I don't. Unless my hands count."

"Dude, you're a perv."

"Of course, what guy isn't?" I decided to ask him the same thing. "So, do you have a girlfriend?"

"Uh, no, dumbass. I just got here two days ago, and I don't think I'm all that studly."

""Studly"? Wow, that's an interesting adjective."

"Shut up. You can shut your face right there."

"You come and make me, "Mr. Studly"."

We spent the rest of the bus ride arguing about random shit and trying to make up the best insult. I won, with "twat-sucking nipple-fucking fuckhead shit-face pussy-twat fucker-head carpet-muncher shit-eating motherfucker bitch-man". I am t3h Insult Master!!!!

...Okay. That's enough.

"So, what do you do in your spare time? You got any hobbies or anything?" I asked.

"Well, sorta. I can skate a little bit, but I kinda suck. I'm actually more of a guitar person."

This was definitely a plus. I've been trying to get a band together for a while, and this might be a good start.

"Really? That's great. I play guitar and I've been trying to get a band together for a couple of years now."

"Wow, that's cool."

"So, what kind of music do you play?"

"Rock, pretty much. I like stuff like My Chem and Taking Back Sunday. What about you?"

"Uh, same here. I like MCR too and I sorta like Fall Out Boy, but their latest album doesn't really sound like FOB."

"Uh, what do you mean?"

"I'll show you once we get to my place."

"Uh, alright."

Once we got to my house, I showed him around, then we went up to my room. I got Fall Out Boy's new album and put it on "The Take Over, The Break's Over".

"Okay, so what do you think about this song?"

"Hmm... This has a cool intro. The drum line also sounds good."

"Yeah. In my opinion, this is the best song on this album. You've listened to their latest single, right?"


"Well, that has a really funky sound. In fact, FOB collaborated with Jay-Z, Timbaland, and Babyface on this album."


"Yeah." I went to my CD collection and got one of their older albums, "Take This to Your Grave". "Alright, now listen to this song..." I put on "Saturday".

"Hmm... This one's a lot faster. It's got this pop-punk sort of flavor to it."

"Alright. Back in 2003, when this album was made, FOB was a pop-punk band. Now, with "Infinity on High", they've become this weird sort of emo-pop. Personally, I think this is all because of Pete Wentz. When FOB made "From Under the Cork Tree", Pete Wentz was made the lyricist; Patrick Stump was the lyricist before then. If you listen to the lyrics that Pete came up with, you'll see that they're a lot more emo and talk about killing yourself, but with a happy, pop sort of sound to it. When Patrick did the lyrics, they were less about killing yourself and depression and more about girlfriends and, well, sex, to an extent."

"Really? Wow, that's pretty deep, man."

"Yeah. It's kinda sad that people know FOB as the kind that Pete Wentz made, when I know FOB as the Patrick kind."

"Hm. Maybe I'll buy the older albums."

"You should. I like them a lot better than their new ones."

"Alrighty. So, can I see your guitar?"


I got my blue Strat and handed it to him.

"Nice sticker."

"Thanks. It took me a while to get that one on." I had a My Chem sticker on my fretboard which took me a while to put on. Basically, I took the sticker and placed it alongside the fretboard. Then, I cut out the parts where the metal frets would be. Then, I took the remaining parts and laid them onto the fretboard. The cool part is, it was one of those red stickers that you place on the guitar and then you peel off the backing paper, so it looked cool on my guitar.

"So, what can you play?" Jake asked.

"Well, the hardest stuff I can play is Avenged Sevenfold, but even then it's still a bit hard for me."

"Oh, wow. That's way better than me, for sure."

He started to play a few chords. It sounded pretty good, then I started to think up of some lyrics in my head.

"Watch... As you see...

Can you flee...

...From me...?"

"Dude, that sucks!"

"Yeah, I know. I'm not exactly the best lyricist, you know. Besides, I just made that up on the spot. I like the chord structure, though. How about you bring your guitar over here tomorrow and we can make something up."

"Alright, I just gotta remember those chords. A, C#5, B5, E5..."

"Okay, then. So, do you still wanna play guitar?"

"Actually, I'm starved. I've kinda developed a bad habit of not eating lunch anymore since school food is near-poisonous."

"Really? Same here. I think I can cook something up for the both of us..."

"You can cook?"

"Of course. I love cooking. And besides, if I didn't cook, then I'd be eating fast food all of the time. That stuff's really bad for you."

"Mmmhmm. Agreed."

We went downstairs to the kitchen and I turned on the stove.

"Pasta's okay with you?" I asked.


I boiled some water and I put in some spaghetti noodles.

"Dude, when did you learn how to cook? I've always wanted to cook, but I never really knew how."

"Well, my mom taught me a little bit. The rest is pretty much stuff I learned on my own. Maybe I should teach you."

"That'd be great."

"Okay, then. Let's start with the pasta that I'm cooking. Whenever you cook pasta, you have to put some salt into your water. This helps to season the pasta as it cooks. I also cover the pot when I'm boiling water to help speed up the boiling process."

"Really? I didn't know that."

"Yeah. I watch the Food Network a lot, and that's where I've learned a lot of things about cooking. Okay, then. When it comes to cooking, there's no solid ratio of anything. When you boil pasta, you can always add water if you don't have enough. In fact, I usually use more water than I'll need since it all gets drained anyways."


"Alright. The water's boiling, so now I'll just remove the lid using a potholder and put in all of the pasta that I need. Since these are spaghetti noodles, obviously all of it won't go in at once, but the boiling water will collapse the noodles, allowing for the rest to sink in. Once all of the pasta has been submerged, I'll just put the lid back on at an angle so that it can vent. If I don't then the water will overboil and cause a mess. We don't want that."


"So now, we can just leave this be. In about 8 to 10 minutes, the pasta will be done, but I'm going to check it every two or three minutes just to be on the safe side."

"Alright, then."

"We can watch some TV while we wait. What do you usually watch?"

"Uh, I watch Fuse and VH1 most of the time."

"Alright. VH1 is channel 57, but I don't think I have Fuse. My dad's a cheap-ass and we don't have the package that has Fuse with it."

"Oh, alright."

Once the pasta was done, I called Jake over.

"Alright, next part of the lesson. The way to find out if the pasta is done is to take a strand out, not using your fingers, and eat it. If it's too chewy, then it needs to cook a bit longer. If it falls apart in your mouth or in your fingers, then it's overdone. It should be what we call "al dente". This means "to the teeth" in Italian, and this means that the pasta is firm to the bite."

"Alright then.

"Once, the pasta is done, you take a coriander and set it in the sink."

"A what?"

"A coriander. Most people call it a strainer, but it's actually a coriander. A strainer is a hand-held wire mesh thing."

"Oh. Alright. Continue."

"So you have your coriander in the sink. Turn off the heat and pick up the pot with two potholders. Drain out the water and you can place the coriander back on the pot or on a plate once the water is drained. Drizzle olive oil or put some butter on the pasta so that it doesn't stick together."

"Okay. I'm hungry. Let's eat!"

We sat in front of the TV, eating pasta. We were watching Mythbusters on the Discovery Channel.

"Don't you wish you could do that stuff?" Jake asked.

"Yeah. That'd be kickass."

"Dude, you sure can cook."

"Uh, thanks."

"No, really. This is pretty good."

"But it's only pasta and alfredo sauce."

"But it's still good. You could definitely show up those cafeteria ladies."

"Hahah. Sure, why not?"

We watched TV until six or so then Jake said that he had to leave. I gave his mom directions to my house and she picked him up about fifteen minutes later.

"Thanks Mrs... Uh..."

"Johnson. But you can just call me Beth."

"Oh, alright. Thank you. See ya, Jake."

"Alright. Bye, David."

I waited for them to drive out of sight and then I went back inside. That was a great day. I've actually made a new friend. I feel great right now... Jake's a pretty cool guy. I can't wait to see him tomorrow!

Today, February 14, 2007, was my V-J Day. Victory of a friendship with Jake.

Yeah, that sounds INCREDIBLY stupid.

It's a story about a gay teen AND a cooking lesson! Amazing!

...Yeah. Don't forget to send comments/questions/suggestions to ( I thrive off of your emails. They provide me sustenance. Precious sustenance.

...Yeah. See ya next time.

Next: Chapter 6

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