Memoirs of a Master

By moc.loa@ffejiobppup

Published on Jul 12, 2008


3 Why'd the Hell I Wait So Long? I was sixteen the first time I got head. The girl's name was Amber and we had been dating about a month. The thing I liked most about it was the fact that it was totally one sided. It was another way of being serviced. I just kicked back and enjoyed the feeling while the little bitch did her job. She did all the work and I got all the pleasure.

That first experience was pretty lame, to be honest. Knowing what I do now, that chick didn't do my cock justice, but I have to give her credit since it was her first time. She blew me a couple other times after that, but neither time was much better. She couldn't get much of my cock in her mouth and she didn't really suck it hard enough. The worse thing about it was that she didn't even consider swallowin my nut.

Amber and I didn't go out all that long, but in the years to come, I did end up getting some really decent head. In fact during my senior year of high school I dated this chick named Cindy who blew me a couple times a week. And there were a few blowjobs that I got on the side.

When I was seventeen and started talking to fags on the internet, the topic of blowjobs would come up often. Usually the fags mentioned it first. They'd ask me about my girlfriends and if they gave me head and shit. Then they'd always follow up with the same fuckin question: had I ever let a guy blow me.

Obviously my response was "Fuck no!" I'd tell em that I wasn't a fag. Sometimes the fags would persist and try making a case for why I should consider letting a fag slide on my pole, but this shit just pissed me off.

After I let that 30-something faggot come and worship my feet for 200 bucks, I found all about online cash masters. I learned that there were lots of dudes just like me who dominated faggots and took their cash. I discovered there were websites dedicated to it. The fags were called cash slaves. Most of em were older, in their thirties and forties, some even older than that. Most of these bitches were eager to hand over cash to hot young masters, especially if you let em see you on webcam.

I learned that there were really no limits. Some masters lived entirely off of fag cash. Some had slaves that lived nearby who serviced them, not unlike my situation with Terry. Some used their slaves to do their homework or housework or other shit like cleaning their cars and stuff. Some did shit just for fun to humiliate the slaves.

And during my exploration of this Master/slave online world, I met quite a few of these other Masters. One of em was a guy named Rick. The two of us actually became friends and still are to this day. Remember, this was when I was only seventeen, and Rick was 23 at the time. He'd been a master for a couple years, so he gave me advice about handling slaves. He also pretty much helped pave the way for me to build my empire of cash slaves.

During the course of our friendship, Rick and I had many online conversations and even visited one another in person. He lived hundreds of miles from me but we used fag cash to travel, so it wasn't a big deal to take trips whenever we wanted. I was trippin the first time I met this dude in person, cuz it was like seein a mirror image of myself, only older.

Well, I mean he didn't look exactly like me, but we had the same build and the same hair and once we got to sharin our experiences it was crazy how much alike we actually were. He'd discovered how easy it was to bully fags back in grade school just like I had. He used to steal faggots' lunch money and give em swirlies. He used fags to do his homework and term papers.

We were chillin at his apartment this one time when he said something that fuckin freaked the shit outta me. He was so casual about it. He said something about this slave who gave him head. Of course I figured he was talking about a chick.

"You got a chick slave?" I asked.

He shook his head. "No. A faggot-- a cocksuckin slave."

"Whoa!" I said, leaning away from him. "Dude, why would you let a fag suck your dick? Wouldn't that make you. a FAG! That shit's pretty fuckin gross."

"I hear ya, man. I said that myself for years. But ya know what? The best head I ever got was from a faggot cocksucker and I'm not any queerer than you are, dude."

"If you're doin the nasty with a fag, then you sure the fuck are, dude." I shuddered just thinking about it. "Man. don't fuckin even tell me any more of this shit."

He shrugged and changed the subject.

It was hard to think of Rick the same way after that conversation, and I was starting to really wonder about him. But it was crazy cuz I'd met Rick's girlfriend. Rick and I talked to each other about pussy and chicks all the fuckin time. How could this dude be a homo?

It was actually later that same night when we both were buzzed that I brought the conversation up again. "Dude, I gotta tell ya that shit freaked me out. I can't even fuckin think of you the same any more. How could you let yourself be fuckin queer bait like that?"

Rick just laughed. "Dude, why you so uptight about it? You've known me for how long? You know I'm not a fag. In fact you sure as hell know I'd kick anyone's ass who even suggested I was."

"A'ight," I said, "then I guess that'd make ya bi, huh? Cuz if you're doin shit with a dude, you're not straight."

"I ain't `doin shit' with dudes, man. I have no attraction to guys whatsoever! There's a difference between fuckin someone and usin a mouth to get my rocks off."

"Bro, how can you say that?" I asked.

"Well. let me ask ya somethin. If you were horny and wanted head, would you let an ugly chick blow you. I mean, if you knew she was gonna expect nothin in return. She just wants to suck ya dry and swallow yer nut. Would you let her?"

I shrugged. "Depends how ugly."

"Okay, whatever. But the point is, you'd probably be willin to take a headjob from a chick that you weren't attracted to at all. Head is head."

"Yeah," I agreed, "but that's different than letting a fag do it. A chick's a chick even if she's ugly. She still has tits and a cunt. I wouldn't let some old grandma suck my dick-no matter how horny I was-and I wouldn't let a dude do it either."

"You're thinkin of it all wrong, dude," said Rick. "You're not `letting em' do anything. If you're their master, you're orderin em to serve you. You do it when you want it on your terms. The whole point of it is to use them for your pleasure, same as you do when you cash rape em."

"But they're fags!" I replied. "Dude, they're sick fucks who enjoy that kinda shit. Why should I give em what they want by faggin-out on em?"

"Cuz no matter who sucks your dick, you'll never be a fag. It's like this, man: when I decide I want head and there's not a chick around, I call one of my local fags and order them to get their ass over here. They know the rules. Refusing me is not an option. Then the entire time they're here, they understand that the whole experience is all about me and my pleasure, not theirs. I never see em naked, and they aren't even allowed to touch themselves, jack off, or anything at all to bring themselves pleasure.

"I always make em kneel, and I always grab hold of their head and skull-fuck em. I punish em if they gag-which they almost always do-and I bitch slap em if I feel any teeth. I make it last as long as I want. I go in as deep as I want. I pump as hard and as fast as I want. And I always, fuckin ALWAYS drain my load down their bitch throats. Then I make em pay me afterwards."

I just stared at him. "So you're a prostitute, dude."

Rick shook his head, smiling. "Fuck no! A hooker is someone that gets paid for doing a service. In this case, the fag's the one doin the servicing and it also has to pay for the privilege of doin it. If a fag called me up and asked to suck my cock, I'd beat its ass. They're my on-call cocksucker's. They service me when I want it, not vice versa."

"Dude, I hear what you're sayin, but that shit's definitely not for me," I said. "If I want head, I'll get a chick to do it. Why should I stoop to that level of havin some disgusting faggot slidin on my pole?"

"Cuz there's no limit with fags. When have you ever grabbed a chick's head and skull-fucked her til you nutted? And when you do nut, how often do you do it down the bitch's throat? When's the last time a chick paid you for the privilege of suckin your cock? Usually they act like they're doin you the favor."

"That's cuz they are, dude!" I said.

"Not so with a fag. You're the one doin them the favor. You can treat em like the dogshit that they are and bust the best nut of your life. They don't get shit in return, other than a throat full of your slimy sperm."

I couldn't help myself, I had to laugh. "The way you describe it, it's like you just are usin em to jack yourself off."

"Exactly!" he said. "They're just a fuckin hole. And I'm telling ya dude, nothin feels better than to go in balls deep when you nut. Ya don't give em any choice in the matter, just shove em all the way down."

It was by far the weirdest conversation I'd ever had. If anyone other than Rick had ever told me about shit like this, I'd know for a fact that they were just some closet case faggot. But there was no way I could think of Rick that way. I knew he was no fag. I still wasn't about to start letting fags anywhere near my dick. Period.

That Terry turned out to be a real cash cow. During the first six months that I knew him he was like a human ATM for me. Not only did he promptly pay his seventy-five dollar fag tax every week, but he usually was ready to fork over the cash a day or two early. He also was eager to submit to any of my other demands for additional cash. Usually at least a couple times a month I'd spring an extra fee on him.

In addition to his financial slavery to me, that geekylookin faggot also was like my very own domestic slave. Because he lived so close to me, he was of course responsible for doin all my laundry and keeping my dorm room clean. After I moved out of the dorm into my apartment, he was responsible for coming over once a week to do housework.

It was such a trip to see how this bitch so easily became putty in my hands. It was like he was both terrified of me and in love with me at the same time. I know he idolized the ground I walked on, and wanted nothing more than to please me at all costs. I figured out right away that all I had to do to manipulate him was talk sternly to him. He craved pleasing me so much, that the mere thought of pissing me off in any way was his worst nightmare.

Probably the single thing that I liked most about dominating this bitch was watching him squirm. When he was cleaning my shoes or worshipping my feet, I'd point out to him where he'd missed a spot. I'd call him names and tell him he was a worthless piece of shit who couldn't do anything right.

Sometimes I'd call and wake him up in the middle of the night and make him come over to serve me. I'd tell him he had exactly ninety seconds to get his ass over to my room. A lot of these times I'd then make him do one of my assignments and I'd go to bed. When I got up in the morning it would all be done perfectly. Poor bitch didn't end up getting any sleep at all himself, but what-the-fuck?

Terry also was responsible for building and maintaining my website. One of the first gifts he was required to buy me was a decent digital camera. He used it to take tons of pics of me for the site. In addition to the site he created accounts for me on mastersjustice and doms4cash. He also made a yahoo group dedicated to me.

I put Terry in charge of maintaining my yahoo group and website, and he knew it was his job to act as a recruiter for me. He would send out emails to other yahoo groups and talk online to cash slaves who were seeking Masters. I know it sounds crazy. It's hard to believe that there are actually faggots out there who are looking for someone to take money from them. But fuck, I'm not shittin ya, there are hundreds of em.

The really pathetic thing about these fags is that the vast majority of them have no idea who they're even sending money to. Sure they've seen me on webcam. Sure they've seen pics of me. But for all they know I could just be some fuckin fake. Most of these losers will never see me in person or even so much as talk to me on the phone. Yet takin money from em is like stealin candy from a baby.

I'd been out real late one night during that first semester of college. It was when I was still in the dorm. My friend Greg and I had gone to a party and I was a little bit shit faced. There was a chick there that had interested me, but all of a sudden she disappeared. I kind of lost interest and just proceeded to get drunk. It was like three in the morning when I got back to the dorm. I flipped on the TV and kicked back in my recliner for a few minutes and actually started to sober up a bit. It was then that I realized how pathetic it was that I'd left that party without getting some pussy.

I thought about that chick. I think her name was April or Autumn or some shit. Whatever. I decided to watch some porn. By now I had quite an extensive collection, so I got up and slipped a dvd into the machine.

I'm not sure what came over me but I then picked up the phone and called the fag. "Get over here bitch. I need a beer." Within sixty seconds he was walkin through my door holding a cold beer. I laughed when I saw him cuz he was actually wearing pajama bottoms. What college guy wears pajamas to bed, I wondered.

"Bitch, get over here and take care of your Master's feet. They're tired and sweaty and I've been wearin these shoes since this morning."

The fag wasted no time dropping to his knees and crawling over, being very familiar with the drill. He slid the stool into position in front of my chair as I propped my feet up eye-level with the kneeling fag. Very worshipfully he untied and removed each of my sneakers and began massaging my feet. I shoved my soles into his face and he obediently maintained his position knowing better than to back away or even so much as flinch. I laughed as I ground my soles against his dorky face.

"I swear to god," I said, "I'll never understand why you fags are so pathetic. You actually get off on this shit, don't you?"

Terry said nothing but just looked up at me and nodded.

"Answer me, bitch," I said in an even tone. "You get off on it, don't you?"

"Yes sir," he said quietly.

"Why?" I asked. I'm not sure why all of a sudden it had occurred to me to ask this question. After all, I had dominated faggots all my life and didn't really care what they thought about it. I did it cuz I liked the power. I liked taking advantage of my position of authority over them. But it must have been the alcohol that was making me this way, cuz I actually wanted to hear from him what his motivation was.

"Well, SIR," he responded. "Um. I've always idolized guys like you-straight jocks, I mean. And now, well um, here you are living right next door to me. And it's just. well. it's like a privilege or something to even be allowed to be in the same room with you."

I laughed, wiggling my toes into his face. "Take my socks off bitch," I said. "Figured it was something like that. Now I want you to shut the fuck up and take care of my feet. I'm gonna kick back and watch this porn."

"Yes sir," he said as he removed my socks one at a time.

As I sat there drinkin my beer and getting my feet licked, I started to completely forget about the fag in front of me. Instead I focused on the video. I laughed a few times at different parts of the flick when the whores were getting fucked up the ass and lickin each others' twats. The more I watched, the harder my dick got. I guess I wasn't really thinkin about the faggot bein there as I started to rub my boner through the fabric of my jeans.

Finally I sighed and squeezed my dick at exactly the same time that I glanced down to see the faggot staring up at me. He was watchin me rub myself. "What are you lookin at bitch!" I demanded. "Pay attention to your job or I'm gonna kick your fuckin ass!"

He quickly looked back down at my feet and continued to lick them.

It was about this time that I started remembering my conversation with Rick. Oddly all the arguments he'd made for usin a fag for head suddenly seemed to make so much more sense. I guess it was simply a matter of being in that particular moment,a little drunk, horny, and with a faggot right there at my disposal.

Here I'd been all this time usin this bitch as my foot slave and personal servant. I let it lap away for hours on my sweaty jock feet. I knew it went home to its dorm room every night and probably jacked off to the shirtless pics of me that were on its computer. I knew it lived for no other purpose than to please me and make me happy. Why not use it now to take care of my needs? Who would even know?

"Bitch, I'm fuckin horny!" I said. I then pulled my legs back and kicked the stool to the side. "I think it's time to see just how much of a fag you really are."

Now here is what was so fuckin insane about this whole scene. For the past few weeks this fag had been under my control. He obeyed my every command, washing and folding my clothes, paying me a huge percentage of his income, cleaning for me, designing my website-- all kinds of shit. He came over to my room and knelt on the floor like a dog to lick my sweaty, rank feet. It was obvious that he literally worshipped the ground that I walked on. Yet when I announced to him that night that it was time for him to serve me like the fag he was, I saw a look of terror in his eyes unlike anything I'd seen before.

You would have thought that this opportunity that he was being presented with would be a dream-cum-true for him. You'd have thought that he would be begging and pleading with me for the privilege of suckin my jock dick. Even the online fags that had never met me in person always tried to get me to consider it.

Of course I didn't really care at that moment what this bitch wanted. I didn't care if it liked the idea of being my cocksucker. All I really cared about was that I had a rock hard boner, a porn flick on the TV in front of me, and a wet hole to slide my dick into. What I learned later was that Terry really had been fantasizing about this moment from the first day we met. It was very much a dream come true for him. He was just scared. He was afraid of not pleasing me the way I deserved. He was afraid of just exactly how rough I was gonna be with him. He was afraid I'd be pissed afterwards and beat him up. The dude was basically just a total pussy, afraid of his own fuckin shadow.

And seeing that fear in his eyes as he stared up at me was what motivated me most. As I looked down at him I felt a wave of hatred and disgust wash over me. This faggot at my feet was so pathetic, kneeling there in his pajamas with his messed up hair. His body was so puny and twig-like with his gangly limbs sprawled out. He reminded me of an insect. As I stood up from my chair I continued to look down on this waste of skin and was reminded of every faggot I'd ever encountered. They were all the same. Weak. Cowardly. Incapable. Effeminate. Ugly.

He was so startled and so frightened that he couldn't even bring himself to respond coherently. He just stared up at me, moving his mouth like a fish out of water, trying to formulate some sort of reply. It was then that I felt the rage within me bubble up and I turned my body slightly, lifting my arm across my chest and then proceeded to swiftly backhand him right across his dorky, faggot face.

It certainly wasn't the hardest I'd ever hit anyone. In fact, the blow wouldn't have even qualified as a punch in a real fight. But to the fag it was like he'd just been hit by a train. He gasped and let out a sudden sob-like sound. It seemed for a second he was gonna fall over but he managed to remain upright and simply hung his head shamefully.

"Look at me bitch!" I demanded. I was already reaching down to unbutton my jeans. As he craned his neck upward to view his Master who was towering over him, I saw the moistness in his eyes. He was already in tears.

My cock throbbed inside my boxers, and I wasted no time freeing it. Once it was out, I didn't even take the time to pull my pants the rest of the way off. I just stepped up to the bitch, planting my feet firmly on each side of his scrawny body. With my left hand I held my cock by the base and with my right I grabbed the back of his head and I then gave the order, "Suck it, faggot!"

Of course he did as ordered, opening his mouth without hesitation, and I slid right in. As he wrapped his lips around my shaft I watched my cock slip in. It felt smooth and warm, an incredibly silky feeling, no different than it would have felt had it been some chick's mouth. Once inside, I released the grip I had on my cock and used both hands to grab the faggots head.

I have no idea whether this faggot had a lot of experience givin head or not, but the surprising way he was able to take the entire length of my cock down to my pubes seemed to indicate he'd at least had some practice. Maybe it's just that faggots are natural born cocksucker's, but I showed no mercy as I drove my prick straight in as far as it would go and he didn't so much as gag.

Of course it always feels good to get your cock licked and sucked, but in all honesty I had never literally impaled a bitch on my fuckstick the way I did when I plugged this fag. I actually felt the tightness of its throat around the top couple inches of my cock. It felt so tight and warm that I held his head like that for a few seconds, thrusting my pelvis forward to achieve sustained, maximum penetration.

"Fuck!" I yelled, "Take it, bitch!"

It was after about forty-five seconds or so of grinding his head into my groin that I felt him trying to pull back. Then at last his body convulsed and he gagged. The phlegm and throat-slime that erupted felt hot around my throbbing cock, and another wave of adrenaline washed over me. I laughed right out loud. "Gag on it, bitch!" I mercilessly jeered at him.

I gave him a very brief respite, releasing my grip on his head for just a few seconds, enough to allow him to gasp and inhale some air, and then I plunged back in. And then I began to fuck.

As I started to fuck his face like it was a hand-held-pussy, I looked away from the faggot and over to the television. There was some whore gettin her twat fucked as mercilessly as I was drilling the faggot's throat. As I kept fucking I realized I was in rhythm with the fuck flick I was watching. The faggot throat I was using was nothing more than a pussy to me, just like the one I was watchin on the porno.

For the next ten or fifteen minutes I continued to rhythmically pump my cock in and out of his tight throat. I was holding his head tightly in a stationary position and pistoning my cock in and out. Several times during the assault I felt him struggle, trying to pull away from me. I think it actually was a reflex reaction because he did this always right before he was about to gag. I loved the tightness of his throat around my cock when he gagged like that. I could feel his throat walls constrict around my cock. So it was at the exact moment that he started to struggle that I buried my fuckpole balls-deep. This made the bitch gag fiercely, and of course every time I laughed evilly and then continued my assault.

I had enough experience fuckin chicks to know that fuckin hard and fast is hotter than shit, but the downside is that it ends too damned soon. When I got to the point that I was about to bust my nut, I stopped fucking and pulled completely out of the faggots mouth.

He knelt there gasping, drool and slime dripping down from his mouth onto his chin. His eyes were filled with tears and his nose was all snotty and nasty. "You pathetic cunt!" I said, half tempted to bitch slap him again. Instead I just whipped his face four our five times with my hard cock. "Go in the bathroom and get a fuckin towel. Clean yourself up, and then get your ass back out here.. NOW!" I should have made the faggot crawl to the bathroom, but I didn't really care at that moment. While he was gone I pulled off my jeans and boxers, took a couple swigs of beer and sat back down in my recliner.

Knowing its place, the faggot slid to its knees between my legs. My cock was still rock hard and slimy from the bitch's throat snot. "Get back on it, cunt. Suck me for awhile, and when I'm ready I'm gonna skull-fuck ya again."

Immediately the bitch started bobbin on my prick. I just sat back and relaxed, watchin the video and drinkin my beer. "Rule number one," I said casually, "When I tell ya t' suck, don't stop til I say so. This means your tongue is in contact with my joystick every fuckin second.

"Rule number two: I better never feel any fuck'n teeth. If I feel em against my cock even one time, I'm gonna fuckin deck ya. If it happens more than once, you won't have any fuckin teeth left when you crawl outta here.

I took a swig of my beer as the fag continued to service me. "Rule number three," I said, "Don't even fuckin think of touchin yourself. You're here to serve me, not to get yourself off.

"Rule number four: If you puke, you'll be cleanin it up, and not with a towel, bitch."

"Rule number five: It's gonna last as long as I want it to. I don't give a rat's ass if you're tired or sore or uncomfortable or whatever. If I want it to last all goddamn night, you'll keep suckin til I'm finished.

"Rule number six: You'll serve me always on your knees. That means you don't sit. You don't squat. You don't reposition yourself to get more comfortable. You fuckin kneel like the faggot slave you are. I don't fuckin care if you feel like your knees and ankles are gonna fuckin fall right off.

He continued to bob away, sliding up and down on my fuckpole. He pressed his tongue against the underside of my shaft and wrapped his faggot lips tightly around my shaft as he slurped away.

"And finally, rule number seven: You will always swallow. Every fuckin drop bitch, and it goes straight down the throat. I like to nut balls-deep."

And then I set my beer down and grabbed hold of his head again. I was like a king on a fuckin throne, sittin there with my legs spread wide apart and a slut between em takin my jock cock. I started to pump.

Unlike a few minutes ago when I was standing up, this time I kept my body stationary and pumped the faggot. I was usin the faggot's head to jack myself off, just like Rick had joked about. I knew instantly that this was gonna be my favorite position.

I had complete control. As the faggot maintained a tight suction around my cock, I was able to guide his head exactly the way I wanted. I felt his wet tongue pressing against the sensitive underside of my shaft and as I pumped him I could keep him positioned at the perfect spot to maximize my pleasure. I would have been able to go on for hours, hedging my way closer and closer to orgasm without cumming, but honestly I was in the mood to nut.

After about another ten minutes of relentless pumping, I again felt myself approaching orgasm, and I decided to get serious. I then pumped the bitch with unmatched violence, allowing myself to moan and curse loudly. "Fuck yeah! Unnghh!" Then as I finally crossed over that point of no return, I slammed the faggot all the way down, again burying my cock deep into its throat, and released my fuckin nut.

What a fuckin trip. My first face-fuck.Why'd the hell I wait so long?

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