Meeting My Nordic Master

By Adam Jackson

Published on Sep 3, 2023


The normal caveats apply to this story as to the previous chapter(s), that all persons depicting consented to the events prior to or after the fact and were all willing participants in these events.

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Meeting my Nordic Master - My Weekend in Oslo. By A.Jackson

I slept fitfully that night, bound with my burning balls and pussy on full display, I shook as the pain failed to die down and my muffled cries went ignored.

I must have fallen asleep at some time I the early morning as I was stirred from my sleep by the sound of Master milling around the cabin, my eyes flicker open as I see Masters magnificent form dressed in running gear gathering together the implements of my abuse. He turns and smiles as I stretch my aching body, suddenly realising I am no longer bound.

"I cut your sorry faggot ass down after you fell asleep, it's not fun if I can't hear your beg or moan."

I roll on my side and then crawl over to him painfully to nuzzle my face against his dirty running shoes. I breath his sweaty odour in and sigh as he laughs, he spanks my ass hard enough to remind me of the sorry bruised state that it must be in. I look back at my purple cheeks, covered in welts and smeared with the dried remnants of the deep heat cream.

Master leads me to the door as I crawl behind him, looking up at his perfectly sculpted muscular globes in his tight running shorts. He pulls me to my feet and drags me outside, swatting my balls as he pulls me out and into the cold, crisp morning. I shiver and my brutalised butt cheeks quiver, to the amusement of my Master, he points to the woods

"Go do your business in the woods and then get that pussy if yours back here!"

I run into the woods on, pumping my tired joints, until I find a patch of clear land to squat and empty myself. Having only eaten cum all yesterday all that comes out is my dark, concentrated urine stream. I stand up and my feet slip from under me as I fall face first into the piss soaked dirt, smearing myself with stinking mud and splashing my own piss all over my face.

I scramble to my feet and return to Master, who only points at my disgusting visage and suppresses a laugh, he has me stand infront of a large tree as he unfurls a hose. He turns the tap and batters me with a powerful torrent of frigid water, I gasp as he sprays every tender inch of my hairless body with the freezing stream. The pain only gets worse as I turn and the water hits my bruised ass and the forceful jet tugs my balls as it pushes the sack forward, causing the rash coated skin to rub against the tree bark. The worst pain is when Master orders that I bend and grab my ankles, the water pummels my pussy as the sphincter opens and closes, footsteps precede the nozzle of the gushing hose being forced deep into my anal chute. The cold fills my bowels and causes my abdomen to swell, the flow is cut off and the hose is pulled out, a rush of cold water splashes out as my muscular ring slowly contracts. I hold the icy liquid inside of me as Master tells me to squat in a painful and cramp inducing position that ensures the full force of the water is pressed against my pussy opening. His gaze fixes me in position despite the cramp in my legs, back and bowels as my limbs shake to steady myself.

"Release it fag and show me your pussy!"

The sudden emptying of my insides leaves me feeling empty and as I turn Master approaches, forcing the nozzle back into my hole and repeating the entire process three more times before he lets me stretch my body and rub feeling back into my goose fleshed skin. I start brushing water from myself but a swift slap stops me

"You'll dry off on the run so don't waste my fucking time worrying about that slutty little body of yours!"

He slaps me again, this time hard enough to make me stumble forward as I reach back to clasp my rub my ass cheeks. Master runs and I follow, running awkwardly as my bare feet land disgracefully on the hard dirt trail.

After 45 minutes of running I begin to flag behind, a fact that doesn't go unnoticed by Master who spins on the spot and swings a haze inducing kick straight into my stretched balls. I drop and clasp my balls as my vision blurs, Master pulls my hair and spits thick strands of saliva onto my face until I remove my hands and spread my knees. A dozen brutal kicks later and my tear streaked face is being washed with Masters hot piss stream, I sputter through his salty, bitter fluid. He shakes the last few drops form his skinned back dick and tucks himself back into his running shorts, turns and continues his run back towards the cabin as if nothing had happened.

I stumble to my feet and clumsily follow him as my painful balls jiggle about between my legs. By the time I get back to the cabin my Master is stretching and twisting his beautiful body as he cools down from the 90 minute run, my weary self crumples and I end up crawling the last few yards and lying by his feet, panting and sweating profusely.

Master walks inside and snaps his fingers, slowly I drag myself into the cabin and crawl to where he has sat. I kneel between his legs and look up at his handsome face, as he shoe lightly taps my bare thigh, I clasp the sweaty, dirty shoe in my hands and lift it slowly to my face. I breath in the smell of his feet, his socks that have stewed for days or even weeks in his sweat, I kiss the tops of his shoes as I untie the laces and slip the sneaker off of his foot. I bury my face in the wet shoe, drenching my face in the dark aroma of his unwashed feet, the inner fabric lining is literally dripping his sweat as I dart my tongue about on the inside. His hand forces his sneaker against my face and I moan as his fragrance washes over me. He drops the shoe on to the floor and I dive to the clammy, warn space between his toes and the of his foot, the foot stink leaving smears on my face as I sniff at his pungent socks. I lick at the patches of dried sweat and feel the cotton softening in my mouth as the stiffness of the odourous patches is melted to release the strong tasting liquid. I continue to chew on his socks as I pull the damp cotton tubes down his ankles and off of his feet, I then drop the sock out of my mouth and begin to rub my fingers into the soft supple skin of his foot. I stick my tongue between his toes and clean between each one, tonguing the space until all I feel is smooth skin and taste his naturally clean and musky foot. I suck each toe into my mouth individually and then stretch my lips to stuff as many toes as I can into my mouth, drool spilling out and running down both sides of his foot.

I pull away and quickly clean his foot, apologising as I lap my own spit off of his foot, he shrugs and taps his other shoe against my face.

After worshipping both his deliciously sweaty feet Master stands up and presents his toned butt to my face, his shorts and underwear is soon kicked off as he pushes my nose into his crack. He smells unwashed and acrid, but he tells me to just sniff his tight puckered anus. He turns after I take a long drag of his stink and waves his erection in front of my face, pre cum flying off and landing in pearly beads on my face. He pulls off his tight, form fitting tshirt and lifts both arms. I understand his wordless command and lift myself to lap at his wet, hairy underarms. I give each pit a ten minute tongue bath as my fingers knead my Masters lithe muscular form, dragging his quickly cooling, drying sweat in small circles with my finger tips. I feel his cock pulsing and dribbling thick ropes of his pre ejaculate onto my dirty, rash covered inner thigh.

I know my place and sink back to my knees, sliding my hands down his hair covered ass cheeks, steadying myself with his tensing globes. He pulls away quickly and turns to bury my face in his ass again, the heady stench envelops me and I begin to gently bathe his perfect ass. Ensuring every hair is free from lint and sweat and grime before probing into his hole with my tongue. I cleanse his muscle ring of slime and sweaty juices as I press further into him, his thighs tense and the muscles pop to the surface of the skin as his hole tightens around my tongue, trapping it inside until he pulls away. He dresses into his running gear and picks a heavy looking bag up off the floor.

Master orders me to my feet and pushes me outside again, roughly guiding me back along the dirt road I ran on yesterday.

At the edge of the dirt road, where the rough gravel joins the smooth Tarmac of the main road, Master stops me and holds me against a sign post. Swiftly my hands are taped to the metal pole and my ankles are pulled up so my ass is hanging in the air and my feet are raised off if the ground. Tape wraps around my ankles and calves before Master removes his shoes and pulls off his dirty socks, one at a time, and balls them up. The sweaty cotton is shoved into my mouth as his bare feet are slipped gracefully into each sneaker, he then wraps tape around my mouth to keep the sock gag in. From the bag he pulls a pair if the boxer briefs I brought with me and pushes them on my head, blinded me and filling my nose with the scent of cum, as he uses the makeshift cum rag as a blindfold.

"Do you want pain or pleasure boi?"

I can't answer but try to hump the air to signal pleasure, he prods at my ribs as I breath in and out heavily,

"I guess I have to decide then!"

The patches are stuck roughly over my body, the sticky material seeming to meld with my flesh as he covers my abdomen, back, thighs and arms with the tabs. Then he turns the dial on the shock box and allows the current to flow through the pads, in randomised fluctuations of current, that send my body into wild spams.

Then I hear the sound of Master walking away, muffled by the underwear on my head, as he once again leaves me exposed to the world.

For a long time there is total silence on the road as my body attempts to flail around in response to the flow of electricity that is passing through it.

Then I hear a car, slowly moving towards me but the underwear prevents me from determining the direction that it is coming from.

Doors open, doors and not one door, I am simultaneously aroused and scared by the complete exposure and humiliation if this moment. I hear talking in Norwegian, laughing, then my balls are squeezed by an unseen hand. Zips are undone and I hear trickling sound, like rain pattering on a thin roof, the hand tightens it's grip as a condom covered dick is pressed against my pussy. They slide in with relative ease as my body willingly accepts the average feeling penis, they pull on my balls as they pound my hole. They tire after thirty minutes of full speed sawing in and out of me, they are quickly replaced by another cock that stretches my pussy as it forces past my sphincter. This new intrusion is coupled with renewed pulling on my balls and now the shocks passing through my body are turned up as someone plays with the controls. Fingers reach around and pinch and tug my nipples, heightening the quivering that runs through my body, my dick leaks and they laugh as a thin gooey string of pre cum hangs from my soft, locked dick.

The men work my body in a cycle, I feel four distinctive cock shapes but there could have been more of them as the time that each guy spent pounding me varied dramatically. Through the thin cotton of the underwear over my head I saw flashes going off periodically, at least one of the guys was capturing my public debasement and the thought terrified me.

After hours of relentless fucking each man proceeded to jack hammer my pussy with their cock before pulling out, ripping off the condom and spray their orgasm all over my body. Four loads dribbled down my body and I slumped, as much as I could manage, feeling wrecked in a physical and mental manner. Then the underwear on my head was ripped off and I saw that the crisp clean morning light had descended to frosty twilight, then I feared that they would take pictures of my face. They didn't, they simply passed the material around and cleaned their spent, softening cocks with the boxer briefs. My muscles were still twitching as the shock box had not been turned off and my anus winked sporadically as the men continued to watch me. Hands groped me and I looked around at the four handsome, happy faces of the men that had just used me, I was pleased that they had enjoyed using me but was curious as to what was going to happen. The tape was ripped from my mouth and the sock gag dragged out from between my lips, the underwear was pushed back on to my head and pulled taut from behind. I heard a sloshing and the crackle of a plastic bottle, then warm liquid flooded my face, soaking through the cum stained cotton and filling my mouth. The flow was relentless and the collective piss began to bubble up my nose, choking me even as I swallowed the bitter fluid. Just as my lungs began to beg for air the flow stopped and the fabric became slack, allowing me to breath in deep, shaking gasps. I look at the shadows through the lightly yellow stained boxers and hear the familiar sound of the plastic bottle crackling as it is lifted high above my head and the liquid is poured down onto my face. The underwear is pulled tight again as the piss fills my mouth and nose, I try to splutter and spit it out but the unrelenting flow continues, only forcing the salty urine further down my throat and up my nostrils. They stop pouring again as black spots begin to form in my vision, my emptying airways burn from the strong, acrid fluid as I struggle for breath. I plead with them as the cotton is tightened once more and I shake my head violently, my balls are kicked several times and I stop moving, not from the pain but from the realisation of how much control these strangers have over me.

The bottle is tipped again and I am almost drowned in the piss a final time, my sensory overload peaks as the current flowing through me is reduced and increased rapidly and the smell and flavour of the combined piss is forced over me alongside the flashing of a camera, close by, recording my disgusting state.

The piss runs out as I reach the point of lightheadedness, the underwear remains taut as I desperately try to fill my lungs with air, laughter then the wet material is ripped along the seam and allowed to slip over my head and dangle around my neck. The socks are shoved back in to my mouth and the tape is replaced, the men walk away and the headlights if their car illuminates my totally naked form as the vehicle reverses and drives away, leaving me hanging from my numb wrists and ankles on the sign post.

The darkness and silence makes the prospect that I have been left here alone sink in all the more rapidly, but then there is not darkness as lights shine brightly on my bound form. Foot steps break the silence as someone approaches me, crunching heavily over the gravel, I turn but the blinding high beams distort my vision so that all I see is a silhouette approaching.

"Have fun faggot?"

Masters voice is unmistakable as his hands reach out to rub my bruised ass cheeks, runs his fingers up my back and switches off the shock box.

"Yeah I thought you would enjoy being fucked and used by four strangers, that's why I set it up for some friends to find you out here all trussed up like a whore on display!"

His throbbing erection enters my pussy, and his full ten inches sink into me, through his breathless pounding he speaks

"Fuck I never thought they would enjoy you so much though...pounding this little pussy...almost drowning you in got me horny watching them...but you're not done tonight...Fuck this pussy fits like a glove..."

He sighs as his dick pulses, I expect his cum to flood my insides but he withdraws and I turn my head to see his beautiful erection bouncing wildly as pre cum flows out of it. Master pants and slaps my ass. He removes the gag and I cannot control myself, I tell him how much I love him and that I want to be his forever. A hard hit knocks the wind out of me as he lands the cane on my already bruised cheeks, the welt rising almost instantly. I try to say sorry for the outburst but the cane rains down hit after brutal hit on my tender ass, all that comes out is a high squeal. The cane lashes along my thighs and up my back as his swings grow harder and faster. I openly weep, as died my little dick which spews a long sinewy strand of pre cum. He caned me until his watch bleeps,

"Fuck boi you handled an hour with the cane pretty well"

His hand wipes tears and mucus from my face and his coated fingers plunge into my mouth. I suck and worship his fingers as his big tool pushes into me again. His hands run up and down my back, fingering the many welts that have raised the surface of my skin, his hands are cooling against my hot, sweaty body. He pounds with ferociously, slamming his full length and width as deep as possible, his force stretching my tired aching body but all that escapes my lips are load, slutty moans as his tool penetrates me at the side of a public road.

He bites me sweaty shoulder and digs his finger tips into my sensitive, swollen nipples as his hot cum is blasted inside of me and I am bred by my Master.

He pulls out and wipes himself on something, tickling my hole with his fingers as I hump the air in ecstasy, some of his cub drips out of my open pussy and his fingers force it back in. Three fingers easily slip in, a fourth joins them and he pushes roughly, the fingers sinking to the knuckles, I know what he wants but am terrified of the prospect of his big hand snaking up in to me. He doesn't care as his spreads his fingers, creating an opening for his thumb. That's it in one painful second his hand is in me and he pushes deeper. His fist forces it's way up into me and pain surges through my body in waves, radiating from my insides as he rearranges them to make way for his fist. The pain is intense but I lose all sense if pleasure in that moment as my vision blurs and goes black.

I wake up in a soft bed, silken sheets wrapped around me, I turn and see the city outside. Then the throbbing in my ass flares up, I toss and turn trying to find a comfortable position and fail to notice him watching me from the doorway. He pads over, wearing only a pair of trunk underwear and sits at the end of the bed, an apologetic smile on his handsome face. He sits there for awhile, in silence and the morning light plays across hi beautiful form,

"Sorry that things got a little out of hand but in a way I'm glad you passed out before I really did some damage"

He rubs my thigh as he talks, but no longer in the aggressive, commanding way he used to, instead talking like a concerned friend.

"It's been fun but I've realised that I'm likely to take things too far and that would be shitty for both of us, I don't think that the two of us can do this anymore. It's not fair for you to have to travel and I don't like that how far I let things go when are together."

I look at him with tears in my eyes as I realise that he is ending the Master/Slave relationship, the relationship that had resulted in me fulfilling and trying everything that I had fantasised about. I thought I should be upset but I wasn't even angry.

I told him that he was right because at points during the weekend I had feared for my safety or that I was completely exposed to strangers, and while I had liked the pain I realised that it was the situation and the man inflicting the pain that had really been the driving force to my submission.

"To be honest I never expected to find someone who would have let me do all that to them, and now that I have I have come to think that I don't like inflicting pain on people. It's hot but I felt guilty afterwards and I feel really guilty about this weekend"

When I ask why he tells me that he had planned to use me all weekend as a final scenario before he told me that we shouldn't meet anymore. I was hurt as this was the only other person who had truly understood my desires and had allowed me to explore these fantasies in relative safety.

"Like I said I always felt guilty after I hurt you but seeing you pass out on me made it hit home that what I was doing probably wasn't right."

He gets up off the bed and pulls back the covers, I see my swollen nipples and balls and roll over to see the welts all over my back and by deep purple coloured ass. The pain floods over me in that instant.

"This is what I did to you, I inflicted all this pain and while we both enjoyed it at the time I bet you're regretting it now?"

I nod, as the culmination of the weekend of abuse sets to work sending sharp pains through every nerve ending, he rolls me over and removes the cock cage. He asks if I want to keep it and I say that I might as well, as a souvenir of my time as his boi. He leaves the room and I tells me to sleep the rest if the day.

He comes in after five and gently wakes me, telling me that there's food in the kitchen and that he should apply some more balm to my bruises and welts. This time the balm is actually a balm that soothes my sore body, I follow his underwear clad ass into the kitchen and see the food laid out on the table. I realise that I haven't eaten any real food since Friday morning and I am now feeling incredibly hungry, I try some of all the food then eat a lot more of the things that I like.

I sir there and stare across the table as he slowly eats his food, I wish things had been different but my body wouldn't be able to stand up to the physical strain of the situation. After eating he suggests that I go and shower and get dressed, it suddenly hits me that not only do I need to leave soon but that I have been naked this whole time. A hot shower later I step into the bedroom and see my bag full of clothing, next to it on the bed are my cum stained white shorts and shirt. I dress in the new clothes and pack all my stuff into my bag. Before I leave I ask home where all the clothes came from and he tells me that he didn't know what I would like to wear so just bought a selection that I could choose from. He has also dressed, in smart attire, and is waiting to drive me to the airport. He looks nervous and a little down so I take the chance and hug him, squeezing the perfect body that I spent so long worshipping, thanking him for everything. I even thank him for the things that were not as fun.

He gently squeezes back and then asks if I want to go. I nod and he escorts me to his car, this time though I am dressed in normal clothes and nobody looks at me twice, there are no comments made in either English or Norwegian and I am glad.

As he drives we talk honestly, about all things, both the important and the unimportant, he tells me that he has a partner who lives with him and that he was the one that bought the clothes and cooked the food. He shows me a photo of the two of them and I admit that they make a perfect couple, both handsome and well dressed in every picture. He then admits that part of the reason he wanted to end things was so that he could try out having a normal relationship with his partner, again I was a little hurt by this initial dishonesty but was touched by the sentiment. At the airport, as he walked me to the terminal he suggested that we stay in touch, as friends with mutual interests, I hesitantly agreed it knew that sooner or later he would probably forget me.

As I walked away he again apologised.

This was the last time that I saw him, the best part is that we did then become friends and would regularly visit each other to talk in person. He remained with his partner and didn't need to use another boi, which he said pleased him because I was the best slave he could have imagined using. I also stayed away from the junkie at realms of sex, fearing that I would let things go too far if I was ever in a similar situation. I still fantasise about some of the things we did together but am happy that I am not returning to my flat every weekend sore and bruised after a rough session.

I haven't done anything kinky since this as the experiences were pretty dramatic, but I often look back fondly on some of the hottest encounters and most intense orgasms I have ever had during the six months that I was his boi.


Thank you for reading.

This is the end of my story, there were no more events after this but there were a few sessions between these events. I don't see any point in writing about them as they added nothing to this chapter of my life, however I may write about them at some point in the future.

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