Meeting My Nordic Master

By Adam Jackson

Published on Sep 1, 2023


The normal caveats apply to this story as to the previous chapter(s), that all persons depicting consented to the events prior to or after the fact and were all willing participants in these events.

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Meeting my Nordic Master - Friday Night in Oslo.

By A.Jackson

(My first story was, while based on real life experiences, a fictionalised account of events that occurred at different times and in different settings which I spliced together in a condensed portrayal of the meetings that took place over several months. This meant that the story was longer as I adapted my first meeting to depict how I had fantasised it. The following chapters will be shorter as the events will be spread out over the course of a weekend in Oslo with my Master. Enjoy.)

I exited the terminal carrying my sparsely packed carry on bag, contained within were the white T-shirt, shorts and converse that I had worn to every meeting with my Master, the only other clothes in the bag were a freshly opened pack of boxer briefs which I would never wear and a handful of tshirts and shorts that acted as filler to the empty space in my luggage. As per his instructions I had worn no underwear and had locked my dick in the plastic chastity cage at the beginning of the month, using a plastic lock to prevent myself from setting off the metal detectors at the terminal. Following his orders I found the nearest bathroom and first emptied the filler clothes out of my bag, dumping them all in the bin, then I slid out of my clothes, listening carefully for anyone entering and packed them into my bag. Gently closing, but not locking the cubicle door behind me I took the photos he had asked for, my naked body on display, even opening the door and showing my hairless form within the public bathroom. The pictures were sent and I waited on my knees on the bathroom floor for his orders.

The reply simply read

'Dress in your normal clothes and get that faggot ass to the hotel!'

I quickly did as I was ordered.

The hotel lobby was filled with people and I tried my best to ask, in broken phrase book Norwegian for my room key, eventually a guy roughly my age who spoke English escorted accompanied me to my room. He stood in the open doorway as I absentmindedly began following my Masters routine of stripping out of my clothes the second I entered the room, the guy politely coughed and I turned to see him standing trying to look like he wasn't looking as I blushed a deep crimson. I searched through my pockets while still puling off my remaining clothing, I hand him all the balled up notes in my pocket as a tip and smiled as his eyes roved down my dramatically man scraped body and to the cage.

He gave a quizzical look and a smirk and then thanked me for the tip of almost two hundred pounds in Krone.

I closed the door and ran my hands over my bare body, checking for stubble, I find none and so begin my usual preparation of flushing myself out and showering under the cold water, standing in the tub to drip dry and shiver, then folding all of my clothing and placing in my bag, which is placed on the table by the door. Finally I unlock the door and retreat to the bed on my knees, legs spread, chest out, hands clasped behind my head and the unwashed jockstrap that Master left specially for this trip covering my flaring nostrils and my hungry mouth and darting tongue.

I wait, breathing and tasting him for hours until the door closes and a painful kick is delivered to my accessible balls, my face is forced into his rich, musky crutch to muffle the screams as his foot pounds time and time again into my tender sack.

A knock at the door ends the aggressive kicking as Master saunters over and swings the door wide, exposing me to everyone outside, I shake and my penis attempts to grow in the cage as a nervous laugh snaps my eyes open, the young employee is standing in the doorway, peering in at my humiliated form, as he explains that he forgot to give me the room service menu. Master just talks to him in Norwegian as I see him smile and nod, then the door closes as two sets of footsteps approach, the jock is pulled off my head and the young employee waves an impressive dong infront of my face, he taps me lightly and then harder as he beats both cheeks with his silky, vein covered shaft.

"You like this dick, come on if you want it you have to beg for it pussy boi!"

My lips quiver as I begin to moan loudly and plead with him, I tell him how beautiful his dick is and how I wished I had a real dick like his, as I finish a wet streak spreads across my cheek as he brings his pre leaking cock head to my lips. I kiss it and then swallow it, tasting the fragrant sweaty junk and enjoying the feeling of his fingers running through my hair. His piss flow starts rapidly and gushes out in huge powerful bursts as I gulp down the acrid harsh tasting fluid.

"That's it slut drunk my piss you worthless urinal mouthed cunt!"

I am shocked by the aggression the seemingly polite guy is showing me, I am more shocked as his urine stops and his shoe presses down hard on my balls. To stifle my scream he rams deep as he stomps angrily on my balls, I cry but he still continues until he starts firing a hot sticky orgasm deep in my throat, pulling out and spraying my face and chest in his semen. Master hands the kid a pair of the boxer briefs to wipe himself clean with as the kid turns and leaves after wiping and tucking himself away.

I look at Master who scrapes some if the massive load off my face and into my mouth, and while I suck his fingers clean he wipes the remnants of the hotel employee from my body with my shorts.

"Get up and get dressed you disgusting fuck, you're checking out!"

I scrabble to my feet as Master throws me the skimpy, thin clothing that I have worn for every meeting. The formerly white clothing is stained with mud and piss splashes and crusty with dried cum, plus the nylon shorts are practically see through as Master wiped the fresh sticky cum from my body, choosing to use the crotch and ass to clean me.

The clothing reeks and I know Master is only pushing my limits to make me squirm, both physically and mentally, but this humiliation is a definite step up in his dominance. We leave.

I get several strange and disgusted looks from hotel patrons and staff as I am led wearing almost nothing by a smartly dressed, perfect man who is clearly in charge. Outside the hotel the nip in the air bites at my exposed flesh as Master briskly walks down the street and towards the hotel car park, choosing the busy pedestrian pavement for me to follow him down. I hear muttering and obscenities in both Norwegian and English as people see or smell the state I am in, my face feel hot and I am so humiliated, the worst thing us that the humiliation is making my achingly desperate cock leak, serving to make the white nylon even more transparent as a fresh wet spot forms at the crotch.

At the car, parked close to the street, so the passenger stands across from the pedestrians Master shoots me his trademark look as he gets in the car, I strip quickly and fold my clothes as quickly as possible, knowing my nakedness is completely visible to everyone on the street. I try the door but it is locked and the boot opens, I run to the back as the vehicle starts and the engine revs, attracting more attention to me as I gently place my clothing in the slowly closing trunk. Then I run back as people stop and stare at my nude form, jeering, slapping and fondling the naked fag as I pass them. The door is still locked and the car moves forward, I struggle and then resign myself to the idea of being left completely naked and helpless in a foreign country. Just then the lock clicks and I jump into Masters car.

The drive is long, as his car makes its way through the dense woodland on the narrow roads. I am still shocked by what he has done already but I am not angry because the entire event only made me love and cherish the safety my Master provides even more, the total humiliation of my public exposure not only turned Master on but also aroused me, despite the danger I felt.

On the drive Master made me chew on his dick as he fed me two loads of his warm semen, he used my mouth as his urinal so that he didn't have to pull over to piss and he told me about his cabin

"The place is completely deserted this time if the year, no people for miles so I can do what ever I want all weekend. You'll love it fag.

The first thing that'll happen is that I am going to tie you up and beat that ass if yours till you can't scream anymore, understand I am going to punish you for because I want to and because you know you want me to!"

His smile is warm but I know that he intends to do what he is saying.

He stops the car and opens the passenger door, I know to get out and close the door behind myself. He pints in the direction I need to go in and says one word


I set off at a run as his car speeds past, kicking up dust and gravel as he goes. The clouds settle as the car disappears into the distance, leaving me jogging along painfully, across the unyielding surface if the road.

I lose track of time but know that if I am late Master will likely drive off and leave me stranded for the weekend, as he has done several times before as a punishment for being too slow. So I speed up and sprint up the steepest incline, every joint and muscle in my body screaming at me to slow down and rest.

By the time I reach Masters lodge I am sweating and coated in a filthy film of dust and dirt, but Master is standing leisurely against the wooden paneling of his cabin, he smiles and tells me I only took forty seven minutes.

I am relieved until he clips the handcuffs in to my wrists and snaps the stretcher round my balls. Pulling me by my sack he leads me into the pine forest, tugging painfully in my scrotum to make me move faster. Master binds me to a tree, tightening rope around the tree trunk as he fastens my body, rubbing my smooth skin against the rough bark. He doesn't bother gagging me as he tells me the woods are empty as he begins to paddle my ass.

The implement he uses is a heavy wooden paddle with grooves carved in one side and holes drilled through, he made me buy it from a small sex shop that specialised in S&M equipment, an implement designed to cause maximum pain without damaging the skin.

He swings without remorse as I scream, making my throat hoarse and sore as the fire burns my ass cheeks. He laughs as he watches my ass ripples after each whack, his speed and power increasing with each tonsil shredding cry I let out. Time loses all it's importance as he beats me, he stops only to stand back and flatten my balls against the tree bark with his shoe until I senselessly flail and beg for the paddle again. This continues until Master comments that my ass is going to be purple in the morning as he drops the paddle on the floor.

Only after untying and releasing me does he tell me that he has been working my ass for over an hour, a fact that makes me fear the intense pain I will feel tomorrow as the bruises form under my skin. Stumbling uneasily away from the tree I am sure that the punishment is over, even as the welts raise from the surface of my hot cheeks I think Master is satisfied with his work. But he roughly pulls me back and stares in to my eyes.

Sinking to my knees I tremble as he proceeds to tie me once again, this time hanging from a branch above. He cups my small balls in his hand, pulling them away from my body as he brings his fist back. The first punch is enough to make me pull my legs up to try and protect my crotch, but the intense look in his green eyes forces them to drop and give him access.

Using both hands he hits my wildly swinging balls with his fists, treating the sensitive orbs like a punch bag, my balls are already throbbing and beginning to swell and he has barely broken a sweat. For forty minutes he subjects my balls to the power of his fists, only stopping to spit in my face or crush my genitals against the bark of the tree with his shoe, when he steps away to marvel at his handiwork I look down horrified at the bulbous, bright red sac that now hangs heavily and painfully between my legs. My balls have been swollen before but never to this extent, they feel as if they are in fire and seeing them seemed to shorten the distance from the pit of my stomach to my mouth.

Fingertips gently tickle the inflamed flesh as he laughs and my pale face and trembling body.

"This is what you need boi, a real man to push you and to hurt you.

Just think I have you for three days and you're going to let me do whatever I want to you!"

My master comes back after taking a ten minute break, holding a bottle of his hot, fresh piss in gloves hands. I gulp the golden liquid that he offers me and end up emptying the bottle, then I realise he is stroking my balls again, tenderly squeezing and pulling the oversized mound. He leaves briefly and returns holding a collection of leaves in his hands, his smirk tells me that the plants he is holding are indeed stinging nettles and I don't need to guess their intended destination.

Cold, nervous sweat beads up on my body as his hand approaches my balls, slowly then a swift crushing motion forces a palm full of nettles painfully into the stretched skin of my scrotum. He twists and rubs and gyrates the leaves until I am twisting wildly in my restraints, wordless cries escaping my throat as tears trickle anew.

Nettles are rubbed on my balls until the leaves resemble a thick green slurry, then Master gathers more leaves and repeats the process, again and again. At some point he must have got bored with my balls as he begins to rub the nettles roughly all over my quivering inner thighs and across my bruised ass. He rubs the mound in his trousers as he drags a handful of leaves down my left thigh, back up and across my crotch, down and up my right thigh and back across my balls to my smooth, sweaty taint. The sting is mind bending as the nettles move back further and into my ass crack. The sensitive skin on the inside of my cheeks seems to catch fire as the leaves are dragged abrasively back and forth. I am begging for him to stop.

Then his gloved fingers prod at my hole, the twitching muscle acting instinctively to open and allow access, I try to close my hole, knowing what he plans, but his hands are quick as the balled up nettles are quickly fucked in and out of my hungry pussy, the velvety lining screaming for relief from the unforgiven stinging pain.

As I thrash and twist my Master untied me and pulls my convulsing form to my feet, through tears I see his typical stern gaze as plead to remove the nettles.

Slap. He spanks my tender ass as he tells me to shut the fuck up and to get moving.

Making it back to the cabin I fall to my knees at the door, as Master makes his way inside. My body is covered in lumps and burning patches. He shouts for me to crawl inside and present.

Under the harsh light if the bare bulb I look at my body, streaked with dirt and coated in sweat, my swollen balls look an angrier shade of crimson except where some remnants of nettle remain plastered to the skin. My hole twitches as I see Master revealing his abs and the golden trail of hair the leads through the centre of his toned stomach. Sweat glistens across his upper body as he throws the sweaty shirt in to the corner, my sphincter twitches again, each time causing my itching anus to spasm and send twinges of pain flaring outwards.

He stands rubbing his bulge and laughing at my discomfort.

His stunning, shirtless form walked towards me, he stood with his large, fragrant bulge at my face and nodded at me.

My face dove into the heat of his crotch as I breathed in the scent of his magnificent tool while my fingers struggled to undo his belt. He helps me to slide his trousers and his trunk underwear down his powerful, muscular thighs that are coated in soft strands if golden hair. I kiss his skin covered cock, from the wet tip of his foreskin to the delicious sweaty patch of trimmed hair at the base. The smell is intoxicating as I bury my nose between his thigh and his crotch and lick the clammy flesh, I bathe his large balls in their smooth loose sack and force my tongue flat against his taint.

I lick and kiss my way back and force my tongue under his foreskin and taste his beautiful pre cum, he thrusts impatiently and forces his wide spongy head down my throat. I choke and gargle on the 10 inch monster that invades my mouth, saliva flows out and bubbles around the base as Master holds his entire length of his thick dick down my throat.

As I breath through my nose his scent fills me, sending a tingling sensation through every nerve ending in my body, he then begins to roughly fuck in and out of my throat, completely ignoring my coughing and gagging as he uses my hole for pleasure. Soon my raw, dry throat is filled with choking globs of his thick white cum, as for the third time that day I swallow his massive load.

Following the standard procedure I clean his dick and begin worshipping any sweaty, dirty body part presented to my lips.

I have just finished scraping the toe jam and sweaty cotton from between Masters long, slender toes and massaging his soft, perfect feet when he orders me to stand in the centre of the room, he manoeuvres me to his satisfaction and ties my hands and ankles together, both are then hoisted up and secured to the bare wooden beam above. His overwhelmingly handsome face appears between my legs, emerald eyes glinting majestically as he looks at me with affection

"Faggot I'm going to be really kind and soothe tide bruised cheeks of yours, that is if you want me to apply this lotion?"

I nod frantically, knowing I cannot speak, desperate to dull the burning throb that comes from my ass. Soon I feel a cool cream being rubbed onto my cheeks, Master massages the tender globes and applies more lotion. His hands wander across my ass, groin and legs, spreading thick white layers of the cream and producing a gentle soothing effect. His hand runs back to my itchy ass hole and two fingers push inside, spreading the cold lotion over my stung pussy. The feel of his fingers is too good and I moan, he probes ever deeper and thrusts at my prostate.

"How long has it been since you came slut?"

I stutter out, in my immense pleasure, that I haven't cum since he used me last month when he locked the permanent plastic case on my little dick. I quiver and grunt as his fingering forces a trail of cum out of my locked, flaccid penis. He continues to rub as my stretched balls are milked dry, he smiles at me and tells me I can wait another month to cum now as he pulls his hand away, I vocalise my frustration with a pained moan which earns me a hard slap to my empty nuts and my Masters teeth to bite and pull at the skin of my chest. He sinks his teeth into my hard nipple as a damp, musty pair of athletic socks are shoved into my mouth. Tape secures the gag and my Master stops biting my now swollen nubs. His slaps both nipples and then circles my body as the lotion begins to tingle.

When he stops moving he throws the empty tube on my chest and I see the familiar sight of Deep Heat muscle rub, I pull at the ropes as the burn sets in, every nettle sting seems ablaze and the inside of my pussy burns potently as my anus twitches and dilates to relieve the pain. This only makes the pain worse and causes me to fight against the ropes again and scream into the sweaty gag in my mouth.

"Have fun faggot...and try to get some sleep you have a long day ahead of you tomorrow!"

At that Master walks from the room and switches off the light, leaving me to suffer my burning skin and fight against his expert knot work while he sleeps soundly in his bed listening to my muffled screams.

Next: Chapter 3

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