Meeting My Nordic Master

By Adam Jackson

Published on Aug 29, 2023


This story is a work of fiction that compiles a series of smaller events that have happened on different occassions into a single night, the exact circumstances are different for the pleasure of the reader but both in the story and in life these events took place betweeen consenting adults all aged over 18.

This story is based on reality but has been altered to convey how i wish my first meeting had actually gone.

Meeting My Nordic Master. by A.Jackson

There was a bitter chill in the air as I walked into the mouth of the small wooded area. His orders had been clear, wear a pair of small white nylon shorts, a white t-shirt and a pair of white converse. No underwear of any kind and bring no other clothing.

As I entered the woods I heard the sound of twigs snapping behind, ignoring it I continued into the clearing, following the route he had ordered. Suddenly there was swift movement as a powerful kick from behind made direct contact with my balls. The pain was intense, sending waves of heat radiating out from my nut sack, as I fell to my knees a crotch appears before me. Clad in black denim and bulging, telling me that he had enjoyed the kick as much as I had, he thrusts towards my face allowing me to breath in his scent. As promised several days worth of sweat and musk mixed with the subtle odour of semen and dried piss.

The scent of a real man filled my nose.

The moment of almost intimacy lasted mere seconds but time stood still. That was until the kicking began.

Each punt to the balls was perfectly on target, delivered with the sheer force and aggression that he had said they would, every kick forcing my "little bitch" balls up into my body and producing a white hot pain that caused me to break into a sweat and pushed me ever closer to passing out. Then just as suddenly as they started the kicks stopped, he pulled back my tear streaked face and stared intensely with his emerald eyes.

His face, just another part of him that I had never seen before was handsome beyond belief, perfect angular jaw covered in three day stubble met soft lips as my eyes roamed up, past the full cheekbones and the nose that although slightly misaligned only served to make him ever more intimidating. His eyes stared back impassively, urging me to hurry up my survey of his features, glinting green gems against his fair Nordic complexion. Finally I looked and saw his hair, styled perfectly with not a strand out of place despite his exertions.

Once more I met his gaze as his lips, so soft and delicate looking began to move, saying the words he knew I needed to hear;

"You are a worthless piece of faggot shit and as of now I own you!"

His lips pursed then opened allowing a thick strand of saliva to descend on to the bridge of my nose.

"You will not speak unless asked a question to which you will only reply Yes Sir or No Sir! Do you think you can handle that faggot?"

He waited, then as I opened my mouth to say Yes Sir he spat, firing his spit right between my lips and onto my tongue.

A smile spread across his handsome face,

"Good, I knew a faggot like you couldn't say no to this. From now on you will do everything that I say and any disobedience will be severely punished.

I will not stop once I have started and I will be using you like the slut that you are, but we both know that you're going to love every fucking second of this, aren't you whore?"

Before I could even answer I was pulled up by my hair,

"Now strip faggot and display!"

The thought of stripping in an area with all night public access and submitting to the abuses that lay ahead resulted in my nub reaching its full 4 inch length and producing a small mound with a large wet stain at the front of my shorts.

I saw the impatient glare that he gave me and I quickly removed all of my clothing, revealing to him both my body and my willingness to comply totally with anything that he said.

I stood hands behind my head my clothes scattered at my feet, shivering both from the cold and the abject fear of what I had just done. He smiled, indicated for me to turn and bend and roughly spread my cheeks.

"Nice tight's a shame about the hair though."

Then he pulled and yanked a dozen hairs from around my hole, I yelped and squirmed which only earned me a hard slap to my left butt cheek and a rough finger insertion.

"You feel as tight as a virgin...but there's no way a cock hungry slut like you hasn't lost his cherry?"

I turn my head slightly and conform that the only experiences I have had involved my own fingers and a small butt plug.

He just laughs, then steps away. I hear rustling and then he tells me to turn and display.

"That is the most pathetic excuse for a dick I have ever seen, no wonder you crave a real man."

As he is laughing at me I notice that my clothes have gone and that I am naked in a public place with a man who I have met in person for the first time tonight with no chance of escape. I am helpless.

He sees the look on my face and grabs my balls, crushing them and bringing me to stand on my toes as he pulls upwards.

"I don't think you were listening to me fag...when I speak you listen and when I stop speaking you will pine for the sound of my fucking voice!"

He pulls, twists and squeezes harder causing me to scream

"Go on whore let everyone know that there is a pussy assed faggot in here and when they come looking they will find you cos I'm not moving!"

He releases my balls and steps towards me, his powerful, slender frame and incredibly sexy musk cause my little erection to bounce and leak as I hold back tears.

"Boi, from this very second you will lose any free will along with any remaining shreds of dignity you may have. I own you..."

He turns and walks into the clearing, knowing I will follow and so not needing to look behind him. His confidence and self assurance are intoxicating and I know I will endure anything to please him.

The moon light, no longer obstructed by the tree tops casts his shadow in an elongated form back towards my naked, sore body. The sky is dark and the wind cold against my exposed flesh, though my small penis remains as hard as ever as I watch my beautiful Nordic master taking each confident stride towards the open centre of the clearing. Then he stops and I hear the sound of a zip as he fastens his jacket, moulding the leather to his sculpted physique, only a few seconds later and the rain begins to fall in heavy freezing droplets. The icy water soon falls in sheets that cut into my bare, inferior form like jagged glass. I hear a familiar sound as my face contorts in pain, he laughs at me and continues knowing that I will follow him despite my nudity in the torrential winter rain.

When I finally reach my Master I hear the one word command


and fall prostrate onto the now muddy ground. My breath comes out in ragged clouds of vapour as the rain continues to pound my goose fleshed body. I look up to plead with my water logged eyes and meet the steely gaze of his own emerald eyes.

"You look cold faggot...I love when my bitches are naked, cold and makes me hard just thinking about all of the sick, painful shit you'll go through for me"

He emphasises his excitement by running his slender fingers along the length of the rapidly swelling tube of hot, pulsing man meat that snakes across the front of his jeans.

My lips instinctively search for the warm, fragrant mound in front of my face but he slaps my face hard before my mouth can make contact with the crotch of his tight jeans.

"Faggot you will not touch any part of me without permission, the privilege of touching, tasting and smelling this body has to be earned...

Now get the fuck up and clean yourself!"

As I stand he hands me a bottle

"I want you to coat you entire worthless body in this, every fucking inch from the neck down smothered in it, and make sure you use the whole bottle..."

I unscrew the cap and stand prone, allowing the frigid torrent to wash the mud and grass from my body, slowly I slather a thick layer of the viscous liquid over every accessible inch of my body. As I apply the last few smears to my crotch my Master tells me

"You'd better wait five minutes before rubbing it all away otherwise the solution won't have time to completely denude you...and you know that I like my fags smooth and hairless..."

Five minutes standing in the icy rain left my entire body sore and tired yet it had done nothing to shift the lotion I had liberally applied, and so I with a nod from him I scraped the cream away, dragging with it every strand of hair from my body. There I stood helpless and hairless under a non-stop watery onslaught as my Master watched the silvery moonlight bounce off my smooth, soaked skin. His green eyes roved over my flesh and heightening my growing awareness of my nudity. I shivered and a smile spread across his face, exposing his brilliant pearly teeth, then he stepped towards me. His umbrella shielded me from the rain but the relief was short lived as his knee connected with my now hairless nut sack forcing my tender balls once more up into my body. Pain flooded throughout my body as my vision blurred, I fell back and landed heavily on the wet muddy surface. As my balls settled into the sensitive and shrivelling sack my Master placed his left foot down, treading both testicles in to the dirt and forcing a breathless, silent scream from my lungs. Tears streamed down my face as his foot continued to toy with my abused balls, then the smile once more spread across his face as he caught site of my pre cum spewing erection.

"I enjoy a faggot that likes the pain, it makes breaking them so much more satisfying..."

His other foot gently taps my dick then he steps back, releasing my swollen orbs. He strokes his bulge seductively and orders me to my feet.

"Now fag I am going to gag you, cos as much fun as it is to hear you scream and plead I don't want to be disturbed by someone thinking you're being murdered"

A rank tasting piece of cloth is stuffed into my mouth and a strip of duct tape is secured over my lips.

"I hope you enjoy the gag cos I spent a long time wearing those gym socks and working up a lot of sweat...over a months worth I'd say"

Before I could react to the news I was sucking of a pair of month old unwashed gym socks I was pulled by my puffy sack out of the clearing and staggering along a narrow path behind my Master. He would twist and tug and crush if he thought I was too slow and soon we had reached one of the several entrances to the wooded area. This one was different though as it had a thick iron archway secured in concrete to welcome visitors, this also meant that there were lamps either side of the gateway which illuminated everything within the wood and the street outside.

I could see houses and cars in the gloomy street but could hear no signs of life and so I felt somewhat relieved. Master looked at his watch and then dragged me to the arch, he secured my body spread eagled and suspended in the air, facing outwardly to the unlit street. He then roughly pulled my balls down and snapped on a stretcher, pushing my swelling aching balls against the bottom of the sack as it was stretch two inches from my groin. A few gentle slaps and he then began massaging my sensitive penis, edging me as the rain continued to pound my body, now pulled taut and rendered ever more helpless.

He checked his watch again and moved behind me, a gentle tap on my smooth butt cheeks told me he was still there

"You must know that a spanking hurts more when either the implement or the target are wet? I assume the same is true for canings...but just to make sure you really feel it I'm going to use a split cane!"

I desperately pulled at the restraints knowing full well that they would hold but the abject fear of what was happening clouded my judgement.

"We'll start gently then I'll hit you harder and faster until we reach 200 or someone interrupts or I get bored, whichever happens first!"

Then, just as I thought this situation couldn't get any worse the area infront of me came to life as the gloom was replaced by full sodium illumination. I shook as I realised the total exposure and humiliation of the situation I was in. Then the first hit came, the cane sliced almost silently through the air and landed on my lower back. The pain was intense but faded quickly, being replaced by a throbbing line where the welt began to form. If this was gentle I would pass out when he really let me have it.

Whack after whack landed along my body, though he concentrated his most precise and powerful hits on my ass and thighs. Every thwack caused my body to convulse and fresh tears to stream down my red face. I squirmed and tensed my body in preparation but every time he found the one vulnerable area that made my entire being scream. He stopped. Ran his soft hand aggressively over my welt covered thighs, pinching and scratching with abandon as he laughed at my body straining uselessly against my bindings.

"You've taken 100 now but I think you can do better and I'm not even close to being bored, so you're only hope is that someone sees your faggot ass getting caned..."

After whispering in my ear he took several practice swings that elicited nerve shredding cracks from the air. Then it began again. Tears poured down my face and snot dribbled from my nose as I started to lose touch with reality. I was pulled back to the searing pain of the cane by the sound of laughter, different from before. It sounded younger. Then I saw the figure standing infront of me, a young guy in his late teens or early twenties with the body any professional athlete would be envious of. He was holding his phone up and was recording the spectacle that was suspended before him.

As the guy panned his phone camera up towards my face I realised Master had stopped the caning and was removing the bindings from around my wrists.

I collapsed and Master stepped over me as the guy took photos of my striped back end. The guy laughed again and began talking to Master.

"Fuck, I just came to piss in the woods when I heard the whipping and saw that bitch stretched really did a number on him."

My Master then releases my ankles and points to the wet pavement infront of him. I crawl over to him, passing the young guy and totally exposing my self to the full glare of the street lights.

"You can go piss if you want now or you can use this slut as a urinal out here?"

The young looks from my Master to my zigzag covered back to my face and back to my Master, then he steps closer and unzips his skinny jeans. He pulls his semi erect 7 inch organ out of his fly and hits it against the back of my head, I feel it firming as each hit gets harder, then he steps round and pulls the tape from my lips.

"Spit out the fucking socks and take his dick you little whore!"

Master shouts, seemingly oblivious to the suburban surroundings and no longer caring if I am seen by any of the inhabitants of the houses on the street. Before the socks have even landed in to my Masters open palms the rigid tool if the young guy is thrust into my mouth, scraping along my dry tongue and eliciting a series of coughs and gagging sounds. The hot pulse that radiates from the young flesh tube in my mouth is heightened by the sensation of veins popping and rising from the surface of the marble hard dick, soft skin is pulled taut as the young guy strokes back his foreskin. He sighs.

The flow starts as a gentle acrid tasting trickle, but soon becomes a flood of hot bitter piss. I gulp as best as I can but the stream overflows my mouth and runs in golden rivers down my naked torso. A phone camera is positioned inches from my face as my eyes look up at the contented, blissful expression of the young occupant of my toilet mouth. Midstream he pulls his erection from my lips and sprays his urine across my face and hair, cutting the flow suddenly only to position his dick to douse my hairless crotch in his warming liquid waste. I'm certain the heavy sound of his piss stream cascading my body is echoing along the street, alerting everyone as to what is going on by the entrance to the woods. Master picks up on my nervous demeanour and smiles

"Fuck bitch if people didn't hear me whipping that ass of yours then, as much as would like them to, they are not going to be woken by a little piss trickle..."

The young guy shakes his dick and presents the head to my lips, I dart my tongue out and luck every visible droplet from his spongy head, circling the piss slit and causing home to gasp sharply. The pretty slab of man meat is pulled away and tucked back inside the young guys underwear, as he zips his fly he turns to my Master

"I never thought a guy would sink so fucking low as to drink another mans piss?"

"The reason is simple, this little whore isn't a man, look at that tiny prick, so it will seek approval in the most disgusting and degrading acts to please men like us"

The young guy chuckles and goes to walk away, but Master stops him

"There's more to come if you want to stick can even fuck one of the pussy holes!"

The young guy smiles and turns back, opening his mouth to speak, instead bringing up a huge wad of spit that he propels straight at my forehead.

"Could be fun to fuck the little cunt, depends whether you're going to hurt him some more"

My hair is pulled and I am lifted, the socks once more stuffed into my mouth as I quiver in the orange glow of the street light. The young guy looks at my balls and with a brief nod from my Master brings back a balled up fist which he proceeds to slam straight into my stretched swollen sack. Lights flash as I try to scream through the gag but before I can recover another punch makes contact, the stretcher ensures my balls have no place to hide from the onslaught that follows, they swing in all directions, tugging painfully at the skin of the scrotal sac, the young guy hits with such force that I fear my balls will be ripped from my body. However he then switches and moves his punches up to my flat, tensed gut and delivers three killer punches to my abdomen, forcing all the air and a gut wrenching scream from by battered body, it feels like every scream and cry that became lodged in my throat suddenly rockets out as the socks fly out of my mouth. The scream echoes, more of a animal moan than a pained cry, but as loud as I could imagine. The young guy smirks as lights turn on in the houses all along the street, the world is fuzzy but I make out figures in the windows, staring at my hairless naked form. Then black.

I come to seconds later in the clearing, my Master is joking with the young guy and staring at my motionless form, striding over he again places a foot over my brutalised nuts and grinds them into the hardened dirt, I try to scream but realise tape covers my mouth, I breath heavily inwards filling my nose with the stale stench of the young guys piss.

"Quite a show you gave out there...if

we hadn't been so kind to carry your sorry ass back in the woods your naked whore body would have been seen by everybody. Luckily the people in the houses must have figured some cats or something got in a fight cos the lights soon went off when they saw nothing on the street"

He presses down even harder, I swear he puts all his weight on my throbbing balls, flattening both orbs with the heel of his shoe to the point where I dread they will pop. The young guy points out that for the first time my little dick is in its soft two inch state, rubbing his man rod through his jeans as he does so.

"Good it'll make locking the little thing up easier.."

Master crouches down and wraps a cock ring around the base of my crotch. The he slides several metal pieces in to place, securing a tight tube around my flaccid shaft and locking it in place with a padlock. The head of my cut dick is covered by a mushroom headed metal dome, however as Master pushes the support bars into the locking slots I feel a long tube forcing my urethra open. As he pushes the tube enters my penis, widening as the tube sinks deeper, the pain is akin to a dull ache like a finger scratching and pinching the delicate flesh inside my piss slit, new tears well up as the wides part of the tube almost splits my dick in half. The burn is intense, then the click of a series of padlocks tells me my cock is no longer accessible.

"No faggot should be able to touch its pathetic little dick, especially if they have followed orders and haven't cum for three weeks."

The last part is highlighted by a twisting grind of my balls into the dirt and a flick of my now locked cock. The young guy laughs hysterically at my new predicament

"What's the hole for?"

Master replies "the hole is to allow things to be shoved down the urethra and allows liquid to flow out more easily, I find with bois with tiny dicks the piss slit is never wide enough to allow them to piss properly..."

Another round of laughter follows and then I am pulled to my feet and dragged back out of the clearing, I stumble as I follow my Nordic Master while the young guy kicks and slaps my ass to make me move faster. I suddenly realise that it is no longer raining, I hadn't noticed it before but the rain stopped just prior to the young guy recording my bound form being caned, the lack of rain also explains why the acrid smell of piss is stuck to my body. The ground changes underfoot, from cold mud to hard gravel and then slick wet Tarmac. I look up and see a set of monkey bars and swings, fuck he took me to the park just across from the woods, a park that is not only well lit but is also mere yards from a local estate. I stop in my tracks, refusing to move. A bad idea as the young guy pulls my stretched balls behind me and starts punching again, I struggle and stumble but he doesn't stop until the edges of my vision are blurred and foggy. A climbing frame, made in a dome shape is where my body is draped while my Master attaches restraints to the monkey bars, these restraints are then used to secure my ankles to the monkey bars as the young guy hoists my small frame in the air and Master tightens the straps. I am rendered helpless again as I am left hanging upside down, both sets of legs walk away as I try to lift my body to prevent my weight resting on my neck and shoulders while also trying to prevent my body pulling painfully on my ankles. What if they walk off and leave me here, being naked in a well lit playground like this is bad enough but once it gets light the kids from the estate will start coming over to play, what if they leave me here?

Five agonising minutes later both return, the smell of smoke thick in the air as both joke and talk like old friends, Master crouches down and blows smoke in my face obscuring my vision as he taps the hot ash from his cigarette onto my nipples, left protruding from my chest by the chill in the air. I gasp and then lose balance as I swing back and forth from my ankles, the young guy spreads my caned ass cheeks and drops his ash on my twitching, virgin hole, I fight back a scream as my anal ring spasms.

"Fuck this whore has such a fucking tight pussy, it must be virgin, ah shit it looks like it is winking at me. Maybe it wants me to put this lit cigarette out on it, whaddya think bitch?"

I try to answer but feel only more ash land on my exposed sphincter, gasping I beg for him not to do it. This only makes Master clench his hand in a stranglehold around my tenderised balls,


His shouting and violent crushing scare me as I know that this will only be the beginning of any punishment and the raised voice will only serve to attract the attention of those who live on the estate.

"I should just leave you like the useless trashy slut you are, while in at it I could tell all the men in the estate that that there is a pansy assed faggot hanging around naked in the playground, I bet they would fucking love that..."

His words scare me as I know full well that he would do it all in a second if he wanted to. Thankfully he rises and leaves me hanging with a fresh pile if ashes landing every so often on my twitching hole. He returns and attaches pads to my body, little sticky patches that he places along each separate abdominal muscle, along my inner thighs to my knees, from my ass all the way up the back of my smooth legs to my ankles and from my pits all along my arms. Next he produces a device that cups my swollen sack, tiny spiked prongs protrude in to my flesh and push harder, indenting the skin deeper as he tightens the screws. Attached to this is a slender metal rod that he proceeds to lube and push through the opening in my piss slit, the rod reaches beyond the metal tube and forces open the remainder of my closed urethra, the cold sensation causing spasms which try to force out the rigid invader. Seeing the rod moving out of my penis Master pushes down and twists, locking the rod in to the mouth of the urethral opening.

I hadn't noticed before but everything that had been put on or in my had wires running out of them, wires which were attached to either the shock box my Master held infront of me or the shock box I knew the young guy behind me had. A brief smirk and a nod to the young guy and my Master began

"I think you need to do some exercise, so for the next thirty minutes you are going to raise your body up to touch the bars and then you will drop back down, like a sit up, but every time you mess up I am adding a minute to your punishment. While you do these exercises your body will be subjected to a series of electric shocks of varying intensity and frequency. Why don't we show you what your whole body would feel like if we decided to flick all the switches..."

The last gleeful words barrelled through my mind as fire spread across every nerve ending in my body, muscles tensed and clenched and cramped, I pulled myself up and in as I attempted to curl into a foetal position. Breathing was difficult and my mouth hung agape, saliva drooling up my nose and into my eyes, the inside of my dick felt as though someone had shoved a lit sparkler into it and by balls, already so swollen and enlarged, pulsed with the flow of the current. The most humiliating thing was that my little dick started to harden only to be crushed flaccid by the metal confines of the cock cage.

My body went flaccid and nausea consumed me, fear and degradation aside I could not move or speak or plead, every fibre of my being screamed for mercy but all that came out was a throaty gargle. Master then counted from ten, at the end I was to start my 'workout' and the pain would soon return.

At zero I desperately reached for the bar but a pain in my arms and the back of my thighs caused me to lift and swing backwards instead, I fought the tensing muscles as best as I could but only managed to return to the starting position. Covered in sweat and cramping horrendously I wept. When the tears stopped I felt a hand lifting me up and I instinctively grabbed the bars above me, holding on was difficult but it was made worse when the buzzing began and the muscles in my arms began to tingle. My hands released and I flew down and back, the top of my skull hurtling toward the Tarmac, then my thighs became rigid and I stopped. Not only did I stop but I was able, with great difficulty to lift myself up and grab the bar. The novelty of having total control of my terrified body soon wore off as the two men allowed me to complete thirty minutes of exercises with only minimal electrical stimulation. However as I grew weary I made more errors, something my Master said I would soon regret...

My sweaty, breathless form dangled from the monkey bars as the patches were unceremoniously torn from my body. Thank god I had no hair on my body anymore.

The rod and the device on my balls were left and my Master sniffed at my crotch

"You fucking stink you filthy need to be washed...god you smell like a fucking chemical toilet!"

Then the familiar sound of a fly being undone, but my Master was unzipping his this time. I saw the silky material of his black trunk underwear as he slid his jeans down his perfectly sculpted, blonde hair coated muscular thighs. I could smell his delicious musk even more now, as he slowly pulled the waistband of his trunks down to reveal the perfectly trimmed pubic bush, glistening with all the accumulated sweat, and the over the top snaked the most intimidating appendage I have ever seen. A foreskin that covered the plum sized head even in the erect state, smooth pale skin covered in veins and jumping in time with his heart. The flesh was so soft and clean that it appeared almost translucent along his substantial shaft, a shaft that appeared to have been carved from the purest marble by an expert hand well over ten inches in length. The length, however impressive was dwarfed by the sheer circumference, which at the widest flare of the foreskin covered head looked to be as thick as my wrist. The entire scene happened in slow motion for me as my beautiful Nordic god revealed his stunning penis to me.

Two egg sized balls hung below in their ample, sweaty, pungent sack, a crinkled, many ridged landscape of manly tastes and smell permeating from the smooth silky skin.

Master skinned his dick, allowing the rich aroma of his unwashed dick to cascade over me, the fragrance of the slimy head made my mouth water and my own little prick strain against the cage. His piss slit flared as a few clear salty drops of pre cum landed in my waiting mouth, then the piss gushed out. The forceful blast filled my mouth and sent a foamy spray up my nose and into my eyes. I didn't care though as I was gulping down the piss of a real man. My Masters piss continued as he beat my body with the fire hose like spray, after a five minute drenching his flow showed no signs of stopping or even slowing. He smiled down at me, the first sincere smile since this scene began, he knew from here on out I would dedicate my life to worshipping his incredible body. I was truly his...

After a few minutes more the piss stopped and my Master stood triumphantly, watching as the urine soaked into my skin and he shook the last few drops onto my face from his plump, purple dick head.

Master then tucked his monster cock back into his underwear, pulled up his jeans and wrapped the tight denim around his underwear clad crotch. Tiny rivulets of golden liquid continued to roll down my body as I swayed gently, caught in the euphoria of the moment, Master approached and released the restraints. I fell to the floor in heap but quickly rose to my knees, sitting on my haunches with my hands behind my head. He walked away and I followed on all fours, to a dome shaped climbing frame.

"Get up and spread yourself out from the centre of the frame..."

Master spoke gently as he knew that I was still replaying the moment when I got drenched by his beautiful hose. I crawled up the frame and positioned myself with my sternum in the centre of the frame, I splayed my arms and legs and waited. The wait was short as I soon felt cold metal around my wrists as Master locked my arms, then my legs in place with steel handcuffs.

A hand reaches underneath and removes the rod from my dick, the exit burning more than the entry had. Gradually the rod fell from my urethra as my Master withdraws and moves away, the young guy walks round to my face and I see him pulling his erection out of his underwear as his skinny jeans slide down his slender, hairy thighs. His dick bounces in front of my face as he steps closer, eventually climbing on the frame to bring his foreskin up against my lips.

"Kiss it you little slut!"

My lips make contact with the tip if his foreskin and I dart my tongue out and under the sheath to curl it around his hot spongy head. The sweet saltiness of his pre cum runs into my mouth in a thick trickle, he moves closer and more if his fleshy rod is forced into my mouth.

Then the young guy sighs as a rush of strong piss fires out of his slit and down my throat. I close my eyes as he runs his fingers through my hair, pulling and tugging aggressively as he slides himself in to and out of my throat. Mini rivers run from the corners of my lips as his stream increases and he pulls out. He leaves just the tip in my mouth and the sheath swells as his urine continues to spill out of his cock, I swallow as fast as I can but after every mouthful his foreskin is once again bulging under the strain of his swiftly emptying bladder. As I concentrate on swallowing every last drop I feel hands spreading my cheeks and fingers flicking and prodding my muscular ring, my Master forces two fingers deep into my ass and roughly begins fingering my spasming hole. Master spreads his fingers and opens my hole wider, I try to moan as the tight sphincter is forced and stretched wider and wider, this causing the slowing flood of piss in my throat to gargle and bubble, a golden froth spurts out of my mouth and to my horror splashes onto the young guys crotch.

"The fucking little whore made my underwear and jeans wet, I'm going to smell like this nasty faggot!"

The young guy allows me to swallow the foamy remnants of his piss and my saliva and then pulls out of my mouth, he slaps my face from side to side until my eyes are watering. My Master continues to prepare my hole, using two fingers from each hand to pull my asslips apart and blowing into my juice coated hole.

"Just fuck his pussy throat and use this to punish the fag"

My Master throws the shock box to the young guy as he shoves his uncut prick into my throat, briefly cutting off my air supply as I struggle against the intruder, only after the fire is reignited in my balls does my throat relax enough to allow him to slip past my gag reflex. The shocks passing through the spikes make me want to scream and shake as the pulsing radiates out and throughout my entire body, the current fluctuates then sets to a series of increasingly powerful pulses. The young guy saws in and out of my sore throat he relishes in forcing my nose into his now piss drenched pubes. Master spits in to my open hole and rubs the saliva in to mix with my abundant anal juices, suddenly his fingers a forced to the edges of my ring as the head of his dick forces it's way into my ass. The fingers withdraw as more of his anaconda cock snakes into me. Pain shreds through me as the ten inch monster splits my inside in two, slaps land on my ass as Master presses his sweaty pubic bone against my body. The sensation of being fucked at both ends is incredible as both men balance the intense pleasure with the excruciating pain that they are inflicting on me.

"Facing pussy is so tight around my dick, I bet this is what you dream about faggot?

Greeting fucked at both ends, losing your cherry to a real man with a pussy tearing cock!"

Several rapid pumps make his size even more obvious as my insides cramp and shift to accommodate his dong, my once virgin ass is stretched as wide as my wrist and the aching of my anal ring is made worse by the increase in the current that passes through my balls. The contraction of the muscles elicits a quiet moan from my Master as my ass milks his dick, while in my mouth the pounding has become erratic as the young guys balls have pulled up high in the scrotal sac and his cock begins to jump about in my slick throat. He throws his head back and whips his dick from my mouth as the orgasm washes over him, although it would be more accurate to say the orgasm washed over me as shot after shot of his thick, white cum landed on my face. The globular coating on my face was cooling in the air as a flaccid penis was presented to my hungry lips and I engulfed the entire length, sucking and licking every surface that my tongue could reach. His foreskin rolled back over the head of his cock and I stuck my tongue under this to taste the rich flavour of his jest spent penis. Strands of cum dripped down and forced me to close my eyes as the soft cock drops from my lips with a wet popping sound, struck by the eroticism of the experience I am pulled from my dreamy state by the violent ramming my Master is giving me. The ferocity of his pounding produces a steady flow of anal lubricant to ooze and ease the passage of his giant Nordic dick, I am moaning loudly, like a whore, and cannot stop myself. Master takes pity on me and rams deep inside to allow his fingers to scrape the cum from my face and drag the thick salty goo to my quivering lips, I allow them to enter and force the delicious taste of the young mans sex in to my mouth. The delicious flavour silences me as Master pulls out and slams into me again and again, each time feeding me more of the massive facial I had been given. A steady stream of pre cum drools from my flaccid, encased cock as Master smashes himself against me letting out an animal growl as his fingers dig deep into the welt covered flesh of my ass cheeks. Heat fills my gut as Master fires his seed deep in to me, breeding my faggot pussy and allowing himself to soften in my now gaping ass hole. He pulls out in a sloppy wet sounding slurp as my desperate ass hole tries to hold him inside of me, he slaps my ass hard and presents his slimy dick in front of me. He dick slaps me across the face leaving trails of cum and ass juice all over my face, then he shoves his flaccid penis into my mouth for me to clean. I lick and suck as of my life depended on it, make sure I pull the delicate foreskin and clean the chunky, frothy cum from the many folds in the pale skin sheath.

Then I am alone as my Master tucks himself away and walks off in to the darkness of the woods. I pull at the restraints but they do not budge, I am alone and helplessly on display...

After over an hour of being violently fucked by my Master he has left me cuffed over the dome shaped climbing frame, with a drooling caged cock and a thick ooze of cum running out of my gaping hole.

An icy breeze blows across my body and I imagine it echoing through my cavernous pussy, quickly drying the cum that Master deposited deep in to my guts. Minutes pass, but no one returns and I begin to fear that he has left me to be found splayed out like a whore in a playground. Footsteps approach, from a direction that frightens me as it is the opposite direction that my Master left in, a hand strokes my body and swiftly removes the cuffs from my wrists and ankles. I am pulled off the side of the frame and I roll to face away from whoever has arrived, they crouch and roughly pull me to my feet by my hair and spin me round on my bare heels. The green eyes of my Master glint in mischievous glee as my horrified face melts into a euphoric smile, he laughs and gathers his remaining things before dragging me back into the woods.

In the clearing for the third time in several hours my Master pushes me to my knees as he removes the spiked device from my balls, while he does this I survey the clearing for any indication of the young guy.

"The kid went home to recharge, but don't worry slut he promised to pump another load out for you before morning..."

As he speaks Master viciously slaps my balls to bring my eyes to meet his own, the stare tells me he is far from finished with me.

I am kneeling in the dirt as Master paces around me, brandishing a braided leather belt in his left hand and a deprivation mask in the right.

"Look fag you've taken a lot but I'm far from satisfied and I still owe you the twenty four minutes of punishment from earlier, and this time I won't go easy. So I'm gonna put this mask on you to further humiliate and torment you but also to shut you the fuck up!"

Tight rubber is pulled over my head and the world goes dark, sounds are muffled to almost silence and no light is visible, the mouth is open only briefly before a penis gag is shoved roughly past my gag reflex and sits at the entrance to my throat. Straps are tightened and locked then nothing. I wait in terror for the pain, tensed and prepared but nothing happens, eventually my weary body tires and then Master strikes, the first hit cuts into my ass cheeks with such force that the ripples seem to travel up my spine and down my legs simultaneously. The pain is instant as a resounding crack pierces my ears, I shudder at the thought of how loud the sound must be as it echoes in the woods. No breaks come as my Nordic Master swings with what I assume is all his formidable might, the braided leather indenting the pattern of crisscrossed strands in savage detail, I lose sense of time but soon the beating stops. Mumbles hang in the air, soon the beating resumes with renewed fervour that terrifies me that my back may very immediately may be shredded to bloody scraps. A state of bliss consumes me as the beating stops and the throbbing unifies into a single angry burn that spreads across my back and ass. The silence is killing me as I wait for the beating to start afresh or for the mask to be pulled away to allow Master to further direct me, nothingness continues until the gag is pulled from my mouth. I thank my Master for the beating and promise to do better next time, as I finish the last few words a gush of piss hits me in the open mouth. I gulp at it as the remainder cascades down my body like a waterfall, the stream is urgent and the flavour is dilute and very subtle, I enjoy it and feel my caged dick drooling and straining. Then a second stream hits me and I move to catch some golden nectar in my mouth, this is the same as the first stream, watery and only a little bitter. I relish the idea of the young guy and my Master using me as a urinal, though they must have drunk a lot of water in a short space of time to have such powerful but dilute piss. Suddenly two more forceful gushes spray my freshly beaten back, shocking me both die to the pain and the idea of others getting involved in my degradation. The humiliation causes my body to flush red in embarrassment at the state these men will be seeing me in. Soon enough a fifth stream slowly and gently rolls down my left side.

Five men continue to piss on me in a public woods.

As the conclusion to my golden shower nears the mask is loosened and removed, I look around a five new faces, all handsome in some way or another, that all fill with a sickening feeling in the pit of my stomach. I have submitted as a urinal to five total strangers!

Beyond the smell of my drenched body I detect the aroma of sweat, fresh and pungent, then I notice the men are all in various forms of running gear. Their exposed areas glitter in the moonlight as the circle closes slowly around me, their breathing laboured as I assumed they had just stopped running which was confirmed as a tanned, dark haired twenty something spoke

"This is by far the best interruption to our runs that we've ever had, getting to watch and then beat a faggot like you. Fuck it got me so hard to whip your sorry ass. And what kind of sick fucking cunt leaks his pre when a buncha guys are pissing on him?"

There is general laughter as I look around at the runners.

"Hey, dude you did say that we could fuck either his mouth or his pussy right...cos I want to plough the shit outta him and make him scream!"

My Master replies that they can fuck either hole but to wear a condom if they're going to fuck my bitch chute. This produces more laughter as the guys pass a bag full of latex filled foil wrappers around, each guy grabbing at least two and telling me that they are planning to be in this for the long haul. The leader pulls out a plump, long dick that measures over eight inches with a thin veiny shaft and a pale head, he spits and lubes his penis before rolling the rubber down to the base. He walks around me and lifts my ass by pulling my stretched balls back and up away from my crotch, my body arches and in he slips. The lack of resistance results in a series of sloppy pussy and reamed out whore remarks from the guys as the leader proceeds to ride me hard and fast. A soft cock is presented to me and I look up at an angelic face as he timidly steps forward, clearly the youngest guy in the group he looks around uncertainly as I swallow his dong to his shaved pubic area. His smell is so fresh that I forget that I am the entertainment for a bunch of horny men and lap at his soft, sweaty sack as he gasps and swells in my mouth. Fingers are digging into my ass as my cheeks are pulled apart while the leader slams me hard, forcing my face to smash roughly against the blondes hairless groin. The blonde swells even more and gradually takes the lead, pulling and tugging at my hair to pleasure himself. Within minutes his six inch erection is firing a load into my mouth and coating the insides of my puffed out cheeks with his slimy semen. He steps back and shyly tucks his dirty dick back in his shorts, allowing a furry crotch to take his place. I am ordered to lick his balls and get his prick nice and hard and wet, his hair coated groin is a dense forest of clammy moistness that reeks of masculinity. I spend ten minutes cleaning his crotch before swiftly bringing his dick to a solid seven and a half inches, his friend is still busy plunging himself into my stretched out ass hole and so the hairy guy starts to roll the condom onto his dick as he turns and presses his ass against my face. My nose slips into the fabric covered crack as he forces himself against my face even harder, soon I smell his intoxicatingly sweaty ass and began kissing at his shorts, just as he vegans to shout at me to kiss his fucking ass.

After only a minute he pulls away as I am sure he has tired of my ass kissing, however he slips his shorts and his underwear down and bends slightly, exposing a hair filled crevice between his muscular globes. He turns his head and shouts for me to eat his ass, a thought at once that both excites and disgusts me, yet I move forward and tentatively slide my tongue into the dank crack.

The taste is acidic, then salty and then incredibly musky as my taste buds absorb the varied flavours of his ass, the fucking from behind however forces my face deeper and my nostrils flare. I gag.

"Fuck you bitch! I am not letting you stop now you flicking slut, get the fuck in and bathe my shitter, Christ knows it is long over due a thorough soaking"

His hand forces my head back into his rancid crack as he gives me deeper access to his ass, my tongue briefly contacting his puckered button.

"Fuck yeah wipe my ass with your tongue since after all wiping with dry paper is always so difficult with a hole this hairy, you never get it completely clean."

He laughs until I try to pull back out, his hand slams my face against his slimy hole and his friend in my ass crushes my balls in both his hands. I fight at first but eventually give up and reach out my tongue, scraping some of the accumulated ass sweat, anal oils and I shudder to think what else from his hairy skin. The taste makes me want to vomit but I continue to lick, using long wet strokes to cleanse the outside of his sphincter. The ridges of his puckered hole conceal unholy flavours, dark bitterness mixed with the saltiness of fresh sweat, but I muster all my strength to clean every soft delicate fold of velvety skin. Tears streak my face as I see several phones recording my new debasement, but at least I have finished. I pull away but he forces me back, I lick every inch and suck every hair clean but he still pushes me deeper. Then I realise what he wants, I have to stick my tongue inside of his dirty ass hole and clean him. I gag again at the thought but push ahead and curl my tongue up and press it against his tight button. The hole gives and the muscle ring yields to my tongue, I slip into him as his ass spasms sporadically, the foul taste of his unwashed hole is worse than I had imagined. Bitter and dark, heady juices flow freely along my tongue and into my open mouth as I suppress a gag and prepare for the worst. I detect some beautifully grim flavours that tell me that his ass really hasn't been washed in a long time, the taste of built up sweat is not bad but the overpowering aroma of his past bowel movements begins to reach me as my tongue now enters his ass. I lick and suck and soon he moves away

"Cunt was hungry for my shitter, maybe I'll let you eat my next BM, you enjoy that faggot?"

Before I could answer the condom swells as it is flooded with the leaders thick ropes of his orgasm, he pants and withdraws, pulling the rubber off and passing it to his left. He then walks to my mouth where I clean him as the hairy guy takes his place.

This continues for well over two hours, by the end every guy has cum twice but the blonde, and my whole now resembles an exploded rose (I imagine). Two of the runners got tired of waiting and decided to double stuff my hole, a spectacle that earned loud cheers from all their friends and even from my Master. I could barely move and as I finished cleaning the remnants of an orgasm from the last dwindling erection I was confident I had finished. However the runners had other plans, they walked away and talked, when they came back the all stood behind me while the hairy guy again forced my face into his ass. I dreaded that he may act on his threat but soon realised something else was happening as the guys all started spitting on my gaping pussy, then pressure against my hole told me the guys were double stuffing me again. But the pressure built and the object didn't slide in, I tried to turn but my face was swiftly buried in the warm sweaty crack of the hairy guys ass. Pressure built, then my hole expanded, stretching over something big and long. Cheering ensued as the object forced its way deeper into me, then something tickled and I realised I felt fingers rubbing the inside if my guts, prodding and massaging roughly. Fuck one of the runners had stuffed their arm up my ass. I was being fisted.

My screams were muffled by the clammy ass covering my face, but I fought and pulled away just as I felt my insides being dragged out of me. I turned and saw the timid blonde elbow deep in my ass, as he pulled back my anus bulged obscenely outwards as if threatening to turn inside out. The blonde looked up with mischief and joy plastered over his angelic face as he proceeded to pummel my batter innards with the onslaught if his fist and lower arm, he would erratically pull or twist or jiggle his arm to force a pained groan from between my lips. The novelty soon wore off as the young runners urged the blonde to pull out of my hole so that they could leave. Of course as he pulled his arm free of my clenching hole all cameras were trained on my sphincter, the ring of muscle stretching horrendously as the blonde viciously pulled the remainder of himself out. A long wet slurping followed as my pussy attempted to clamp shut, with limited success, then the runners turned and slowly jogged away. The blonde stood wiping his arm with a familiar looking white cloth before nervously smiling and running after his friends.

My Master allowed me five minutes to recover before grabbing my ankles and throwing me over his shoulder. He carried my limp body down another narrow path and to a smaller clearing, in the centre of which was a lone picnic bench. He placed me kneeling infront of the bench as he lowered himself on to the seat in a manner so graceful that if was almost befitting of royalty. I was lost in thought when a gentle kick to the balls reminded me of why I was here.

"The most important part of being a faggot is that you should crave every inch of your masters body, regardless of how tired or sore you may be...

But we'll take it easy and you can start by worshiping my feet."

He places his shoes either side of my face and nodded his approval, I positively tore at the laces in a desperate attempt to remove his shoes in an instant, I slowly removed his left shoe and brought it to my nose. The smell of fresh sweat and unwashed feet was heavenly, I gently placed my tongue to the imprint that his foot had left in inside of the shoe and licked. Slowly at first but then feverishly as the combination of the warm leather, the sweat and the stale flavour of month old socks consumed me. I repeated the process with his other shoe and then kissed the top of each of his sock clad feet. He allowed me several minutes to breath in the stale scent of his unwashed socks as I rested my face against his big feet, then he pushed the big toe of his right foot into my mouth and stretched my lips out wide. The instant his toe entered my mouth I was his, the once soft athletic sock was stiff and hard where a months worth of sweat had built up in yellowy, grey streaks and the entire sole of the white fabric was discoloured by dirt and grime. The taste was of sweaty leather and reminded me of an old pair of converse that I had recently found, my rank foot stink had soaked in to the canvas and the material had been bleached in areas but the inside if the shoe the flavours fulfilled my every foot fetish. This was the same but the pleasure was ten fold as I slowly lapped every fibre of the sock soles, eyes closed and lost in the moment of worshipping the feet of a real man. I gently removed his sock and brought the now moistened surface to my nose, heavy breaths filled my nose with his stink. I held his foot raised and could see him flexing and spreading his toes, lumps of sweaty cotton glistened like jewels between each toe but I had to launder his rank sock for him. Each nibble and lick reawakened a deeper layer of dried stink that teased the saliva from my glands, I cleaned his sock for at least ten minutes, chewing and sucking to ensure I removed all of his delicious taste from the sock. As u thought I had finished my tongue grazed a stiff patch of fabric where his heel had pressed, the flavours released as I hydrated all the dried out juices were so dark and rich with masculinity that I moaned aloud, looking with sheer and complete submission into my Masters eyes. I removed the sock from my mouth and placed it on the bench infront of me, then I lifted his foot closer and sniffed, I moaned and begged with him to allow me to please bathe his god like feet, a request that he thankfully approved. I needed no direction as my tongue lapped from the heel up and along the soft skin of his sweaty arch and to the balls of his feet, I continued to lick and scrape the unwashed surface of his feet for what I wished was an eternity but was likely only five minutes

"You like that rank unwashed foot whore?

Yeah you fucking love my dirty fucking feet, you know that I have a months worth of funky flavours built up for you, wore the same socks every day for four weeks, in the gym at home and at work just for you faggot!"

His foot flexes and I move my attention to his long, slender toes and the toe jam that they conceal, I use my fingers to massage the now clean areas of his foot as my lips close over his big toe. He gasps and splays his toes, filling my nose with the strongest stench of foot odour I have ever experienced, I pull off his toe and lick at the surface of his skin. Travelling up in long unbroken lines I reach the tip and run my tongue over the perfectly trimmed nail, stopping to scrape my teeth underneath to remove any dirt that may be there. The I sink the toe back into my mouth as I dart my tongue out and lift a soft, slimy deposit from between his toes. The toe jam dancing on my tongue as the flavour melts into a dozen different tastes as the lump of gooey sweaty, gritty cotton dissolves away. Every scrape leads to a different cocktail of delectable rankness as I complete the worship of his foot, finishing by licking along the tops of both feet and ensuring the light dustin if blonde hair is free from sweat and stray strands of white clammy cotton.

My Master looks at his watch and slowly removed his jacket, the lifts the bottom of his shirt as he pulls it free from his waistband. The buttons are rapidly undone as he opens his shirt to reveal the most perfectly formed body that I have seen in only my widest dreams, pale skin coated in a light dusting of golden hair, leading to a thicker happy trail as his slim waist tapers down into his tight jeans. His body type resembles that of a swimmer or a gymnast, slender and muscular in perfect balance with only lightly defined pectorals but a crisp six pack visible, made more noticeable by the thick line of dark blonde hair that runs through the centre of it. His nipples are only a few shades darker than his milky skin, small and pert protruding pastel pink nubs that sit proudly in his naturally sculpted, hard chest. His collar bones are just visible as slight bumps stretching his flawless skin as his shoulders gently curve out of his body, showing that he has formidable upper strength despite his desire to not look like a gym rat, body building freak. He has a body that would turn heads in a club or in a business meeting, a body that screams worship me without looking like he is pathetically crying for attention.

Caught in the reverie of my thoughts I barely notice as my head is pulled upwards and is pressed into the wet prison of his pit. The hair is at least three shades darker as a result of the abundant sweat that coats every strand, several hot droplets splash on my face as the confines if his underarm began to emit his manly odour. Like every other part of his body I know that Master has not washed his pits in several weeks, building up a thick, pungent scent for his faggot to experience. His filthy pit is, however, far form filthy smelling, the sweat and moisture taste fresh as I lick my way through the trimmed patches of hair and his odour is wonderfully musky and spicy. Unlike many guys my Master has a naturally attractive odour that tells me he never has to use deodorant or cologne as aerosolised sex just emanates from his every pore, the same substance causing my frenzied attack on his pits and the constantly flow stream of pre cum that falls lazily from my locked dick. Once both pits are clean and fresher my Master pushes my lips to his perfect, hard nipples, which I suck and lick and nibble as Master tugs my hair, pulling my face across the exquisite canvas that is his body. I kiss his pecs and his collar bones, I gently nip at the spongy hardness of each abdominal muscle and settle with my tongue darting in and our of his sweaty belly button.

Master holds my face away as he speaks to me

"I saw you eat out that rank hairy asshole so now I want you to do the same for me you nasty little faggot!"

He stands and turns, sliding his tight jeans and silky trunks down his hard thighs, two pale globes of tensing muscle are presented to me, dusted with glistening golden hair and sweat. I lean forward and lick both cheeks clean of beading perspiration, then I reverently kiss each cheek a dozen times to show my gratitude. His thighs tense, exposing both the hard thick muscle pressed tight against his porcelain skin and the cavern of his hairy crack. The golden strands are trimmed to perfection meaning the crack his far less disgusting in appearance than the runners had been, however I know the skin will have stewed in a months worth of fluids and juices, I moan and dive in.

Master chuckles as I hungrily lap at the outer edges of his crack enjoying the stagnant tastes that are released, he does however force both hands to the back if my head as I prove deeper. I soon find out why as the slime that my tongue makes contact with has a flavour that tastes how an unflushed public toilet smells, unable to pull away I swallow the foul juice only to find a new depth to the hideous taste. Hints of bitterness and slight acrid tones tell me that Master also does wipe very effectively. But I continue, knowing that I am pleasing this dominant, Nordic stud by licking up his shit residue. Ten minutes of licking and sucking and probing his tight hole have made me accustomed to the taste of his waste, so hands are removed from my head and I withdraw, ensuring I kiss every surface as I leave his crack. He redresses and smiles at me

"I knew of all the fags I have ever used you would be the one I could force to clean my ass. The next time I will want you to wipe after I've gone with your tongue!"

He says the last sentence jokingly but I suspect that it is another boundary of mine he would like to push.

As Master smooths out his clothing the young guy arrives with a 500ml bottle half filled with viscous fluid. He smiles and whispers to my Master who gently pats his well toned ass in his skinny jeans, they walk off and with a snap of the fingers I follow. Crawling after them I look up and see the sky is getting lighter, I have been here, naked and submissive all night. At the clearing the two continue to walk and I follow till they reach the entrance that I arrived from, a bottle is lifted to the open mouth of another and the contents are transferred, then Master turns round and the young guy holds his phone pointing the camera at me.

"It's been a fucking fun six hours cunt but I need some sleep so this will be your final task."

He steps forward and unlocks my cock cage, stroking my to my stubby erection in seconds. He rubs my tiny prick until I'm ready to blow, I assume he will edge me but instead he places the tip of my dick against a wide mouthed bottle. I shoot a load that threatens to blow my penis apart, I scream and moan like the bitch I have become and cum sprays, then pulses and then oozes out and into the bottle. Master continues to rub my sensitive glans as I try to come down form my orgasm, I beg and plead with him to stop but he rubs and rubs for twenty minutes until I fire a second load if spunk into the bottle. Again he doesn't stop rubbing and tickling my burning cock head and through another half hour of crying and thrashing drains my little balls completely with a third watery orgasm. I am still hysterical as he stands and presses a bottle to my lips, suddenly I see the clear plastic is full to the brim with white chunky goop, cum. He holds a half litre of cum to my lips and expects me to drink it. In my dazed stazte I shake my head to convey that I won't do it but my mind is changed after a series of savage kicks to my exposed bollocks knock the wind and the fight out of me. I tearfully open my mouth and allow the bottle to be tipped, a slow descent of the thick sticky mixture eventually fills my mouth, as the collective cum bulges my cheeks I look up at my Master and expect him to stop pouring but instead he simply tells me to

"Keep up and swallow it all!"

Shocked, I choke down a thick lump of congealed orgasm as the bleachy liquids start to bubble at my lips edges, within a minute my stomach is bloated and my throat is caked in chunks of salty semen, I don't know how much more I can take as tears stream down my face at the total humiliation that I am being subjected to. I gulp loudly and desperately, trying to clear my mouth before it is filled again, five minutes and the last watery splashes of the cum pool in my mouth, through my tears I see the phone of the young guy close enough to see the cum that I feel is now oozing from my every pore, both the young guy and Master hawk up massive spit wads and add then to the concoction in my mouth. My tongue dances amongst the cocktail and then I swallow the last mouthful, slumping defeated I cry as the young guy and Master discuss what a sick faggot I am.

A kick in the crotch brings me back to reality as the young guy is leaving,

"Wasn't it nice of him to get all of his flat mates to cum into a bottle for you, and lucky for you I emptied every condom those runners filled with spunk otherwise we wouldn't have had such a fun end to three night!"

He laughs as he walks away, turning briefly to tell me

"Your clothes are scattered around in the woods and believe me they're well hidden, also I have the key to that stretcher on your balls but I'm only going to wait for twenty minutes at the gated entrance."

"You can spend all the time looking for your clothes and get back home dressed like a whore wearing the ball stretcher or you can walk home naked but have free balls. If you're really lucky you might be able to find all your clothes in time to also get the stretcher off!"

As he finishes he has started to walk back to the clearing and out to the entrance/exit, I scrabble to my feet and follow looking in every conceivable hiding place, I retrace my steps along each narrow path but find nothing, the light is starting to get brighter as the morning is arriving, time is running out and so I swallow all my pride and dejectedly make my way to the gated entrance. Master sees my naked form and laughs as he greets me with a knee to my balls, eliciting a yelp loud enough to draw attention from me, he pulls a key from his pocket and unlocks the stretcher from my balls, tugging them for the hell of it as he turns and leaves. I'm now left completely naked and hairless, my body beaten and bruised, my will broken and stinking like the complete fag that I am. The colour drains from me as curtains open in some of the closest houses, what's worse than the thought of being caught is the painful erection that the thought is producing. I decide to run back into the woods and out from the direction I came in, hopefully the streets will be deserted still and the roads will not be filled with morning commuters already. I run with my erection, my tiny four inch dick, bouncing infront of me as my naked body is hit by the cold morning breeze, bouncing and nooning up and down and side to side yet still acting as a compass needle advertising the direction I am heading in...

Any comments or criticisms are welcime as this is my first submission, please fill the subjext line of any emails so they are not mussed and send them to

thanks for reading and hope you enjoyed the story!

Next: Chapter 2

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