Meeting Robert

By Timothy Brown

Published on Apr 15, 2010


Disclaimer: This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives.

So before I begin with my story, let me get the preliminaries out of the way. My name is Timothy and I'm gay. I'm an art major in junior college. My body size is not typical. I'm a bigger guy, and always have been. At 6'2 about 275 lbs. on a good day, I have always stood out. Carmel colored skin, with hazelnut eyes, I like to think that I'm just an average joe, nothing to special.

So anyway, I got this chance of a lifetime to go to NYC. I packed my bags as quickly as I could. $430.00 and about 9 hours later I was in the big apple. Thanks to my dad, I got a reserved room at the grand Hyatt. Not to shabby a king size bed with a large bath tube. Those were the only things that I really cared about. I wanted to smell good, and I wanted to sleep good as well. I unpacked my clothes and put them in the dresser next to the television. My art supplies were stacked on the night stand next to the bed. I brought my old black sketch book, and a zipper container with pencils, drawing stumps and erasers.

I laid on the bed, melting into its comfy goodness. After a few minutes, I turned on the TV and a local gossip show came on. The top story was Twilight star, Robert Pattinson, has just been made into a wax statue. He was being displayed at Madame Tussauds Wax Museum. I always had a crush on him, and it wasn't because of Twilight. Don't get me wrong the books and movies are good, but I loved him in, "Little Ashes", were he played artist Salvador Dali and in "Harry Potter" where he played, Cedric Diggory. It was said that the opening was last night, but they were going to have him up for a few weeks. So I decided that this was going to be my first excitement in the big city.

Around 7:30pm I called a cab to pick me up from the motel and drive me to the wax museum. I grabbed my sketch book and pencil container. I wanted a chance to sketch Marilyn along with Rob. So at about 7:47pm the cab pulled up to the curb and I got in. The ride went by pretty fast, in the end I owed the driver $16.75. I walked up the steps to the museum and bought a ticket. Just from the beginning statues, I knew it was going to be worth the $35.50.

I passed the presidential figures and the music figures, but finally in the back I got the movie stars. I saw the Johnny Depp and Brad Pitt. It was creepy how much it looked like them, and the way their eyes follow you as you walk by. I continued to pass the stars, and finally got to the Marilyn and Rob. They're right next to each other, and I have to say I was blown away. I love Marilyn, she was the overall blonde bombshell.

There was a bench right in front of the statue of Rob, so I sat down and started to sketch him. From an artists point of view there was something a tad off about his face. His smile was great, the hair perfect, but there was something out of place. I looked down at my watch, it read 8:33pm. The guard passed by me a few times and said that the place closes at ten. A few fans came up and kissed Rob, then looked at my sketch and commented it.

"Oh you have done a great job."

"Thank you."

It was about 9pm that the place started to calm down. I seemed to be the only one left, and I wasn't finished yet. I figured I was going to get my money's worth, so I continued to sketch. After a few minutes, a heard foot steps from behind. I thought that it was the guard, but I had just seen him, so I knew it couldn't have been him. I was distracted by my drawing to look up when a voice came from my side.

"You have done a beautiful job on the eyes."

"Thank you." Besides a thank you, I never really understood how to correctly respond to good criticism. Still with my head down, I could tell the person was continuing to look at me. I sketched and after a minute, the voice spoke again.

"So you like him?"

It sounded more like a statement, rather than a question.

"Yeah he is a good actor and seems to care about his fans. There is nothing more sad than an actor that thinks he or she is better than their fans. It is rather sad though, that some of his fans can't control themselves."

"What do you mean?"

"Well I have read that Rob was stalked and some girls ran up to him with scratched necks, screaming bite me Edward. That's ridiculous. I know it was his choice to become an actor, but he still disserves to have a life."

"I agree. May I see your sketch book?"

"Sure.just don't run off with it."

It was right then and there that I dropped my pencils and book on the ground, as I looked into the eyes of Robert Pattinson. The real deal, not the wax statue. I could see just how much the statue wasn't anything like him. The real Rob was warm and cool at the same time. I bent down to pick up my pencils that spilled everywhere, he bent down as well to retrieve my book. After all was cleaned up, I stood and realized how embarrassed I was. Rob wasn't looking at me, but going through my drawings. He would smile here and there. Finally, when he came to the end, which was him, he looked over to me.

"I wondered how long it was going to take for you to look up at me."

"I'm sorry.I was just invested in my art."

"Nothing to be sorry for, I do the same thing. As you know I'm Robert, and you are?"


I held out my hand to shake his, and when his soft warm skin touched mine I could feel sparks tingling from my toes and landing in my crouch.

"Beautiful name."

"Thanks. Do you want me to leave so you can have some alone time. I imagine you celebrities don't get very much."

"No you don't have to leave.I enjoy watching you draw. You are extremely talented."

"Oh thank you."

So he sat next to me as I finished the sketch and after I signed it, he signed it for me too. At 10pm I was asked to leave, him being a star could stay. I thanked Rob for his time and packed up to leave. While I was walking, my mind was rattled with thoughts. I just met Robert Pattinson, and he was more down to earth then a hippie. He was really sexy, the magazine pictures just don't do him justice. Before I got to the front door, his voice stopped me.

"Hey, do you want to get something to eat and maybe some coffee afterwards."

What are you serious, he's asking me out.

"Umm. Sure.I have nothing better to do, but aren't you worried about the paparazzi catching you with another unknown guy."

"No.they will talk no matter what."

And with that we left. I went to walk towards the curb, waiting for a cab, but Rob said that he had his driver with him. So I got a chance to sit in the back of a limo with Robert Pattinson. This was a dream come true, I thought. The ride was nice and smooth. I could just see out of the windows, looking at the streetlights. His voice broke my concentration.

"So what do you do, Timothy?"

"Oh.I'm an art major, visiting the big city for the first time."

"And how do you like it?"

"It's a little busy for my tastes, but it's nice."

"I agree."

"Rob can I ask you a question, and I promise it won't wind up in a magazine."


"Why are you hanging out with me.I could be going out with anyone or going to a party, but instead you want to hang out with me. I'm a nobody."

He smiled. "I just want to hang out because I see something in you that is interesting. By what you said about the crazed fans and everything. I can tell you're a fan of mine, but you respect me as an actor as well, which few people do. They usually like me because of my face, nothing more. And you're not a nobody."

"In your world I am."

"My world?"

"You know the celeb world."

"That's not my world. I may be a celeb, but every time you me in add or events. I'm told to go. It's not my choice."

"Okay. Back to your comment about your acting, and looks, I do think your good looking, but I enjoy your acting as well."

Just as I finished my statement, my mind screamed when I realized what I had just said. I told him I thought he was good looking. He is as straight as a line, and I just hit on him. I watched as his eyes widened. He was silent for a minute. I turned my head away from him.

"I'm sorry.I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable."

"You didn't.thank you for the compliment. So now I have a question for you."


"Are you bi?"

"No.but I am gay."

"Oh okay."

"Is that okay? You're not homophobic are you?"

"Well if I was, I would be the world's biggest hypocrite."

When I thought about what he said, it clicked. Robert Pattinson is gay.

"Are you telling me you're gay?"



"Does that shock you?"

"A little." We pulled up to a little jazz restaurant. Rob got out first and as I slid towards the open door, he offered his hand for me. I lightly grabbed it, as he helped me out. I smiled, and I noticed he was blushing. He opened the front door, like a gentleman and let me go in first. The waiter came, and noticed Rob first and smiled. Rob asked for a spot in the back. And as we followed the excited waiter to the back of the place I could see a lot of people eyeing me.

We sat in the back, around a corner, and as the waiter turned to Rob and asked what he wanted to drink, I realized how much star power he really had. Rob said that he would have a cup of hot tea. The waiter turned to me, and I ordered a glass of ice tea. The waiter left and Rob looked at me, with a determined expression.

"Is everything okay Rob, you look distracted."

"You have no idea how good it feels to be out with someone who is okay with who I really am. I have lost many friends in the past. "

"I have I."

The waiter came back with our drinks and asked if we were ready to order. I hadn't really had a chance to look at the menu, so I asked if we could have a few more minutes. I glanced at the food and everything sounded good. In the end, I ordered lasagna and Robert ordered spaghetti.

"So Rob, what do you do when you're not filming?"

"Nothing really.every time I try something comes up, like a show or party for Twilight."

"Oh.sounds kind of sad."

"Yeah it is.but right now it's good, were taking a small break between Eclipse and Breaking Dawn. So I have some free time."

"That's good."


We talked some more about his family back home, and I told him about mine. When our food arrived, we looked at each others. He said my lasagna looked good, so I offered him a bite. I cut a small portion and fed it too him. He asked me if I wanted a bite of his, and I said sure. He cut one of his meatballs in half and fed it to me. The mixture of oregano and basil was to die for. We ate and listened to the music start to play. My favorite, Billie Holidays, Gloomy Sunday.

"Oh I love this song. She had such a beautiful voice."

"Yes she did."

After we finished I felt full and knew that there was no way dessert was going to fit.

The bill came, and I reached out to pick it up, but Rob put his hand on mine, and had a stern expression.

"I will pay, everyone always buys me stuff. It will make me feel good to pay.please."

With that, he smiled his smile and I felt my heart melt. He knew what he was doing, so I nodded and removed my hand. After he paid, and we loaded back into the limo, Rob sat closer to me. In fact, close enough so that our legs touched. Rob looked over at me and asked if I still wanted coffee. I nodded, and I felt his hand touch mine. The same sparks flew and I started to feel my crouch awaken. He looked into my eyes,

"Do you mind?"


And with that he held my hand and I could feel the butterflies in my stomach. We drove threw the city back towards the museum. There was a Starbucks of all places and we drove threw the drive thur, which was good. I saw how many people there were inside. He got a grande black tea, and I got a grande caramel macchiato.

Rob asked where I was staying so we parked in front of the Grand Hyatt. The driver had his window down, and said that he was going to stretch his legs. So with that he locked the doors and walked around the limo.

I sipped my coffee and so did Rob. He kept looking at me and smiling. Finally he spoke.

"So Timothy I hope this isn't too forward, but how would you like to stay with me, at my place. I'm renting a room at the Four Seasons. I can have your stuff brought over in the morning, and you can stay until you have to leave. I have nothing planned and I want to spend more time with you.if that's alright".

"I really don't know you that well, but I wouldn't mind spending time with you.So sure."

With that Rob leaned closer to me and kissed me on the lips. At first I was shocked and I leaned back, licking my lips, savoring his taste. Rob looked at me in horror.

"Oh..I'm sorry Timothy that was too forward."

"No its fine I was just taken back."

As I said that I leaned over and planted my lips back on his. He took control, which was fine with me. I leaned back as he started to kiss my neck and let my hand wonder over his leg. I slid it up his thigh and let it rest on his hip. He let out a moan, as did I.

We finally parted and just as we did, the driver came back. Rob told him to head back home and the driver nodded. ************************************************************ ************

The Four Seasons, what a beautiful place. Rob was on the top floor, as expected. We stepped into the elevator and headed up. Finally, when we got to the top floor, we stepped out into a hallway. Rob stopped at door 111. When he opened the door and let me in, what I saw almost made me cry. The room was a creamy white, with beautiful antique furniture and a view that was to die for. I ran to the window and looked out at the scene. It was beautiful. The deep violet skyline, wrapped with flashes of light from the still busy streets. Rob called for room service and ordered a bottle of champagne and some strawberries.

I took of my jacket, and held onto it, but Robert grabbed it from me and set it on the couch. I looked out the window, watching the night sky. The stars were out and everything seemed clearer than ever. I held myself, thinking about what I was doing. I was in a suite with Robert Pattinson. After a few minutes, I heard a knock on the door. I figured it was room service. I was right.

The champagne was filled and the large bowl of strawberries sat on the table. Rob came from behind me and handed me a glass.

"Thank you."

"What are you thinking about?"


I turned to face him, while sipping the bubbly drink. He was biting into a bright red strawberry. He offered me a bite and I nodded. I bit where he bit, and as I did, juice ran down my chin. I went to wipe it away, but Rob stopped me and leaned in, to lick it away. I shuddered at his touch. He held my wrist, but then let his hand travel down my arm and on my back.

"I'm going to change my clothes Timothy, I will be right back."

My head was spinning.


So with that he left the room, and went towards the bathroom. I went over and grabbed my sketchbook, and started to draw. I continued to sketch when Rob emerged from the room, in a pair of black boxers and a white v-neck shirt. His legs were white as paper, and lightly covered with hair. He had a shirt and pair of shorts in his hand, and handed them to me. You can change when you're ready. I grabbed them and went to the bathroom. I took off my pants and underwear, slipped on the baggy sports shorts, took off my shirt, and put on the loose fitting black one.

When I came out, Rob was looked at my drawing. He smiled when I came close to him. It was around 11:30pm when he asked if I was tired. I told him a little, and that I would take the couch.

"I have a huge bed, come on."

"Alright.if your sure."

"I'm sure."

I followed him into the bedroom. I thought the main room was impressive, but the bedroom was even better. A king sized four-poster bed, with chocolate brown sheets and tons of pillows. I found my way under the sheets as Rob turned out the lights. His voice was soothing even in the darkness.

"I'm a snuggler Timothy, if that's okay."

"I won't complain."

He came close and held my hand in his. What he said next took me by surprise.

"So do you have a boyfriend?"

"No.guys want looks and that leaves me out."

"I think you look never mind what other people think."

"Thank you.that means a lot. What about you, is there a special someone?"

"No.not yet. I'm hoping."

I could tell he was smiling as he said this. The seconds passed and I started to think maybe he fell asleep.

"Timothy I want to kiss that alright?"


He leaned in and planted his wet lips on mine. At the same time, he lifted his leg and rested it on my hip, so there was no space between us. His tongue wrestled with mine and I felt my cock stir, and I reached down and felt his. It was rock hard. He gasped, and I thought I hurt him.

"Are you okay? Did I hurt you?"

" feels good, keep going."

So I did. I let my hand stroke his hardness through his boxers. I moaned when I felt his hand, reach in my shorts and rub my balls. I thought I was going to cum right there. He lifted back and pulled off his shirt and boxers, and as he did, I followed his example. So now we were naked in bed together.

I wanted him so bad. His smell was intoxicating, if you could bottle that scent it would make me cum every time. He planted his lips back on mine, and I resumed my stroking. With every pass, I felt him grow larger in my hand. In the end, I would say that he was average, nothing ridiculously over the top. This I was glad for, in all honestly sex is suppose to feel good. I'm not into being split in two by someone who is hung like a horse.

His kissing was passionate and chaotic at the same time. When we finally broke, we both gasped for air. I slid down between his legs and planted my soft lips on the head of his cock. I could see the outline of his body arch up. He must have been extremely sensitive. I lowered myself on his member, and tasted the juices of his pre-cum. It was a mixture of sweet and sour. I could feel his heartbeat through my lips. After a few more seconds he lifted me off his cock and said that is was his turn.

He lowered his lips on my dick. I lightly felt his teeth as he was nibbling, sending waves of ecstasy through out my body. He started to groan like an animal. After a few more minutes he pulled off, making a light suction noise that made me giggle. He lifted his leg over me so that he was straddling me.

"So Timothy what do you want me to do to you?"

"Anything, kiss me, bite me, fuck me. I'm not picky."

"Did you just ask me to bite you?"

"I guess I did. Sorry if that's too kinky for you."

"I was just nibbling on I don't mind."

With that he leaned down and started kissing my neck, then kissing turned to sucking and soon it turned to playful biting. I moaned and called out his name, but soon I couldn't take it anymore, I wanted him in me.

"Rob, I want you to fuck me.please."

"Cuming right up."

"I certainly hope so."

I laid on my side and he reached around to the bed side table and grabbed a bottle of, what I thought was lotion, but turned out to be a tube of flavored lube. He squeezed some on his hand, and let me taste it.


He threw the bottle down on the floor and let his fingers wander to my ass cheeks. While spreading them, he planted the lube on and in my waiting hole. After a few moments, I felt his cock at my opening. He went slow at first, but I wanted it so bad, so I pushed back and let him slide into me all the way. I cried out in pain, but told him to keep going. After all what's pleasure without out a little pain. After the first few pumps, the pain disappeared and was replaced with the most sensuous feelings of rapture.


"Yes, don't stop...keep going."

I turned my head to face him. Even in this awkward position, I found his lips. His tongue was warm and his forehead was wet with perspiration. He continued to pump me, in and out. He placed his arms around me, pulling me into him. The sound of our flesh slapping together was just more incentive for him to keep going. His body was tightening, and I knew he was fighting off his want to explode, but after a few moments, and final thrusts, he tightened up and released.

When he slid out of me, I could feel the wet mixture of cum and lube cover my ass. I slid around and faced him. I was still rock hard, but I felt his wet member, soon turn flaccid. He leaned over the bed and retrieved the bottle of lube from the floor. He squeezed the bottle in his hand and started stroking me. He soon turned away from me.

"Fuck me Timothy.fill me up."

With that, I slid between his cheeks and went slow, but like me, he was impatient and bucked his ass back, taking all of me into him. He didn't cry in pain, just took a deep breath. I got into a motion and we soon were in unison, me pushing and him pulling. The sensations coming from my cock to my fingers, to my toes then back up to my head, was making me see stars. The moments didn't last long enough, in my opinion. I soon released, filling him up. I was slowing my breathing down, when he spoke.

"That was great. You hit spots in me that I didn't know were there. We should take a shower before we go to sleep?"


We both slid off the bed. He led the way taking my hand and kissing it. When he flipped on the light in the bathroom, I got to see his sexy white ass. It was lightly covered with hair, like his legs. When he turned the water on, it didn't take long before it was warm. He let me in first, and then came in behind me. He handed me a bottle of lavender body wash with a scrubby. I ran it over my body, but Rob led his hand mix with the soap, running his fingers over my skin. I could feel he was hard again.

Please feel free to respond and tell me what you think. I

hope you enjoy.

Next: Chapter 2

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