Melting Pot

By rilobo1 schoengut

Published on Jun 30, 2020


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Please keep your comments coming! This kind of detailed feedback from readers keeps me on-track, and really gets my imagination in gear! I need to get some business handled, so the output of the chapters will not be as rapid over the next few weeks.

While elements and scenes in this story are based in reality, all of the characters and activities herein described are 100% fictional, and the story is 100% mine - please don't reuse without permission. Constructive comments are welcome at

Melting Pot - Chapter 23 by Rich Lobo

It's time now to take care of some things I'd been meaning to do, but the people I love in my life have had needs. THE FIRST THING I want to do is add some "attachments" to the bath/shower in the guest bathroom. That way, Atul's and my bathroom won't become everybody's enema central; besides, the boys always leave things a soppy mess, especially if all of them are in there at once. I know inserection has what I need, so that'll be my first stop. First, I checked to see what kinds of hidden, wireless video cameras were available for installation in the guest bedroom -- not that I wanted to invade anyone's privacy, but honestly? The potential hotness between Felipe and Alex this coming Saturday was something that needs to be immortalized forever! Additionally, I'd like to have an internal cam for use for when we had visitors (the parents) just to have everything recorded for myself. There was the spare flowerpot cam that Robert had left behind, but that might be too obvious. I did select a little digital clock that had a hidden cam that could be paired with a phone. and I had another wireless cam to sit on top of the wide screen TV that the kids always play on, or on in the living room. No one would think that out of place. The clock cam would be delivered by Friday.

I raced around town to get everything we needed -- including a special present for Alex, snagged a little lunch and additional Koelsch beer (the store now stocked TWO varieties! This will be great news for Juergen), and raced home to install the webcam and enema wand as well as prepping the guestroom/playspace and the bathrooms with lube and extra towels. Time flies, and soon it was nearly time for the adults to begin arriving. Jin Woo was first, which is good as he is the emcee for this particular show. I gave him the details about last night with Alex, and how proud he was. Jin Woo decided on the spot that he would also like Alex to fuck him too. There we go! Jin Woo get to give the new enema wand it's maiden test-drive. Neal was the next to arrive, soon to be followed by Atul & Juergen just about the time Jin Woo came out wearing a towel, his clothes folded in a stack in his hands which he went and placed on the dresser in the guest bedroom. I got drinks for everyone, including one of the new Gaffel Koelsch beers for Juergen -- man was he stoked.

Jin Woo took the floor, and set the theme: for him, he has always sensed a bit of sadness in Alex, and he wanted to take time to make an entire moment revolve around the boy, and give him access to everything. He felt that for Alex, now that he was growing hair and could make sperm, he was beginning the transition to manhood. That transition for many young boys was often shrouded in shame and secrecy, and today he wanted to mark the occasion in a powerful and positive way for Alex: a "Ceremony of Manhood". He then went on to describe his well thought out vision of the ceremony. First, Alex should be presented by me as "my boy" to each of the men, and ask each man to give his agreement for Alex to undergo the ritual. Each man then would inspect Alex's evidence of manhood -- his growing cock, scrotum, each testicle, pubic hair, underarm hair, and upper lip with kisses. Before formally declaring him ready for the ritual. Neal giggled and mentioned that it was kind of corny, but I just told him that little boys eat stuff like that up! He had to agree, and asked Jin Woo to continue.

"Then" Jin Woo said, "Alex should be asked if he is ready to undergo the ceremony of manhood." Then, each man should take Alex to the sling, where Alex should briefly suck his cock, be placed in the sling, and be tied down and lubed by the other two boys. Since we're a bit short on time, each man in turn should press forward with the tip of his penis until gravity forces the penetration of the boypussy. The man would then pound him and breed him as quickly as possible. After that, the other boys should clean up any mess, and take Alex down from the sling, while the man sits on the bed, ready to briefly suck Alex's dick, and then let Alex fuck him on the bed until Alex cums in him. Then Alex and the man would be symbolically equal in status as top and bottom roles. I suggest that we go in order from smallest cock to largest, so that it will not be too difficult for Alex." Juergen then asked "is this all just a bit too complicated and formal?" Whereupon Atul said "what human traditional ritual or ceremony isn't too complicated or too formal? That's what makes them memorable. Have you ever been to a Hindu wedding?" We all got a good laugh out of that.

We talked about it a bit, and ultimately all of us agreed it to be a wonderful idea to celebrate a special time in the life of wonderful, sweet little guy; he'd need an audience of witnesses who love him to cheer him on, and we discussed a few details of the ritual. I stood up, and said "let's get ready and do this! We now have an enema wand in each bathroom: no waiting! So everyone made off to prepare themselves. We dragged dining room chairs into the guest bedroom, forming a semi-circle around and facing the bottom of the sling for the men. Soon, four naked men were ready for the little man of honor to arrive. I remained naked in the living room, waiting for their arrival -- I did want to have private moment with Alex beforehand, so I could brief him on the ritual, as well as the latest happenings with his Papa.

The boys arrived home a few minutes later, and dashed from the bus to door in seconds. I had the door opened a crack so they could just pile in; as they kicked off their shoes, I closed the door and locked it. That was when they both noticed I was standing there naked, with a growing erection. After a quick hug and kiss from all of them, they told me they had finished all their homework on the bus, and were ready for anything. I asked Jonas and Jason to go to my bathroom and prepare themselves for sex, and they did -- with clothes flying off of them as they ran. I sat down in front of Alex, and started disrobing him. As he progressively became more "nakey", I started to tell him about my "discussion" with his Papa -- that Felipe loved his little boy so much, he was willing to do anything to keep him safe and make him happy, that he knew his little boy was gay, that he wanted to teach him everything necessary to grow up safe and happy. Alex was so deep in thought and worry now that his dad knew his deepest secret, his penis was in its flaccid state by the time his tighty whities came off. I'd never seen it in that state, but it was precious -- and it highlighted the little triangular patch of hair growing in. I herded him into the guest bathroom to begin his preparation.

"Little man," I began as I inserted the wand into him, "don't worry. Your dad wants to teach you how to have sex with men. He wants to teach you how to prepare yourself like I'm doing now. He wants to teach you how to relax and stretch your pussy and get it ready for his big, hard cock. He wants to teach you how to take his cock in your pussy and love getting fucked. He wants to teach you how to kiss while he pounds your little pussy. Then, he wants to give you your orgasm with his hard, beautiful cock plunging inside your pussy, beating up your prostate, and then filling you up with his cum."

Alex was by now at full mast, but his eyes were scrunched up in some confusion. "but my papa is straight, and doesn't know how to do these things."

Me: "Here, let's empty you and do one more enema." He complied. "Well, your papa knew that, so he asked me to teach him this morning, and I did."

Alex: "Wait, you taught him all that? Did you let my papa fuck you and cum in you?"

Me: "Yes, and then he wanted me to fuck him and cum inside, and I did."

Alex: "Does my papa shoot a lot of cum?"

Me: "Yes he does, and on Saturday afternoon, if you play your cards right, he's going to fuck a load of it deep inside your little pussy."

Alex: "What do I have to do?"

Me: "Basically pretend that you don't know ANYTHING about mansex, except what you've seen on the internet. Then, you ask for his help -- show him your body, and ask him what's going on with your hair, ask him to show you his body, and then ask him to teach you: ask him to SHOW you."

Alex: "Oh my God! You're going to make my fantasy come true? Thank you! Thank you!"

Rich: "But first, we have to finish getting you ready; because there are five naked men in this apartment right now who are going to welcome you into manhood with a special ceremony. Don't worry, this is a special time in your life. You are ready for it." Alex was beside himself. We left the bathroom, and found a naked Jonas and Jason waiting for them. I told both of them to go on into the guest bedroom, and as soon as they crossed the threshold, I heard Jason say "Woooooah dude! We're in heaven!" I then started the webcam recording on the app on my phone, gave Jason a little push, and we were on the way in for his manhood ceremony, his ultra-hard, four inch cock leading the way.

The scene was set. I told Jason and Jonas to stand by the end of the sling, under which there was a beach towel, lube, and hand towels. In the chairs from left to right sat Atul, then Neal, Juergen, an empty seat for me, and Jin Woo: I was determined to make this show as corny and over-the-top as possible: "To the council of men, I present to you my baby boy Alex, for submission to the Noble Ceremony of Manhood. Alex has developed all of the necessary requirements for the ritual, including a growing penis, testes, and scrotum. His nipples are swelling and are sensitive. He is producing pubic hair and underarm hair, and has begun to develop hair below his nose. I will now present him to each of you for your evaluation and approval for him to undergo this important ritual, where he will be officially change from being a little boy, and will become a little man." Corny enough y'all?

Jonas and Jason were paying rapt attention to the proceedings. I walked Alex over to where Jin Woo was sitting with his 6 1/2 inch erection, and presented him for inspection, before sitting in my seat. Jin Woo reached out, grabbed Alex's 4 inch spike, felt it from root to tip, and then kissed it from tip to root. He pulled his head back to inspect and feel Alex's scrotum and testicles, also giving them both a kiss. He then pulled Alex's stiff cock downward, so that his little pubic patch could be displayed and accessed. Jin Woo gave a grunt of approval, and applied kisses to the whole little patch. He then pulled Alex forward, so that he could sit forward in Jin Woo's lap, where he kissed and sucked on each nipple, then raising Alex's arms above his head, and inspecting and then the small patch of downy, black hairs growing under each arm. Finally, Jin Woo looked into Alex's face, drawing a finger over Alex's upper lip and declaring that small black hairs were evident on Alex's face, and following up with a sensual kiss on Alex's lips.

With that, Jin Woo stood, approval for the candidate for the ritual, and moved Alex over in front of me, presenting Alex for inspection. As I went through the same steps, Jin Woo went over to Jason and Jonas, and explained their roles in this ceremony -- basically to help Alex into and out of the sling, bind his arms, spread his legs wide before binding is feet to the straps, applying lube to both the man and Alex as instructed by the man, and toweling off any excess afterward. He also told both of them that when they were ready, they would also be brought before the council for the ritual.

I went through my "inspection," and presented Alex to Juergen, who followed suit, and presented him to Neal, who then presented him to Atul. Atul changed his inspection up a bit: instead of kissing, he sucked and tongued each part. Alex was moaning by the time the inspection was over, and Atul had approved the candidate. Yeah, we were making a lot of this stuff up as we went; it's a good thing I recorded it, as Jonas would soon be ready himself, and would expect his ceremony to be identical.

Jin Woo stood, and called Alex over to the foot of the sling. He said that the candidate was approved for the "first ritual of equality between men," in which "the candidate must submit to being penetrated orally and anally, and then be bred by each member of the council. During this rite, the candidate must display courage and bravery, and accept any pain of discomfort without complaint until the ritual has been completed. Is the candidate ready for this ritual to begin?"

Alex looked like he was about to pass out from fear; he looked over to me, and I gave him a big smile, a "thumbs up", and a nod of my head. My little guy held it together, looked up to Jin Woo, and said "I am ready". Jin Woo told Alex to get down on his knees, and take his mancock into his mouth, and worship it for thirty seconds. Alex complied, taking Jin Woo's cockhead between his lips to worship it with his tongue, before taking the entire shaft to the back of this throat, without gagging! I was so proud of him. At the end of the thirty seconds, Jin Woo said: "The assistants will now secure the candidate in the sling, and prepare him for breeding." Alex stood; Jason and Jonas helped him up into the sling -- Jin Woo making a few necessary adjustments -- before binding Alex's hands and feet to the straps, leaving Alex splayed out, his little ring of pink providing the perfect target for what was coming next. Jin Woo then directed the assistants to thoroughly lubricate his cock and the candidate's still "boy"pussy.

At this point, Jin Woo directed the tip of his cock to be in contact with the pink ring. He bent forward to Alex, whispered "be brave my son," and began leaning forward, forcing the sling (by way of Alex's boypussy" to began gradually swinging backward from its downward position. It went back inch by inch, each inch increasing the amount of force Alex's pussy was experiencing. The strain soon began showing on his face: he had certainly taken larger cocks before, but that had been after significant rimming or loosening had occurred first -- this was different. Jin Woo whispered to him again "Don't fight it. Relax. Breathe deeply, and press down with your muscles." Alex heard that, and did as he was told. Within a few seconds, his ass snapped open, and his entire body -- under the force of gravity -- fell down on Jin Woo's cock, swallowing it down to the root. My boy was so brave: I could tell he swallowed a scream before it got out.

Jin Woo then began power jabbing, each jab forced Alex's whole body back up Jin Woo's cockshaft a few inches, before gravity dragged his ass ring back down to Jin Woo's cock root. There were about two jabs per second, and from the look on Alex's face, those jabs were being transmitted directly into his prostate. This power pounding couldn't last long for either of the: Alex had never been subjected to so violent an assault, and I hope he could hold on for the rest of Jin Woo's ride. Happily, he did. Jin Woo began bellowing shortly afterward, and held position deep inside Alex, as the audience applauded as they watched the spasms of Jin Woo's cock ripple through his firm ass cheeks. Sated, Jin Woo walked backward until the pendulum of the sling was once again in a natural angle that pointed to the center of the Earth. Jin Woo pulled out, and presented the significantly wider pink ring, from which now a few drips of cum were exiting, and landing on the beach towel. Both Jason and Jonas jumped into action with the towels, cleaning up both Jin Woo and Axel. Jin Woo then ordered the assistants to help the candidate up out of the sling.

While they did, Jin Woo went and stood by the edge of the bed next to a beach towel, which had been laid on the edge of the bed, directly above another beach towel laying on the floor. He announced "The candidate has successfully passed "first ritual of equality between men," and is ready for the "second ritual of equality between men," whereupon he sat on the edge of the bed, and beckoned Axel over to him. Alex had lost a bit of his erection during the trauma of the breeding, but the suction of Jin Woo's mouth and tongue soon brought he little spike back. Jin Woo then laid down on his back, bringing his feet up and wide apart as he instructed the assistants to lubricate his manpussy and the candidate's boy cock, so that the candidate could attempt to breed him. Alex's eyes were certainly as wide as saucers at this turn of events.

Alex tiptoed forward until his cockhead was at Jin Woo's hole, where he made a couple of tentative dips inside the ring. Jin Woo just stared into Alex's eyes and said "No son, don't diddle me like a boy: grab my ankles and FUCK ME like a MAN FUCKS ANOTHER MAN! Alex waited a second, trying to decide what to do until I heard my little guy snort, watched him take Jin Woo's ankles in his hands -- forcing them apart and back toward Jin Woo's head, lining up the spike, and forcefully thrusting forward into Jin Woo, who did make a sharp "oof" sound, followed by another "oof" after Alex pulled back to the rim, and pounding Jin Woo once again. Alex set up a good rhythm, before he got verbal, asking Jin Woo if he was enjoying the FUCK? .

Jason and Jonas were on their knees staring intently at the fuck, mesmerized by the sight of their friend's brown spike plowing Jason's dad. Atul got up, walked over, and peered down at the fuck, giving us men a "thumbs up" before retaking is seat Just a few seconds later, Jason pulled Jin Woo's feet apart even further, screamed "I'm coming, I'm Coming, I'M COMING!!!!!" before slamming all four inches to rest inside Jin Woo. After a few moments to catch his breath, Jin Woo pushed Alex back with his feet, to disengage and then move to the side a few feet. With his feet still in the air, Jin Woo reached down to spread his cheeks apart, so that we all could see the small stream of cum exit his ass, and drip down to the towel below. Jin Woo then stood, and announced "The candidate has successfully passed the second ritual of equality between men, and is now my equal." We all applauded and cheered as Alex stepped up to Jin Woo, and gave him a full on kiss.

This whole scene repeated itself - with variations - three more times, with a lot less trauma for Alex than the first penetration from Jin Woo. We each changed up our approach; I repeatedly told Alex how much I loved him and how proud I was of him. Juergen pounded with firm measured strokes, and filled his ass with a great deal of cum, requiring a few minutes to drain the ass before we could continue. Alex had never had Neal's thick, ramrod straight ten incher inside him, so there was a lot of colorful back chatter from Alex during that ride. Alex took them all well, and his growing nuts were able to produce a small proof of production in each of our asses.

Now it was Atul's turn: Atul's cockhead, which had sat there hard as Thor's hammer during the four previous fucks, looked like it was about to explode. Alex could barely get his jaw around the monster for the required thirty seconds, and was then securely fastened back onto the sling, had a fearful look upon his face that wasn't there for my, Juergen's or Neal's session with him. Atul must have noticed the look on Alex's face just after he placed his wet cockhead, slicked with both lube and his own production of pre-cum, at the entrance to Axel's not nearly dilated enough pussy. He leaned over, and began giving Axel sweet, loving kisses, telling him to be brave, that he could do this if he just breathed and bore down: Alex had already had this huge cockhead inside him (but never had been PENETRATED with the cockhead in this state.) He told Alex that once it was in, it would be all downhill from there. Alex just nodded his head, and said he was ready.

Atul pressed forward, and the sling pulled back: six inches, eight inches, ten inches, twelve. The strain was showing on Alex's face. Atul leaned his head and spine back so he could look down at the scene. He grabbed the lube from Jason's hand, and applied even more, he pleaded with Alex to push down more. Then he began rubbing the tip of finger along the seam between his cockhead and Alex's stretched and stressed pussy lips. With that, Alex's lips began slowly sliding down, a bit, then another bit, before it snapped past the crown, and Alex fell upon the head and the whole shaft in one blinding motion. Again, Alex barely managed to stifle a scream, but there was a loud moan. Atul then moved his hips back slowly down, back to where Alex's center of mass was at the lowest part of the sling's period, continuing to pull back until the crown caught the inside of Alex's ring, which began pulling Axel back along with the cock to which he was now attached. Atul's face clearly showed both the bliss he was experimenting, being strangled by this child's ass, but that bliss was balanced out by the concern for Alex.

At six inches past vertical, he stopped pulling back to see what would happen: again, motion was very slow, but eventually Alex's ring finally released Atul's cock. Immediately, Atul pressed back on the ring, and was able to gain entrance after only about six inches past vertical on the instroke. Progress! Atul kept up these cycles of in and out until finally, he was able to enter and exit with only minimal resistance. That is when the fireworks began.

Atul reached up and grabbed each of Alex's bound feet, and pushed Alex forward, so that his huge, gaping pussy was just clear of the cockhead. At that point, he released the feet, and the pussy slid back over the entire cock to its root. Atul pushed the feet again and held them there so that the pussy was clear of the cockhead by about three inches, and released, allowing gravity to forcefully make the pussy envelope the cock again. The third push allowed for six inches of clearance, but the feet were not held: the cock was engulfed once again. Atul then pushed Alex back about a foot, causing the cock to crash through the pussy, and slam into Atul's pubic bush. Atul kept this up, each crash came a bit less than a second after the previous crash. Alex's face was frozen into a look... was it passion? Pain? A little of both? Whatever it was, everyone was focused on that fuck. Atul began breathing deeply, but was able to keep his cock in the same position and in the same perfect angle to insure penetration of that perfect little distended pussy. After what, twenty? Thirty? Fifty breaches of Alex's little pussy and punches of his prostate, Alex was barely cognizant of anything going on around him. Atul, roared just before the pussy slammed back onto his cockhead, and a fraction of a second before it reached the cockhead, a massive gout of cum issued forth from Atul. The force of the jet made a soft "pop" on and just beneath Alex's tightly retracted scrotum, and Atul continued cumming after re-entry. This continued for about five or six swings, as more and more cum was forced inside, and then forcefully dredged back out by the backside of the non-moving coronal flare, eventually landing on the towel below. This was the most obscene thing I have ever seen in my life. Atul stopped pushing, and Alex's ring eventually came to rest at Atul's cockroot. Atul just reached up, and released Alex's bindings, and picked him up into a loving embrace, while the cock was still embedded inside. Atul bent down, and began gently kissing Alex's lips, gently telling him over and over as -- Alex came back into the light -- that he successfully passed the first ritual of equality between men, and the rest of the ritual would be a cake walk.

After a few minutes, Alex was again able to stand on his own two legs, and the still stunned Jonas and Jason cleaned him up a bit. Alex was once again hard as stone, and may have even been extended 4 ½ inches now... everybody was probably a half inch longer now too. Atul dismissed the assistants, and told them to lube up, and go sit on their father's cocks -- which they did immediately. Atul pulled Alex with him back to the bed, sat down, and began giving Alex's distended cock a sensuous tongue bath, being careful NOT to cause an eruption: Alex had EARNED the right to FUCK and BREED Atul's ass. Atul noticed subtle signs of an impending orgasm, and pulled off, laying back, and spreading his own legs into an OBTUSE angle. He grabbed the lube, and greased his creamy asslips. Looking up, he saw a drop of pre-cum dangling just below Alex's piss slit. Removing it with his finger, he rubbed it all around his own ass, adding it to the lube. He then looked up into Alex's eyes, and growled "fuck me, little man. Breed my ass!"

Alex dutifully went to his task. Because Atul's legs were spread back so far into a posture that only a master of yoga could achieve, Alex was able to penetrate his full length, and grind and pound his patch of pubic hair and his balls completely against Atul's hole. It was a beautiful sight to see Alex's thing brown butt pounding against my bronze god's broad backside. Atul kept up the encouragement, begging his little man to pound his ass, to breed his ass. Atul then contracted all his muscles, abs & glutes as tightly as possible, giving his little man the maximum tightness on the young shaft. Atul then raised his ass up, allowing the young spike just enough angle to reach his prostate. Very soon, Atul began muttering that he "was gonna cum again, that Alex was gonna make him cum again. Oh God little man, you are fucking me so good, you are gonna make me cum AGAAAAAAIIINNNN!!!!, whereupon Atul began spraying another fountain of cum, and clamping down on Alex's cock, bringing him to plant himself as deeply inside Atul's spasming ass as he could, and having his fifth orgasm inside an ass today. He was going to need a nap before his Webelos meeting.

In a quick move, Atul sat back up, pulling Alex's still stiff -- and CUM COATED dick out to meet the world. There was an impressive amount of cum collected behind his coronal ridge, giving proof to everyone that my little man had produced. Atul reached out his preternaturally long tongue, wrapping it around Alex's cock, and wiping it clean before retracting his tongue back into his mouth, savoring the taste of our little man's cum. We then heard some grunting behind us, and turned to see Jonas and Jason both sitting impaled and fucking themselves upon their fathers' cocks, their feet on their fathers' knees, their heads rolled back as the cocks inside them were erupting, spilling out onto their father's scrotums --

I'd have to spend some quality time cleaning those chairs. I looked at Neal, who nodded at me; we grabbed each other's cock and started jerking as we both fell forward onto our knees. I wrapped my mouth around Jonas' nail, and Neal wrapped his around Jason's. We sucked those little cocks for all we were worth until both boys screamed and had their boygasms at the same time Neal and I came again in each other's hand: It was the first time I had ever touched my buddy's cock, and it was nice. I felt one, two, then three spurts in my mouth: Jonas had cum!. I lifted my head, and stuck out my tongue so everyone could see the proof. Juergen was so proud! Alex returned to being Alex, and proclaimed "Damn! I hope my Papa will do that to me when Jonas has his ceremony!" Everybody looked at Alex at that pronouncement. I just spoke up and said "It's a work in progress: baby steps."

Still lodged inside his son, Jin Woo made the official proclamation that Alex had successfully completed the Ceremony of Manhood, and would no longer be referred to as "boy", but rather as "young man." A thoroughly exhausted Alex was beaming brighter than a halogen lamp. Neal, who on a notion had leaned over to inspect Jonas' cock announced "uh guys? I think we need to schedule another Ceremony of Manhood soon: I'm looking at about ten little blond hairs here!" Jason jumped off his dad's cock, and Alex rushed over to inspect them too, rubbing their little index fingers through the tiny but existing patch. "Woohoo!" yelled the boys, who continued celebrating until Jin Woo stopped them, telling all three that they had to leave for the Webelos meeting soon. We all extricated ourselves, and the cleanup began. I ran out to stop the recording, and to get a laundry basket so everyone could throw their stuff in it rather than on the floor. The beach towel under the sling was flooded with the cum of five men: it would need to be soaked, but perhaps I could save it for Alex. Along with the video I'd made, it could serve as a token and symbol of the day he became a young man. Whatever, we had to get finished, so we could arrange for the arrest and comeuppance of one nasty piece of psychopathy.

It was getting close to 6:00 PM when everything was back in some form of order. Shortly before then, Jin Woo escorted Jason home to get his Webelo's uniform on, and Juergen did the same for Alex -- who was walking rather gingerly... wonder why... While they were gone, Neal reached out to Robert, who conference called Chief Perry at the Clarkston Police to set up events, suggesting a time of 7:15 PM. Atul's phone pinged out a message -- the parents had left Hyderabad, and were on the way to Frankfurt, Germany, where they would spend the night at an airport hotel before flying out to Atlanta in the morning. By the time they got to Frankfurt, Rana would be in jail, and couldn't answer the phone. The boys got back in the apartment about 6:10 PM, and Juergen and Jin Woo had detailed the plan again with the rest of the Ramirez and Cho families, that the police should arrive shortly before the boys were safe and sound at the scout hut. Jin Woo would stay in the parking lot for the hour and 45 minute meeting, and bring them home after the fun here had settled.

The boys were back to being little boys, and were hyper about Jonas potentially joining their pack. Jin Woo called the pack master, and told him the boys were bringing a new friend, and that his father had approved the test visit. Jin Woo and the boys left a few minutes later, and the plan was set in motion. Atul, Neal, Juergen and I went outside on the veranda, in full knowledge that the flower pot was on, thus having an "appropriate" conversation for anyone who might need to hear it later. We wanted to prove that we were doing NOTHING to incite or provoke Rana, or otherwise being malicious before the police arrived. Neal then got a text, and showed it to us: the CPD was busy clearing a multi-vehicle injury accident: life with new drivers in Clarkston. No biggie -- it'd just be a little later. I went in, and got beverages for all of us while appearing to be sitting out together, chatting and otherwise enjoying another glorious Fall sunset. Above us, the door slammed open, and Rana started ranting again. Atul just rolled his eyes, saying it was just more of the same. At the same time, he texted the rest of us: "R is losing it."

Then the door slammed shut, she had gone back inside. Atul translated a polite version of what she had been saying -- that she wanted to hurt everyone. I can only imagine what the true translation was. Everyone's phone but Juergens pinged -- an SMS with the accurate translation: She was going to kill everyone tonight. I showed it to Juergen, who just stared in disbelief. Neal texted Chief Perry, who said they'd be tidied up and on the way in about 30 minutes. That should leave us plenty of time before Jin Woo got back with the boys. 40 minutes later, I was starting to get a bit concerned, and stood up in the walkway -- Atul joined me.

I saw Jin Woo's car pulling in to the complex -- he was early. I started to send him a text to stop there, but before I could, Rana came out onto the landing, screaming bloody murder. She ran downstairs, and began screaming at Atul -- she must have seen him standing outside. I got the message sent to Jin Woo to "STOP! DANGER!" and he did, but not quickly enough: everything that followed went far too quickly: Jason saw what was going on, unbuckled himself, jumped out, and ran at full speed toward Atul with Jin Woo running after him. Rana pulled out a large knife, I grabbed my fob, and pressed both buttons, and Jason jumped between Rana and Atul, saying "YOU WILL NOT HURT MY FRIEND!!" Rana grabbed Jason's neckerchief, and spun him around, throwing him hard, his head meeting the steel staircase beam: He collapsed under it, and Rana, with a butcher knife in hand began moving toward him, screeching what I later learned was "Little Chinese bastard, you die first, and then I will cut off and kill that deformity!"

Next: Chapter 24

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