Meeting the Dark Couple

By Sa Sa

Published on Dec 4, 2021



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I sat waiting for a reply anxiously , hoping to be good enough to warrant a reply from these superior beings . It felt like an age but in reality it was only about 2 minutes when I received a reply -


"Thank you for your message . We are very busy people and are very particular with the people we engage with . After a brief look at your profile you meet our criteria . As your profile is not verified, before we continue any further we will need proof you are genuine.

Message us on whatsapp on 0771......

If you can't do this our interaction ends now ."

My heart started to race , this became very real very quickly . Do I want to continue with this ? What am I even getting myself into ?

If I message them on WhatsApp they will obviously have my phone number and also be able to see my face on my profile picture . I went back onto the photo gallery of their fabswinger profile for another look , I felt a twinge in my dick and instantly picked up my phone.

I added the number to my contact list as darkcouple, opened WhatsApp to create a new message , the profile photo appeared instantly. It was a photo of the mixed race goddess on a beach in a white bikini , she looked breath taking .

Leaning to one side with a cocktail in hand you could tell she was a regular customer in the gym , not an ounce of fat on her mid section , but very well proportioned in the breast and ass department. I would of said her tits were double D's and an ass to rival Beyoncé , she could easily have been a model.

I started to type..

"Hi it's destiny from fab swingers :) thanks for giving me your WhatsApp"

My phone started to vibrate with an incoming video call from darkcouple. I just stared at the call not daring to move . The call stopped , a typing bubble appeared at the top of the screen . "If you do not accept the video call do not contact us again "

Two ticks appeared next to the message to validate I had seen it.

The phone began to alert again with the awaiting video call . I felt my heart beat like it was trying to escape my chest , my face felt like it was on fire , my hands shaking .

I pressed accept .

At first the screen was black , other than a small box at the bottom left of the screen showing my face , which I could see a very embarrassed boy looking like a deer caught in headlights.

Suddenly she appeared , looking more beautiful than any of her photos .

"Thanks for accepting , can you please tell me what i should call you " her accent gave me Jamaican vibes.

I panicked and gave my real name not being able to think of a fake one quick enough .

"Erm Mathew " I managed to muster out.

"Okay Mathew , you can call me Jada , my partners name is Andre ". Can you tell me exactly what you are looking for ?"

I froze

"Mathew ?"

I honestly didn't know how to respond , my brain felt like it wasn't working .

I responded -

" I don't know what I'm looking for , I just liked the look of your profile "

"What exactly did you like about our profile ?"

I felt ashamed , I couldn't think ..

" I liked the photos " I managed to blurt out

"Do you like Andres cock ?"

My face felt like it started to burn even more if that was even possible .

"Yes , and the photos of you " I replied sheepishly .

"Aww your so cute , now we know you are genuine we can speak more this evening when Andre is here . Do you want to ask me any questions ?"

My mind still racing and wanting to end this call as soon as possible I replied "No thank you "

The call ended abruptly.

I took a deep breath and felt like I had just been caught doing something really bad .

My hands where trembling but Jada seemed really nice and my god was she beautiful!

On the other hand I could imagine her being very domineering , I got the feeling she always

gets what she wants .

The rest of the day seemed to go really slow , I kept going onto her WhatsApp photo to look at her picture . She was the sexiest woman I'd ever spoken to in my life , i couldn't help but question why she was interested in me when she has an Adonis like Andre already ?

It's was around 9 pm and Id just got into bed when my phone buzzed , I quickly grabbed my phone to see it was from Jada .

"Hello sweet , I'm here with Andre , we've just being going through your photos and I've told him about our nice chat earlier . We would like you to come to our house tomorrow evening to get to know each other more . Your profile says your only about an hour away from us . How does that sound ?"

Tomorrow evening ! Wow this is moving fast , I started to feel nervous again . She must of really liked me !

My parents were due to go away for the weekend so this was perfect to avoid any questions of my whereabouts.

Going back onto Jadas photo made my dick twitch again.

I had to meet her .

"Hi Jada :) , I'm glad your both happy and want to get to know me more . I'm free tomorrow evening so would be great to meet up."

The message was read instantly -

"Great , 12 green avenue .... be here for 7ish .

Don't worry about bringing your panties and stockings , we have a huge collection here. "

Don't worry about bringing your panties and stockings? Is she talking about me wearing them or her ? I actually forgot about all the cross dressing stuff , as I was only thinking about how much I wanted Jada .

The chat was pretty much left there , my brain was spinning and couldn't get to sleep , when I finally did it was full of dreams about Jada . She'd really made an impression of me .

The next day all I could think about was what was going to unfold that evening . The day went by in slow motion and I was clock watching all day . After college I rushed home

to see my parents leave for the weekend , they left me money and wished me a good weekend . Little did they know of the plans I had made with a beautiful goddess , would I lose my virginity tonight ?

Just wearing tracksuit bottoms and a hoody I stood at the bus stop waiting to get onto the bus that would take me to walking distance of my destination . I got the same feeling from the first interaction with jada , extremely nervous and having second thoughts . Quickly looking at her photo again gave me the courage to jump on the bus and start my journey .

The bus came to a hault and my apple maps confirmed I was at the correct stop . I jumped off and started walking towards the address given to me , it was a brief walk and I was there . Standing outside a huge house with 10ft gates , it must of been worth a fortune. I pressed the buzzer and the gates slowly opened . It's the last chance to walk away I thought , but I didn't . I walked up to the door and knocked quietly .

The door opened , I was startled by the size of the man who opened the door , he had to be 6ft6 ! . I had to strain my neck to look up at his face . It's must be Andre . Our eyes met and I felt so small and insignificant , he spoke.

"You been talking to my girl ? "

I felt like I was going to burst into tears , I was just about to start apologising when he started laughing .

"Haha only joking , you a lot smaller than I imagined .. don't just stand there get that ass in here."

To be continued...

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Next: Chapter 3

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