Meeting With Carl

By Jack Santoro

Published on Jun 8, 2005



Meeting With Carl By

As I stepped into the shower, I pulled back my foreskin, feeling it snap down into the deep groove behind the high flaring rim of my big purple helmet. The high coronal ridge always locked the foreskin behind the head, even when I was completely soft. I normally skin back in the shower, but this time I also wanted to feel the hot water on my naked tip, knowing that it would stimulate me into emptying my bladder again. I'd peed about 20 minutes ago, but wanted to be totally drained so that I wouldn't have to look for a rest stop during the two hour drive to Carl's apartment. Normally, if I got the urge to pee in the shower, I'd pinch the end of my long foreskin's nipple and watch it swell like a balloon as it filled with fluid. Then I'd let go and the sudden gush would fall down into the drain. Now I turned the water as hot as I could stand. The stimulating effect of hot water sluicing over my glans as I faced the shower and cupped my hands under my prick produced a delicious tingle in my groin, and I knew I'd be releasing every drop in my bladder. I felt the pressure build, and relaxed my sphincter, acutely aware of the surge of fluid that raced through my prick and parted the lips of my slit, producing a delicious tickling feeling in my cock. The thick yellow stream fell at my feet, and then swirled down the drain as I sighed in relief. I felt my prick swell and lengthen, as the stimulation was erotic, bringing blood to my prick and especially to the head as the stinging hot needles of the spray hammered on my sensitive nerve endings. I looked down and saw that the normally pale pink helmet on the end of my prick had become darker and the rim flared even more. I wasn't hard, but the head of my prick had swollen almost to full size. Once I was totally rinsed, and had milked my urethra to drain every last drop of urine, I stepped out of the shower and dried myself, paying special attention to my groin. The last step before dressing was to pull my still retracted foreskin back farther to bare the groove behind my rim. I poured a couple of drops of Astroglide into the space between by bunched-up foreskin and flaring rim, as I feel most comfortable when my head and hood are well-lubricated. Now I drove to Carl's on this warm Saturday afternoon, traffic light on the freeway, and I turned on the cruise control. I remembered that he and I were in our late 40s, and we struck up an almost instant friendship because we were both divorced and both Bi. We'd enjoyed a couple of hot sexual experiences together, because we were very compatible. We were both a bit over six feet, 180 lb., but Carl was blond, with blue eyes and I was brown over brown. My thoughts were centered around Carl all through the drive, and my prick remained half-swollen for the entire trip. I knew Carl would have another guest, as he'd asked me a few days ago if I minded doing a three-way with a pal of his. I was eager to meet any friend of Carl's, and had happily agreed. I rang Carl's bell, and he opened the door carefully, hiding all but his head behind the door. I saw that he was naked, and he ushered me into his bedroom, where I saw another man sitting on the edge of the bed, also naked. I placed my case down along the wall as Carl introduced us: "Hey Burt, this is Jack. Jack, Burt." Burt rose, reaching to shake my hand and I returned the firm clasp. Burt was in his early forties, with a full head of brown hair turning gray at the temples. Compared to Carl and myself, he was short and chunky. Carl spoke again: "Jack, you notice the new bed? King-size. I thought the old queen was maybe a bit cramped." I gazed at the wide expanse of mattress, and nodded agreement. This new one provided a lot of room. I also noted that Carl had prepared well, for on one corner of the bed was a short stack of towels and on the bedside table was a bottle of Astroglide. I began to undress, very aware that their eyes were on my groin. I looked at them as I stripped, noting that Carl had a long tapering penis, ending in a nippled foreskin. His scrotum was low and loose, the classic "low hangers." By contrast, Burt's prick was stubby and thick, with a small pointed arrowhead glans ahead of a thick brown scar ring. As I lowered my boxers, I saw that Burt's eyes were fixed on my prick, which hung down over my tight scrotum. "Hey, Jack, Carl told me you had a nice one, but he didn't tell me the whole story. I like that big head making a bulge in your skin." I was now standing totally naked, and Carl reached over to tweak my long foreskin nipple. He pulled on the end, stretching it out to the horizontal, as Burt watched avidly. I pinched the end of Carl's hood between two fingers, rolling it gently to twist the hood over the head. "Mind if I touch it?" Burt asked. I sat down next to him and as Carl let go, Burt's fingers closed over the swelling end of my prick, sliding the foreskin in small jiggles. I continued to roll Carl's long nipple between thumb and forefinger, feeling the head slide around inside its fleshy sleeve as his prick began to engorge. We shuffled into the center of the big bed, facing each other, and now Carl had full access to Burt's cock, already half-hard from arousal. He pinched the head between thumb and forefinger, a move I knew would produce a throb in the root of Burt's cock with each squeeze. "Man, I really like that foreskin," Burt exclaimed as he rolled my hood's nipple between two fingers the way I was doing to Carl's. "That's because he doesn't have one of his own," Carl interjected. "He really loves to work on mine, and now he's fascinated by yours. You'll see, he's an expert on how to handle a foreskin." By now we were all fully hard, and I noted that we all had about six inches, Carl's slightly longer than mine and Burt's, and Burt's rigid staff thicker than Carl's and mine. Burt's prick had thick skin on its straight shaft, and no veins showed. Mine had a big vein along its right side. "You took a shower just before coming here," Burt commented as he leaned his head toward the end of my prick. "Burt's got a keen sense of smell," Carl added. At that moment, I felt Burt's fingers stabilize my prick as his tongue tip pushed into the end of my foreskin, probing for the slit. Reaching it, his tongue quickly traced small circles around it. "You use Astroglide," Burt said to me as he lifted his head. "I like that sweet taste. Carl drips a lot, and his lube tastes salty. I like that too." "I don't have much natural lube," I said as I slipped my finger into Carl's hood, working it around the slippery head and stretching the skin of his hood. Burt dropped his head again, and I felt his thick tongue probing deeper into my foreskin, sliding along the broad upper surface of my glans and caressing the rim. Now his tongue worked around the rim to the hot spot under the head where the two sides of my corona meet in a thin weld line. I moaned with delight as Burt's thick tongue stretched the nerve endings in my foreskin while pressing into the triangular groove under the head. "Burt loves to dock his tongue inside a foreskin," said Carl. "That's a real turn-on for him." "Man, you've got a big sexy helmet on that prick," Burt observed, again interrupting his stimulation of my foreskin and glans. His warm fingers began dragging back my hood in slow strokes, then slipping it forward again. "Carl loves to feel his skin stretching when I pull it back over the head, and I know you like it too because he told me. Your head is bigger, and that'll stretch your skin even more." He pulled the skin back again, exposing the round front dome of my glans as his other hand cupped my tight scrotum. "I like that purple color," Burt remarked as the foreskin slid back to reveal more. Meanwhile, I saw that Carl's foreskin had a big bead of clear liquid filling the pucker at the end, and I lightly ran my fingertip around the delicate, lubricated tissue, caressing the edge of his foreskin, a promise of more to come. I lifted my finger to my mouth, tasting the delicate saltiness of Carl's natural lube. Carl sighed deeply at the new sensations as my finger resumed tickling his foreskin's orifice, and he shuddered slightly. His scrotum began to tighten against his body. Now I dropped my head to Carl's lap, as I knew he enjoyed a warm tongue probing deeply inside his foreskin. I inhaled deeply, enjoying the rich masculine odor that emanated from Carl's foreskin. I worked my tongue over his long slit, tasting his lubricating fluid, then pushed in farther along the bottom to probe the groove under the head and caress his hot spot. I didn't see what Carl was doing to Burt's penis, but I heard Burt moan softly. I worked my hand between Carl's thighs, caressing him lightly, and then my fingertips touched his scrotal hairs, tickling them. I felt his scrotum tighten even more as I continued this double stimulation, and I ran my tongue around his rim at the top, lapping the many sensitive nerve endings it contained. Now I pried the tight foreskin down with my tongue, stretching it to stimulate its nerve endings, until it gathered in a collar behind Carl's glans. At the same time, I felt my hood peeled back totally and Burt's warm lips engulfing my tip. We took a break at that moment, sitting up to look at each other. As I let go of Carl's foreskin, it snapped forward to engulf his glans. Burt grasped it and gently drew it back to reveal the entire head. "I just love comparing equipment," Burt said as he held Carl's foreskin immobile. "His skin always comes forward to hide the head.' "Burt's like us, really into cock," said Carl. "He loves the similarities and the differences." As I am also an admirer of masculine equipment, I studied the differences between our erections point by point. Carl's slit was longer then mine, and now another drop of lube parted its lips. Burt's slit was average size, like mine, and the lips gaped in his excitement. The lips of my slit pout when my glans swells, and form a teardrop shaped orifice. Carl's glossy smooth glans was reddish, while mine was purple. Burt's was more gray than purple, and its texture was leathery because it was constantly exposed, while ours were protected by their foreskins, which kept them moist and tender. "Your skin locks back behind the rim," Burt said. "I like that. I like that flaring rim. Your cock-head looks like a fireman's helmet." His rim, despite being permanently exposed, had never developed a flare, and the head was an arrowhead shape. Even with full erection, Burt's tip was smaller than his shaft. Carl's was about the same diameter as his shaft, but his rim did not have the pronounced flare mine did. "Your cock-head's got a thick gee-string," he said to Carl. "I can hardly see Jack's, and mine was cut off when the doctor removed the skin." Burt's finger lightly touched Carl's sensitive strip under the head, making Carl shiver with the sensation. As we sat facing each other, I saw that our balls were drawn up against our bodies, with Burt having the biggest bag, Carl in the middle, and mine smallest. The vein on the right side of my shaft bulged with excitement. Carl's hand reached out to cup Burt's balls, while the fingers of his other hand squeezed Burt's tip, producing a drop of fluid that he quickly spread around the slit. Now Burt's warm fingers wrapped tightly around my shaft, slowly pumping my foreskin up and down the head. Both Burt and Carl watched as my helmet vanished, to reappear when Burt dragged the skin down.

"Let's make Jack come first," Burt suggested. "I can see he's ready, and I want to watch him shoot." Carl looked at me and said: "Okay, that's a good idea if you go first. Then it'll be my turn. Burt's so turned on by foreskins that he wants to do us both before he comes. That'll make him all excited, and he'll enjoy orgasm more if he sees us cream first." He reached out to push me gently flat on the wide mattress, then spread a towel over my stomach and chest. Burt scooted around until he was on my right

side, and Carl moved to my left. As both their pricks were within reach, I grasped them and squeezed gently. Carl knew that clasping his prick excited me, and I guessed that he'd done that to Burt as well. "Carl told me you really get turned on by stroking your tip," Burt said. "Want me to do you that way?" I nodded, and Burt's firm fingers stripped back my hood to bare the head down to the rim. Carl poured several drops of Astro on my swollen tip, and Burt's fingers began spreading it over the contours. The sudden shock of Burt's rough fingertips against the sensitive nerve endings of my glans made my cock-root contract, and I felt a pleasant tickling as a drop of lubricant began crawling up my urethra. As it parted the lips of my slit I heard Burt remark: "Hey, Carl, he's got lube!" His fingers began spreading the drop of lubricant over the sensitive surface of my glans, softening the sensations somewhat. "I know you uncut guys have really sensitive tips, so I'll go nice and easy." The hot sensations were spreading through my glans, and I began moaning in response. Carl's warm fingers gently kneaded my balls, while his other hand caressed the insides of my thighs. Carl spoke again: "I'll just work your balls, make you really hot." "Don't squeeze too hard," Burt cautioned. Carl replied: "I know what you mean. My wife squeezed my balls hard the first time we had sex, and I nearly jumped off the bed." "Yeah," I replied. "Only another guy can know how to do it to a guy." I felt the fingers of Burt's other hand, holding my foreskin back, slide down to the base of my shaft, where they tightened to compress the veins. The swollen feeling in my prick intensified, and my tip began to tingle as Burt's fingers relentlessly stimulated its surface. More lubricating fluid coursed up my tube to emerge at the tip. Burt's tongue flicked out to taste it. "I can see your tip's turning darker purple, and it feels bigger too. Any second now, and you'll be blasting off." Burt's fingers continued tracing the contours of my swollen head, sending hot sparks of sensation stabbing deeply into the sensitive nerve endings. I closed my eyes, withdrawing into myself as my mind focused on the wonderful feelings in my groin area. "Yeah, both our tips turn darker color when we get close, Burt, but Jack's gets really dark purple. Last time I did him, I felt the head get really hard, too." "I can feel that now," Burt replied. "It's really getting hard everywhere I touch it." As his fingers played around my cock-head and his other hand stretched the skin tightly back, a deep and pleasant ache began in my glans, the precursor of orgasm. I knew my tip was now congested with blood, hot and hard, needing relief. My world was shrinking rapidly, my attention centered in my prick, captivated by the delicious sensations that filled with as Burt's fingers moved rapidly over the head. Carl's fingers kneaded my balls, and I felt his fingertips press into the tender flesh behind them. He spoke: "Burt, I can feel his cock-root throb now." "I feel his head throbbing." Burt's fingertips continued to send their maddening sensations into my highly stimulated tip, and my body was responding. Despite my efforts to relax and prolong the sensations, I felt my muscles begin to tense. The throbs in my cock-root were stronger now, and I felt the onset of climax. Time stopped. My eyes were tightly shut, and when the heavy pounding began in my cock-root I cried out helplessly. The gush of hot fluid surged through my urethra, slamming through my meatus in its quest for open air, and I tumbled into the mindless free-fall, an altered state of consciousness. "Man, look at that prick shoot," Burt's voice sounded in the distance. Another jet poured into my urethra, producing a deep tickling feeling as it ran up my prick, and I yelped again, caught up in the intense sensations of orgasm as the pleasant agony overwhelmed me. Burt's caressing fingertips drew another shuddering response from me, as more hot juice poured from my pounding glans. "He's really throbbing now," Burt commented as his fingers ran over my tip. "I can feel it under his balls," Carl replied. "He's really into it. Go ahead, Burt, drain him," he urged. Burt needed no urging as his fingertips continued their relentless journey over every inch of my swollen, tingling tip. I was helpless in their hands, totally under their control, as they stimulated my prick and balls to make my climax more intense, and now I was sobbing, groaning, gasping, as gush after gush poured from my prick. Now, just as I thought the sensations couldn't become more intense, my engorged glans became super-sensitive. My body jumped, and I cried out louder than before. "Careful, Burt, his prick's getting too sensitive," Carl warned. "You've seen that happen with me." Burt kept his grip on my shaft as he removed his fingers from my throbbing tip. His fist bumped my thick fleshy collar against my rim, a light sensation that prompted more throbs from my cock-root as my body sought to drain itself. The throbs were weaker now, and I felt myself coming down off the high. The gushes had slowed to an ooze, and now I felt Burt let my penis go and it dropped onto the towel covering my stomach. "That was just beautiful," Burt said, "watching that big helmet shooting like that." "I enjoyed it too, and I know Jack did." Carl's finger still cupped my balls, although they had stopped kneading them. I felt myself caught up in the afterglow, the delicious languor that follows orgasm. I opened my eyes to see Carl's face smiling down at me, and then he bent over to kiss my lips lightly. Burt also gave me a dry kiss on my lips, and I remained supine for several minutes, still clasping their hard pricks as mine softened. Carl tenderly milked my penis, pressing a fingertip into my urethra near my balls and pushing the residue forward. As it oozed from my slit, he gently dabbed at it with the towel. I closed my eyes for a minute. When I sat up, Carl was flat on his back, another towel covering his chest and stomach, and Burt was slowly pumping his foreskin up and down. I sat on Carl's left, caressed his thighs and tickled his scrotal hairs, as he'd done to me. "Carl's tip is too sensitive for direct finger action," Burt explained. "He said he likes his prick rolled, though." I knew what this was, placing the end of the penis between the palms and moving the hands in opposite directions. This worked very well for Carl because his foreskin normally stayed over the head, held in place by his thick and tight gee-string. "Okay, let me help," I said. As my left hand continued to tickle Carl's scrotum, my right fist clamped around the base of his penis, constricting the veins for a fuller hard-on. Burt placed his palms around the end of Carl's prick and began twisting the foreskin over the head. Carl sighed and closed his eyes as the sensations reached him, and He grasped Burt's swollen prick in his right hand. Burt's prick was seeping lube, and Carl slowly worked his fist up and down the slippery shaft and head. Burt picked up the pace and Carl's jaw clenched, showing us how the tension was building in his body. He began moaning as the sensations became more intense, and I saw a drop of clear fluid fill the pucker in his foreskin. The skin of his shaft twisted, and I knew the feeling of having his foreskin's nerve endings stretched as the rotating hood rubbed his glans was bringing him closer to the peak. "You're also stretching his gee-string," I said as Burt moved his hands more vigorously. I saw Carl's toes curl as his legs began to tremble under the strong influx of erotic sensations. His breathing deepened, and he began gasping. I could feel the hardness of his shaft in my encircling fingers, and I knew he wouldn't be able to hold off for long because Burt and I were determined to draw the orgasm from him. His breathing had deepened, and now his stomach muscles contracted rhythmically as Burt's hands continued the rapid twisting motion around the end of his prick, massaging the tender head and stretching the hood's nerve endings at the same time. I felt several mild throbs of Carl's cock-root where my fingers pressed against his body behind his balls, and more clear lube appeared at the end of his foreskin, rolling down over Burt's hands. I was concerned that the lube would loosen Burt's grip, but at that moment Carl cried out, and I felt a heavy throb in his shaft and his cock-root. A thick jet of cream shot from the opening in his foreskin to land on his chest, and Carl's heavy grunts filled the room. He grunted again as the orgasm gripped him and another thick jet erupted from his foreskin pucker. Now Burt moved his hands down slightly, dragging the foreskin halfway off the swollen red head and we both watched in fascination as another heavy gush spread the lips of his slit and arced onto his stomach. Carl's hips were bucking hard in the throes of uncontrollable sensations, and now Burt skinned his prick totally to bare the ruddy and gleaming glans as yet another gush poured from the long slit. I saw Burt's face, strained and sweating, and wondered if watching and feeling Carl erupt would drive him over the edge, particularly as Carl's fingers were still wrapped around Burt's lubricated prick and stroking it. However, Carl's hand opened and released the hot hard prick, which bobbed in front of Burt's stomach. Now Carl's straining red-headed prick shot again, this time with less force, and we knew he was near the end. Burt's hands were still twisting Carl's drawn-back hood around the base of his glans, still providing sensations to draw another jet or two from him, but when Carl's gushes slowed to an ooze Burt released his prick. "He's too sensitive now," Burt said. "I better stop." My fist was still around Carl's cock, and I began milking his prick to draw forth the last drops. They rolled down his naked glans onto my fingers, and then onto the towel. I didn't want to touch the rough towel to his very tender and hyper-sensitive tip, so I continued to milk his urethra until nothing more seeped from his slit. Then I leaned over to plant a dry kiss on his tender lips. I turned my attention to Burt's straining penis, still wet with the copious lube he'd been secreting while he'd brought on our orgasms. I clasped it firmly and began rotating my fist around the head, knowing the sidewise stimulation of the nerve endings would bring him to a higher plane of excitement. Burt's cock throbbed in my hand, and I knew the psychic stimulation had brought him very close to the brink. Carl sat up, and dabbed at his penis, carefully wiping away the filmy residue. Then he spread a fresh towel between me and Burt. "How do you want to do it?" he asked Burt. "I'd like it if he docked me." Burt looked at Carl, then at me. I realized that with my long foreskin and his small glans, docking would be very easy, especially as my tip was small and shrunken after orgasm. I scooted up to his body, our pubic areas close enough for Burt's tip to touch my foreskin, and I grasped my hood at the edges and began to stretch it over his glans. I eased my hood over his cock-head, enveloping it down to the rim and the thick circumcision ring behind it. Burt's cock throbbed hard as he felt the warmth of my flesh encasing his naked tip. I wrapped my fingers around my foreskin to hold it in place and began stroking it over his swollen head. Carl cupped Burt's balls, gently kneading them to heighten his excitement. His other hand wrapped around the base of Burt's thick shaft and squeezed. "Ooooohhh, stroking both your foreskins got me so hot," he exclaimed. His breathing deepened, and I saw his eyes close. I felt his swollen tip throbbing hard against mine, pointed glans sliding against my rounded dome. Burt was primed and ready to pop, and I knew that he'd gush within seconds. I felt his glans swell and harden even more, and he began grunting as I stroked my long hood over his head. His chest heaved, and his grunts became louder. He let out a loud "HAH!" and his cock jerked hard. I felt the gush of hot fluid spurting from his tip, and swirling around both cock-heads. He yelled "HAH! Again, and another eruption filled my foreskin with fluid. His cock throbbed and jerked against mine, as torrents of pent-up sperm poured from its tip into my swelling foreskin. My flesh ballooned, full of fluid, and white cream began leaking from the edge of my foreskin as he shot again and again. His grunts and cries filled the room, and we watched him empty himself into my hood, the excess pouring down onto the towel. Finally, he stopped grunting and throbbing, and I let go of our joined pricks, easing my long fleshy sheath from his shrinking glans. A thick gush of cream dropped abruptly onto the towel, and I saw that his slit was still seeping. He opened his eyes and looked at me, still recovering from the daze. Sudenly, he leaned forward, grabbed me by the shoulders, and pulled me to him. His soft lips touched mine, and his hand went through my hair. When he broke away, he said: "WOW! That was delicious! I never came like that in my life!" Carl and I smiled at each other, and then Carl leaned forward to kiss him. I began milking Burt's still seeping cock, pressing a fingertip into his urethra behind his balls, carefully working it forward, and pressing the juicy residue up his urethra. As Burt's tip wasn't very sensitive, I had no qualms about wiping it with the towel. "We've got to do this again," Burt said as he watched me getting dressed. "I'll go for that," Carl added. I wondered what more surprises were in store for me. In any case I looked forward to another session with these hot men.

The end

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