
By Peyton Jones

Published on Feb 26, 2020



This story is the property of the co-authors and cannot be reproduced or distributed without specific consent of the authors. It is written for your enjoyment only. Any resemblance to real persons is purely coincidental. Hope you will enjoy our story. We welcome your comments good or bad. You can reach us at

Chapter Seven

Celia and Antoine

By Chrissy and Peyton

We made it to Luis's late that night. Driving the trucks, it took us close to ten hours to get there. We were exhausted and left the trucks fully loaded collapsing on the bed in the room where we were going to stay. The next day we moved the furniture out and moved our furniture in to the room. We then began to unload the truck with our artworks and materials placing it in the room Luis had cleaned out for us to use as a studio. Before we could set things up we saw we would need to do some painting and organizing to make this work. Over the next week Luis helped us to move a wall and build another wall so we would have separate studios. Amelie would have plenty of space for her to make the mess she would when working with the clay, plus bringing in her small kiln she needed to fire the clay.

Next we concentrated on our apartment painting and organizing it. On this property each of the buildings consisted of twenty-four two-bedroom apartments with each having its own kitchen. Every apartment faced the ocean and had an entrance from both the back and front sides. After we were set up we delivered more art work to the art stores and were paid for the art work that had been sold. As summer was getting close not much had sold, but with what had sold, we already had made more money than we did in four months as street vendors in Paris.

Needless to say we were ecstatic things were going this well. Amelie was doing fine though once in a while she would have these moods where I could tell her mind was somewhere else. I would leave her alone and it would eventually pass. The summer was here and we had one building completely repainted inside and out plus restored to look great. We invited several of our friends down for the summer with most accepting our offer. Being a naturalist resort we warned them clothing was optional but for us we would be naked. Most agreed and had a great time.

After the first summer Luis was really happy too. We had as many as ten rooms rented all the time and for the whole summer, a few weeks all of them. This was without any advertisement other than telling our friends. One of our friends worked in advertising in Paris. He created an advertising plan and gave it to us at a great discount over what he would normally charge. One of his suggestions to us was to buy a passenger van to transport people to and from the train station to our resort. We could also use it to deliver our art work to the store. It was a great idea and one that Luis really liked as getting people back and forth had been an issue before.

Our goal was to target families and as such our advertisement centered on the family atmosphere. This set us apart from the Cap area which catered to all and we were less commercial. We had family activities arranged for our ballroom area complete with movie nights and game nights. We hired a couple of teenagers from the area to run those venues for the summer months. By the end of the summer we knew we had made a comeback. The place was full over the last month of this season.

Luis was beyond happy and we were too being a part of this resurrection. Luis continued, even though he was getting up there in years, to do what maintenance he could. Amelie and I ran the office and the general store we had in the main building for snacks and essentials. Our art work was selling and we were having a hard time keeping up with both art and managing the resort.

Two more summers passed and business was doing great both with the resort and at the art store. It was this second summer we met Celia and Antoine. They were a couple not yet married from just outside of Paris. Antoine and Amelie hit it off big right from the start. We spent a few evenings with them walking the beach and talking. Antoine was our age and Celia was a year younger. They planned on getting married this coming fall. They found our resort from a friend of theirs who had stayed here the previous summer and thought they would try it out. After spending some time with them, Amelie and I were talking and she brought up that she was bisexual as she had a boyfriend at the time we had met.

"Where are you going with this Amelie?" I asked her. You could tell she was afraid to tell me for fear of me being hurt. Why? I was soon to find out.

"It's been a long time since I have been with a male and I am getting a feeling that Antoine and Celia want to play around with us which means one or both of us would be with him," she sheepishly said.

"And you want my permission to allow you to fool around with them? When did you ever ask permission to fool around with someone? You know as long as you know who to come home to, you know I don't mind," I told her trying to ease her mind still wondering why she would ask.

"Because we have never done anything like this before and I didn't know if you would be upset if I and Antoine were together. It's been years since we have been with anyone else," she explained.

"Yes it has, but I figured we were just too busy to even think of playing with someone else. I didn't know you were waiting for my permission. And if you want to be with a male, that is okay too. Just don't expect me to be with him," I told her.

"You wouldn't be upset if the four of us got together then?"

"No, Amelie, I wouldn't. It might be fun since it has been a few years though I wish it would be with two other girls. But if Antoine is okay only being with you and not me then I'm okay with it. I like Celia and wouldn't mind being with her," I told her and gave her a wink.

The next night after closing up the office Amelie and I were walking back to our apartment when Antoine and Celia came up from the beach.

"How was the water?" Amelie asked.

"Delightful and refreshing," Antoine responded and came up to us giving us both the European kiss. "Now we are going to have something to drink and maybe enjoy a little fun before dinner," he said and smiled looking back at Celia.

"Oooh, sounds like fun. Don't leave your curtains open for there might be some peeping toms watching," Amelie joked.

"Don't get him started, Amelie," Celia stated. "Antoine has no modesty when it comes to letting others watch. In fact I think he rather have someone watch than not," she laughed.

"What room were you two in again?" Amelie asked now laughing but taking Antoine by the arm as they walked leaving Celia and me behind.

"Something tells me unless you object you have lost Antoine for a while," I told her and took her arm to walk behind the other two.

"Probably so, but if you are coming too then I won't be feeling left out. We do have two bedrooms you know?"

"Yes, I do and we just might have to make good use of both of them. I have to make sure each of the rooms and beds are suitable for our guest. Would you care to join me in one of them?"

"I think, that can be arranged," she said and took my hand and squeezed it.

We walked up to their room and Antoine fixed us all a drink. We sat on the sofa and chairs in the living area talking. Antoine was in a big stuffed chair with a towel underneath him and Celia and I sat on the couch. Amelie waited until everyone was seated then sat on the arm of the chair that Antoine was sitting in. His hand caressing her back as we talked. As we finished that drink and another Antoine suggested he needed to take a shower. Amelie said she would join him leaving Celia and me on the sofa. They weren't out of the room before she had placed her hand on my upper thigh and leaned over to kiss me. She broke the kiss and suggested we go take a shower in the other bathroom.

Taking a shower with someone other than Amelie felt strange again. The last time I was in the shower with someone else it was Sara. That had been almost four years ago. We washed each other paying close attention to the others breast. We kissed several times and kissed each other's nipples after they were washed and rinsed. We had just begun to wash each other's bum and pussy when we heard Amelie squeal. From the sound I knew she had just had a climax. I also knew our walls weren't that soundproof inside the apartments.

"Sounds like Antoine just gave Amelie a good one," Celia said.

"One of many I'm sure we'll hear before they are done," I replied back to her. "We shouldn't let them outdo us," I then added and let my fingers enter her pussy.

"Ooh, no, we can't have that," she gasped and lifted her one leg up placing it on the edge of the tub giving me better access to her pussy. "Go ahead, Julianne, fuck me. I've wanted your fingers in me since I first saw you after we got here," she said in between taking breaths and moaning. She held onto the wall with one hand and the other she pulled my head to hers and kissed me, her tongue dancing with mine as my fingers probed inside of her pussy.

Her hips began to move back and forth as my fingers found the right spots inside of her. My other hand held onto to her waist to keep her close to me but made its way to her butt pushing it towards me so my fingers were going in as deep as they could inside of her.

She bit my lip a little in her ecstasy moaning the entire time, "Oh fuck Julianne, your fingers are better than I imagined they would be. Oh god, yes, harder, harder," she moaned.

Suddenly her body jerked hard and her head fell back as her body convulsed from the orgasm she was having. She yelled out, "Oh fuck, Julianne, yes awwwkkk!"

Her body kept jerking and staying tense it seemed forever. Then I realized I hadn't stopped pumping my fingers in and out of her which was causing her to have an orgasm after orgasm. I slowly eased my pace up to allow her to come down from her high, keeping a hold of her because her legs seemed a bit wobbly. I removed my fingers bringing them to her mouth which she sucked immediately into her mouth moaning how good they tasted.

"Wow, that was so intense," she said. "You have fingers that are like magic wands. They never stopped bringing the orgasms out of me. I can't tell you the last time I had multiple orgasms from just fingers," she said in between still trying to get her breath back.

We dried ourselves off and made our way to the bed. The bedrooms were set up so the beds were on the same wall and we could hear the bed in the other bedroom rocking. We knew what they were doing in the next room. I made a mental note that we should see about rearranging the rooms in all the apartments so the beds weren't against the same wall.

"Antoine can be rather aggressive at times. He also has great stamina and the ability once he cums to stay hard and keep going. Does the noise bother you?" Celia asked.

I must have been in a trance as I had never heard my Amelie being fucked by a man before and while I thought it wouldn't bother me I had both a bit of jealousy and fear enter my mind. "A little," I replied but it was obvious my mind was not here with Celia. "I've never seen her or heard her with a man before so this is all new to me."

"We can stop them at any time, if you would rather not. It won't hurt either of our feelings or we could move to another room where you can't hear them if you wish," Celia said running her hand through my hair and her other one on my stomach.

It was if my trance was broken and I slightly shook as I turned to Celia and kissed her gently on the lips. "I'm sorry, hearing her is a first for me. I know she wanted this so I don't want to take it away from her. Besides I'm in the arms of a beautiful woman who really turns me on and I want you to make love to me," I told gently told her and ran my fingers across her lips.

"That's good because ever since we checked in to here, I have dreamt of making love to you. You don't know what you do to me just looking at you." She eased me down on the bed and I moved up so my head was on the pillows opening my arms up for her to lay on top of me.

Celia and I kissed passionately for several minutes running our hands through each other's hair, shoulders and faces enjoying the closeness and eroticism of being this close. Her legs had moved so they both were now between mine and I could feel her mound touching mine. She kept kissing me while her hips began to rock back and forth applying pressure to my mound and pussy. I lifted my legs and wrapped them around her upper butt and waist and began rocking my hips up to meet hers.

"Oh Celia, yes, that feels so good. I can feel your pussy lips rubbing across mine and how wet you are. Keep going, it feels so good," I whispered to her.

Her kisses were more intense and her breathing more shallow and faster as our bodies began to move in sync. She kissed my cheek and over to my ear using her tongue to lick my ear. Little did she know this was an erogenous spot for me and when her tongue entered my ear I almost climaxed.

"Yes,yes Julianne. I can feel you're close. Let it go. Cum for me baby. I want to feel you cum," she whispered between catching her own breath.

In the distance I could hear Amelie have an orgasm as she screamed out and it drove me over the edge too and I screamed to Celia, "oh god, yes baby, I'm there, push harder, yes, oh ahhhh, fuck." Then I crashed into a massive orgasm my body jerking and thrashing on the bed as I tried to keep my legs around Celia as she continued to rub into me her own climax rising in her.

A mere seconds later her body jerked and stiffened and she pushed hard with her hips into me rubbing them slow but firmly as her orgasm peaked. Sweat dripped off of her face onto mine but I didn't care as the feeling of having her cum on top of me was riveting and so sensual. I had to admit later that Celia had a body that definitely turned me on and sex with her was out of this world.

We rested with her on top of me for a few minutes while we caught our breath then she rolled over. Being soaked in both of ours sweat the cool air almost gave me a chill when it hit my chest and abdomen. We rolled on our sides and caressed each other giving small pecks to each other's lips and enjoying the closeness two women could have. We hadn't heard any sounds from the next room so we weren't sure if they were finished or resting but we weren't finished and had no intention of getting up to find out.

After several more minutes of caressing and light kissing she rolled me back over on my back and began to move down between my legs.

"I want you to sit up here," I told her motioning her to straddle my face.

"I need to have you. I haven't tasted you yet," she replied her hand now rubbing between my legs.

"Maybe we should do it together then," I told her and smiled a seductive smile winking at her.

"That sounds like a good idea," she said and began to climb on top of me only in reverse.

"I want to be on top this time. My back needs the air on it from where the bed was soaked underneath me." I rolled her over and getting on top of her with my head almost at the foot of the bed. I didn't give her time to change her mind and I opened her legs and let my tongue go between her lips and down over her perineum.

"Oh fuck, yes, Oh my god, that feels so good," She gasped and then I felt her tongue enter my pussy licking the entire length of my opening down to my clit.

I began to move my hips back and forth rubbing across her tongue to get the full experience and because several minutes of caressing her and her caressing me had me very excited again. We each licked and nibbled on each other's lips and clit not in any hurry to make the other cum but to enjoy this moment. I know I must have leaked juices all over her as I could feel them ooze out of me as I rubbed my pussy on her face and chin. I could tell though she was getting close and her body was reacting. She had been lifting her waist up to my tongue attempting to make more contact with it and when my tongue would run across her perineum she would gasp even more and lift her legs up off the bed. I gave her opening one big lick and stuck my tongue in deep before licking across her perineum letting it run around her butt hole. She about came off the bed then her body went into a full blown orgasm with her boy jerking and shaking.

"OH fuck, Ahhhhh!" she squealed and kept jerking until her orgasm completely subsided and her body began to relax. Her recovery wasn't long in the works before she stuck two fingers inside my pussy ramming them in an out as she grabbed my clit and sucked it into her mouth.

My orgasm was almost instantaneously and I pushed my hips down on her jerking and squealing, "I going to cum. Oh fuck, yes, don't stop, awwwwhhh!"

She released my pussy from her fingers and I collapsed on top of her my head lying on one of her thighs. I was caressing the other thigh with my hand as I lay there recovering.

I rolled off and turned back around lying next to her. I put my arm around her chest caressing her round and firm breast feeling her pliable nipple bend back and forth as I rubbed my hands across her breast. She grabbed my hand and held it still on her breast.

"You keep moving your hand like that and you will arouse me again and I'm not sure I have the strength to go another round," Celia said with a smile and a kiss to my lips.

"As much as I don't want to stop, I'm not sure I have the strength either. You are truly amazing Celiia. Sex with you is like riding a roller coaster. You constantly are bringing me to highs and then I think I'm going to fall down when you turn me around and bring me back up to a high again, over and over until I have no breath left to ride the ride."

"I feel the same about you, Julianne. I haven't had many women in my life but I can honestly say you are the best of them all and brought me to heights I never realized I could reach. I hope this isn't the only time we can do this."

As it turned out it wasn't the only time. We rested a little more then we each fingered the other to another massive orgasm before we got up and took another shower and then walked out to find the other two. As it turned out they had finished before us and had already showered and were sitting on the sofa with Amelie sitting on Antoine's lap sideways. When we walked out they were kissing and Antoine was playing with Amelie's breast. I could see her pussy lips from the angle we were approaching them and they were swollen and open and it appeared you could see white oozing out from inside of her.

Celia and I got something to drink before we joined the other two sitting in the lounge chair. I sat first spreading my legs with Celia sitting next pushing back until she was resting against me. Sitting there she was caressing my legs while I was caressing her shoulders and chest giving her gentle kisses to her shoulders and neck.

It almost became a game or contest as I was caressing Celia and looking at the other two they were watching us and Antoine was caressing Amelie's breast. Though we started off with plain conversation it soon got quiet as the caressing became more deliberate and no one took their eyes from the other two or where their hands were. Watching them I had moved both of my hands cupping and massaging Celia's breast while Antoine was doing the same to Amelie. Celia tried to not get excited but watching her boyfriend do what he was doing and having her breast teased and massaged she whimpered and lay back all the way into me. I moved one of my hands down to her stomach and inched my way to her pussy. As I did this I watched Antoine staring at Celia's pussy watching my hand get closer.

Antoine not to be outdone moved his hand between Amelie's legs pushing both out exposing her pussy even more before his hand gently rubbed her pussy lips opening them more for us to see the pink inside and the white substance oozing out .

Celia jerked a little and sighed heavily as she watched them and my fingers found their way inside of her. I began to finger fuck her as Antoine was doing the same to Amelie. No one took their eyes off of the other and I believe doing this both Amelie and Celia were getting really excited. Their breathing had gotten very shallow and fast and I could see the face movements on Amelie that told me she was getting close.

Celia was making a mew sound too and her breathing matched that of Amelie's.

"Oh god, oh yes, don't stop Julianne," Celia squealed and then I heard Amelie.

"Oh fuck, baby, fuck me, yes, yes, Awwhhh!"

They both came at the same time. Antoine and I connected eyes and we smiled at each other and winked. Celia's body calmed but she was not finished as she got up going over to Antoine and Amelie pulling Amelie off of Antoine and having her sit on the sofa. She opened her legs and dove in with her tongue to lick and suck on Amelie's pussy.

"She loves to taste a girl after I have fucked her and cum inside. It is like a desert to her and she loves the taste of cleaning up a girl," Antoinne was telling me when we heard Amelie squeal and explode in another orgasm.

Celia leaned over and kissed first Antoine then Amelie then she came back to me lying with her back up against me again.

"That was so good," she softly said to me.

Amelie and I left the two of them in the wee hours of the night and headed back to our place. We both had a good time. That wasn't the only time we were with Antoine and Celia. They were there for four more days and we got together repeating the first night two more times before they left. Before they left we booked them for the next summer too. They said they would tell their other friends and try to get some of them to come for a stay next year too.

While you would think this was the end of this experience it was actually just the beginning of a chain of events that would alter both Amelie and mine lives forever.

You see girls there are consequences to having sex with other people other than your partner or spouse. We were about to find that out.

In the past Amelie who was bisexual had always used care when she had sex with men. For some reason I guess since she hadn't had sex with a man in over six years her mind must not have been on what could happen when having unprotected sex. Six weeks almost to the day after Antoine and Celia were here Amelie woke up one morning and felt nauseated.

Feeling relieved because she was more than two weeks past her period she felt the nausea was just the beginning of a bad period being so late. The next morning when she woke up again feeling nauseated she began to worry.

"You don't think you are pregnant do you?" I asked her a little worried but also a little upset.

"Don't get mad at me Jewels, I don't know," she said and began to cry.

"Did you plan on getting pregnant? If not why didn't you use protection?" I more defiantly asked her.

Amelie sat there and cried not knowing what to say or do. "I'm so sorry. It's all my fault again. I don't blame you for being angry with me. If you don't want me, I understand. I have let you down again," she said between sobs. "I'll go back to Paris and ........"

I put my hand over her mouth so she couldn't talk and waited for her to stop trying to move away from my hand. When she finally calmed I looked at her stepping up to her so we were face to face. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to sound like I was attacking you. I'm just scared. This is a big thing and it scares me to death. We have never talked about having children before. We aren't even married. Financially I don't know if we can afford to have children or if this is where we would want to raise them," I flooded her with concerns and that wasn't half of them I had. "But part of me is ecstatic if you are pregnant because I have always wanted children and I can't think of anyone I would want to share motherhood but you."

"My Jewels, You don't know how much I needed to hear that," Amelie said back to me between her sobs.

"First things first," I finally said after getting my own composure back. "We need to get you to a doctor to see if you are pregnant. After that we can discuss all the other issue and concerns, okay? Regardless Amelie, I'm not going to leave you. You are the love of my life and we will find a way to navigate around any issues that come up."

After I said that she seemed to be more at ease. I think her biggest fear was not being pregnant, but her fear of us splitting up if she was pregnant.

We made an appointment with a doctor in town and he confirmed what we suspected. She was indeed pregnant. We drove home from the doctors in complete silence. I'm sure Amelie's mind was doing the same as mine was and that was thinking about where do we go from here and how do we handle this.

After we got home Luis was waiting for us as he knew why we were going to the doctor. He met us as we got out of the car and all it took was a nod from me and he knew. To our surprise Luis was as happy as a person could be jumping up and down and turning in circles saying he was going to be a great grandfather. That appeared to be the moment Amelie and I knew that everything was going to be alright. We laughed at Luis and both of us gave him hugs then Amelie and I looked at each other and we embraced kissing each other.

"Thank you my Jewels, God I love you so much," she said to me.

"I love you too momma," I said as I winked at her.

Over the next few days we had many discussions about what was next. We first called Antoine to tell him but told him that we would list me as the other parent on the birth certificate. We were considering getting married as the French had just passed a new law in 1999 that recognized the union of same sex couples. He advised us to wait on that because he wasn't sure that would be the prudent step yet. He said he would get back to us in a couple of days.

A week later, Antoine called us to tell us to list him as the father on the birth certificate and not to legally become a couple under the new law until after the birth of the baby. It seemed under the new law health care rights weren't automatically given to the parents if they were legally joined as a same sex couple. Because of the controversy over same sex marriage once the child was born if it were a French citizen it would receive health care under the national system. But there were many questions over the covering of the medical bills of the parent giving birth to a child while entered into a same sex union. Thus if Antoine was listed as the father it simply became a child born out of wedlock but still the mother's medical bills were covered under the national health care as a citizen. I guess the rationale behind the law was if bills weren't covered same sex couples wouldn't have children thus trying to eliminate the theory that their children would be gay too. It also prohibited and limited adoption and artificial insemination rights also.

Amelie decided to do as Antoine had suggested and sometime later we would decide whether or not to join as a couple under the PACS as it was called.

Over the winter months Amelie got bigger and bigger. God, she was beautiful. I have never seen a woman look so gorgeous with her baby bump and her breast enlarged as they got ready to produce milk for the baby.

We were sitting in our apartment talking and I finally got around to asking her the many questions I had about things she said that first day we thought she was pregnant.

"Did you plan on getting pregnant with Antoine or was it an oops out of passion? Because you and I had not discussed families or marriage at that point," I asked her.

"I guess it was an oops though somewhere I knew what I was doing. I know we hadn't discussed marriage and children as things were going so well. But in the back of my mind there was something missing in our relationship that I thought we needed to really bond us together forever. But no, it wasn't planned or intentional."

'You also kept apologizing saying you had let me down again and then threatened to go back to Paris leaving me. Why would you say something like that? Let me down how and what did you mean by saying again?"

"You don't really want to know. If I tell you I'm afraid your opinion of me will really change and you will want me out of your life. Can we just forget about that and look forward to a family together?" She pleaded and I could see she was going to cry again.

"Amelie, I didn't think we had any secrets between us and we could talk about anything. How bad can it be to leave you? I love you and nothing I can imagine will change that. You could tell me today you no longer love me or want to be with me. It would crush me but it wouldn't change how much I love you."

"I have kept a secret from you and I have felt guilty about it for years. I think it was the reason in the back of my mind I wanted to get pregnant and have a family with you. I'm still trying to get over my guilt and have your forgiveness."

I sat next to her on the sofa and leaned back pulling her between my legs with her back to my chest so I could rub her hair and head as we lay on the sofa. "If you are feeling this guilty over it, having a baby is not going to get rid of your guilt. You already have my forgiveness for whatever it was. If it was that long ago, then it is water under the bridge and long ago forgotten."

I paused before continuing, "I can't guarantee you I won't be upset but I can guarantee you after I get over my hurt my love for you will be as strong as it ever was and we will still be a couple."

"You remember Sara, don't you?" She sheepishly asked.

"Of course I do. We had some great times with her. She was really a sexy girl with an insatiable appetite for sex."

"There's more to it than that. You also remember my hesitation about moving here and how I got snippy with you at times for wanting to discuss it?"

"Yes, I remember that too?" I said and began to worry where this was going as back years ago I had my suspicions coming home at times finding them in bed or after my trip to Luis's finding the bed a mess and highly smelling of sex.

"We used to hook up a lot more than you knew. I would have her come over when I knew you would be gone so we could have sex. Sometimes when you would come home and find us it was because I wouldn't let her leave I wanted her that much," Amelie said and I could tell she was crying as her voice was breaking as she talked. I didn't say anything in return to her so there was silence for a few minutes. She knew I was feeling somewhat hurt from my silence and also because I had stopped rubbing her.

"Sometimes we would meet at a friend of hers and we would have sex there."

At this point my heart had jumped up and was sticking in my throat. I was terrified and I was hurting really bad too. I knew she really liked Sara but didn't realize all that was going on or her feelings for her. I liked Sara a lot but only because she was great in bed and a good friend but I would never have done anything more with her if I knew it would hurt Amelie or violate our trust for each other.

"I knew I was falling in love with her but I couldn't stop it. When it came to us moving I was trying to decide whether to move with you or stay with Sara. I knew it would break your heart. Mine was already hurting but I cared so much for Sara I wasn't sure I could leave her," she continued and I could tell she was still sobbing but under control which is more than I could say for me.

I had to push her up off of me and get off the sofa. I tried to walk away from Amelie but she grabbed my arm holding me there.

"I know this hurts and it hurts me to tell you but I've been feeling guilty about it ever since," Amelie told me as I began to openly cry.

"When I decided to move it was because I realized with you I had love that was based on true love and not on sex. Sex has always been great with you made even greater because of the love we shared. With Sara, I realized I loved her for the sex. She was fantastic in bed but outside of bed we had little to no common things to bond us together. I became addicted to having sex with her and mistook that for falling in love. Bottom line I wasn't making a choice of picking you over her. I realized she was just one of those once in a lifetime sex partners that turned me every which way and I got lost in what really mattered which was how much I loved you. I didn't want to lose you and I can never ask you to forgive me but I did and still do love you more than anyone or anything," she pleaded.

"Do you still love her?" I asked not really prepared for an affirmative answer.

"I think of her often but not in a love as you are suggesting it be. I love her as the friend we had, and as a sex partner we shared but I am not in love with her. You are the only one I love," Amelie said trying to convince me. "Sometimes I miss the sex we had with her and wish that we hadn't left her."

"Yet you still talk with her?" I said to her knowing full well the answer to that question.

"How do you know I do?" she asked sort of stunned to know I knew.

"You forget who does the ledger and pays the bills around here. You don't think I see her phone number come up on the phone bill every month?"

"Why haven't you said something to me?" All these years and you haven't once said anything.

"You aren't the only one who had guilt about leaving her. I suspected back then you two were more involved with each other. I didn't bring it up because if I had to share you with someone over losing you to someone, then I was willing to accept sharing you," I told her with tears steadily running down my face and my hands trembling. "I knew I had to wait you out until you made the decision. If I forced you to make it then you would have held it against me and eventually it would drive a stake between us."

"Oh my Jewels. I am so sorry. I never wanted to hurt you. You are my world and I have wronged you so much, yet you continue to stand by me. What did I ever do to deserve such a person as wonderful as you?" Amelie said and pulled me close to her kissing my face trying to kiss away my tears.

Her baby bump pressing into my stomach gave me shivers as I thought about the two of us parting ways. I leaned down and kissed her belly before standing back up to look at her, "I love you Amelie. I would be willing to share you with whoever you want as long as we are together."

"You don't have to share me with anyone my Jewels. I am all yours. And for the record my calls with Sara lately were not love calls but giving her advice. It seems she has a new boyfriend and she wanted to know some ideas what to get him for his birthday. Can you ever forgive me for all that I have put you through and for even doubting our love?"

"Amelie, yes, I forgive you if you forgive me for doubting you?"

"Yes my Jewels, I forgive you." We hugged and eventually made it to bed. Your mom and I spent a long time trying to put the hurt we caused behind us. You see girls, there are consequences for every action you take and we both hurt each other immensely. Some wounds never fully heal but scar over and this was one of those scars that never completely healed and went away. Both your mom and I, as much as we love each other, deal with this every day.

The year ended and the next year brought joy and happiness to our lives. Right on schedule, nine months after conception you, Giselle Louise Moreau, came to this world and blessed us with your presence. You were and are the spitting image of your mom with Amelie's dark hair and brown eyes. I even see her in your build. You have the same breast as she had when I first met her with those very brown areolas and nipples. Though there may have been doubts or issues still lingering between your mom and myself, when you were born they were set aside. We couldn't have been happier than we were that day.

You were an angel to us and still are. You were named after Amelie's grandmother Giselle and your middle name was after Luis as we loved him as a grandfather as much as he loved us like family. The birth of Giselle was also a major turning point in our lives for when I wrote my parents to tell them, I for the first time since I had left the United States in nineteen-ninety-five received a telephone call from them. While the stress between us still existed you being born was the start of the healing process between me and them.

The next year was significant year in our lives. As late spring arrived Luis's heart finally gave out and he went to where he really wanted to be with his love Lila.

"Have you seen Luis this morning?" Amelie asked me as she came in the office. "I've got some plumbing issues in apartment two-twenty that need to be fixed."

"No, I haven't seen him this morning. Did you try his apartment?" I questioned her.

"Let me run up there and see if he is getting off to a late start," Amelie said. Luis's apartment was up the stairs from the office. He had lived up there ever since he and Lila bought the resort almost fifty years ago.

A few minutes later I heard Amelie scream and she came running down the steps from the second floor. She ran into the office crying as she came in.

"He's gone. Luis is gone," she sobbed.

"What do you mean gone? Did he move all his stuff out?" I questioned not even thinking what she meant by "gone."

"No, he's up there. He's not breathing," she exclaimed and continued to sob.

"What?" I got up from my chair running up the stairs to Luis's apartment finding him in bed. Apparently sometime in the night his heart quit working and he died in his bed.

We fumbled about who to call but ended up calling his friend who lived near-by first to tell him and then to ask him what we should do. He called the police who came with the medical people confirming Luis had died in his sleep of heart failure.

After discussing with some of his friends we held a funeral service for Luis in a nearby church and had him buried on the resort property next to his wife Lila. One of our artist friends from Paris who worked with marble made his headstone and also we had a small monument made and placed it behind both his and Lila's headstone for all to see. It was a rendition of Luis and Lila walking hand in hand on the beach with the inscription "Amour Abondant Pour Toujours," which in English means Abundant Love Forever. We had the site surrounded with a wrought iron waist high fence which we kept it manicured and with fresh flowers year round.

A month later his lawyer came to visit us to read his will. Since Luis and Lila had no children and no other living relatives he had left Amelie and I the entire resort. In his will he wrote that we were like granddaughters to him and since we helped him see the resort come alive again he knew it should belong to us after he was gone.

While we were stunned we also wanted to stay here. The scars from the past itched and Amelie did not want to be placed in a position where she would be tempted to do something she would regret. I had to give it to her as it would have been easy to pack up and go back to Paris. Even if Sara wasn't a threat anymore I'm sure with all the young girls who are feeling liberated and want to explore their sexuality with someone as beautiful as Amelie it would be tempting.

We stayed and became the owners of a thriving resort on the Mediterranean coast. One of our first actions as new owners was to change the name to "Station d'Amour Abondante, Un Paradis Naturaliste." Translated it means Abundant Love Resort, A Naturalist Paradise.

The second action we took was to hire a new maintenance person who was willing to work at a naturalist resort and not spend his time oogling the guest or Amelie and me. It so happened he was also a naturalist and he and his wife agreed to move onto the property as part of his compensation for doing the maintenance.

The third action we took was to begin renovations of the apartment Luis had on the second floor. We took out some walls and expanded the space to create a three bedroom apartment that we moved into the end of the summer our new maintenance person doing most of the work.

It was during this summer that our guest included Sara and her new husband who decided this was where they wanted to spend their holidays. We didn't know she was coming as the reservation was made by her husband and listed in his name. I think it was planned that way on purpose by Sara as she wanted to surprise us and quite a surprise it was.

I was working the office that day and Amelie after making her rounds to check on the rooms, was in her studio working. The shuttle had dropped off three couples two of which included children and I was busy checking them in and welcoming them to the resort. Sara and her husband had lingered in the back trying to stay unnoticed as she kept her back to me while I was helping the others. When I finished with the others it was then she turned around and looked me straight in the eyes and smiled.

"Sara? Is that you?" I said in astonishment.

She just smiled and walked towards me. I got up and came around the counter opening my arms to not only welcome her but to say hi to an old but loving friend.

"Oh my god, Sara! I can't believe it's you! Why didn't you tell us you were coming? Look at you. You haven't changed one bit except you look even more beautiful now than you did several years ago."

"Thank you Julianne, you look amazing too!" she said. "We wanted to surprise you and not make a big deal of us coming to see you. It's so nice to actually see you again. I want you to meet my husband, Gerard Rousseau. Gerard this is Julianne who I have told you about before."

"Nice to meet you, Gerard. You made quite a catch with this one," I told him looking at Sara still with my arms around her.

"Where is Amelie? And where is Giselle? I can't wait to see her," Sara said and sounded really excited to meet Giselle.

"Amelie is probably in her studio working unless she is out making rounds. I have Giselle with me behind that wall in her playpen. I think she is still sleeping," I told them she would stay in there most of the day unless being fed or changed or one of us holding her which wasn't uncommon. I winked at Sara leading her around the counter.

As she we moved around the counter she could see the side of the playpen sticking out from the back of the office. Giselle was sleeping having been fed by Amelie not long before our guest arrived.

"Oh my God!" Sara said when she looked at her. "She is so adorable and wow, she looks just like Amelie," she softly spoke so as not to wake her up. "I can't wait until she wakes up later and I can hold her if that is alright with you and Amelie?"

"Of course it would be alright. You are like family to us. She loves meeting new people. I think she got that from Amelie," I said and chuckled.

"She is adorable and I can't get over how much she looks like Amelie. When is it going to be your turn to have one, or is Amelie going to be the only baby-maker in this family?" Sara said and gave me a squeeze.

"We have been discussing that and haven't yet decided what we are going to do. But I'm sure you will be one of the first people to know if something happens," I told her and was serious in my answer. Despite what may have happened in the past Sara was forever going to be a part of us and I knew that Amelie and Sara would continue to talk.

"Would you like to hold her now?" I asked Sara.

"No it will wake her up and she is sleeping so soundly. I can wait until later," she replied sounding excited yet cautious.

"I have to pick her up to take you to find Amelie anyway. One of us is going to hold her. You might as well hold her now if you would like," I said going over to pick Giselle up out of the playpen. I held her out for Sara and she smiled one of the biggest smiles ever taking Giselle in her arms.

"See, you are a natural. Someday when you have your own you will already know what it is like to hold a new baby," I told Sara.

Sara smiled big and gave me a look that made me ask. "Are you expecting?"

She smiled even bigger and gave me a slight nod.

"Oh my god, Sara! Congratulations!" I leaned over and gave her a quick hug from the side and kissed her cheek. Then I hugged Gerard and kissed his cheeks too. "When are you due?" I asked.

"In about eighteen more weeks," she said still smiling. I could see that being married and now soon having a baby was what Sara wanted and the glow she radiated was now apparent.

"I am so happy for you. I can tell this is something you truly want. Do you know what you are going to have or is that something you don't want to know or tell just yet?"

"A girl. We found out this week before we left to come here," she said.

"Come on. We've got to find Amelie and tell her unless she already knows. I realized what I said after I said it hoping that Sara didn't pick up on Amelie knowing but had kept it from me.

"She doesn't know we are expecting. We wanted to surprise you both when we came," she said which was a great answer making me hope how I phrased my question didn't suggest her and Amelie's conversation weren't discussed with me.

"Leave your bags here. We'll check you in later. I'll take you to find Amelie," I told them. I actually was excited to see Sara. Even after the talk Amelie and I had about her I was very happy she was married and she seemed extremely happy. I held no animosity towards her as I easily could understand the attraction Amelie had towards her as while I didn't have it as bad as Amelie did, I really was sexually and a little emotionally attracted to her.

We walked out of the office and down the corridor until we came to both mine an Amelie's studios. As I walked in I saw Amelie dressed but covered in wet clay as she was molding a new vase for the art store where we sold our work. I was able to get her attention before she saw who was behind me. She initially smiled seeing me and stopped what she was doing to see what I wanted. Then when I stepped further in and off to the side did she finally see who was behind me. Her smile went from big to almost fake as I could see the fear in her face. She glanced back over to me and I smiled at her pulling Sara to me after taking her hand. I think that broke the ice a little for Amelie as she realized I wasn't going to be mad over Sara being here.

"Sara?" she asked almost choking it out. "What are you doing here?" Then I could hear the fear in her voice and I knew I needed to let Amelie know it was okay.

"The newlyweds are our guest for a week. Look at her Amelie. She hasn't changed a bit except to get even prettier than she was before," I said putting my arm around Sara trying to get Amelie to see it was okay.

"I would come over and give you a hug but I don't think you want this clay all over you or your baby? Wait you've had a baby?" Amelie finally said.

Sara, Gerard and I broke out in a laugh as I took Giselle from Sara. "No sweetheart, she's holding Giselle to see what it is like before hers is born," I said and stopped to let that sink in.

Initially it must not have registered with Amelie as she didn't say anything. I believe she was still in thought about Sara being here and what would it mean between her and Sara and more importantly between me and her.

"We just wanted to say hi to you and introduce you to my husband, Gerard. Gerard, the dirty one over there is Amelie," Sara told Gerard.

"Nice to meet you Gerard. I'll give you a proper welcome after I'm all cleaned up," Amelie said and smiled easing the tension. Then what I said must have registered in her mind. "Wait, did you say before hers is born?"

Sara smiled and nodded to Amelie. "In about four and a half months," she said again with that radiant smile she had.

"Congratualtions, I didn't know," Amelie said and seemed both surprised but also seemed to be disappointed.

I sensed Sara thought maybe this wasn't such a good idea coming here as she could see the look on Amelie's face. I don't know what she knew about what Amelie and I discussed or if she was in the dark but it was apparent she sensed how uncomfortable Amelie was.

I felt I had to do something to make everyone comfortable so I changed the subject. "I'm going to finish checking them in and allow them time to see the resort. We are planning on having dinner with them at our place tonight so don't spend too much more time down here. We need to decide on what to have and make sure we have everything."

With that I placed my hand on Sara's back and moved her towards the door. Sara was quiet on the way back to the office. I finished checking them in and told them where their apartment was. I told them to get comfortable but if they were self conscious about being around everyone who was nude put some type of cover-up on that was somewhat see through. It wouldn't take them long to be comfortable going naked since everyone else was. We made plans to meet back at the office around six and they could come up to our place for dinner.

I knew it wouldn't be long before Amelie would come in the office as the look on her face showed she was concerned with Sara here. It wasn't an hour and a half and she showed up cleaned of any clay. She initially didn't say anything but went to check on Giselle. She picked her up letting her mouth latch on to one of her breast for food.

It was obvious she was trying to arrange in her mind what to say to me about Sara being here. I decided since I knew the whole story to play innocent and let her worry some more about it. Yes, it was mean and selfish but the hurt over Sara had not completely healed over and I needed to be sure that Amelie was true to her word and having Sara here wasn't going to cause a relapse in her desire for the girl. Little did she know me seeing Sara brought back my own desire to be with her and if the opportunity arose I'm not sure I couldn't resist.

"Did you know she was coming?" Amelie finally asked me shyly.

"I had no idea. The reservations were in Gerard's name and since I didn't know him until they got here I didn't know it was her. Did you know?" I asked knowing she didn't but wanting to see her cringe a little trying to convince me she didn't.

"I promise you, Jewels. I had no idea they were coming. Please believe me," she said very apologetically.

"Did you know she was pregnant?" I asked again knowing the answer.

"No, I didn't know."

"Amelie, come sit down next to me," I said finally torturing her enough. I could tell she was on the verge of crying as she didn't know what to do but was very concerned about me not believing her. "I know you didn't know about them coming here and I also know you didn't know about Sara's pregnancy. Sara told me before we came down to see you. She wanted to surprise both of us with the news and purposely didn't say anything to you."

"You're not upset with me for her being here?" Amelie said showing obvious concerns.

"Of course not, sweetheart. Why would I be upset if you had no idea she was coming here? If you had known and kept it from me then yes, I would have been upset. But you didn't and the look on your face told me you didn't know. Unfortunately that same look Sara saw too and I can tell she's not sure she made the right choice coming here."

Amelie kept her head down looking at Giselle nursing from her breast.

"Look at me sweetheart," I told her placing my hand under her chin lifting it up so she was facing me. "Sara is here. She came in all ecstatic thinking she was surprising us both being here and springing the news she was expecting. I have the feeling she never knew how much you actually cared for her and why you almost didn't move here. Am I right?"

Amelie's eyes teared up as she nodded her head. "Then she has no idea how much you loved her and what you and I went through to get past us coming close to not being here?"

This time she shook her head with a tear running down her cheek.

"As far as Sara knows we were very close to her, had some good times in bed, before moving on with our lives and she moved on with hers?"

Amelie nodded her head this time.

"If you could have seen how happy she was when she came into the office and I recognized her. Her smile was never ending. When she told me she was expecting she glowed and I don't think I have ever seen anyone as happy as she was. Amelie, she has moved on from us being together. Any feelings she may have had they are now memories she treasures. She is in love with Gerard and has a new life. She came here because she wanted us to see and share with us the happiness she has found. Sara knows we have a life that is far different than hers and she knows we care so much for her but she has made a different life and she wants us to know she is happy and for us to be happy for and with her."

I paused letting what I said to Amelie sink in before continuing. "We should show her how happy we are for her and let her know she has been and will always be in our hearts and seeing her and Gerard together makes us very happy."

"You're not upset with me?" she asked again.

"I'm going to be upset with you if you don't show that girl how happy you are to see her and how happy you are she has become a beautiful expectant mom-to-be. She came here for that approval and you almost took that away from her with that shocked look on your face."

"I love you Jewels. You are an amazing woman and so tolerant of me. Thank you," Amelie said leaning over giving me a kiss and wiping the tears from her cheeks.

"Now we need to decide what to fix them for dinner. They are going to be here at six. Can you go see what we have to fix and as soon as I can I'll close up down here and be up to help you?" I asked her.

"Of course," Amelie said and took Giselle and her diaper bag with her to go to our new apartment upstairs.

Gerard and Sara came back around six and it hadn't taken them long to adjust as neither were wearing a stitch of clothing. It was then I noticed Sara's baby bump as before she was wearing a loose fitting blouse which hid the bump.

"Look at you with your beautiful belly," I told her as she came into the office. "My girl, you look radiant. Gerard, how do you keep your hands off of this girl? I used to think she was beautiful when she was sixteen but now older and god, she is downright gorgeous!"

"It's not his hands I worry about," Sara said as she rubbed her belly. We all laughed at her insinuation before walking up the stairs to our apartment.

As we walked in Amelie was just coming out of the kitchen wearing an apron as she was finishing up with the cooking. "There they are," she said as we came in. She placed the casserole dish on the table then walked over to Sara smiling. "Come here girl. It's been so long since I've seen you last," Amelie said and opened her arms up and hugged Sara tightly. "You look gorgeous, doesn't she Jewels?"

"Gerard, I can't leave you out either," Amelie said and hugged him too. The smile on Amelie's face and the greeting was all it took to alleviate any concern Sara may have had and she was all smiles the rest of the night.

We spent most of the night after dinner chatting about babies and motherhood probably boring Gerard but that is what new and expectant mothers do. The biggest surprise was when Sara told us they had decided on a name for the baby since they knew it was going to be a girl.

"We decided or should I say Gerard let me decide. I wanted to name our first girl after you two since you meant so much to me when I was younger and I never forgot how you treated me not as a kid but as a young woman. Her name is going to be Julia Amelia Rousseau using a variation of both of your names," she told us.

Amelie and I both came close to tears hearing what Sara said. We first hugged each other then hugged both Sara and Gerard.

We spent a considerable amount of time with Sara and Gerard while they were here. There was no fooling around with them though Sara did tell me Gerard told her if she wanted to he was okay with it. She had decided that was in her past and best if it were left there as a beautiful memory. I told her we have thought of her often and had she wanted to we probably would not have said no. We respected her thinking and couldn't agree more that it was a memory that will last us a lifetime.

Sara and Gerard's visit ended but two good things came from her visit. Your mom and I once and for all were able to put any animosity that lingered between us aside as we saw Sara very happy in her relationship. The other bigger issue is we began discussing having another child. Seeing Sara pregnant and the happiness she and Gerard shared we wanted to have again too. After a few weeks of discussing it was decided it was time that I got pregnant with a child so each of us would have experienced carrying and giving birth.

We had to decide how to go about this since I had never been with a man before and didn't really have any desire to be with one even if it were only to get pregnant. The second was who since there were no men in our lives and artificial insemination was still not an option for same sex couples in France at this time though we still had not legally joined under the PACS.

A couple of months went by and we still were no closer to figuring out our dilemma when we received a call from Celia and Antoine. They had returned from their honeymoon and wanted to tell us all about it. They also were calling to find out how you were Giselle since Antoine is your biological father.

It was during this call that Amelia whispered to me, "Why not Antoine? Maybe he would be willing to father two children from different mothers?" It was actually a stroke of genius and so we presented out situation to him. I can't say for certain if it was just the man in him to think he would get to fuck another lesbian or if he was genuinely interested but we chose to believe the latter. They were not able to make it the following summer but the summer after that they came to visit.

By now Giselle, you were two-years old and growing like a weed running around everywhere. We welcomed Celia and Antoine when they arrived but I was beginning to feel nervous as this was a really big step for me. One to conceive and have a baby grow within me but two to allow a man to enter me and create a baby. Your mom and I talked many nights prior to them arriving her trying to keep me calm.

The chances of getting pregnant are not very great if you only do it one time thus Antoine and I were going to have to do it over multiple days in hope that one of those times would be the lucky time and I would get pregnant.

We talked and he assured me he would be gentle knowing I had never been with a man before. He even offered to allow both Celia and Amelie to be there next to me if I needed their presence to calm me. And that is what we did the first time.

After having dinner with them in their room we moved to the living area where I sat on the sofa with Celia sitting next to me. Antoine sat in the big chair and Amelie sat sideways in his lap. Having a few drinks and being with people we have been intimate with it wasn't long before the fondling and kissing began. Celia and I being next to each other had been running our hands on each other's leg watching Antoine and Amelie begin to get involved. We watched them kiss several times then his hand move to her breasts which were enlarged from her still doing some breast feeding with Giselle. It was always a turn on for me to watch Amelie with someone and apparently for Celia too as one of her hands moved between her legs and she began to gently rub her outer lips occasionally running her fingers through her slit up to her clit. The site of the two kissing and Celia rubbing herself was getting me wet and I leaned over and kissed Celia.

She moaned as my mouth covered hers. She must have been loud enough with her moan because the other two stopped what they were doing to watch us. As Celia and I got more passionate with our kissing Antoine and Amelie got up coming over to us. Amelie took Celia and Antoine took my hand and helped us up. Antoine then brought me in close and kissed me passionately on my lips. Never having kissed a man like this it actually was a very good kiss and I returned the kiss wrapping my arms around his neck. Celia and Amelie were kissing next to us with one hand on the other's breast and one around their neck to keep them close to each other.

"Let's all go into our bedroom," Antoine said and led me into their room. Celia and Amelie were not far behind. Antoine lay me down on the bed and parting my legs crawled up between them lowering his body but keeping his weight up leaning on his elbows and forearms. He leaned down and kissed me then asked me if everything was alright and did I still want to go through with it. I couldn't have asked for any more from Antoine. He had every opportunity to just enter me and go ahead and use me yet his concern was still making sure I was comfortable with this situation.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him down to me kissing him passionately. His body responded and I could feel him getting harder while he was lying on me. He moved his hips creating some friction between us and to stimulate him more. After he was hard he moved his hips back and with his one hand he rubbed his penis against my pussy making sure I was wet and aroused before he entered me.

Meanwhile next to us on the bed Celia and Amelie were kissing passionately, moaning and from the corner of my eye it appeared each had their hand between the other's legs and were fingering each other already working themselves close to an orgasm. I could feel the bed move from their hips rocking back and forth as they moved to the other's touch. This, more than what Antoine was doing, was exciting me and I was instantly aroused. He was able to enter me causing me to both gasp and moan. He stopped part-way in to make sure I was alright.

I smiled at him lifting my legs and wrapping them around his waist crossing my ankles sinking him deeper inside of me. He smiled back and slowly began to move his hips back and forth entering me deeper and deeper as he went. My moans increased and I thought it didn't feel that bad and I might actually like it. He moved faster and faster and was pounding against my vulva causing some discomfort. I had to gaze over to watch Celia and Amelie as they both were reaching their climax as a distraction from the discomfort I was in. Watching them both come at almost the same time had me close to cumming too and Antoine could feel my body reacting as he continued to moved in and out of me. It wasn't long and I felt my own orgasm rise and I arched up to his thrust then began to jerk and gasp as it hit me. Apparently my cumming was a trigger for him as her grunted then moved in a jerking fashion inside of me and I could feel his warm cum hit the my cervix and the inside of my vagina.

After I was able to calm down I released my legs from Antoine but continued to keep my arms around him kissing him. Next to us both Celia and Amelie had stopped what they were doing and watching the two of us. Amelie smiled at me and with the back of her hand rubbed my cheek.

"Your first time," she said as she smiled. "I hope they make their way into you."

Antoine rose up and sat back on his legs as Amelie then leaned over kissing me with a tear in her eye.

"Why the tear?" I asked.

"I'm so happy. We will have another child because you were willing to go through with this."

I pulled her to me and we began to kiss very passionately. Antoine moved over to allow us room and he and Celia began to kiss. In minutes Amelie and I were locked in an embrace with her leg between mine and we were hunching each other's leg bringing more heat and moving us towards another orgasm. Next to us Celia and Antoine were busy making love.

Amelie and I continued and not too long after we both were reaching our peaks and ready to cum again. We gasped and moaned before I heard that distinctive sound from Amelie which she always gave right before she climaxed. We both came within seconds of each other. As we floated down from our high the bed was moving considerably with Antoine really pumping into Celia. As he got really close he quickly got off of Celia and moving Amelie off of me he entered me again and after a few more thrust he came inside of me again.

I almost had to laugh at his efforts to make sure I was impregnated. Then Celia pulled Amelie to her pushing her head down to her pussy as it seemed Antoine pulled out of her when she was very close to cumming herself and needed release. Amelie was more than accommodating and quickly began to lick and suck on Celia until her climax rose and she came hard on Amelie's face. We rested for a while everyone trying to catch their breath before Celia and I began to play with each other. Amelie moved over and got on top of Antoine using her hand to make him hard before she put it inside of her and began to move up and down on him. Celia and I kissed for a while then she told me she wanted to lick me so she could taste Antoine in my pussy. We reversed position and in a sideways sixty-nine we kissed, licked and sucked on each other. Her tongue was like magic as she entered me and swirled it around tasting the left over semen inside of me. I on the other hand was enjoying licking and sucking her as our previous encounter years ago I still remember how well we fit together and how I loved her taste.

We got each other close to an orgasm and I was able to get her to the top and she came again on my mouth. She had me almost there and I was beginning to gasp when I felt Amelie pull me away from Celia. She quickly pulled me over and moved off of Antoine motioning me to get on top of him. She placed his penis inside me as I did and within minutes of Antoine pushing up into me and me bouncing up and down on him he came again inside of me. Because I was almost to my peak with Celia when Antoine came so did I and I thrust down on him then collapsed into his arms lying on his chest.

As I eased my way down from my climax and rolled off of him, Amelie rolled me over and got between my legs using her tongue to lick up any semen that was leaking out.

By this time we were all exhausted and couldn't take anymore. We called it a night and Amelie and I got Giselle from the other bedroom and we went back to our apartment for the night.

The next day Amelie asked me how I felt.

"I feel fine though I am a little sore from being pounded by Antoine. But other than that I am okay."

"No regrets or comments about having a man inside of you?" she asked.

"I wouldn't do that with anyone else if that is what you are asking. With Antoine it was for a reason and he made sure he wasn't hurting me and that I was comfortable with what he was doing. We picked the right person for this as he was more concerned about me than him having the fun he wanted to have."

"Both of them are wonderful people who I could see us having a long-term relationship with even if there were no sex involved. I really like both of them," Amelie said.

"I agree. We seem to get along really well and even without sex they are very nice and interesting."

Every night for the next four nights Celia and Antoine were here we had sex with them in the same bed so that when it was time for Antoine to cum he would cum inside of me. Only having the five days we wanted to give every opportunity we could to me becoming pregnant.

One of those nights it must have worked and forty weeks later Holly Marie was born. While she has some features of Antoine in her she mostly resembles me in her looks.

We would continue to see Celia and Antoine through the years but our sexual activity with them dwindled as time went on. They remain the best of friends and Antoine being the biological father of both of you has always made sure you had what you needed or wanted and never missed either of your birthdays. Celia and Antoine never had children of their own as it seemed Celia had problems and wasn't able to conceive. But just as Antoine thinks the world of you two, Celia has always felt as if you were partly hers too. I'm very glad you both shower them with the love and admiration you do.

When Holly Marie was born, my parents were finally able to visit. It was an emotional reunion but one that brought us all back together. They adored both of you and they instantly fell in love with Amelie.

Next: Chapter 8

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