Meeting Robert

By Timothy Brown

Published on Jan 12, 2011


Disclaimer: This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives.

Meeting Robert Chapter 3 - What Love Brings

So we continued in the shower, he fully dressed, and as I turned away, he placed his hand on the base of my ass, and slid his fingers in between my cheeks. As I felt him pressing his pointer finger into my rosebud, I moaned out. I bent back, kissing his neck, and then up to his Adams apple, playfully licking it. He reached around with his other hand and started stroking my semi-hard on.

"Mmmm.please don't stop."


It was strange, I woke up in bed cuddling with Robert. He was stirring in his sleep while I laid there starring at the curtains. After a few minutes, I had the urge to use the restroom and as I slid out of bed Robert lightly moaned out,

"mmmm good morning."

"Morning. I'll be right back I have to go to the bathroom."

I washed my hands after I did my business and as I stepped out, Rob was standing at the doorway.

"My turn."

So I let him pass me as I went to find a pair of clothes. Just as I found my bag, the familiar ringtone of Duffy's "Warwick Avenue" sounded. I quickly retrieved my cell phone and hit the green phone logo and said hello. The voice on the responding side was deep and stern,

"Is this Timothy Brown, son of Mary and David Brown?"

"Yes, may I ask whose speaking?"

"The is sergeant Burks from the Chico police department. I have some rather distressing news Mr. Brown I hope you're sitting down."

"I am now, what's the problem?"

"Your parents were killed in a car accident last night. Apparently, they were coming home from dinner when a drunk driver hit them going 87mph. He survived, but sadly your parents didn't make it. I understand that you're in New York right now. I recommend that you cut your trip short and come back. There are matters that need to be settled. I'm so very sorry."

I heard him hang up and then heard Rob come from behind. I dropped my phone and fell to the ground, Rob went to catch me but I fell regardless and as I looked into his face.I went numb. All he did was ask me what happened.

"That was a sergeant Burks.he told me my parents were killed last night."

"Oh my gawd.Timothy I'm so sorry."

"I have to go home. I have things to figure out. Do you mind driving me to the airport?"

"I'll tell you what. I have a few months time off, I will come with you. I don't want to leave you alone."

"Thanks, but you don't have to bother."

"What.Timothy nothing about you is a bother and this is certainly not a bother. Let's take this slow. Were going to get packed up and will take a private plane straight to your home."

The packing went by and the flight went by in a blur. When we arrived in Chico, we went straight to the police station. I met with the sergeant Burks, his voice really didn't suit his face. He was an extremely thin man, who couldn't have been taller than 5 feet. With Robert at my side, Sgt. Burks informed me that I was going to identify the bodies. We walked down the hallway towards the back of the building to where a small room was labeled, "Morgue". The Sgt. went to two of the metal doors and opened them, sliding the trays out, revealing the bodies of my parents. I was silent for a few minutes and finally when the Sgt. closed the doors he asked,

"Mr. Brown, are you feeling okay? You look very pale."

"I just realized what it feels like to be an orphan."

I turned to walk out of the cold room and stopped in the hall to catch my breath. Robert was holding my hand, I could feel the heat from his go through and warm up my suddenly cold skin.

When the sergeant came out, we started discussing what was going to happen. The bills that my parents had were taken care of by their joint savings and checking accounts. There was more than enough to cover the burial costs with enough left over to help out. I signed the bodies over to the mortician who had them dressed, looking their best. They were buried the next morning by and old oak tree. It was Robert, myself, the preacher and four men who carried my parents in their coffin one by one to the plots. As they were being laid to rest I said my goodbyes and turned to leave. The whole time I felt numb, as if I wasn't the one really doing everything, like another part of me was taking control and the real me was retreated in the back of my mind, crying in a corner all by myself.

While everything was going on, Robert and I stayed in my house. At first it felt so empty and cold, like the walls had no stories to tell because they followed my parents to the grave. We carried in our bags and took them up to my bedroom, I looked out of the window and saw that it was beginning to rain. It wasn't heavy, but just enough to make my drum. I sat down on my bed and felt all the anguish that was building inside me finally release. I laid back and grabbed a pillow and held onto it for dear life. Robert came in with the last bag and saw me as I was. He gently set the bag on my desk and turned to me.

"Do you want me to leave you alone for a while?"

"Please don't. I feel alone enough as it is."


He laid down next to me and held onto me. I cried for at least thirty minutes before I could muster the strength to speak again.

"Thank you Robert for staying with me. I know that there are a hundred places you'd rather be, then taking care of a crying."

I didn't get a chance to finish because his lips were on mine. I felt his hot tongue gently massaging mine. When he broke the kiss he spoke in the softest voice.

"I love you Timothy and this is where I want to be, with you, in your house, in you room, in your bed, with you. I know that you're dealing with a lot of heavy emotions and I want you to know that I am here for you."

"I love you too.thank you so much."

I started kissing him and soon the pent up emotions that I had were focused on one thing only. I looked at Robert and he seemed concerned.

"Timothy are you sure you want to?"

"Yes Robert .and be a little rough with me. I need it."

I saw his smirk and as I ripped open his shirt, I felt him struggling to get the rest of his clothes. While I was fidgeting with my zipper he pulled both my underwear and shorts off in one swift motion. I got my shirt off and let everything go. As we stood up, he pushed me against my door and pulled my hair, not enough to painfully hurt, but just enough to let me know who was king. It was a mixture and a fusion of hands, lips and thighs grinding and pushing back and forth. I licked his neck and I felt him bite my shoulder and that was all it took, I slid down on the carpet and felt his hardness rest in my crack as he laid on top of me. He started whispering in my ear.

"How rough do you want me?"

"Your doing great.keep it up."

"That shouldn't be a problem."

I could feel him rubbing his stick back and forth and as I turned onto my back I rapped my arms around him and was suddenly surprised at his strength as he lifted me off the floor and onto my bed and entered into me. With no lube it was a stinging hot pain, but I would be lying if I said I didn't love every minute of it. We were riding together, but before I could get comfortable with the momentum, Robert pulled out and stared at me with his crystalline blue eyes and before I knew it he was straddling my thighs and hand my arms above my head.

"Keep them there."

I nodded as he slid his hands down my arms. While I felt him lightly traveling down my sides, he bent down and took my nipple in his mouth. The sensation was intense, but when he bit down and started sucking, I thought I was going to shoot my load all over the both of us. After a few minutes and a couple different sucked spots across my chest I lifted up, leaning against my headboard. Robert was an animal as he crawled between my legs and started sucking my inner thigh. When I sent to move he grabbed my hips and held me in place.

"I said don't move."

"And if I do.what will you do."

"I will have to get rough with you."

I was eager to test the waters, so as fast as I could, I jumped from the bed and got to my desk before he caught my by the hand and spun me around. I looked in his eyes and they were filled with an almost terrifying glimmer of rage. He pushed me against my desk and I slammed against the wood and the wall. I watched as the sickly sweet smile traveled across his face. He roughly grabbed my thigh with one hand and my back with his other and slammed his lips into mine, there was a little pain, but it was worth it.

When Robert flipped me around and was ramming his stone hard rod into me, I could feel him hitting my love spot and it didn't take long before he was telling me that he was almost there. He pulled out and I fell to my knees and took him into my mouth. I could feel his heart beet through the veins of his cock. He started to tense up and held onto my shoulders for stability. The pain I felt as he dug his fingers into my back subsided when he released his seed into my mouth.

He watched as I swallowed every bit of it and while he leaned back, he pulled me forward and on top of him. We landed back onto the carpet and before I could get comfortable, Robert had my throbbing stick in his mouth, sucking for dear life. It wasn't but a short five minutes before I moaned out that I was cumming. Following my example, Rob swallowed my load but quickly lifted and licked my lips. I lightly tasted my cum and before he could pull away I held him for a second and lightly kissed him.

"Thank you."

He looked at my coarsely,

"For what?"

"Just. thank you."

He smiled and as we lifted off the floor, I started looking for my underwear and shirt. Robert quickly recovered his and was sliding them up his thighs. It took a few seconds before I found my shirt and while I was sliding it on, I was still looking for my underwear. It wasn't until I heard Rob from behind me laughing, that I turned around and saw that in the waistband of his, were mine. I quickly snatched them from him and slid them on.

"I don't know why your laughing Robert. I have your clothes so you get to walk around my house wearing those."

"What are you talking about my clothes are."

He trailed off when he saw that I had his pants and shirt in my hand.

"That's just wanted me to strut around so you could look at me."

"That's true."

When I went to hand him back his clothes he just grabbed his shirt and slid it on.

"Keep the pants."

While I was folding his pants and my shorts, I felt his arms around my waist. He took a deep breath, as I laid my head back onto his shoulder.

"How are you doing?"

"I'm still in pain, but surprisingly enough I feel a little better."

"That's good to hurts me to see you sad."

"I'm just really glad you're here. I hope you know that."

"I do and I hope you know how special you are to me."

I smiled as he let his lips cover mine. We both walked to the kitchen and found that there wasn't much in the refrigerator. While I looked for the phone book to order something to eat Rob had a strange expression on his face.

"What's wrong Rob?"

"Timothy can we talk about something?"

"Sure, what's on your mind?"

"Have you thought about what you're going to do?"

"No and in all honesty I was hoping for some guidance on that situation."

"Well I have a proposal. What if you move in with me?"

" would want me to move in with you?"

"Yes. I want you to move in with me."

"Alright.I'll sell the house and that should help with my bills."

"You know I would pay your bills."

"Well I appreciate that, but I want to pay my own way."

"I respect that."

"Are you sure you want to give up your house?"

"Yes.there's nothing left for me here."

Robert sat down next to me at the kitchen table and swung his legs over mine. As I was lightly stroking his thigh, I was searching through the pages of the phone book thinking to myself if everything I was about to do, was the right thing. Robert was snuggling close and making suggestions for food, before we finally decided on Thai.

As we waited for the food, we discussed what goes and what I will take with me. Robert wanted me to keep as much as possible. I began to think that maybe I was moving too fast, but then I thought about what has happened. Robert loves me and I love him, I've lost both parents and the rest of my family, so there was indeed nothing left for me here.

***Thank you for all the kind words. Sorry it took so long.

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