Meeting the Dark Couple

By Sa Sa

Published on Dec 17, 2021


Meeting the dark couple

Chapter 4

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I walked over next to Andre , he stood up and removed his T-shirt , still wearing the grey jogging bottoms with the impressive bulge still showing . His muscles were really big , the crackling fire made his skin shine . He looked like a 6ft 6 God

Standing next to him , he towered over me . He looked me up and down.

" You did an amazing job Jada , she looks even better than I expected"

He then grab my hips and spun me around .

" And look at that ass, she born to be a slut" he lifted my pink nighty and spanked my butt.

I let out a small squeal as it shocked me .

They both laughed.

I felt my face burning up in embarrassment again, he then slid his hand around under the nighty towards my caged dick .

" Feels like the small cage , and them panties feeling quite sticky you naughty girl"

I wish he wouldn't call me a girl I thought to myself , but everything he was saying was true .

"Do I have to wear this thing all night ?" I asked hoping to get the cage off , as it felt like it was getting tighter .

"I can unlock it for you , if you want to go home ?" Jada replied from the sofa with a wine glass back in hand .

"I think your gonna have some fun , don't let the cage get in the way of a great time" Andre added. They really didn't want me taking this cage off ..

"Why no heels ?" Andre asked looking at Jada

"She's never wore them before " Jada replied while looking at me.

"Go get the white stripper heels, they should fit, " Andre said sharply

Jada rose up with a smile and walked out of the room .

I just stood there feeling like a naughty boy / girl , not knowing what to do while Andre admired my body.

Jada re-appeared quickly carrying some very expensive looking white ankle high heels . She handed them to me .

I sat back down on the sofa and put them on , Andre was correct they fitted perfectly .

"Stand up , see how you feel in them " Andre said softly .

I stood and felt taller , they also naturally made me arch my back which made my ass stick out more . Even with the extra 4 inches I still had to crank my neck to look at Andre .

"Walk towards the fire " Andre ordered

I turned and walked unsteadily , feeling like I could fall at any minute . " Stand up straight but arch your back " Jada commented.

I tried to do as she said .

"Hmm that ass looking even juicer now " Andre said while rubbing his hands together .

" Jada take some photos of us " Andre said sounding excited .

What! I screamed in my head , I take photos of myself in the comfort of my own bedroom ... I didn't want photos of me taken here like this .

Before I new it Jada had her phone pointing towards us , Andre was stood next to me with one of his huge hands grabbing one of my butt cheeks.

I immediately turned away from the camera wanting to hide my face.

"Look at the camera , your not camera shy are you ? Jada asked sternly

"Yes I don't want photos of my face taken please " I replied uncomfortably

"No one's gonna see them other than us , it's just a little photo shoot" . He then slapped my ass hard .

I swallowed the lump in my throat and looked at the camera .

Andres hands where all over me putting me into different positions, Jada must have taken quite a few photos . She then turned the screen to us and swiped through a few she had taken..

Viewing the photos I looked like a fucking slut , the makeup made me look very girly but if you knew me it was obvious of my identity . Andre then grabbed my hand and walked me back over to the sofa. I was holding on tight as I was still unsteady on my feet.

He then grabbed me by the waist and sat down , pulling me next to him . He was now sat with me and Jada either side of him .

"Have some more of your wine sweety , it will make you relax " Jada said softly. I glanced over at Jada , she looked out of this world . Sat there in her lingerie matching mine , the only visual difference between us now was her huge tits and the complexion of our skin, hers a brown caramel while mine a pale white . If somebody was to walk in now they would see two girls dressed in pink lingerie either side of a huge black man.

I reached forward to grab my glass , as I did Andre put his arm behind me so when I leaned back his hand was on my left ass cheek .

I sat sipping my wine with my legs crossed , it didn't feel appropriate to sit with my legs open like a boy anymore .

With nobody speaking for a second , my eyes gravitated towards his huge bulge . " Wanna see what's underneath? " Andre asked confidently.

I didn't even have time to think before I heard myself saying " Yes "

" It's yes Sir " Andre snapped

"Yes sir " I replied quickly

" Well you better pull them down then " Andre said arching his back to aid the removal. The situation hit me like a tonne of bricks .

How am I here on the sofa dressed in lingerie , full make up and wig , a pink cage encapsulating my small dick and stripper heels , about to pull down another mans trousers ?!?

"What you waiting for sissy , this is why your here " Jada said sternly .

I snapped back into the room . I took a big gulp of wine , put down the glass and leaned towards Andre's lap . I grabbed the top of his joggers , I felt him squeeze my left butt cheek which sent a twitch to my cage again. His bulge looked even bigger now .

I started pulling them down . " The boxer shorts as well " he barked .

I hooked my fingers over his boxers, pulling them down I was feeling anxious about what was under neath .

I first saw his pubic hair , it was dark black and trimmed really short . Then I started to see his shaft , it was thick , probably as thick as my wrist . I couldn't take my eyes away from it . I kept pulling down it felt like forever , until the whole thing just lay there resting on his leg. It was humongous. I new from the photos it was big , but in person it was something else .. how can anyone accommodate that inside of them ? I wondered in astonishment . It had to be 9 inches easily.. and was it even hard yet ?

His joggers and boxer shorts now around his ankles , he kicked them to one side .

"Don't be shy it won't bite " Andre said smiling.

I reached for it with both hands . It was way too thick to fully grasp and only half of the length of his cock was being covered by my dainty hands. It also felt really heavy , like it could actually give you a black eye if it was it hit you in the face.

It looked better than the ones I've been fantasising about for so long .

" Why don't you give it a kiss Jada said "

I leaned forward and kissed the head , which was probably bigger than my encapsulated penis . Jada again had her camera phone pointing at me , I wanted to say something but felt it would ruin the moment and would just fall on death ears anyway.

I felt like one of the girls out of the many hours of interracial porn clips Ive watched .

I opened my mouth and engulfed the head . Trying to suck while really struggling to cope with the girth , It tasted really nice . Being carful not to use my teeth i bobbed up and down trying to copy the sluts I have wanted be for so long.

Two hands started pushing my head down , his cock reached the back of my throat and I gagged .

The hands on the back of my head felt too small to be Andres , they were Jada's .

I heard laughter coming from the pair of them again.

"Take that cock you little slut " I heard Jada say while pushing me down hard onto Andres huge cock . The tone of her voice was different from before , she sounded angry like I had done something wrong .. I could feel it growing and throbbing in my mouth.

Meanwhile Andres hand was fondling my ass , I then felt him remove his hand then re-enter under my thong and felt a slight pressure at the entrance to my virgin hole . He must of wet his finger and It popped in , my small restrained dick twitched and I felt more pre-cum weep out . I wanted to shout stop but because his cock was at the back of my throat it came out as a load moan .

"Damn that shits tight " yelled Andre .

The hands on the back of my head kept me bobbing up and down , it also felt like Andre was thrusting to try and get deeper . "You better start taking more of that cock or everyone's going to see these photos " Jada said in the same nasty tone . This shocked me , she is only joking ? Right ?

I already felt like I was taking a lot of it but in reality it would of only been about 3-4 inches . I started trying to take more , gagging even more which was producing a lot of saliva and my eyes streaming with tears .

His finger in my as was then joined by another , which made

me again try and voice my concerns , this only made his enjoyment more pleasurable as my moans vibrated down his shaft .

His fingers then started moving in a way that started unfamiliar feeling in my cage .

Before I new it my moans turned from protest to pleasure.

"That's it baby cum for daddy " Andre whispered

His fingers started working quicker , I never felt anything like this in my life , how was he doing this to me . All of a sudden the pleasure started to over whelm me , I started grinding my hips trying to increase the feeling that was pulsing through my body .

The pleasure was getting too much , I tried to lift my head but I was forced back down again . Huge waves of pleasure started to pass through my body. My body's senses felt heightened - the stockings griping my legs and thighs , the nighty tight against my skin , the pink cage forcing my dick to stay small and not allowing it to grow.

Wave after wave became more intense , I was grinding rigorously with each passing moment .

His cock felt like it was getting deeper down my throat as the waves of new found pleasure took my mind away from my gag reflex .

All of a sudden the pleasure reached a new level , my eyes where shut but I could see bright lights. A huge orgasm like never before ripped through my body , I felt my body tense and my ass tighten around his big fingers. My caged dick started twitching , my panties felt wet and warm..

"This bitch is squirting" Andre yelled out .

Andre removed his fingers from my quivering hole and the grasp on the back of my head was released . I looked down at my thong , it was soaking wet . "What was that ?" I asked in a daze .

"That was a sissygasm , get used to them" Andre said proudly.

Normally after I cum I lose all interest in porn , but after that orgasm I was even more horny . I wanted to grab my dick and wank it ruthlessly but that was not possible.

"Please can we take the cage off now" I pleaded .

"This is the only cock your going to be stroking tonight sweetheart " Andre said while pointing to his saliva covered weapon.

"Let's go to the bedroom " Jada said looking at Andre .

Andre nodded in agreement .

He stood and put out his hand for me , his cock dangling in front of me . Too heavy to support its own weight it pointed towards me glistening with my saliva and lipstick. I grabbed his hand and stood up . Feeling even more unbalanced I had to hold onto Andre for support as we made our way up to the bedroom ...

To be continued

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Next: Chapter 5

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