Meeting the Dark Couple

By Sa Sa

Published on Dec 5, 2021


Chapter 3

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Andre stood to the side to allow me to walk inside , this is the first time I looked down as to see where I was walking . I couldn't help but look at his crotch area , he was wearing grey jogging bottoms and the bulge that I could make out startled me . It looked bigger than mine fully erect and as thick as a Coca Cola can . He could not get away with wearing them in public surely ..

As I walked past him into the hall way I could feel his eyes looking me up and down , I felt like a child not knowing what to say .

"Don't just stand there make yourself at home , take your shoes off and go into the living room 2nd door on the left. Jada is waiting for you "

"Okay " I replied sheepishly

Following Andres orders I go into the living room , it was a big room with a open fire with 2 big L shape sofas surrounding the fire .

Jada was sat with glass of wine in hand watching a music video on the tv screen .

She was wearing a baby blue nightgown and pink fluffy slippers , her cleavage of her amazing double D breast looked outstanding . No girls my age had tits like hers , I felt so proud and amazed to think she wants me .

"Hey hunny ! Glad you made it her safe ! Don't just stand there come and sit here next to me . She said beaming with a smile so infectious it calmed my nerves slightly.

I walked over and sat next to her not knowing what to say .

"I can tell your nervous but you are more than safe with us we just really wanted to get to know you more hope you still feel the same about us "

"Yes I still feel the same" I replied

Andre then entered the room and asked if either of us wanted a drink , me only ever having 1 glass of wine with a meal at home with my parents I opted for that.

While Andre was sorting the drinks me and Jada engaged in a bit of small talk , asking about everything I'm doing at college and what I do in my spare time . I found out she was a beautician which wasn't overly surprising. Andre was a entrepreneur having his own business designing some kind of sports wear for athletes .

Andre returned and sat across from us . We all sat for a good while small talking some more , me and Jada probably had 3 glasses of wine while Andre was happy with coffee . I was starting to feel quite tipsy but I felt very relaxed and could tell these were very friendly welcoming people .

Jada then stood up in front of me , she looked out of this world . The night gown stuck to her body and left nothing to the imagination .

" come upstairs with me matty "

My mind raced , are we going to have sex ?!?

We walked upstairs and she guided me into the bathroom .

It was a huge bathroom with mirrors everywhere and a big walk in shower . I stood in the centre not knowing what to do .

"Take your clothes off " she said authoritatively

This took me by surprise and I must have looked confused.

"What are you waiting for ? "

I took off my hoody , tshirt , tracksuit bottoms and socks . Just standing there in my boxer shorts .

"All of them "

I felt ashamed as I new I had a small dick and was hoping to not let her see me in full light .

I pulled them off and chucked them with the rest of my clothes . She giggled and called me cute.

"Get in the shower and relax , I'll be back in a minute to join you "

This got me very excited so I quickly jumped in and began to shower . I started touching myself to make my dick larger, but I ended up with a erection .

She returned about a minute later in a dressing gown, removed it and joined me in the shower . She was out of this world , I felt like I could explode there and then . Looking down she seen my 5" erect penis .

" We need to do something about that "

I got excited thinking this was it , I was finally going to get some action with Jada .

She then turned the water cold and jumped out of the shower and got back in her dressing gown . I screamed in shock and she shouted to tell me to stay in there . My erection immediately subsided and shrivelled up.

" Get out now matty "

I proceeded to get out and stood dripping wet I front of Jada in her dressing gown , she pulled out a small plastic device which I recognised from one of there photos .

"This is a chastity cage , it will stop anymore accidents like that happening , okay ?"

Accidents ? How could I have sex while wearing that I thought , I didn't know to respond .

She quickly went to work fitting the device , it kind of hurt and kept telling me to stop moving . She then stood back smiling to admire her work. I looked down and I was shocked at the site , a very small pink cage with a padlock on it .

"That's the smallest one we've got , it's a tight fit but you'll get used to it " she said still smiling .

"I don't want to wear this , How can we have sex?"

I said unconvincingly.

"We will have sex cutey, don't worry about that " This again confused me .

I looked to where I had thrown my clothes and they was gone . It had my wallet in so I was abit concerned

"Where are my clothes ?" I said

"You won't be needing them boy clothes for a while , I've been thinking about you wearing some of mine . I think you would look so hot , follow me " she said smiling even more now .

She walked across the landing and I followed behind closely, I had to walk different as the cage was so tight . We went into which must have been the master bedroom , she instructed me to sit on the bed while she looked through her wardrobe .

"I thought about us both wearing pink ? Do you like pink ? "

She new the answer as most of my online photos were showing me wearing pink lingerie .

I didn't get chance to answer before a pink thong and pair of stockings were thrown at me .

I just sat there holding them in my hands looking at them .

"Don't tell me you don't know what to do with them I've seen all your photos you little sissy , put them on !" She wasn't smiling any more.

I slid the thong on , the small cage hardly noticeable with it on now . Then I glided the stockings up my legs , standing up to position them correctly . She the put a small pink bra on me , it couldn't have been hers as it would of never contained her huge breasts.

"They fit you perfect " Jada said while standing there wearing the exact same as me .

"Right now where are the pink nighties?"

Talking to her self out load while walking over to another wardrobe.

I sat back down trying to compose my self , thinking how can we have sex while I'm like this ? Is she lesbian and wants me to be a woman ?

A pink night gown was then thrown at me which I slid over my head , as I was putting it on Jada commented on how excited I must be as she could see a wet spot on my panties .

I looked down embarrassingly , she was not mistaken. I must have been leaking pre cum.

"I've got some new makeup from the salon I've been dying to try on someone , I think your complexion would be perfect for it " Jada said smiling again now.

"Erm no I'm okay thank you " I said not wanting to disappoint her .

" No I insist " with that she grabbed a box of make up and started applying all sorts of things I was unaware the names of , still sat on the edge of the bed feeling powerless .

After about 10 minutes she held up a mirror , I did not recognise the girl looking back at me , I looked like one of the hot girls in porn.

I looked like a slut , I felt a twinge in my cage.

Looking down and lifting my nightie Jada said " It looks like your more than happy the wet spots getting bigger "

I felt ashamed but also feeling so horny my dick was straining and leaking so much , I needed release .

" We just need to find you the right wig and job done sweety " with that said she came back and fitted a short brunette wig to my head .

"Go and have a look in the full length mirror , see what you think"

I stood up and walked over to the mirror , omg I was stunning . I would of had sex with myself there and then , I could not believe it ..

"Can you walk in heels? "

"I've never tried " I replied weekly .

"Okay fluffy pink slippers it is then , put them on then we'll go back down stairs . Andre must be getting lonely"

Omg I can't let Andre see me like this , an hour ago we was chatting as boys/men . He's going to think I'm a pathetic excuse of a boy.

Jada walked out of the room , then stopped .

"I said let's go down stairs !" Echoed into the room .

I meekly walked out to follow her , going down the stairs my heart was throbbing , as was my cage . We walked back into the living room , Andre sat in the middle of the sofa where we was sat . A glass of wine either side of his coffee on the table waiting for us . "Here's my girls " he said while tapping each side of him on the sofa .

To be continued...

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Next: Chapter 4

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