
By Peyton Jones

Published on Jan 22, 2020



This story is the property of the co-authors and cannot be reproduced or distributed without specific consent of the authors. This work is Copyrighted. All Rights Reserved. It is written for your enjoyment only. Any resemblance to real persons is purely coincidental. Hope you are enjoying our story. We welcome your comments good or bad. You can reach us at

Chapter Two

Almost Present Day

By Chrissy and Peyton

Fast forward to almost present day twenty-four years later.

"You unlock this door with the key of imagination. Beyond it is another dimension of sound, a dimension of sight, a dimension of mind. You're moving into a land of both shadow and substance, of things and ideas. You've just crossed over into the Twilight Zone."

Sorry again, I've always wanted to say that and this seemed to be the best place to use it since we were traveling in time. Those of course being the famous words of Rod Sterling from the TV show the Twilight Zone which predates me by too many years. I just as easily could have said lets go back to the future. Now where was I? Oh yes, I traveled in time from when I met Amelie to the almost present to tell you why I am writing this story.

"Mom?" my oldest daughter Giselle called out as she came rushing into the office.

"Yes sweetheart, what is it?" I replied not looking up from the ledger I was working on.

"You know that storage unit you asked me and Holly to clean out?"

Holly is my youngest daughter and Giselle's sister. "You mean Holly and me. Yes, how is it coming?"

"That's what I said. Ugh! Well me and Holly were going through boxes," Giselle started to say.

"Holly and I," I looked up at her seeing her exasperation. "You should always put the proper name first as a rule. It doesn't mean it is always correct but it does flow better. Now what were you saying?" I said trying to correct her.

"Sometimes mom you can be so irritating."

"That's my job sweetheart. All mothers are taught how to irritate their lovely teenage daughters. It's in the training book we get when you are born. If you have any children of your own you will get to read it," I said laughing at her.

"Anyway we were going through the boxes and seeing what could be thrown out and what should be kept, when we came across this one box that appeared to have some sketches and papers in it. Since you sketch we assumed it was your box and your papers," she continued.

"Honey if that box has been in storage anything in there is most likely too old for us to keep. Unless you or Holly would like to keep any of the sketches, just throw everything else away. If I had needed or wanted whatever else was is in there, I would have already got it out. I'm sure the rest is just junk," I told her as I went back to working on the ledgers for our business.

"Are you sure you want us to throw everything in there away?"

"Yes, honey. There isn't anything in there I can think of that needs to be kept and we need the space to pack up more records from the business to store in there. Thank you, sweetheart. Both you and Holly helping out has been a big help. Your mom and I really appreciate it," I told her.

"Isn't it Holly and you?" Giselle said with a little sarcasm in her voice.

"Now you are catching on, although there are many exceptions to that rule and in this case either way is alright. But I'll try to remember to be correct with you if I'm going to correct your diction," I laughed.

Giselle shrugged her shoulders and walked out. I could tell she wasn't entirely convinced about tossing everything else out and was sure somewhere before today or tomorrow came to an end, it would come up again. You know how mother's instincts are with their children. I also knew she was exasperated with me correcting her probably more than I should.

Before I go any further now is as good a time to tell you a little about me. My name if Julianne Reed. I am an American by birth, living in France for the last twenty-four years. My wife's name is Amelie Moreau , a French born and raised goddess. We have two daughters, Giselle, age seventeen and Holly, age fourteen. We own and operate a naturalist resort on the Mediterranean Coast of France and have since two-thousand-three. Living in France and the girls having been raised here, French is their native language and most of the time it is spoken here. Being American, English is my native language and Amelie and both girls also speak English. We also speak some German as we get many customers from Germany staying with us although we all struggle with the language at times.

While both Amelie and I share responsibility working in the office, during the off-season as it is now, only one of us needs to be in here. It allows the other to spend time in our studio creating art which is what we both studied for in Paris. Next week it will be her turn working in the office and I'll be in the studio, unless one of us comes up with a brainstorm and needs to work it out in the studio. In the off-season Giselle is capable of working the office if necessary as she was born and raised here. Both Amelie and I try to limit their time working in here so they can enjoy their youth. With them both on holidays from school, it wouldn't be right for them to have to work. The storage unit was their idea as they had nothing to do the last few days. Amelie and I gave them that assignment allowing them the freedom to work their own schedule or not at all if something fun came their way. We really didn't need the space all that much but it was a good excuse to reason with them why it needed to be cleaned out.

Being that it was winter and too cold to be outside nude, we all were wearing clothes. In our apartment on the property, if any of us wanted to walk around naked they simply took off their clothes and no one paid them any attention.

As a naturalist resort, we do provide activities for those who braved the cold to come here. Those activities were inside of course where clothing was optional such as dances, movie night, and game nights with prizes for the winners. Being a family resort, we also provided entertainment for the children in another room which was either supervised by one of us, Giselle or another local girl we would hire to give her extra money.

Later that night after dinner, Amelie and I were finishing up the dishes and talking about an advertisement campaign we were buying into for the upcoming season. Giselle and Holly walked back into the kitchen sitting down at the table.

Amelie and I looked at each other knowing full well what was up. Anytime the two of them came into together, they were either having a dispute and needed us to referee it, or they wanted something from us and came in together hoping with the two of them together, we would break to their innocence and give in. Little did they know they both had our hearts on their fingers and anytime they wanted something within reason we would find a way for it to happen. Besides the love that Amelie and I shared which cannot be measured, our love for both of these girls surpassed that.

Ignoring them until they spoke up was usually the best tactic giving us the upper hand in their devious plan. We continued to wash the dishes and put them away ignoring that they were sitting at the table. Even when Amelie wiped the table off, she didn't say a word to either of them which I knew was driving them crazy. But it was a game to us and we enjoyed watching them fidget in their seats. We already knew whatever it was they wanted we would see they got it. We had to make them sweat and worry about it though and not make it too easy for them.

Having done this time after time, I don't know why they didn't see through our game. Maybe they did, but played along to satisfy us. I don't know, but I do know how much both Amelie and I love these two girls.

We finished the kitchen doing more than we wanted to do but dragging out our daughters need to ask us for whatever it was they wanted. Finally, Holly spoke up, "Are you finished with the kitchen yet?"

"I believe we are," Amelie said. "Thanks for the supervision."

Zoom! I think that went right over their heads. At least I think so because their eyes didn't roll and neither said, "Mom!" If you are a parent you probably have experienced this. You either hit them with a brick or subtleties trying to let them know something they should have known or helped with.

"Earlier today I asked you about a box we went through in the storage room," Giselle said looking at me.

"Um hmm, I remember. And I remember telling you to toss everything out unless either of you wanted to keep any sketches you found in it," I responded.

"We did save some sketches and some of them we want to frame and maybe hang up around the resort. But we also found some papers that were a little more personal," Giselle continued.

"What kind of personal papers?" Amelie asked.

Holly pulled out a couple of sheets of paper folded in half and handed them to me.

As I read them my eyes must have gotten big, then a tear came to my face and down my cheek. Amelie seeing this grabbed my hand.

"What is it my Jewels?" Amelie asked.

I couldn't talk as emotions came rushing back to me and it was like I was not even Holly's age again. I had never intended for them to see this but Amelie and I don't hide our sexuality from the girls. We told them early in their life we were lesbians and what that meant especially having two moms. We told them it didn't mean they were too and they would discover on their own as they grew up what life they wanted to live. We would support them in whatever they decided. Then I went from being thirteen until I was nineteen again and remembering when I wrote this paper. How depressed I was and before the most unexpected thing happened to change my life. All of these thoughts were consuming me and it was too much to talk. Tears rolled down my face and I choked trying to talk.

"I'm sorry mommy. I didn't know keeping that would upset you," Giselle apologetically said to me. "I'll throw it away," she continued as she got up to take the paper from Amelie who by now was holding them.

"No!" I said maybe a bit too harshly. I took the papers back from Amelie's hand. "Give me a minute and I'll explain," I told everyone.

I sat there for a minute or more as Amelie got up pouring me a glass of water to drink. She sat down pulling her chair next to me so she could put her arm around me. Even she had no idea why I was reacting this way, but it was obvious she was worried about me. I put my head on her shoulder to gather myself before I spoke. Looking at both Giselle and Holly I could see the fear in their eyes as they thought they had done something wrong. They knew whatever it was they wouldn't be in trouble. Their concern was they had hurt their mother.

"I'm sorry honey. I didn't mean to snap at you. You haven't done anything wrong," I told Giselle reaching over to squeeze her hand that was trembling.

"I had totally forgotten I had this and even your mom doesn't know what this is. You see, I wrote this on a day that was probably the lowest day in my life and I was trying to reminisce about good times to cheer me up. My intention was to write more but that dark day which was the worst day turned out to be the best day of my life if I exclude the two days both of you were born, which I consider the best days of my life."

I paused some more to gather my feelings and clear my throat before I continued, "The day I wrote this, about eight weeks after having moved to France from the United States, I was very lonely, couldn't speak French yet, had no friends, and was broke. I had spent everything I had to get to France and pay for my enrollment in art school. I paid my rent for the room at the boarding house and had little left to live off of. I couldn't get a job because I couldn't speak French and I knew that if something didn't change I would either have to withdraw from school and beg my parents to pay my way back to the States, or do something worse. I didn't really think I would do the later, but I was considering it as an option."

"Oh, my Jewels, I didn't know this," Amelie said still with her arm around me now hugging me even tighter.

"No you didn't. But it was you who changed my life," I told her and leaned over to kiss her.

"You see girls, while that day started out as a really dark day for me, it was also the day I met your mom. That's why I said it was both the worst and best day of my life. After I wrote that, I went to the market to grab something to eat. When I came back to finish writing and decide my fate, that was when I met your mom. Just like she is today, she was the angel and goddess that saved my soul and heart and she has done that every day since then."

I paused some more giving Amelie a kiss before I continued, "We spent the rest of the day talking and from that day forward there were very few days we haven't been together. I had placed that letter in a folder in a box and totally forgot about it until you brought it out. Seeing it now brought the full spectrum of emotions out of me. So you see, you did nothing wrong. Actually, I'm glad you found it. It's a memory of the day I met your mom and I hold that dear to my heart."

"What is it, mom?" Holly asked me.

"Well honey, it is my recollection of the first girl I was with. It happened when I was a few years younger than you" I told Holly.

"You mean the first girl you had sex with?" She asked innocently.

"Yes, honey. My very first experience with a girl," I replied.

"Mom, could I ask you how many girls you have had sex with?" Giselle asked.

"I don't know that she should answer that Giselle?" Amelie inserted.

"No, it's okay. I'm not sure I can, honey. I can tell you it's less than ten but I'm not sure I can remember each one," I explained. "Some were when I was in college in the states and were only for one time. I don't even remember their names now.

You should note that both Amelie and I have been open with our daughters about our sexuality. We might not have discussed details of us having sex, but we have always been open and answered any questions they have had. We want them not be afraid to tell us if they are having a problem. In order to accomplish that we want them to feel comfortable knowing we don't hide things from them. An example is while she is only seventeen we are aware that Giselle has had sex with a boy and with a girl. She is still not certain if she is bisexual or leans one way or the other. We have told her she has plenty of time to figure it out and not rush to make any decisions. It is not always what you think, but where your heart decides to go. Love can make decisions our physical being has a difficult time deciding.

"Why do you want to know, sweetie?" I asked Giselle.

"After reading this, I'm curious as to your other experiences. Actually both of you. It made me think it would be interesting for us to know what both of your lives were like growing up. How you coped with the concept of being gay. Maybe you could each write a diary of your experiences and how it affected your life. Holly and I could put it together and make a book out of it. We will have a reference of your life that might help us know more about you and us," Giselle reasoned.

"Well I suppose I could do a memoir of my life's experiences. It might take a while as I would have to try to remember some of them," I reasoned. "What do you say, Amelie? Should we give them an account of our sexual experiences or is that too revealing?"

"I don't know. I guess it would be okay. Are you wanting only our times with girls or with guys too?" Amelie questioned as she is bisexual.

"Both," Holly spoke immediately. "Giselle may be interested in girls but I'm only interested in boys."

Both Amelie and I laughed at her insistence of her sexuality. While we knew she had a boy she was interested in, she hasn't said anything to us about doing anything with him other than holding hands. In time she will make her own decision.

"Okay, we will try to write a memoir for you to have of each of your mother's experiences growing up. I will write mine and Amelie will write hers and you can decide how to put them together."

"Thank you mom, you are the best," Giselle said and hugged both Amelie and me. "And I'm really sorry if I upset you."

"Thank you dear. You didn't upset me," I said and kissed her.

"One more thing I want to ask you about?" Giselle asked.

"What is it honey?" I replied.

She then pulled out a silver necklace with a heart pendant engraved with Love Always. It was given to me by one of my lovers when I was younger and I wore it until right before I moved to Paris.

I again gasped, tears immediately coming to my eyes seeing the necklace for the first time in over twenty-four years. I took the necklace in my shaking hands and looked at it. While a little tarnished it looked like it did those many years ago.

"There is a story about this that when I write my memoirs, I will tell you about it. Until then why don't you hold onto it for me?" I said and gave it back to Giselle.

Amelie then took it from Giselle and looked it over but instead of giving it back to Giselle she went over to the cabinets and got out some silver polish. In seconds she had cleaned the necklace and charm and it looked brand new. She unhooked it and put it around my neck. She smiled at me and kissed my cheek while saying, "It's too expensive and pretty not to be worn, plus the memory behind it means too much to you not to wear it."

I looked down at the necklace around my neck and picked up the charm looking at it. My eyes watered and I leaned over and kissed Amelie. "I love you so much. Thank you for understanding."

As Giselle and Holly left the kitchen, Giselle turned and said, "What you wrote was really hot mom. I hope what you write for your memoir is as hot as that was!" She winked and shook her cute butt as she walked out of the room.

Amelie and I looked at each other and burst out laughing after Giselle had left the room.

"I think our little girl is eager to explore more of her sexuality. Maybe we need to buy her a vibrator to keep her occupied. It's unlikely she will find someone here or until she goes back to school after the first of the year, "Amelie said cupping my left breast squeezing it.

"I think it must have aroused a desire in someone else too," I said leaning over to kiss her.

"My Jewels, I don't have to read anything to have a desire for you. All it takes is looking into your eyes or seeing you walk in the room. My nipples get hard and I feel my pussy begin to throb. From the first time we made love to this day, I can never get enough of you. You and only you make me feel this way. I too remember the first time we met and how taken I was with you. Every day since then you make me feel special and loved and all I desire to do is to love you back with all my heart."

"Should we go to bed early and talk more about how we excite each other?" I whispered to Amelie as I looked lovingly into her dark brown eyes.

"My Jewels, I can think of nothing I would rather do but I do have to finish this advertisement design and bid. They have to have it by tomorrow morning in order to get it to print and out for the new season," Amelie said almost apologetically but placing her finger to my lips and running it across them with her eyes affixed to what she was doing. "We will have time later and I'll make sure I make up for leaving you wanting. I love you so much my Jewels."

"Do you want to discuss this?" I said and held out the charm on the necklace towards her.

"Only if you feel I should know. But the way I see it that necklace holds something really special to your heart and to be sitting in a box in the storage room is a waste. It belongs where it was intended to be and where it is now. In time you can tell me about it but it won't change my mind where it belongs. She was very lucky whoever she was but I am the lucky one now and I don't mind you holding on to her memory. You still lay with me every night and that is all that matters," Amelie explained.

And so it was. We were now given assignments by our daughters to write our memoirs detailing our sexual experiences. Talk about openness in a family. Telling details of fingering and eating another girl and her doing you to your own daughters who are still teenagers is not something that you would think you should do. But we have never kept anything from our girls. We want them to know about us and what it was like growing up gay. Even though today it is more accepted there still is a stigma attached to being queer. At least here in France it is more tolerated than it is in the States.

The first question beyond remembering who and when, are the details. If I only gave them a one sentence I was with so and so and we had sex at this age, I knew that wasn't going to fly. How much do I give them or should I not worry about it at all. After all we already know Giselle knows what it is like to have a girl go down on you and what it is like to taste another girl until she cums in your mouth. Why should we hold anything back?

They have already read my first account so worrying about them knowing is a little too late now. I don't know how Amelie will think of it or write in her memoirs but at least for mine I believe I will be as honest and forthright as I can be leaving little to no details out.

Before I write I need to make a list of who I am going to write about then decide the order to write about them. My first list is the order of who I had sex with.

  1. Kim, both of us twelve through thirteen (1987-88) 2. Samantha, I was fifteen and she was sixteen (1990-1) 3. Mrs. Collins, she was twenty-nine to thirty, I was sixteen through eighteen (1992-94) 4. Amelie, age nineteen to present (1995) 5. Sara, she was 16, I was twenty-one (1997) 6. Celia, Antoine's wife, she was twenty-four, I was twenty-five (2001) 7. Antoine, Celia's husband, he was twenty-eight, I was twenty-eight (2004) 8. Fredericka, daughter of Ellie, she was seventeen, I was thirty-one (2007) 9. Ellie, mother of Fredericka, she was thirty-six, I was thirty-one (2007)

Wow, I didn't realize how many I have been with! What is more surprising is there have been more since I have been with Amelie than before I met her. Now, so you don't start judging me and think I have been cheating on her, every one of those I have been since I have met Amelie, so has Amelie as we were together at the time. As I mentioned earlier we have an open relationship. If we decide we want a little extra excitement in our lives we have taken advantage of it together. We have always had the opinion that you make love with your lover but you have sex with others. Being the free spirits we have always been there have been plenty of opportunities in our life. I know everyone she has been with since we have been together and she knows all of mine. In fact, if you compare her list to mine it should match up since she and I have been together.

Now to the order I am going to write. My mind, as most people's minds probably function, remembers current events more clearly than they do older events. They also remember things by how they affected you. Fortunately for me I can remember each time very clearly though with several of them there were multiple occasions but I'll limit to the more memorable times.

You already know about me and your mom so I will skip over her and go back to before I met her starting with my first girl who was named Kim. You two have already seen my recollection of my time with her but I'm sure since I am in a much better frame of mind now I can add more. After that I will go in order that I met them.

And there it is. Now you know why I am writing this story. It's for Amelie and mines daughters Giselle and Holly, who found a memoir in some old boxes I had in storage. You also know how I met Amelie and some of our life since we met. There will be more to tell as we had others over the years in our bed and I will share those times with you as you read my Memoirs. So did I really start in the middle or end of the story? Or is it the beginning since Amelie is where all of this began? I will let you decide.

I hope you enjoy my life history of sexual encounters. It is as accurate as I can recall. There isn't a single person that I ever regret being with and most are still dear to my heart today. My only regret is that because of the time period they expand and because some of them predate the internet and use of cell phones and especially now that I live out of the United States, I have no idea whatever happened to them. Maybe someday I can get one of my tech savvy daughters to see if they can locate them using the internet. In a way it would be nice to know how they turned out but I'm not sure I would be up to contacting them. Too many years have passed and those loves are behind me now. I do know where everyone since Amelie and I have been together is and I am glad to say we still keep in touch with each of them. They all have a place in our hearts and lives and thus we have stayed close. You will see as you read my memoirs how they have affected and continue to affect our lives.

Since I fast forwarded twenty-four years to get to this point it is time to go back in time thirty- one years to when I was twelve years old. Enjoy the twilight zone trip again and enjoy my memoirs!

This is for you Giselle and Holly. With all my love. There would be no world without either of you in it.

To be continued.....

Next: Chapter 3

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