Melting Pot

By rilobo1 schoengut

Published on Apr 15, 2020


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While elements and scenes in this story are based in reality, all of the characters are 100% fictional, the story is 100% mine - please don't reuse without permission. Constructive comments are welcome at

Melting Pot - Chapter 4By Rilobo1

Wednesday morning my genito-urinary system woke me up a little after 7:00 AM with a massively full bladder and turgid morning wood. The morning wood was no wonder, given the dreams that coursed through my head all during the night. Over the prior two days, I had had more sexual contact that possibly I had seen over the previous two years -- with two young men even! Fresh memories of having trained a 26 year-old hot AF Indian man and a 10 year-old Korean boy to successfully have the hottest sex ever was the stuff of masturbatory fantasies that would last for years for me. I got up, and didn't even think about trying to use the toilet to lessen the bladder pressure, given the rock-hard state I was in. Instead, I just climbed in the shower, turned on the water, and let it fly. Ah! Relief! I finished my shower, dried off, and was putting on my bathrobe when I heard a knock at the door. It was far too early even for the Jehovah's Witnesses to show up with their usual show, so I figured it must have been one of the neighbors. In deed, it was: Jason -- about thirty minutes early for the bus. I opened the door, and his happy little presence bounded in and kicked off his shoes. He asked if he could have some juice, so I headed off to the kitchen. After I had gotten him some juice, he rushed and jumped up on me, wrapped his little arms around my neck, and gave me a big old smooch on the lips. It was a chaste kiss, but the sloppy kind little kids give when they get exactly what they want for their birthdays.

He slugged down his juice, and then started to babble excitedly. I'll try to summarize the disjointed rhetoric now. He was just beside himself at the thought of being with Atul this afternoon, and equally excited to have some sexy skills to use during their time together. I had to stop him for a second and remind him how important it would be for everyone that he keep this information to himself, and he just gave me an eye-roll and said "duh, dude. That's why I came here early to get it all outta me before Alex sees me and figures out something is up." Did I tell you yet what a bright child Jason is? That did bring me to my sole concern for the day, Alex: what if he showed up on scene at 4:00 PM too? Jason just shrugged and said "no biggie! Wednesdays are his mom's shopping days, and she picks him up at school so he can help her. Easy Peasy!" That problem cared for, I told him to think about what he had learned, and especially to insist that he get his orgasm at the start and finish, that they use LOTS of lube, that Atul should spend enough time up front getting him ready, and that he needed to be here early enough to get "everything ready". Jason looked at me seriously, and said that he would do anything to make Atul happy, and that he'd appreciate me being here to help him get it all done correctly. Would I? Silly question!

It was about 7:20 AM, and about time for Alex to come down to wait with Jason for the bus. I shooed Jason out the door, and was chatting with him outside when Alex came out and bounding down the stairs. Geez! For an eleven year-old that weight barely 80 pounds, he could work a flight of stairs like a rutting bison on the prairie! Jason and Alex started jabbering to each other about a Civil War project they were going to work on today during social studies, and both of them were asking me for some ideas on how they could present on their topic, when suddenly, Atul descended the stairs. Suddenly, there were a couple of seconds of silence from Atul and Jason. Alex talked on for a couple of seconds, and then abruptly stopped, casting side eye glances at Jason, and then at Atul in turns. He finally looked at me full in the eyes, and I gave him a "what? I don't know" shrug. Thank goodness the school bus showed up at precisely that moment, breaking that awkward spell. I said "bye boys!" and they both took off toward the bus, jabbering having recommenced. I thought to myself that we should consider Alex into the equation soon, as nobody could ever call that child stupid. I looked at Atul, who was blushing fully, and asked how his day was going. He nodded positively, and then very quickly dashed past me into my apartment, pulled me in, and shut the door.

Atul quickly recovered, and then began whispering to me his joy at thinking about that afternoon, and his concerns about scheduling and preparation. I told him not to worry at all. His only assignment was to be here at 4:30, and not earlier, because Jason needed enough time to prepare himself. Atul was visibly relieved at this, but I did mention that before he left work, he might take a few minutes in the washroom to clean under his foreskin, to which he agreed. I then told him I'd take care of everything else -- supplies, towels, whatever was needed. He then cleared his throat, and said in a lower voice that he had a request. He said that he really did want to come by very soon and "fuck" (he whispered that word, use of it was quite new to him) me deep and hard again, but he wanted to try something else first. Here, he blushed anew, shifted his eyes down, and rapidly whispered in one long utterance: "I want you to teach me how to get fucked. I want you to fuck me and make me lay on my back and spread my legs and teach me how to take it hard. I want you to breed me. I want to know what it feels like for Jason. I've been thinking about this since yesterday. Can you help me?"

Momentarily stunned, I went through a quick set of thoughts, recovered and told him that nothing would make me happier. I explained that I supposed the request made sense, as he now knew the power of the prostate, and his young lover was not (yet) in the possession of a tool he could use to satisfy all of Atul's needs. Still, we'd need to talk all of this over with Jason first: ten year-olds can get awfully jealous. Atul nodded in agreement, said "thank you", reached up to my face, and gave me a decidedly non-chaste kiss. My morning wood having been reawakened, I instructed him that the door would be open, and all he would have to do is enter -- but please remember to lock the door on entry, and then proceed to the guest bedroom. Atul nodded in acknowledgement, quickly bade farewell, and left for work.

I was never going to survive the next eight hours without beating one off, maybe two.

I didn't need Nifty or the internet as wank-fodder to quickly take care of immediate needs, and was soon able to focus on going through client emails and making some requested database adjustments. After that, came time for lunch, and that meant dropping by the grimy little Shwarma shop on Ponce de Leon Avenue (pronounced as "Ponse day Lee-on" by Atlantans) in downtown Clarkston for a gyro wrap (yum!), and then I turned toward making preparations for "the event". I ran up to the Target Supercenter on LaVista Road to get some last minute supplies: three new, generic, clean, off-white (just in case) beach towels to completely cover the guest room bed, and a small stack of matching hand towels for them to use during and after sex play.

I got home about 3:15, and started setting "the stage" as it were. I put the lube and wet wipes out on the bedside table, and also put out four bottles of water -- they would likely need hydration if they faithfully followed the training regimen. I also spread out the beach towels, and put out some spare older pillows in older pillowcases for their use. Then I checked to make sure the blinds were tightly closed, and turned the floor mirror toward the bed in case the reflection might provide additional excitement for them. Just then, there was another low, rapid knock on the door. I looked to my watch, and it showed 3:55 PM: I had a strong suspicion it was Jason, who would've gotten home around half past three. Lo and behold! I opened the door, and Jason pushed in, kicked quickly kicked off his shoes, mentioning that Halmoni had just started her nap. I closed the door, and had to suppress a little giggle at him standing there, excitedly hopping from foot to foot. He had changed from his school clothes into a little tank top, some tiny little tennis shorts, and tennis socks. He was so excited, and I could see the little nail poking out at almost a ninety degree angle. I hope he remembered underwear: I had always enjoyed taking off my partners' underwear as the last item to make them naked.

Before anything else, I wanted to seek final confirmation that Jason wanted this, and to make sure he had no lingering doubts about anything on the agenda. Again, he gave me an exaggerated eye roll, and then a bright little, two-dimple smile. He then said, with all the seriousness a ten year-old can muster, that he understood that I cared about him and worried about him, and wanted to protect him from being hurt. However, he then said that he loved Atul, and wanted to do whatever he had to make sure Atul never again felt sad and lonely: I came close to squeezing out a few tears on that note. Jason then broke that emotional moment with a surprise announcement. He said it wanted a few minutes with me to tell me two things: first, that he wanted to thank me for his "training, which he enjoyed a lot", and then he asked if I were willing to teach him more times in the future. Silly question! Of course I would! This little Asian beauty was the sweetest kid in the world, and hotter than a volcano! I also took the opportunity to ask him if it would be OK for me to give Atul some lessons too: again the eyeroll and "duh!". I guess we had permission now.

I told Jason that he needed to start getting ready for Atul, at which Jason perked up, and started running toward my bathroom. Before he got to the hallway, he turned around and meekly asked if I would help him get ready, in case he missed anything or didn't do it right. I smiled, and then followed him in the bedroom. Jason started pulling off his shirt, but I stopped him and he remembered: "Yeah, Atul needs to undress me, and he needs to keep looking into my eyes when he's doing it". Bright child! I then went about undressing him with full eye contact; he started rapid shallow breaths almost immediately. When I got to his underwear (which he was wearing, I quickly looked, and saw they were "Thor" briefs. Again, I had to stifle a grin of irony, as there was about to be a serious hammer in play very soon. We then went about the enema, and it took some minutes to get that action sufficiently completed, followed by a very thorough shower and cleaning of the tackle. I glanced at my watch, and saw that it was 4:25 PM, and told Jason to quickly dry off, get completely dressed, and meet me in the guest bedroom. I then went to the front door to unlock it for Atul. Jason got to the guest bedroom, and was perched, fully clothed on the edge of the bed just as we heard the front door open, close, and lock. Seconds later, a very blushing young Indian man stood in the doorway to the guest bedroom.

I asked Atul to sit on the bed with Jason, and I sat down in the armchair in the room. I told them I wanted to give them both a last bit of "training" together, so they could both hear the lesson at the same time. First, I asked both of them if there was anything that was unclear to either of them, and they both said "no". I then told them that much more than anything I had taught either of them was this: they needed to communicate with each other in bed in order to make their relationship truly work and grow. They both looked at me with questioning eyes, and I realized I'd have to give examples. "While you are making love, you need to let each other know immediately if something doesn't feel good, so you both can stop, and find a way for it to be better. Also, if something does feel good, you must let the other know immediately, so he can remember it for the future." I further reminded them that they didn't need to always use words to communicate -- especially if they kept focus on each other's eyes. They both then had an "aha!" moment, where my insistence on the whole eye contact thing came full circle, and gained clarity.

I then told them that I truly loved them both, wanted them to be happy, wished them the best time ever, gave them both kisses on the cheek, and left, closing the door. I went to the living room and cranked up Amazon videos -- they had just put all of Downton Abbey on Amazon Prime, so I had something to occupy my mind while my boys were hopefully having the best time of their lives. Barely ten minutes later, I started hearing the same low groans and high moans as before from the direction of the guest room, but they ramped up in volume and intensity much faster than before -- but not yet the metallic straining from the bed. This was good: it meant they were taking their time before getting to the penetration. I turned back to Downton Abbey and watched for a bit. Just as Lady Mary was being particularly bitchy, and Lady Edith began whining again, I started hearing the bedframe complain. The sounds were different than before: just as loud, but the rhythm was very different. The last time, the straining was at a constant, steady tempo, but today that rhythm was frequently broken up in to sections of ten to fifteen strains followed by many seconds of silence. As well, the tempo seemed to change up slower to faster and then back to slower. I made a note to inquire about this later, when all of a sudden a rapid, even, loud tempo started up, and went on for several minutes, suddenly ceasing all at once.

After a very few seconds, a naked, wild eyed Atul burst out of the room, his wet, engorged cockhead waving before him. He looked at me with fear on his face, grabbed my hand and said "Please help! I think I hurt him! I don't think he's breathing! He then began urgently pulling me into the bedroom. Of course, I went with him. On entry, there was enough light in the room from the blinds to make out a very naked Jason splayed out with arms and legs akimbo. I turned on the bedside lamp, and did a quick look over: he was very much unconscious, with his eyes rolled back into his head, and mouth agape. Atul was beside himself, saying over and over "Please help my baby. Oh God please let him be alright!" I quickly checked Jason's pulse (it was there, and quite rapid), then I put my ear to his mouth, and heard his very rapid and extremely shallow breaths. Jason's eyes and limbs then started twitching slightly. Again, I suppressed a giggle: the tyke had been overwhelmed by the sensations of what must have been a "fucking for the ages". Atul was still beside himself, so I pulled him down on the bed next to the both of us, grabbed his arms, and forced him to look in my eyes. I told him that Jason, was going to be OK in a few minutes, and that all we had to do was wait. To reinforce my diagnosis, Jason turned his face and halfway focused his eyes in the direction of Atul's voice, and then muttered with his high pitched voice "baby?"

Atul grabbed Jason's tiny right hand, and started caressing it, sobbing out loud in gratitude. It took a few more minutes for Jason to come back fully to himself, at which time, he jumped up, put himself in Atul's lap, and hugged him tightly. He said he had never felt anything like that, and was sorry he worried Atul so much. While they reconnected, I got them both a bottle of water, and pulled them apart so we could figure out what went wrong... or what went too right. I started out the conversation by telling them what I had heard with the tempo. They both nodded, and confirmed that they seemed to be out of sync with each other at first. It seemed that once the anal play had begun, Atul was focused on making sure Jason was comfortable, but Jason was focused entirely on making sure his prostate was in constant contact with Atul's glans. Jason, in effect, was jumping all around on the bed, altering his position so that Atul could not do anything but briefly pummel the boy's knob for brief spans. As soon as Atul tried to penetrate deeper, Jason would move his prostate to wherever Atul's glans was at the moment. This made sense, and agreed with the acoustic evidence gathered in the living room. I then looked at Atul, and offered my fresh hypothesis: he had just given up on any deep ministrations, and began giving Jason exactly what he wanted, mobbing that immature prostate without mercy. They both nodded: hypothesis confirmed.

This was something we'd have to figure out. I asked them both to describe how things had been going up to the "episode" (I think that's what we'll call it), and they both in turns gave me a play-by-play, confirming that they had indeed done everything by the play-book; Atul had sucked Jason to an orgasm at the very beginning, and opened him up immediately afterward. I then asked me to show them the position they were in before the "episode" happened. Jason laid back with his behind on a pillow, lifted up, and his legs spread wide, feet high, as far back and apart as humanly possible. Jason then followed by laying out on all fours, his knees apart and his hands on the mattress just below Jason's armpits, and inside Jason's spread legs. I couldn't help but notice Jason's still gaping anus during this demonstration: damn! I also noticed that the beach towels were still quite clean and off-white! I told them both that I think I know a way to make it better, if they wanted to try again: they both quickly nodded their assent. I told Jason that in order for Atul to successfully make it to final orgasm, he needed to be able to pound deeply for a while, and that his moving around didn't allow Atul to do that. I followed up with "while that wouldn't feel nearly as good as the prostate pounding, he should be able to enjoy it, because the prostate would get something on each trip in and out. I then told Atul that Jason's prostate couldn't possibly handle as much of that hook so quickly, and that he -- as senior partner -- would need to take more responsibility for controlling the fuck.

Taking control of the scene, set my coaching plan into motion. Figuring I was going to get messy too, I took off my clothes down to my boxer shorts, and sat on the bed with my back completely against the headframe, spreading my legs wide against the mattress, and placing the pillows between my legs to raise the surface. I then had Jason lay on the pillows with the back of his head laying bent back against the hairs on my lower abdomen, and then I asked Jason for his feet. He raised them up, and I grabbed each ankle and pulled back wide, applying just enough pressure to make sure his knees were straight out, and not bent at all. I pulled his feet back, up, and apart so that his bottom curved up into the air above the pillows. Atul's eyes were focused and etched on this scene, and I swear the man was drooling. On my instruction, Atul began reapplying lube to both Jason's aperture and the whole length of his own cock, which had once again grown to absolutely obscene proportions. I looked in Atul's eyes, told him to put his hands on Jason's legs, and to fuck him. To his credit, Atul broke eye contact with me, and asserted eye contact with Jason before he moved up, pulled down his foreskin, and began slipping that monstrous cockhead inside Jason's tight little pussy. Jason let out a high moan, and Atul let out a low groan as the entire dick slowly entered, and finally ended up with Atul's obviously well manscaped pubic bush met the skin underneath Jason's scrotum. I very nearly creamed in my pants at the very sight.

Almost immediately, Atul began the upstroke, pulling back approximately halfway before plunging back down to the root. He did this a couple more times, and I felt Jason trying to shift his hips to move back -- probably wanting some prostate play. I held him fast, and told Atul he needed to make sure he was giving full-length strokes, so Jason would have his fun too. It looked like a light bulb went off for Atul, and he immediately changed his approach. He moved his knees farther down the bed, with his pelvis lower, and placed his arms on the mattress just behind Jason's knees. In this position, he could saw his hips about twelve inches, and thus fully use the entire length of his penis. He adapted and adjusted his approach until he was fully sawing into Jason, the head nearly exiting Jason's ass (and causing it to bulge outward most erotically), and then pounding back in to the root, making the characteristic slapping sound against Jason's tiny ass cheeks. Soon, Jason's prostate was receiving two quick jabs of Atul's hook on every thrust in and out, and Jason was cooing and moaning like a dove. Jason's vocalizations were reaching new highs with each passing moment, when at last I looked at Atul and said "don't you think he's about ready for his orgasm?"

Again, the light bulb went off, and Atul shifted to a posture allowing for the full cockhead to quickly pound the little prostate. Jason's eyes opened widely, and his breathing became erratic. I then reached down, grabbed Jason's penis, pulled down the foreskin, and roughly began masturbating the little shaft and head. Atul saw what I was doing, and replaced my fingers with his. I told Atul to wait for it, and that he'd feel it when it happened. Seconds later, I felt Jason tense up in my lap, and could only imagine the vice grip that was about to take ownership of Atul's penis. On the first spasm Jason screamed. I grabbed Atul's hips, and pulled him fully back into Jason, where he began to spasm and scream himself. Both of them were having simultaneous orgasms, and the spasms of each were feeding the spasms of the other. It was a moment of beauty. I couldn't help myself, and creamed my boxers at the same time. After about 10 spasms each, they remained connected, kissed deeply, and began the process of regaining composure.

I asked Jason if he remembered what to do with the load inside him, and he breathlessly nodded yes. Atul pulled back and exited Jason, and Jason closed his muscle. I asked if I could accompany him to the bathroom: I wanted to make sure that there had been no lasting damage done to the boy. We both got up, and I grabbed a towel to clean the part of my load that had landed on his neck, below his bowl cut. We went to the bathroom, and I asked him to lean back, and show me his butthole. He did, and lifted his feet so I could look: it was puffy, but there was no damage, with just a little bit of moistness surrounding the tightly closed aperture. He looked up to me and asked if he could "let it go", and I nodded so. What came out can only be described as a waterfall: there must have been a half-liter of cum that he ejected into the toilet bowl. On completion, he looked into the bowl, and grinned with pleasure at the lack of "messy". I wiped off what remained with a bit of toilet paper, flushed, a little kiss, gave his little starfish and took him back to the guest room. Atul was there, carefully inspecting the beach towels, astounded that he seemed to find nothing awry. I looked at him and said "It worked, and you're welcome!" He grinned widely.

We all took towels and wet wipes, cleaned ourselves up, and made ourselves once again presentable to the world. Jason looked at the clock, which read 6:00 PM, and stated that he really needed to get home before his parent's did. He quickly gave Atul a deep kiss, telling him how much he loved him. I walked him to the door, where he thanked me for everything, told me he'd see me tomorrow, gave me a kiss on the lips, and left. I went back into the guest room and saw Atul on the edge of the bed. He had a glazed look in his eyes, as if his world had just gone through a tectonic shift. He looked up at me, straight into my eyes, and said: "I'm hard again," to which I responded "and I have permission."

Next: Chapter 5

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